Tag Archives: kenny-hamilton

I’m Emma, I’m seventeen and I live in Barcelona,…

I’m Emma, I’m seventeen and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I can’t believe this is the third Bieber experience that I’m writing, I can’t tell you how thankful I am. When European tickets were on sale in July, I was only going to the Barcelona show since I live there. Some months after, I thought that seeing Justin in just one concert wasn’t enough so I thought that going to Bilbao would be perfect. I bought my concert ticket and the plane flights, and 5 DAYS AFTER, the show got cancelled. Thankfully the concert got moved to Madrid and I got the best section. I’m a BieberFever member and they were doing a contest for meet and greets. I won, they sent me an e-mail a day before the concert, and I was pretty SHOCKED I was having the chance too meet him again! March 14th, 2013 came and I arrived to Madrid after a long 8 hours bus trip. After collecting our meet and greet wristbands, they told us that winners were going to be 6 per picture, and in my group we were four. We talked about where we were going to be in the picture. The queue started moving and it was our turn. We got into the meet and greets ”room” and we saw how Justin took a pic with the other girls who were in front of us. When they finished taking the picture, Justin looked at me and started dancing the dougie and saying silly things and smiling so big. I started walking and he was like “Hi” and I was like “Hi.” I stood next to him for the picture waiting for the other girls to come, and while waiting I had Justin’s left check literally in front of my face , and I thought ”kissing him would be a good idea” so I was about to but security was pushing me away saying that I had to move to the other side. I was so pissed, but I didn’t move. We took the picture and then I was in front of him and he was staring at me. I was smiling and I was like ”omg what should I ask him now” so I asked him, “How are you?” and he said smiling so big, “I’m good, thanks” so the little girl and the curly haired girl like jumped to hug him. While they were hugging, I was face to face with Justin again. Then Justin was like, ”GIVE ME A HUG, GIVE ME A HUG!!” So that’s what I did! I CAN’T BELIEVE JUSTIN ASKED ME FOR A HUG. I finished hugging him when he said, “Okay alright, thank you,” and the other girls were still hugging him and he said, “Alright, let me go, let me go.” It was so funny, he was like, ”Thank you thank you,” so security was pushing us to go out of the room. I didn’t watch any videos of the Believe tour before the concert so it was like a surprise to me. When we got back to Barcelona we started stalking him, but didn’t seen him. We met Kenny when he got out from a club, and he was so nice. To y’all who have never met Justin, believe, because I’m sure you’ll meet him someday, never give up because nothing is impossible. -Emma (@YOUSAYBIEBER) Go here to read the rest: I’m Emma, I’m seventeen and I live in Barcelona,…

Here is the original post:
I’m Emma, I’m seventeen and I live in Barcelona,…

My name is Moya and I’m from Ireland. Justin Bieber is my…

My name is Moya and I’m from Ireland. Justin Bieber is my absolute world and I’ve been a belieber since 2009! Last August when I found out he was coming to Ireland, I had to go. I asked my mam and she agreed because she knows my love for him. Then, I asked my whole whole family if they could please contribute money as Christmas presents so I could save up and buy a meet and greet ticket. I got the ticket and the countdown began! Finally, it came to the 17th of February 2013, and I was driving to the 02 in Dublin. The excitement was unbearable! My mam and I had to wait in a line for ages and then we went into the side of the 02 where I got my bag and all my amazing Justin merchandise. I went upstairs and a cool American dude was there explaining that we would be meeting Justin shortly. I freaked out so much, I don’t think I’ve ever cried with happiness so much in my life! Some time passed and it was finally time. The line  was started getting shorter, and girls started crying walking out from a curtained room. I was just so happy, and I was next. The curtain opened and Justin was just standing there waiting for me! I had like a breakdown and started crying again. I went over to him and gave him the most meaningful hug of my entire life and I told him I loved him so much! And he replied, “Aw I love you too!” It was literally the best thing anyone has ever said to me. We got our picture taken and it was just amazing, an experience I will never ever forget. Then I had to leave but it was okay because when I was walking out, I turned around and he gave me the cutest smile/nod ever. I will never forget that day. PS- the concert was really amazing too as Justin touched my hand again! Please never say never, if it happened to me, it can happen to you! Keep believing, Justin appreciates every one of us! Justin, I love you more than anything. Thank you. -Moya Continued here: My name is Moya and I’m from Ireland. Justin Bieber is my…

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My name is Moya and I’m from Ireland. Justin Bieber is my…

My name is Julia, and I am a 14 year old Belieber from Austria….

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My name is Julia, and I am a 14 year old Belieber from Austria. I’ve loved Justin for almost 3 years now and I never believed that I would ever write my own Bieber Experience. Justin came to Austria for a concert on March 30th, 2013. When I heard about that, I bought Golden Circle tickets and I never expected that I would meet him but everything changed when I found out that Ticketmaster sold M&G tickets again! I had the money and I was buying them. I was the happiest girl on earth. The time went by so fast and suddenly the day was here. We were waiting for Justin for like 2 hours but while waiting, we saw Dan and we sang ‘Beauty and a Beat’ with Scrappy. I felt like I was dreaming, but then we heard that Justin was here. I was the 3rd person in line and my whole body was shaking. Security got me into the room where Justin was. Justin was standing in front of me and I couldn’t believe it. His eyes, his arms, his smile, everything was perfect. I’m so used to seeing him on my posters, computer and pictures everyday so this didn’t seem real. After we took the photo I didn’t want to leave and I took Justin’s hand. He stroked my hand with his thumb and I felt his wonderful soft hands. I was nearly about to cry. Then he smiled at me and I smiled back. I felt like this moment lasted for a thousand years. Then the security was shouting at me cause the next girl was waiting. Justin smiled at me again and also winked. I thought I was dreaming and after I left the room I just sat on the floor and I was crying my eyes out. My friend (who also had M&G) came to me. She was also crying too and we hugged for like 10 minutes. It was the best day of my life and I can’t believe that I’ve met the boy, who saved my life. Please guys Never Say Never and Believe cause one day you will meet him too, I promise. Justin is the cutest, hottest and the most talented boy on this earth. I am so glad that I am able to write my own Bieber Experience. The rest is here: My name is Julia, and I am a 14 year old Belieber from Austria….

My name is Julia, and I am a 14 year old Belieber from Austria….

We’re Lola and Isabel (@lisgbieber) and Clara and Ingrid…

See the original post here:

We’re Lola and Isabel (@lisgbieber) and Clara and Ingrid (@BiebsOutLoud) and we’re from Barcelona, Spain. Yes, we’re the girls who touched Justin’s abs. You’re going to read the best experience of our lives! Everything started when we found out Justin was coming to Barcelona for the Believe Tour. On July 4th 2012 we bought our tickets on the BieberFever pre-sale for March 16 th 2013. That’s the day we met on Twitter. We quickly started talking and we knew we were going to be good friends and we weren’t wrong. From that day, we had something in common: trying to meet Justin on March 16 th . We never gave up and we started to think about some plans to make our dream came true. After making lots of them, we thought that the right option would be to enter the BieberFever contest because we knew we had the possibilities to win it. You had to take a picture to all your Bieber stuff and send it to BieberFever. We also tweeted it to @hoogs and @catchjbfever, because we wanted those M&G tickets so bad.  We did our best to win and we really had hopes on this contest. March 16th was coming closer and the only thing we talked about was that we needed those M&G. We were really nervous because we saw there were a lot of people who had entered the contest too for Barcelona. BieberFever would send an email to the winners one day before the concert. On March 15th, Justin was already in Barcelona. We just couldn’t believe that maybe that day we would get an e-mail telling us that we had won the BieberFever contest. That day, Lola and her sister Isabel went to Justin’s hotel. Clara and Ingrid couldn’t go because they live in another city. Lola and Isabel waited outside for 4 hours but they couldn’t see Justin or the crew. While waiting, they were checking their e-mail all the time but BieberFever hadn’t sent anything. Isabel told her sister to tweet the pic one last time but the wifi wasn’t working at all. There was a McDonald’s near Justin’s hotel so they decided to go there and get some wifi. They tweeted the pic four times. At 8:00 p.m. Lola checked her email again and saw that she had won the M&G! She phoned Clara immediately and she told her that she had also won! We couldn’t believe it, our dream had come true, the four girls will be meeting Justin the next day! We were crying a river. We knew it would happen, we believed, we worked so hard to make it happen, and it did. On March 16 th , 2013 the day of the show, we all met at the arena, Palau Sant Jordi. We spent the whole day together. At 4:00 p.m we had to pick up our M&G wristbands at the ticket box. The M&G had to start at 4:30 p.m. but it started at 7:00 p.m. because Justin was late, so we missed Cody and Carly performances but we didn’t care because we were about to meet our idol! While we were waiting for the M&G, Fredo and a man went out to give tickets to beliebers. We had a pack of Oreos with a post it on it and we wanted to give it to him. We started to call his name but after giving the tickets out he came back in. Clara and Ingrid asked the man if he could give the Oreos to Fredo and he said “Yes,” so we started to scream. We returned to the line, and then Michael Vargas walked past us. Lola got close to him and told him “Omg Mike! I’m wearing Estovar, look at my tank!” and he was like “Shh, I come back in 5 seconds to take a pic!” Suddenly, the M&G line started to move to go to another room. We saw Nick Demoura and he greeted us. We had to queue again inside, and there we saw Kenny and Fredo again. We wanted to talk to Kenny so we left the M&G line. He turned around and said, “What are you doing here?” and Clara said, “We came to see you!” He answered with, “I know but go there” with a smile on his face. We left while Clara was screaming, “Omg he touched me, Kenny’s just held my arms!” Then we saw all the dancers and they all greeted us because we started to call their names. We also saw Scrappy and we asked him to take a photo with us. He immediately came and we took our photo. He’s the nicest! The line started to move faster, we were so nervous. In a few minutes our dream would come true. We were the last ones in the M&G line. Right before going in, Alfredo and Scrappy looked at us, smiled, and went back inside the room with Justin. They supposedly told Justin to do something because there were 4 beautiful girls about to come in. Clara gave her letter to the security man, and then the guard said, “Last four!” and we walked in. The first thing we saw was Justin’s flawless face. Then we said “Hi!” to Fredo and he said “Holaaa” back. We had stopped right at the entrance because, Justin Bieber was lifting up his t-shirt and showing his abs! We were like “Omfg, I’m seeing Justin’s abs!” The crew started saying “Woooow” and “Oh my gaaawd” to him and he told them, “I thought you were kidding but noo baby!” (about what they had told him about us). We didn’t know what was going on or what Justin was doing! We couldn’t believe what our eyes were seeing, or we couldn’t move. Then, suddenly, Clara told Justin, “Can I touch it?”, and Justin said “You wanna touch it?” and Clara answered with a huge “Yes!” He stopped for a moment, so Clara was like “No?” and then, with a smile on his face he said, “Go touch it! Yeah you can touch it!” AND WE ALL TOUCHED HIS PERFECT ABS while Justin and the crew were laughing. His abs are so hard and perfect. We couldn’t believe we were touching his skin! We could see someone taking a pic on that moment but we hadn’t seen that pic yet! After this, Lola told him, “Love you so much” while she was about to cry and he said, “Don’t be sad, don’t be sad.” Then we all half-hugged him one by one and security kept stopping us. We took the picture. After this, we all started to tell him, “We love you so much” and he replied “Love you too.” Clara tried to kiss him but security pushed her away and Justin looked at her and said, “Oh no kisses for you.” Finally he said, “Thank you guys” and “take care girls” and we left. We left the M&G room screaming, “He is perfect!” and “We’ve just touched Justin’s abs!” And you know what? We have everything recorded in our mobiles phones. (If you look at our pockets in the M&G photo you can see our phones). When we had already left we turned and saw Justin again through a curtain. We called his name but the security guy closed the curtain but we saw Justin looking at us and he was smiling. We then went to find our amazing seats. Before the concert started we saw Alli Simpson and Pattie, who came out eating a lollipop but the fans were trying to touch her so she had to go back inside. The concert was amazing, seriously. The way he danced, sang and everything was perfect. March 16 th was the best day of our lives. “Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about.” That’s our motto and this sentence gave us the strength to chase our dream. Don’t be afraid to dream, dream big, never say never, never give up, always believe, and wait, because your dream will come true. Just like Justin told us. Much love        Read more: We’re Lola and Isabel (@lisgbieber) and Clara and Ingrid…

We’re Lola and Isabel (@lisgbieber) and Clara and Ingrid…

My name is Rebecca, and I never ever thought I would…


My name is Rebecca, and I never ever thought I would be writing my very own Bieber Experience. It all started when Justin announced he was doing a tour for BELIEVE. My two friends and I were freaking out and he hadn’t even announced if he was going to come to the UK yet. We were planning on camping out to try and get front row tickets for Newcastle UK. A couple of weeks later I was sitting on my laptop, and I went on Justin’s Twitter. I noticed he tweeted the tour dates for the UK tour! I was freaking out before I even clicked them, but soon realized Newcastle wasn’t on the list. I was crying for hours and hours because that was my only hope to ever see him. I rang my friends and we were discussing how we could see him if we traveled down to Manchester. Our parents all said we could. Once I saw the price for the meet and greet I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to buy them but I asked my parents anyways and they said I could buy them. I was SO happy! After a lot of ticket confusion, my friend’s dad told us, “You have meet and greet tickets for Justin Bieber on the 21st February 2013 in Manchester.” We were freaking out and crying in the middle of class! After 6 months of waiting, the day was finally here! We travelled down to Manchester which was about 3 hours. Once we arrived we bought are merch and stood in line. We saw Kenny Hamilton and everyone started screaming. Once everyone was checked in, a man was telling us how we were not allowed to get a single picture with Justin. Me and my two friends were a little upset as one of us wouldn’t be next to Justin, but we carried on freaking out! We then started heading down like 7 flights of stairs to the meet and greet room. We were all standing and then Justin popped his head around the curtain and shouted, “I’m hereee!” Everyone screamed! Luckily me and my friends got single pictures. The man at the curtain told me to go through.  I walked into the room and saw Justin standing right there. Believe me, he didn’t even look real. I gave him a hug and he started saying to someone, “You’re in the way of the camera,” and started laughing. It was so fast, but it was the best day of my life!  We got out the meet and greet room and everyone was freaking out and crying. We got to our seats in the arena and we were FRONT ROW! Basically Justin sang into my camera so many times! When the show finished, Dan came running out and threw his guitar picks out and I got one! I tweeted him saying how I caught it and he tweeted me back saying “Good Catch!” It was the best day ever, and I’m so grateful that it happened to me! -@CherSwag View post: My name is Rebecca, and I never ever thought I would…

My name is Rebecca, and I never ever thought I would…

“Never say never.” Those words have never meant so…

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“Never say never.” Those words have never meant so much to me than they do now. Before this day came, I was always dreaming of the day that I would meet Justin. I knew that meeting Justin wasn’t everything but it would sure make me happy. When I saw that he was touring again, I begged my mom for tickets. I didn’t care where they were, just as long as I could hear him. My mom gave into tickets. They were in the nosebleed section but I didn’t care, I was screaming that I got tickets . This would be my first Justin Bieber concert. I am apart of bieberfever.com and I noticed that they were having a meet and greet contest. I grabbed all my Bieber stuff, took pictures and entered. I entered the contest really early so I thought that I didn’t have a chance. That night my friend and I were making shirts for the concert. All of a sudden I had this urge to check my email, so I did. There it was. When I read the word, “Congratulations, Jennifer!” I knew I won. I told my friend and we both screamed. We went and told our parents and they almost didn’t believe us. They read the email themselves and looked shocked. I was shocked too! I was going to meet the one person I love. I barely slept that night. I was looking through my phone and saw that 3 days before this I tweeted, “I have no chance of meeting Justin. Why am I still trying?” Dreams do come true. Like Justin says, you have to believe in your dreams. When you believe, things happen. The next day, I got ready so early cause I was too excited. It felt like I was getting ready for a date. When we left for the arena, I was nervous and I didn’t know what I was going to say to Justin. Putting on the meet and greet wristband felt so right. While we were in line, we saw Kenny Hamilton walking by. Is this really happening? While we were backstage, I saw Dan Kanter, Scrappy, DJ Tay James, and Alfredo. I was so happy just to see them! For the picture with Justin, we had to go in groups of six. My group was 3 moms and 3 daughters. This was perfect because my friend and I got to go on either side of Justin. When it was almost our turn, we got a glimpse of him. I almost fainted, it was all so real and amazing. When they finally let us in, I walked right up to Justin and said “HI!” I was probably so loud but he responded with, “Hi there sweetheart!” He called me sweetheart! After the picture, he was like, “Enjoy the show!” I’m pretty sure I told him I loved him but who knows now! After the meet and greet I couldn’t stop smiling – my life was complete. The concert was amazing but nothing can beat meeting him that night. January 7, 2013 was the best day. I had hugged him and when I did, I just thought that my entire world at that moment was in his arms. Believe. This song and word basically changed my life. I knew God was behind this all. People asked if it changed my perspective on him and it did. I respect him now more than ever. I will always be a belieber. This moment will always be one to look back on. Thank you BieberFever for giving me this opportunity. To all of those who think they won’t meet him, NEVER SAY NEVER. You will meet him. Just keep believing that you will. Once you meet him, all you’ve done for this is paid off. I love you Justin. Keep believing and never say never. -@ jenjenleighh Visit link: “Never say never.” Those words have never meant so…

“Never say never.” Those words have never meant so…

On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I…

On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I finally got to live my dream. Last year, once I hit 9k followers on my Twitter (@bieberisakeeper) I decided to speak out about bullying awareness and talk about my very own experiences being bullied. I created an anti-bullying campaign which I named the “Kill Them With Kindness” campaign – after one of Justin & Alfredo’s favorite sayings , and so far have raised over $300 for the Make-A-Wish-Foundation. After a year of hard work, and tons of hours spent promoting my wristbands, my good karma finally caught up to me. I sent a few of my anti-bullying wristbands and a letter explaining my campaign/love for Justin to the director of all the radio stations in my small home town : my dream quickly became a reality. I was taking a nap after school on November 15th, and when I woke up, I had a tweet, phone call, and email from the radio director. I called him back, and after thanking me for my wristbands and calling me a hero and dedicated Belieber, he asked me if I’ve ever seen Justin in concert. Once I said I had, he replied with, “Good, because you know the show in Pittsburgh is sold out right? – The only thing I could get you were meet and greets.” As soon as the words “meet and greets” escaped his lips, I started to bawl on the phone. He said he’d sent my letter to someone in Justin’s crew, and they had given him two meet and greets because they believed I deserved to meet Justin . It was absolutely unreal. For the five days to come before the concert, I couldn’t eat, or sleep, or do anything. I couldn’t believe that after four years of being a Belieber, I was finally going to meet Justin. On November 20th, my grandma, mom, best friend and I drove 2 1/2 hours to Pittsburgh. We stood outside in the morning by the tour buses with a bunch of other beliebers, and I got a quick wave from Kenny Hamilton, who may I add, is absolutely adorable . We also talked to the security, and when they said Justin wouldn’t be coming out, we headed inside for the m&g. At about 3:10 we went inside to meet the guy from Justin’s crew who gave us meet and greets. Even after they put the purple m&g wristband on my arm – I couldn’t believe it. It seemed like forever waiting, but eventually, this lady named Lisa from Justin’s crew came and made an announcement that we would be starting soon. Unfortunately, we couldn’t give him anything, or take any of our own pics, or ask him to sign anything, but frankly, I didn’t care. I was meeting Justin freaking Bieber . We had to go in with six people, and I made 4 amazing other Belieber friends who were in the picture with me. We’ll share this moment forever. Soon the line started to move, and before I knew what was happening, I was only a few people away from meeting Justin Bieber. Kenny walked by and said hi, and when I asked him how he was, he replied, tired. He still smiled his perfect Kenny Hamilton smile though, even if he was exhausted. I had written about 7 letters and attached 7 of my anti-bullying wristbands to them, and since I couldn’t give anything personally to Justin, I dropped about five of the wristbands off with the gift guy before the m&g. Finally, it was our turn to meet Justin. I let my friend walk in first, and the security guards were quick to position us for our picture. Unfortunately, I wasn’t directly next to Justin. I’d like to tell you what the other girls looked like or even the security, but truth is, all I saw was Justin. It was like I had tunnel vision on steroids. All I saw was Bieber. My friend asked him if he could smile in our picture, and he replied, “Mmmm maybe,” with a little chuckle. And look at our picture. No smile. Biebs is a prankster and such a diva – I can’t help but love him even more. Once the picture was taken, I quickly stepped in front of Justin. He didn’t even seem real. Honestly, he’s perfect. Everything about him is just amazing. I looked him in the eyes, and I was like, “Justin! Can I have a hug please?” And then the security began like pushing me out. Justin put his arm out and blocked the security and gave me the biggest, warmest, most perfect hug on the entire planet, and then he looked me in the eyes, and was like “Thank you sweetie.” No Justin, thank you. Haha! It was amazing. Everyone I had gone in with was like shaking and crying and I was still in disbelief. It was just an indescribable experience. After that, my friend and I had gotten tickets in section 107, which was all the way in the back of the arena. At about 6 at night, we checked for tickets again, and this time, there were floor seats available! We ended up being 19th row on the floor! During the concert Alfredo came and walked next to me and I gave him a letter and a wristband and he hugged and thanked me . Justin’s concert was absolutely amazing, and remembering that I had met him only a few hours before was just insane. Honestly, I didn’t even realize all that had happened until the next morning when I was looking through my pictures. It was so surreal, and absolutely one of the best, if not the best, night of my life. Read the original here: On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I…

Continued here:
On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I…

On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I…

On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I finally got to live my dream. Last year, once I hit 9k followers on my Twitter (@bieberisakeeper) I decided to speak out about bullying awareness and talk about my very own experiences being bullied. I created an anti-bullying campaign which I named the “Kill Them With Kindness” campaign – after one of Justin & Alfredo’s favorite sayings , and so far have raised over $300 for the Make-A-Wish-Foundation. After a year of hard work, and tons of hours spent promoting my wristbands, my good karma finally caught up to me. I sent a few of my anti-bullying wristbands and a letter explaining my campaign/love for Justin to the director of all the radio stations in my small home town : my dream quickly became a reality. I was taking a nap after school on November 15th, and when I woke up, I had a tweet, phone call, and email from the radio director. I called him back, and after thanking me for my wristbands and calling me a hero and dedicated Belieber, he asked me if I’ve ever seen Justin in concert. Once I said I had, he replied with, “Good, because you know the show in Pittsburgh is sold out right? – The only thing I could get you were meet and greets.” As soon as the words “meet and greets” escaped his lips, I started to bawl on the phone. He said he’d sent my letter to someone in Justin’s crew, and they had given him two meet and greets because they believed I deserved to meet Justin . It was absolutely unreal. For the five days to come before the concert, I couldn’t eat, or sleep, or do anything. I couldn’t believe that after four years of being a Belieber, I was finally going to meet Justin. On November 20th, my grandma, mom, best friend and I drove 2 1/2 hours to Pittsburgh. We stood outside in the morning by the tour buses with a bunch of other beliebers, and I got a quick wave from Kenny Hamilton, who may I add, is absolutely adorable . We also talked to the security, and when they said Justin wouldn’t be coming out, we headed inside for the m&g. At about 3:10 we went inside to meet the guy from Justin’s crew who gave us meet and greets. Even after they put the purple m&g wristband on my arm – I couldn’t believe it. It seemed like forever waiting, but eventually, this lady named Lisa from Justin’s crew came and made an announcement that we would be starting soon. Unfortunately, we couldn’t give him anything, or take any of our own pics, or ask him to sign anything, but frankly, I didn’t care. I was meeting Justin freaking Bieber . We had to go in with six people, and I made 4 amazing other Belieber friends who were in the picture with me. We’ll share this moment forever. Soon the line started to move, and before I knew what was happening, I was only a few people away from meeting Justin Bieber. Kenny walked by and said hi, and when I asked him how he was, he replied, tired. He still smiled his perfect Kenny Hamilton smile though, even if he was exhausted. I had written about 7 letters and attached 7 of my anti-bullying wristbands to them, and since I couldn’t give anything personally to Justin, I dropped about five of the wristbands off with the gift guy before the m&g. Finally, it was our turn to meet Justin. I let my friend walk in first, and the security guards were quick to position us for our picture. Unfortunately, I wasn’t directly next to Justin. I’d like to tell you what the other girls looked like or even the security, but truth is, all I saw was Justin. It was like I had tunnel vision on steroids. All I saw was Bieber. My friend asked him if he could smile in our picture, and he replied, “Mmmm maybe,” with a little chuckle. And look at our picture. No smile. Biebs is a prankster and such a diva – I can’t help but love him even more. Once the picture was taken, I quickly stepped in front of Justin. He didn’t even seem real. Honestly, he’s perfect. Everything about him is just amazing. I looked him in the eyes, and I was like, “Justin! Can I have a hug please?” And then the security began like pushing me out. Justin put his arm out and blocked the security and gave me the biggest, warmest, most perfect hug on the entire planet, and then he looked me in the eyes, and was like “Thank you sweetie.” No Justin, thank you. Haha! It was amazing. Everyone I had gone in with was like shaking and crying and I was still in disbelief. It was just an indescribable experience. After that, my friend and I had gotten tickets in section 107, which was all the way in the back of the arena. At about 6 at night, we checked for tickets again, and this time, there were floor seats available! We ended up being 19th row on the floor! During the concert Alfredo came and walked next to me and I gave him a letter and a wristband and he hugged and thanked me . Justin’s concert was absolutely amazing, and remembering that I had met him only a few hours before was just insane. Honestly, I didn’t even realize all that had happened until the next morning when I was looking through my pictures. It was so surreal, and absolutely one of the best, if not the best, night of my life. Read the original here: On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I…

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On November 20th, after being a fan of Justin since 2007, I…

I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these….

I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these. My dream FINALLY came true after 3 years. A few months ago I had bought tickets for Justin’s concert on October 6th, 2012 in Oakland, CA. I was sec 116, row 17, seat 10. About a week and a half before the concert I heard of a contest Bieberfever.com was having. The contest was to post a picture of all of your Bieber stuff and 10 people were chosen to meet Justin at your concert. I sent an email with my picture of all of my stuff and had to wait until October 5th, a day before the concert to find out if I won. All day Friday I checked my email in every class but there was nothing. On my way to a football game with my friend later that day I checked my email once more and there it was “Congratulations Natasha! You are now officially invited to a meet and greet with Justin” My heart was beating faster than ever and I was hyperventilating. I was so excited. That night I made posters and shirts for the concert. I arrived at the Oracle Arena at about 8:30 a.m. Saturday to maybe get a glimpse of Justin..way more than just that happened. When I first arrived there were about 10 other people there at maximum. All of the sudden people started coming out of the tour busses that were there and it was Carlena, Jon Boogie, and a few other of Justin’s dancers. I was able to have them all sign one of my posters and take pictures . Then 2 white tour busses arrive and it was CARLY! She waved to all of us! Later, Nick Demoura and DJ Tay James came out and I got them to sign my poster and take pictures as well. After that, everyone started screaming and we went over to the VIP section and there he was. Justin Bieber was riding around on a segway inside the VIP parking lot. I was so happy to get a glimpse of him. It was about 4 o’clock when I had to go up to get my meet and greet pass, when all the sudden I heard more screaming and there was Kenny Hamilton! He was on a segway and went pass the crowd and I was able to high five him. Then Scooter came out and I got him to sign my Believe CD. Next I went inside and was in line for the meet and greet and Scooter comes out of the doors and goes outside. When he comes back in I ask for a hug and HE HUGS ME. Then we are let in to meet Justin, sadly we had to be put in groups of 6 but I’m so grateful for my experience. After our picture was taken, I GOT TO HUG HIM. I GOT TO HUG JUSTIN DREW BIEBER and then I got to see Alfredo again. I was screaming, I was so happy! After that I was waiting for the concert to start and it was amazing. It was my 3rd Justin Bieber concert. I am so happy that this has happened to me. I am the luckiest girl in the universe. -@dibsonharry (I’m the one in the Bieber hat!) Read the original: I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these….

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I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these….

I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these….

I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these. My dream FINALLY came true after 3 years. A few months ago I had bought tickets for Justin’s concert on October 6th, 2012 in Oakland, CA. I was sec 116, row 17, seat 10. About a week and a half before the concert I heard of a contest Bieberfever.com was having. The contest was to post a picture of all of your Bieber stuff and 10 people were chosen to meet Justin at your concert. I sent an email with my picture of all of my stuff and had to wait until October 5th, a day before the concert to find out if I won. All day Friday I checked my email in every class but there was nothing. On my way to a football game with my friend later that day I checked my email once more and there it was “Congratulations Natasha! You are now officially invited to a meet and greet with Justin” My heart was beating faster than ever and I was hyperventilating. I was so excited. That night I made posters and shirts for the concert. I arrived at the Oracle Arena at about 8:30 a.m. Saturday to maybe get a glimpse of Justin..way more than just that happened. When I first arrived there were about 10 other people there at maximum. All of the sudden people started coming out of the tour busses that were there and it was Carlena, Jon Boogie, and a few other of Justin’s dancers. I was able to have them all sign one of my posters and take pictures . Then 2 white tour busses arrive and it was CARLY! She waved to all of us! Later, Nick Demoura and DJ Tay James came out and I got them to sign my poster and take pictures as well. After that, everyone started screaming and we went over to the VIP section and there he was. Justin Bieber was riding around on a segway inside the VIP parking lot. I was so happy to get a glimpse of him. It was about 4 o’clock when I had to go up to get my meet and greet pass, when all the sudden I heard more screaming and there was Kenny Hamilton! He was on a segway and went pass the crowd and I was able to high five him. Then Scooter came out and I got him to sign my Believe CD. Next I went inside and was in line for the meet and greet and Scooter comes out of the doors and goes outside. When he comes back in I ask for a hug and HE HUGS ME. Then we are let in to meet Justin, sadly we had to be put in groups of 6 but I’m so grateful for my experience. After our picture was taken, I GOT TO HUG HIM. I GOT TO HUG JUSTIN DREW BIEBER and then I got to see Alfredo again. I was screaming, I was so happy! After that I was waiting for the concert to start and it was amazing. It was my 3rd Justin Bieber concert. I am so happy that this has happened to me. I am the luckiest girl in the universe. -@dibsonharry (I’m the one in the Bieber hat!) Read the original: I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these….

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I’m actually so surprised I finally get to write one of these….