If you watched this week’s episode of Teen Mom OG , then you know that Amber Portwood didn’t exactly come off looking great. But amazingly, her tweets during the show proved even more damaging to her reputation! The episode sees Amber’s baby daddy, Gary Shirley, and his wife, Kristina, voicing some of the same criticisms that fans have been directing at Amber in recent months. Like so many of the show’s viewers, Gary and Kristina apparently feel that Amber should’ve spent more time looking into Andrew Glennon’s sketchy past before she started dating him seriously and got pregnant with his baby. Not only that, they take issue with Amber not seeing her daughter for months and using her depression as a justification–despite the fact that she was apparently mentally healthy enough to begin dating Glennon. Maybe Amber was depressed, and maybe too much is being made of Glennon’s past, but it’s not hard to see why a father and stepmother might be concerned by the situation. And Gary voiced those concerns at length in the episode: “I don’t know what skeletons he has in his closet, but honestly, she should have waited,” he said to Kristina. “She should have taken more time with Leah and focused on her responsibility as being a mother than jumping into a relationship. Well, she was, like, ‘I was mourning.’ I know that you’re sad after breaking up with someone — I get it.” “But your daughter can bring you just as much happiness,” Kristina interjected. Not surprisingly, Gary agreed: “From day one I’ve been a parent! From day one my issues never came in and stopped me from being a dad, you know?” he continued. “I don’t have the option to not be a parent, but you can go off and do what you want to do. I mean, that would be f–king awesome! You know? And you’re OK with it because you’re used to it. But you know, there’s one person that’s not OK with it, and that’s Leah.” From there, Kristina spiked the football by recounting a recent exchange with Leah: “It’s just like she told me, you know? ‘Matt was in the picture. Mommy broke up with Matt. Mommy don’t come around then because she’s too depressed,'” she recalled. “But then, all of a sudden, she brings over Andrew and she says: ‘Well Kristina, if she was too depressed to see me, she wasn’t too depressed to find a new man?’ And, you know, what do I say to that?” Gary then recalled a period of time in which Leah was so depressed by her mother’s absence that she did nothing but sleep. “Let’s adopt Leah,” Kristina proposed. “I’m with you,” Gary replied. Not surprisingly, Amber had much to say about the situation on social media: “Make sure to watch Gary and Kristina tonight talking sh!t about me! It must be hard making money off of me! Being such a bad mom and all. Where would they be?” she tweeted. “Wait..in a 1 bedroom shack in the ghetto of Anderson where he was before I got out and the show came back on!! Ignorant!” And if you thought she’d stop there, you don’t know Amber: “[Kristina] broke up her family for money and tv!” Amber tweeted, targeting Gary’s wife. “Her husband got a restraining order on her cheating @ss with multiple people and then cheated with Gary! What about her daughter? Straight out of Gary’s mouth!!” “Restraining order to keep my child from filming,” Kristina replied. “I am an active mother to my children so quit hating. I’ve never stepped on your toes as a mother nor will I ever. I care for Leah when she is in our care. Love don’t hate.” Then things got even more bizarre when Farrah Abraham’s father, Michael, interjected: “Kristina stay strong. DO NOT LET ANYONE BULLY you. You’re the real proven mother figure here,” Michael tweeted. “Gary has always been the rock solid father protecting his children with you in full support and I’m thankful to God for both of you – the world knows the truth and that’s pure FACT.” We’d say this situation can’t get any weirder, but Michael Abraham just got involved, so stay tuned. In the meantime, watch Teen Mom OG online to get caught up on all of this season’s intense drama. View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham SLAMS Amber Portwood: You’re the Worst Mom!
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Amber Portwood SLAMS Gary Shirley: I Made You Rich, Loser!