Tag Archives: kyle richards

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Mean Girls Club

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills have a  “Faint Chance”  of being real friends but the mean girls club looks like it’s full up. We recap it all in our THG +/- review. Lisa Vanderpump put it all out there when she went on Dancing With the Stars and the experience definitely had its ups and down. The upside :  She was able to basically make out with a hot, young guy while her husband watched from the sidelines. Plus 20. The downside: She put herself out there for the mean girls to tear her apart. How some things never change. Kyle and Kim Richards just can’t seem to help themselves. Instead of wondering if their “friend” was OK when she passed out on TV, they immediately ripped her to pieces.  Minus 33. They not only accused her of fake fainting they added the extra dig that she did it badly.   Really ladies? Are you still stuck in junior high? And to think I was hoping that Kim was going to be better this season. Well, it looks like she’s clean and sober which is a huge step forward. Plus 40 . Also training her dog, Kingsley will probably be good for her. An extra plus 10 for having a real dog. I’m sorry but those little tea cup, froufrou dogs just don’t cut it as a canine. But when it comes to Lisa’s performance on Dancing With the Stars , as least she had the guts to go out there and do it. Perhaps the mean girls are being catty because no one asked them to dance. Lisa may not be long for dancing on TV but that doesn’t mean it’s out of her system. She’s planning on opening a new gay club called Pump. Plus 15 . I can’t wait to see it. The entire episode seemed to be split into two camps. Lisa invited Brandi Glanville and Yolanda over for some of George Clooney’s tequila. Brandi’s mom (who looks incredibly normal, go figure?) helped her move into her new place. Brandi’s been up and down the success ladder a few times. This time she’s headed back up…although she claims going down can be fun sometimes. Plus 13. That’s just so Brandi. Over in Malibu, Yolanda’s been struggling with her Lyme disease but has been impressed that her husband has taken his in sickness and in health vows seriously and has stuck by her side. Minus 18. Isn’t that what he’s suppose to do. But this is Beverly Hills where trading in for a newer model is what’s expected. Across town Kyle invites Carlton, Joyce, and her friend Sharon over for a day of bee killing and story time. It was a little like a coven gone wrong and does anyone really want to be a member of the snorting girls club? Minus 22. Did we really need to hear about Lisa’s breast milk leakage?  Worse was hearing Joyce coo about how her husband was the man of her dreams from the moment she saw him. Him? Seriously? How rich is he? I don’t know what to make of Carlton just yet. Apparently her home really is her castle. I couldn’t tell if she was going to pray for the dead bee or cast a spell on Kyle and Sharon. Do you think Lisa faked her faint? Were Kyle and Kim being mean girls? And what’s your take on the new girls Carlton and Joyce on this season’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? Episode total = +25!                                    Season total = +100!  

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Mean Girls Club

Kyle Richards to Get Tested for Breast Cancer, Gives Thanks to Angelina Jolie

Kyle Richards may owe her life to Angelina Jolie. A week after that A-lister revealed in a moving New York Times piece that she underwent a double mastectomy , Richards Tweeted that she’ll soon be following the star’s lead. “I lost my Mom to Breast cancer & am embarrassed to admit that I’ve been too scared to get tested,” the 44-year-old wrote Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member wrote. “I feel differently today #AngelinaJolie.” Richards says she has a test lined up in the coming days. Jolie has inspired millions since sharing her tale. She wrote in the op-ed that she chose “not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer,” adding: “It is my hope that they, too, will be able to get gene tested, and that if they have a high risk they, too, will know that they have strong options.” It looks like Kyle has taken those words to heart. Let’s hope many others do the same.

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Kyle Richards to Get Tested for Breast Cancer, Gives Thanks to Angelina Jolie

Kyle Richards: I Want More Children!

Kyle Richards has set a couple of impressive goals for herself: Look like Jennifer Aniston . Squeeze out another baby. “I think that Jennifer Aniston has an amazing body,” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star told Us last week. “I know that she used to be heavier before, and I know that she is not naturally like that. I know she has to work to get it like that, and I have to work really hard to try to be in shape and keep my weight down.” Richards added that she’s been doing circuit training and yoga multiple times per week to achieve this aim. Meanwhile, the mother of four (Farrah, 24, Alexia, 17, Sophia, 13, and Portia, 5) surprised many when she told Radar that she may actually want to gain weight in the near future… … pregnancy style! “I want more babies,” Richards said, citing another famous, older mother who is expecting for the second time: ” Halle Berry is older than me,” she said of the 46-year old, who announced last month that she’s pregnant. Richards is 44, had her first child at 19 and said she wishes she had given birth again now long after her youngest was born give years ago.

Kyle Richards: I Want More Children!

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap – Let’s Make Lemons

It’s The Real Housewives Beverly Hills and if one reunion show is good then “Reunion Part II” must be…pure torture.  We recap all the tears and tantrums in our THG +/- review. We’re back on the couch with Andy Cohen as the ladies dished about Kim Richard’s sobriety and whether or not they suspected she fell off the wagon.  The clips of some of Kyle’s comments throughout the season were at times cringe worthy. Minus 10. Always one to speak her mind, Brandi Glanville admitted that she felt Kyle was always doubting her sister and almost felt like “it would make her happy if she failed.”   Let the waterworks begin.  Kyle jumps in that it’s the meanest thing Brandi could say but the truth is that Kyle makes a lot of comments that could prove Brandi’s theory.   But when you call Kyle out on it her fallback position is that she was just joking. Minus 20.   That’s such a cop out. It’s Kyle’s way of not owning up to any of her crap. Lisa all but calls the Richards girls liars when she doesn’t believe their gossip about Yolanda trashing her in Paris. When Andy asks who of the Housewives she trusts the most, Brandi ends up at the top of the list…and Kyle’s at the bottom. How times have changed. Andy hands out t-shirts with each of the ladies’ lame tag lines on them. I think I’d rather have Yolanda’s lemons. Plus 8. The best moment was when he tossed Adrienne Maloof’s shirt to the back of the sofa. Plus 18 . But don’t think that means we’re done talking about her. Supposedly Adrienne still claims that Brandi destroyed her family and that her cozying up to Paul now is just a ploy but Paul has a different story.   Via video Paul tells his side of the story.  Paul admits that Brandi said hurtful things but that she “graciously apologized” for them and he doesn’t blame Brandi for the demise of his marriage. Plus 15. Apparently the divorce has gotten messy. Chef Bernie published pictures of Adrienne with bruises and claims that Paul abused her and the kids. Minus 22. Everyone agrees that Bernie’s just looking for attention but leave it to Ken to be the stand up guy. Ken says he’s never witnessed any signs of abuse and he’s not buying the rumors. If it were true then why would Adrienne share custody of the kids. Good question. Mauricio also shows up and kind of buries the hatchet with Brandi. Yolanda’s husband had better things to do than show up as a house husband…like recording with Stevie Wonder. At the end of the season, Brandi earned her spot on the Housewives sofa and a life long friendship with Lisa.  The two make a charmingly odd couple and appear to be true friends.  Plus 30. Plus 25 to Yolanda. I didn’t think she’d fit in but her no nonsense delivery and her ability to call out other people’s bullsh*t made her a great addition to the show. Kim proved herself to still be quirky while being sober. Not easy. Plus 10. Taylor was almost nonexistent. I’m not complaining. Plus 5. Camille resorted to her former season one b*tchiness. Minus 13. Maybe she’ll just stay home next season. Kyle on the other hand looked two faced with both friends and family.  She hung Lisa out to dry, joked about her sister’s sobriety, and made nice to Brandi’s face while bashing her behind her back.  And her friendship with Faye Resnick is worth at least a minus 50 . But it’s Adrienne Maloof who lands at the bottom of the list. She caused a lot of drama about some secret that viewers were never allowed to hear. If you have secrets then stay off of reality TV. Then she gave quotes to magazines but refused to show up for the reunion. When you sign on for a job, you finish it. Minus 60. Who should take Adrienne’s spot on next seasons The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ? Episode total = -64!                Season total = -361!

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap – Let’s Make Lemons

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap – Fight For Romance

It’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills “Finale” where one marriage ends while another is celebrated. We recap all of the obstacles to romance in our THG +/- review. We’re back to the Ken and Lisa’s vow renewal party where Faye can’t seem to keep her big mouth shut. Minus 20 because I’m still wondering why Faye’s even here. Did she crash? Did Kyle invite her? Did Bravo sneak her an invitation to make sure there’d be more drama? All I wanted to see was Lisa kick Faye out on her rear but I never got my wish. Minus 15. Lisa said she considered it but didn’t because Faye was Kyle’s friend. Which was pretty clear considering Kyle couldn’t stop defending the nasty Housewife wannabe. Plus 12 to Yolanda who pegged Faye right away. She keeps complaining about Brandi spreading malicious gossip…while Faye herself makes it her duty to spread malicious gossip. But let’s get back to the romance….oh wait. Not quite yet. Because in the middle of it all Adrienne Maloof shows up, teary eyed,  sans makeup and looking for attention. Minus 18. I had to disagree with Ken on this one. With the ladies descending on Adrienne the moment she walked in the door and the tear fest beginning, I really couldn’t blame her for not seeking out Lisa. On the flip side I couldn’t blame Lisa for not heading straight to Adrienne’s side considering she was hosting an entire party at the time and she would have gotten sucked into the drama…and killed the romantic mood. Minus 10. I couldn’t fault Adrienne for the waterworks but when she said “The kids want me to be there.” all I could think was then why are you at this party? Shocker of the night…that Paul was the one that filed for separation. Who saw that coming? And plus 25 to Taylor for the line of the night. “He was dressed like a tree last time I looked so maybe he’s lost his marbles.” With the romantic mood completely blown to bits, Lisa retreats to her bedroom and Brandi proves what a good friend she really is. Plus 20 for reminding Lisa that this party is about her and Ken and their family and how lucky they are. Besides, Ken would be heartbroken if Lisa bailed now. Did you see the wedding pictures from 30 years ago?  Lisa’s dress was all 1980s poof while Ken looked exactly the same. Did the man find the fountain of youth? His hair certainly did. Ken renewed his vow to obey his wife. Good man. Plus 30. And when he told Lisa, “I’ve always loved you but probably never deserved you.” there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Then Lisa countered with, “I am the woman I am today because I’ve grown up with you” reminding us all that she was only 21 when she married her husband. With one marriage ending, it was nice to see that true love can win out. At the finale’s end we learned that…. -Yolanda’s battling Lyme disease. -Kyle’s fashion sense gets worse with every season. -Taylor’s dating her already married attorney. What could go wrong there? -Adrienne’s dating Rod Stewart’s 32 year old son but Paul can beat that. He’s dating a 27 year old former Miss Nevada. -Brandi’s celebrated her 40th birthday at SUR. For some reason Paul was invited. No surprise that Adrienne was not. And now on to the brawl….er make that the reunion show next.   Episode total = +24!                Season total = -246!  

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap – Fight For Romance

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap – The Claws Come Out

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills heads straight from the finale to the “Reunion” show with one Housewife glaringly absent. We recap who bailed and who had the best fake out in our THG +/- review The Housewives hit Andy’s couch so that must mean the season is over. But one Housewife didn’t show. Adrienne Maloof bailed and not just on the reunion show but on the entire series. Minus 15.   Too bad her final act as a Housewife was to no-show. I suppose it all became too much for her but Lisa was right. You don’t join a reality TV show if you have skeletons you don’t want exposed.  Fame comes at a price and it’s one Ms. Maloof seems unwilling to pay.   Minus 30 because the viewers are still the last to know what the big secret is and that’s nothing but frustrating.  What good is reality TV if we can’t dish the dirt? But on to the Housewives who did show up. Taylor’s looking as botoxed as ever. Did she borrow those lips from Daffy or Donald? Minus 12 . She’s looking more ridiculous every season. At least Taylor’s in love…with a married man…who lives in Colorado.  What could go wrong here? Adrienne may be out but Brandi is definitely in and she’s more than willing to say whatever’s on her mind but I’m guessing we’ll have more fun with that in part 2 than we did tonight. Best fake out of the night went to Andy. Plus 45 for perpetrating the rumor that Leann Rimes was the latest Housewife and then pretending she was about to be presented.  Very funny. Kyle and Lisa go at it once again. Minus 18 because this fight gets more boring every time I have to listen to it. Kyle feels that Lisa’s cut her off and Lisa believe Kyle never has her back. It’s time to go to your separate corners and move on. Just when I expected everyone to pile on Brandi, it was Yolanda who was under attack. First we see footage of Taylor saying that she feels like Yolanda thinks she’s better than her.  Plus 10 . Um…that’s because she is. Yolanda admits she never watched an episode of the show before she signed on.  Minus 15. Oh honey, that was just dumb. Information is power. Never turn it down. Then Kim goes after Yolanda over their supposed juice cleanse date. Only in Beverly Hills do women make a date to do a group cleanse. Minus 11 . It makes me glad I don’t live there. But the dates were made through production people, not directly between Kim and Yolanda. Problem solved…sort of. The funny part about Yolanda is that she can be just as direct as Brandi, she just says it more politely and with an accent. Plus 15. Yolanda and Kyle bicker over their definitions of friendship. Let’s face it. This is a reality show. Does anyone really expect these two to become best buddies? There’s lots of sniping about who came to whose parties and then Kyle throws Yolanda under the bus for calling out Lisa in Paris. To be honest I only remember Yolanda saying it was wrong of Lisa to continually talk about Kim, especially while Kim was sitting right there.  I don’t recall her really tearing Lisa apart. Minus 20 because Bravo didn’t show any of the footage to back it up. Andy claimed there’s more to life than dinner parties and suing friends in Beverly HIlls.   Yeah, there’s too much drinking and a lot of back stabbing too. The claws have definitely came out on the sofa. Can’t wait to see who else gets scratched in part 2. Episode total = -51!                     Season total =-297!

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap – The Claws Come Out

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Easy To Hate

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills gave fans “A Shot Through the Heart” Monday night when a party celebrating love ends up filled with haters. We break down al the friends and foes in THG’s +/- review. It’s yet another party as Adrienne launches her Zing Red Velvet Vodka complete with half naked, spray painted women hawking the beverage. Plus 12. Go big and tacky or go home. She and Paul are their normally snarky selves which makes the following morning’s announcement all the more surprising…but we’ll get back to that. Brandi and Lisa bow out of the latest shin dig. Well, Lisa bows out. Brandi was never invited, yet her presence is still felt. These women can’t seem to stop themselves from talking about Brandi Glanville and this time the culprit is Marisa. Minus 15. Is Marisa finding her inner mean girl to become more relevant? Is she causing drama to find a permanent place on the Housewives sofa next season? She shows all the ladies a text Brandi sent her saying that maybe her marriage needed a hall pass to save it and she’s totally shocked by the suggestion. Minus 22. Really? This from the woman who talks about shagging other men in front of her husband! Hmm…I wonder how Brandi got the wrong idea. Then it becomes a Brandi bashing fest once again as Adrienne, Faye, and Camille are quick to get in there digs. Minus 15. Besides botox and tanning, it seems to be their favorite sport. But Yolanda to the rescue. The only Housewife with serious backbone calls them out on bashing Brandi Glanville behind her back. Plus 25 . Go Yolanda! The next morning, the big news hits the airwaves. Paul and Adrienne have filed for legal separation.  The funny thing is they looked no different the night before than they ever have. Kyle laments that her friends personal life has to be paraded out on celebrity news site TMZ. That’s the price of a life in front of the cameras. But on to the next party… Kevin Lee delivered as the back yard was romantic but not overdone, but did we really need to see him in his boxer briefs? Minus 9 . Everyone files into Villa Rosa for Ken and Lisa’s vow renewal ceremony. Plus 30 because after 30 years these two really do seem to be madly in love.  How often do you see that these days? An additional plus 10 to Kim who looked especially nice in that black dress. Sobriety agrees with her. However, Taylor looks like she really needs to lay off the botox for a while. Her face simply doesn’t move any longer. One of the best moments of the night was when Yolanda calls out Marisa on her two faced bullsh*t as she tries to cover her Brandi bashing with the girls the night before. Plus 22. I really love Yolanda. I hope she sticks around for next season. I couldn’t believe Camille as she cheered on Faye Resnick . Camille’s not willing to go toe to toe with Brandi herself but she certainly finds her inner mean girl whenever her name comes up. Minus 14 Speaking of next season, I hope Camille flies off on her broomstick along with Adrienne. When Faye enters the party it’s like a dark overly tanned cloud blocks out the sun. Is that skin or pleather? It’s getting harder and harder to tell. Why is she even here? Is she crashing? I can’t imagine that Lisa invited her. Faye is like the stray Housewife looking for scraps and nipping at Brandi’s heels. Once again, Yolanda is the stand up woman in the room. She never raises her voice, never curses but tells Faye very clearly that she’s not welcomed in their conversation. Plus 40. If Faye wants to take lessons from a lady look no further. I only wish Faye would walk off the end of Lisa’s infinity pool and never return . EPISODE TOTAL: +64! SEASON TOTAL: -270!

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Easy To Hate

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: True Bromance

“The Real Housewives of Paris Part Deux” managed to kill the romance in the city of love, unless you include a budding bromance. We break down the surprising turns and best Segway tours in THG’s +/- review. The City of Love couldn’t have looked more beautiful… or more cheesy than with the staged romantic moment between Mauricio and Kyle. Minus 12. Their lock of love on the bridge felt so scripted it was hard to watch. It also proved what a short memory Kyle has when she said her husband’s only romantic gestures were bringing her coffee or running a bath. Did she forget the day he gave her a Maserati?!? Minus 10 . I’ll take that over a silly lock any day. Everyone spent the day exploring Paris and Lisa and Kim were lucky they didn’t break an ankle walking in those ridiculously high heels down cobblestone streets. I’m certain I’d end up in the ER if I tried that. The cutest moment went to Yolanda and Brandi who jogged, skipped, and cartwheeled next to the Seine. Plus 15. Their sense of fun was contagious. But the best romance was a bromance. Mauricio and Ken’s Segway tour of Paris was simply adorable. Plus 22 . It made me happy they were happy to let go of their fight over dinner and move on. If only the woman could take a lesson. Most boring conversation went to Lisa and Kyle who once again rehashed their season long argument. Lisa’s still ticked that Kyle never backs her up and Kyle’s whining because their relationship doesn’t feel the same.  Yawn. Minus 13. Although Lisa Vanderpump was being a bit of a brat tonight.  Her jabs about Kim’s sobriety definitely had an edge of meanness to it whether she meant it that way or not. And if someone is crying, talking to their sister and asks you to leave, just leave! Minus 18. What was so complicated about that request? But everyone was concerned about Kim. The night before they thought she’d fallen off the wagon and today they worried she’d overdosed in her bedroom.  Perhaps it was just their imaginations running amok as it seemed to be nothing more than a bad case of jet lag. Or maybe we’ve just seen he high so often we can no longer tell the difference. Kim wins the line of the night when the ladies all freak out about the chef butchering the duck for dinner. “As long as it’s not doing the quacking while he’s doing the whacking, I’m OK.” Plus 25. Biggest voice of reason… Brandi . Wow! I didn’t see that coming but Ms. Glanville was the voice of understanding all night. She even had Kim’s back more than once. Plus 17. Wouldn’t it be ironic if these two became friends. Kyle might just jump off the Eiffel tower and take Faye with her. Yolanda won the prize for pointing out the obvious. Yes, that was Lisa running to anyone who would listen and gossiping about Kim…in front of Kim.  Welcome to reality TV. Who’s up for more Paris next week? EPISODE TOTAL: +26! SEASON TOTAL: -309!

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: True Bromance

No sex tape for the Beverly Hills Housewives


Hollywood.TV is your source for celebrity gossip and videos of your favorite stars! bit.ly – Click to Subscribe! Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump, stars of the Beverly Hills Housewives, are not going to be starring in a sex video any time soon. Kyle laughs at the thought and Lisa says it would be a very short video. Which Housewife would you like to see in their own video? Hollywood.TV is the global leader in capturing celebrity breaking news as it happens. Launched in 2008, we capture all the latest news, exclusive celebrity interviews, star videos and hot celebrity gossip from around the world every minute of everyday. HTV is on the streets 24/7, at all the industry events and invited by the stars to cover their every move in Hollywood, New York and Miami. Hollywood.tv is currently the third most viewed reporter channel on YouTube with almost 400 million views, and our footage is seen worldwide! Tune in daily for all the latest Hollywood news on www.hollywood.tv and like us on Facebook!

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No sex tape for the Beverly Hills Housewives

Kyle Richards Attends Kathy Hilton’s Birthday Party


Kyle Richards wears a fabulous ensemble to Kathy Hilton’s birthday party celebrated at Il Cielo Restaurant in Beverly Hills. Apparently, she’s not the type to give her sister an erotic gift… Kyle also offers her thoughts on some show ratings and confirms that Brooke Mueller’s doing great!

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