Tag Archives: lesbian

Demi Lovato Tonguing Girls of the Day

Demi Lovato is pushing her lesbian agenda, even though we all know she’s a dyke by looking at her, and we all know that she’s fucked women her entire life, proven in the sex tape she filmed with Miley that the perverts in Nashville apparently pass around, a story I was told by someone in Kings of Leon…a Nashville band…a story that I choose to believe.. Point being, Demi Lovato and all her lesbian glory, is doing the whole college grade lesbianism of tongue on tongue tongue touching frenching you see girls do at the club or the college party to impress the dudes they have a threesome like the porno movies with and I guess bi polar Demi Lovato who we could argue is just a brat entitled and coddled is really bringing it for her fans…to show her true self, whatever that is…an attention seeker who uses sexuality to try to get there despite being ugly… Here it is…magical really…but not at all..you fucking try hard to stay relevant try hard… Like the guy in the porno – who pre-mature ejaculates, who gets sodomized by women, who spanks the women, who gets peed on, who has to stick his dick in a pussy with another dude….

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Demi Lovato Tonguing Girls of the Day

Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian Tits with Lily Rose Depp of the Day

Kristen Stewart is some pervert lesbian weirdo who is playing the lesbian role as hard as she can, despite being some identity crisis who clearly doesn’t even know herself, she’s an “actor” and has no soul…. But seeing her being an old cougar, pounces on a young Lily Rose Depp, in some Bill Cosby or Weinstein situation, while her model wife is out there fucking whoever she can to leverage her bullshit career to the next level… Is pretty funny….but not really…but I’ll post it anyway…cuz you’re perverts who will jack off to anything. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian Tits with Lily Rose Depp of the Day

Is Christina Aguilera a Lesbian of the Day

Based on X-tina Aguilera’s outfit I am going to assume that she may be a lesbian, who has given up on men because they are gross, and dressing up for them is silly, while lesbians understand comfort and convenience, except when it comes to spiking their lesbian hair into a lesbian style and are often times too fat for standard size clothing… Or she’s an off duty stripper heading home from her shift… Either way, she looks like shit….both these faces are so jacked up….and they fat… That’s all I gotta say about that TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Is Christina Aguilera a Lesbian of the Day

Stella Maxwell Naked of the Day

Stella Maxwell is some overrated – strategic – enterprising – not that hot – or wasn’t that hot when she was playing the hipster model – who has turned it all around through scamming proper – by sitting at the right table – buy fucking the lesbian celebrities to increase her value – and who is now in a relationship with Kirsten Stewart, the girl who has never been that interesting, always weir and lost looking, and likely easy to come in and manipulate – I mean Stella Maxwell did it….but then again she’s tactical and has made magic happen – if you think being a VS model who bangs actresses is magic – which I’m sure you do. It’s a lot of hype and here’s a topless shoot of her. The post Stella Maxwell Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Stella Maxwell Naked of the Day

Maitland Ward Tits for Kiss a Ginger Day of the Day

Maitland Ward is a doughy, even disgusting looking, 40 year old woman who gets named on the internet, because she realizes that people want to see her big fucking tits, even though she shows her big fucking tits all the fucking time, it’s really the only reason we know who she is, or talk about her, because before the tits on social media, she hadn’t been on TV in a decade, rocking out the Boy Meets World the later years like she was Topanga, as the brother’s girlfriend…a character I didn’t even notice while probably watching the show back then, who knows, we had limited options… Well, the only day she’s actually relevant in her clickbait, because her whole career is finding way to get naked for various holidays or “national days”…is KISS a GINGER DAY, that I think used to be called Kick a Ginger Day back in high school, which I guess was Every Day – since GINGERs are weird pale skinned super powered outcasts that terrify most….especially when looking at how pink that pussy is. Well, she’s the most popular clickbait on the site, people click her links and love her so take in this sex worker artistry that needs a sex tape… Here she is being a fake lesbian More on the stepFORUM – CLICK HERE – The post Maitland Ward Tits for Kiss a Ginger Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the article here:
Maitland Ward Tits for Kiss a Ginger Day of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Lesbian Tongue Action

Bella Thorne has pretty much said f%ck acting and devoted her life to being a social media ho’ and for that I thank her. She is by far the best at it and just when you thought she’s done, she comes out with more goods. These GIFs, especially the lesbian tongue play one gave me a pre-Xmas boner.            

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Bella Thorne’s Lesbian Tongue Action

Josephine Skriver Humanoid of the Day

Josephine Skriver is the Victoria’s Secret star who is probably most interesting because she was made in a lab by some Dutch biologist, who is gay, using his lesbian friend’s egg, where he did some DNA designing, and bio-hacked the fuck out of whatever she was supposed to look like, making her look like this….a lifelong dream for a god complex weirdo…funded by the lingerie brand so that they don’t have to spend all this time trying to find girls who aren’t fat in a world of everyone being fat…to walk in their infomercial… The most interesting thing about Josephine Skriver, besides being a close, humanoid, weirdo, is that when she came to NYC she was a Virgin…I guess because they just let her out of the lab they built her in…. The most interesting thing about this post is why I know she was a virgin when she moved to NYC, that seems like pretty personal information that I wouldn’t be privy to…and I really don’t have the answer to that…I have no idea why I know that…I assume it is ASPERGERS related. These are some pics from her social media…cuz she’s hot…and because it’s never too late for Halloween dreams. She was doing a fitness photoshoot with the other VS Model Named Romee Strijid…that you can see here….ROBOTS everywhere.. More pics CLICK HERE The post Josephine Skriver Humanoid of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Josephine Skriver Humanoid of the Day

Josephine Skriver Humanoid of the Day

Josephine Skriver is the Victoria’s Secret star who is probably most interesting because she was made in a lab by some Dutch biologist, who is gay, using his lesbian friend’s egg, where he did some DNA designing, and bio-hacked the fuck out of whatever she was supposed to look like, making her look like this….a lifelong dream for a god complex weirdo…funded by the lingerie brand so that they don’t have to spend all this time trying to find girls who aren’t fat in a world of everyone being fat…to walk in their infomercial… The most interesting thing about Josephine Skriver, besides being a close, humanoid, weirdo, is that when she came to NYC she was a Virgin…I guess because they just let her out of the lab they built her in…. The most interesting thing about this post is why I know she was a virgin when she moved to NYC, that seems like pretty personal information that I wouldn’t be privy to…and I really don’t have the answer to that…I have no idea why I know that…I assume it is ASPERGERS related. These are some pics from her social media…cuz she’s hot…and because it’s never too late for Halloween dreams. She was doing a fitness photoshoot with the other VS Model Named Romee Strijid…that you can see here….ROBOTS everywhere.. More pics CLICK HERE The post Josephine Skriver Humanoid of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Josephine Skriver Humanoid of the Day

Josephine Skriver Does Instagram of the Day

The most interesting thing about Josephine Skriver is that when she came to NYC she was a Virgin and ended up dating some dude who has fucked countless models before her…for whatever reason they are drawn to him or something…and for whatever reasons she figured while in NYC working for a huge brand, she might as well make her first virgin losing time one that counts because it comes with AIDS. It’s not a death sentence… Assuming she can get aids, which is possible she can’t because the other interesting thing about Josephine Skriver is that she’s a robot, or humanoid, created in a lab in the Netherlands by a homosexual biologist and his lesbian friend, in some crafting the perfect designer human in a test tube and I think it’s safe to say – they succeeded…this girl is MINT. Extra. The Good Good. This is her Raiders Promotion while in Nashville, since Nashville is trendy now… The post Josephine Skriver Does Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Continued here:
Josephine Skriver Does Instagram of the Day

Kristen Stewart’s Rumored Pussy Lip Slip of the Day

Lesbian and terrible actress Kristen Stewart, who I’ve never found hot, interesting or exciting, which would make sense because lesbians are generally the worst, angry, bitter, women around….and I never really grasped her fame besides the obvious being on a franchise film that would have propelled anyone to super stardom…even if she was destined to work at the ice cream stand or as a dog walker…like other lesbians do….and even with her lesbian sex being with a VS model, so basic, like lesbians aren’t into women who are hot and objectifying themselves for men…that’s ANTI Lesbian…lesbians like each other for lesbian reasons we can’t understand…they don’t bang out the hot chick like the high school quarterback jock…you know….I guess just more of Kristen Stewart bad acting… Well, apparently, this is her pussy lip slipping out of shorts…I can’t see it, but I’ve had sex before so my virgin loser pervert vision isn’t as sharp as it should be… I’ll just post it for you all to figure out… The post Kristen Stewart’s Rumored Pussy Lip Slip of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kristen Stewart’s Rumored Pussy Lip Slip of the Day