Tag Archives: like-the-bitch

Hayden Panettiere Nipples in a Tube Top of the Day

I remember a time when this would have been a huge fucking deal. She was just that famous. She was one of these fetishes to people. One of the celebs who people just thought was the hottest…..while all I saw was a midget with midget limbs and a thick neck…who only existed because her parents were soap stars that sold her off to the industry…literally…there was a time when she was in the center of a pedophile sex ring where the mom’s friends would pay to fuck her…but that was a rumor…it went no where…and she just continued her acting on not very important shows, marrying a terrifying and huge boxer that would split her weathered young vagina in two every time they attempted their weird circus sex…with creepy level of size difference…then she went to rehab for whatever addiction she had…and here she is now…NIPPLES ON… This would have been fucking huge… But no one cares. Thanks Instagram for ruining the excitement of the nipple…something I’ll always been excited by…even if no one else cares… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hayden Panettiere Nipples in a Tube Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hayden Panettiere Nipples in a Tube Top of the Day

Strategically Timed Gisele Smut of the Day

Here’s some Gisele showing off where her dick once was before the tape job, in some sexual position you know Tom Brady likes to ride her cock like the bitch he is….pretending she’s a woman, cuz she pulled that whole model thing…when we all know that Victoria’s Secret obsession with brazil was Sex Tourism and trannies…. Perfectly timed, to ride that Tom Brady Hype…and whether you’re a Patriot fan or not, you know that fucker is annoying, paid too much and it’ll be nice to see him fucking lose… So here’s his wife and “mother” to his children cashing in, riding that wave…for their kids’ future or some shit. The post Strategically Timed Gisele Smut of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Strategically Timed Gisele Smut of the Day

Kristina Tsvetkova Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Russian IMG Model Kristina Tsvetkova did some nude shoot, all greased up and lovely…. I’ve never heard of her, but like most models I’ve never heard of, I have seen her nipples…and I guess that’s better than I know most girls in my everyday life, like the bitch who serves me coffee, or the bitch who serves me donuts, or the bitch at the welfare office who always rejects my request for food stamps….I mean I even know this babe better than I know my own family members, and my neighbors, and people I went to high school with, and 98 percent of my Facebook friends…because this model has the decency to know, show your titties for your career, it’s better like that.

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Kristina Tsvetkova Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Elisha Cuthbert Grabbing her Tit in New York Moves Magazine of the Day

I am pretty uninterested in Elisha Cuthbert. Maybe that’s cuz she’s from Montreal, the place where I live, that hasn’t given me a key to the city yet, even though I’m substantially more important than most of the locals, except maybe this bitch and Jessica Pare, who is the wife in Mad Men, who recently blocked me on Facebook, cuz I know she’s not actually hot in person…..cuz I’ve seen her in person…. But I think it has more to do with her being some sloppy, chubby, friend of Paris Hilton, who may be on TV, but who still deserves a candlelight vigil outside her parent’s house….cuz she doesn’t turn me on like she did in that one movie she did, not even in photoshoots where she’s photoshopped and grabbing her tit like it matters…. I don’t know she’s dull, but I’m posting the pics anyway, cuz I got nothing better going on, see cuz unlike Cuthbert, I’m no celeb but a bottom feeder…. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Elisha Cuthbert Grabbing her Tit in New York Moves Magazine of the Day

Christina Hendricks Fat Titties in Easy Living Magazine of the Day

I thought it was appropriate that Christina Hendricks was in a magazine called Easy Living, because based on her physique, that’s exactly what she’s been doing, you know laying on the couch with a tube shoved down her throat like a goose being made into foie gras, you know spending her Hollywood money on emotionally eating, in order to maintain the tits everyone obsesses over, even though they come with a fat ass, fat gunt, fat belly, fat thighs, fat arms and a fat ego cuz you idiots keep encouraging her…. I have never been a fan of fat chicks, I just marry them cuz they pay the rent….I just know their ability to maximize their fat tits with the help of the right bras and straps to make horny dudes crack and not worry about the rest of her that them tits pretty much erases. It’s a scam and I won’t stand for it….. On that note, here’s her cleavage in a sweater in some magazine. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Christina Hendricks Fat Titties in Easy Living Magazine of the Day

Jessica Alba Hot in Jack Magazine Italy of the Day

I still like Jessica Alba….despite all she has going against her….mainly being older and a mom of two….two things that generally make me want to move onto appreciating younger pussy that hasn’t been ravaged by the horrible nightmare that is marketed as a miracle…child birth….but for some reason….I’m into her…. She’s like the bitch you fucked in your 20s, who is now a mom, married and miserable in her upper middle class life, hitting you up on facebook for another round cuz her husband is out of town at a conference and she’s ready to cheat….and she’s chosing you… cuz you’ve been there, you always had a connection and most importantly no one she knows would believe you if you told anyone what happened so you can’t extort her, and why would you, she’s the one who got away and you’ve been jerking off to memories of her like you were a chick in your bath and not into porn the last decade…..dying to experience her and her rich and fancy smells and maintained body even if it has baggage like kids and less tight vagina….things you normally hate…..but her wanting you to lick her asshole before fucking it like you used to, something her vanilla lawyer or doctor or whatever husband doesn’t do to her….makes it all worth it. It’s one of those brokeback mountain “I can’t quit you” situations, just less homo…and here is Alba, mom pussy, mom body and all in some magazine for no real reason…. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Jessica Alba Hot in Jack Magazine Italy of the Day

Bar Refaeli Lingerie Pictures For Passionata of the Day

I like my Jewish girls hot, big tittied, and army trained. The kind of bitch who can negotiate blood diamonds for me in hebrew, while being capable of sniffing out terrorist attacks and stopping them in hand to hand combat….especially when they have a modeling contract, a pre-req for having sex with me as of last week. Not that Bar Refaeli ever did the military, she was too spoiled and a model fucking A List celebs for that, but I still can have fantasies of feeding her pussy my dick latkes on Purim while she’s dressed up like Wonder Woman like the bitch I saw leaving the synagogue this morning with her two kids in tow.

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Bar Refaeli Lingerie Pictures For Passionata of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt Bikini Outtakes of the Day

With being dumped by your fiance cuz you are fat, to being dumped by Jamie Kennedy cuz your show got cancelled and he doesn’t have to front anymore to keep the only job people were willing to give him, to having the whole world point at laugh at your fatness, Jennifer Love Hewitt has finally realized the importance of hiring a good photo retoucher as well as putting down that tub of ice cream, working out cuz she has nothing else to do, and the idea of dying alone cuz you look like the bitch I just saw buying chocolate bars at WalMart, who I know only has her cats, and you’ve got too much pride, cuz in your mind you’re still Jennifer Love Hewitt, the teen dream, to end up with guys like me who fuck fat chicks cuz they are the only chicks willing to fuck us. I’ve probably said some real horrible things about this pig, but she’s lookin’ good. See, I can give credit where credit is deserved and starving yourself into something fit is always worth celebrating…I mean if these pictures were actually of her and not actually retouched to fucking shit making her look hotter and tighter than she actually is…..I don’t believe this is her body for a fucking second. That said, here are the pics.

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Bikini Outtakes of the Day

Woody Allen Adopted Daughter he Fucked is Ugly of the Day

This story always makes me laugh becuase Woody Allen lived out a joke I used to have where I’d go to the adoption office and tell them I want to adopt a 16 year old but she has to be hot because I intend of fucking her and making her my sex slave by showing her pictures of the poor war torn country that I will send her back to if she doesn’t start serviing me…..they generally don’t entertain my requests…but somehow Woody Allen lived that shit out, not because he fucked his adopted daughter, but because he fucked his wife’s adopted daughter he was a father figure to, and the whole thing is confusing, especially after seeing what the bitch he molested and caused a scandal over looks like….I mean if she had fat tits and a hot ass, I’d get it…but this looks like the bitch at my convenience store….no racist., I understand that Woody Allen is not quite a looker, but he’s some obscure Jewish rich guy who people consider some kind of artist, or even a legend and that usually attracts hot actor pussy trying to get ahead in the industry or hot model pussy trying to get into acting or to be seen as his “muse”, but for some reason he chose this…and the whole thing is real confusing…cuz she’s ugly…I think he’s just doing it to make his perverted slip-up when he got caught fucking her seem less perverted because he stuck it out with her cuz it was real love….I’m pretty sure that’s the reality….cuz the rumor is he was fucking her when she was 7 and that’s something you don’t need re-visiting you – so keep the bitch happy and at bay and everything will blow over cuz she’s won’t throw her “husband” under the bridge for molesting her..so you better fucking marry it and pretend…cuz jail isn’t fun….it’s simple pervert logic… Pics via Fame

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Woody Allen Adopted Daughter he Fucked is Ugly of the Day

Ashley TIsdale Brings the See Thru Shirt for her Ugly Watch of the Day

I have a thing I do called Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch because one day I decided I hated her for no reason other than the fact that she had an ugly face. I think it happened after she got the nosejob because I figure she probably had a new found ego even though her face was just as ugly as it was before.

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Ashley TIsdale Brings the See Thru Shirt for her Ugly Watch of the Day