Tag Archives: limbaugh

Jionni LaValle: The Man Who Put a Baby in Snooki

Jionni LaValle is Snooki’s baby daddy and apparently her fiance too. Despite the fact that the Jersey Shore star hasn’t confirmed either life development, the cat’s out of the bag that he got Snooki pregnant (a Jersey City baby store has already been tipped off) and she’s engaged to Jionni LaValle (she’s wearing a ring). Anyway, here are a few things we know about the “lucky” guy … Not a big fame seeker. Emilio Masella or Jeff Miranda, he’s not. No tabloid deals, revenge hook-ups, no interest in Jersey Shore . Pleasantly surprising. Not a juicehead. Snooki even admits she “wasn’t sure about him at first because he isn’t the typical gorilla.” Yes, this was a potential negative factor. He gets along with her family. Jionni went on a family vacation with Snook to Disney World and a road trip to Pennsylvania, fitting in with the Polizzis. He’s studying to be a teacher. Seriously. Like his two older brothers, Jionni is studying to get his teaching degree. Contributing to society? Amazing. He cooked her pickle pancakes, she Tweeted. That may beat a diamond ring. Case closed – time to wife this guy up, Snooks. Talk about a keeper.

See the original post here:
Jionni LaValle: The Man Who Put a Baby in Snooki

Will Sandra Fluke Sue Rush Limbaugh for Slander?

Rush Limbaugh has apologized to Sandra Fluke for referring to the Georgetown Law School student as a “slut” and a “prostitute” because she believes her health insurance plan should pay for female contraception. But might the conservative talk show host still be in major trouble for those remarks? Rush Limbaugh Goes Off on Birth Control, Sandra Fluke Fluke told The Daily Beast that legal experts have informed her she “might have a case” against Limbaugh for slander, but bringing a lawsuit against the blowhard is “not something I’ve made any decisions about at this point.” Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a Democrat from New York, seems far more committed to this goal than Fluke, as she claimed on Friday that “we will be filing a slander suit against Rush Limbaugh. What he’s really trying to do is silence a young woman. It’s unfair, it’s un-American.” To come out on top in any slander suit, a victim must prove that the accused made a false statement, “published” it to at least one other party and also that said statement caused injury. This does seem like it could apply to both Limbaugh and actress Patricia Heaton for her comments . But should Fluke go through with such an action? You tell us:

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Will Sandra Fluke Sue Rush Limbaugh for Slander?

A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings


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How many listeners does Rush Limbaugh have? Well, in the press there are only two numbers you’ll ever see — 20 million or 15 million. Those are large numbers, so that is why Limbaugh is taken seriously and is believed to be influential. I’ve got news for you — those numbers are a total fabrication. They’re made up out of whole cloth. You want to know where the 20 million number came from? It was… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Opposing Views Discovery Date : 03/03/2012 02:40 Number of articles : 2

A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings

Rush Limbaugh Actually Apologizes to Sandra Fluke

Now we know what it takes to make Rush Limbaugh issue an apology: money. Or a lackthereof. Facing the loss of sponsors following his referral to Sandra Fluke – a Georgetown student who tearfully explained to the press last week why health insurance companies should cover the cost of contraception – as a slut , the radio host actually took to his website yesterday and wrote the following: “For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke. I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone’s bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level. My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.” Is Limbaugh still wildly off base? Of course. Fluke is pushing for health insurance companies to cover birth control, not American citizens. And her argument is based around non “social activities,” specifically the case of how contraception can assist with medical conditions such as ovarian cysts. And why doesn’t Rush create a similar stir over health insurance companies covering Viagra? Still… the guy apologized. That’s amazing. Sadly, this also means the Mayans were correct: the world is clearly about to end.

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Rush Limbaugh Actually Apologizes to Sandra Fluke

Rush Limbaugh: Dems WANT Mitt to Win!

Are Democrats salivating at facing the guy winning – or at least perceived, by the media, to have the best chance of winning – the Republican presidential race? Yes, Rush Limbaugh says. The radio host is one of several prominent Republicans who believe the party would stand a better chance with a less vanilla candidate – and Democrats know it. Rush Limbaugh: Dems Want Romney! “The Democrats are afraid of any candidate they have sought to destroy. You can start with Sarah Palin, you can move on to Santorum. Any – any conservative who shows any interest – the Democrats set out to destroy,” he said. “That’s who they’re genuinely afraid of. They are not hammering Mitt Romney at all, and (Democratic strategist) Donna Brazile let the cat out of the bag. Don’t doubt me.” Do you agree with Limbaugh’s point? Makes you wonder if Ron Paul were leading polls, how the White House and other prominent Dems would react.

The rest is here:
Rush Limbaugh: Dems WANT Mitt to Win!

Rush Limbaugh: I Think There’s a Commitment to Romney at the Upper Levels of Republican Party


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Rush Limbaugh told Greta Van Susteren last night, “They have their hearts set on Romney… I think there’s a commitment to Romney at the upper levels of the Republican Party.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 30/12/2011 12:29 Number of articles : 2

Rush Limbaugh: I Think There’s a Commitment to Romney at the Upper Levels of Republican Party

Limbaugh: Kids Healthy Eating Project Valid Reason NASCAR Booed First Lady


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On his radio show Rush Limbaugh “explained” all the reasons why Michelle Obama was booed at Sunday’s NASCAR race, including healthy eating, “Obamacare” and Solyndra. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The New Civil Rights Movement Discovery Date : 21/11/2011 18:52 Number of articles : 2

Limbaugh: Kids Healthy Eating Project Valid Reason NASCAR Booed First Lady

Rush and Glenn Are Losing the Light Bulb Wars, According To New Survey

No, this is not what you need to clean up a broken CFL. Image Credit Foxtongue Fred Upton, soon to be head of the Energy and Commerce Committee , was too green for Rush Limbaugh because he co-sponsored the 2007 legislation on light bulb efficiency. Glenn Beck called him a “socialist” for it. To get his new gig he had to backtrack and promise to re-examine his position.

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Rush and Glenn Are Losing the Light Bulb Wars, According To New Survey

Rush Limbaugh Race-Bait du Jour: Obama And ‘Gang’ Are ‘Graffiti’ On Walls Of American History

Conservative radio host and serial race-baiter Rush Limbaugh has done it again. To no one’s surprise, Limbaugh accompanied a rant about how Barack Obama’s presidency is “graffiti on the walls of American history” with both a reference to Obama’s “gang,” and a mock-up of a “tagged” Mount Rushmore on his website. The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan calls Rush out for his worn-out tactics, but fails to put a fine enough point on it. Rush Limbaugh is not only a race-baiter, he is a coward. Transcript: (emphasis mine) This guy is an utter wrecking ball all by himself on the world stage to the point now of getting embarrassing. This presidency of Obama’s, it doesn’t take much to irritate the left. Try this: “Barack Obama’s presidency is graffiti on the walls of American history.” That’s what his administration is. No more than graffiti on the walls of American history. We have a juvenile delinquent for a president who has ruined so much public and private property, not even his gang is making much of an effort here to protect him. It’s an utter disaster. Sullivan asks if there’s anyone more adept at exploiting racial dog whistles, noting “It’s always egregious enough to be calculatingly offensive, but never quite an open and shut case, because most of all the talk radio host revels in being called a racist so that he can throw up his hands and complain about liberal race-baiting.” True, except it is an open and shut case. Limbaugh’s time-tested modus operandi is to toss out some limp disclaimer, like he’s just “tweaking” the “drive-by media,” or in this case, “irritat(ing) the left,” but they hold no logical water. Intentionally conflating the first black President with an urban gang tagger isn’t irritating to “the left,” it’s irritating to everyone but the racists and race-baiters. While Sullivan identifies the “self-consciousness” as what makes this “so disgusting,” the really nauseating thing here is the cowardice. Rush Limbaugh is probably one of the few media superstars who doesn’t need to hide behind coy, impish disclaimers. Nobody’s ever going to fire him. Despite that fact, he continues to rely on these slight fig leaves as a way to disown his divisive intent. No sale. Case closed. added by: TimALoftis

Karl Rove Loves Christine O’Donnell Now, Thinks She Can Win [Reversals]

After suffering public whippings from Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, Karl Rove suddenly and magically supports Christine O’Donnell ! Always has. When he was not supporting her, well, that was just a ploy to raise Internet money! Leave Karl Rove alone. More