Tag Archives: luckiest

Sofia Vergara Swallows A Banana

Ay Carumba! Here is Sofia Vergara on the set of Modern Family performing fellatio on the luckiest banana ever. I bet she could take it all the way down. Actually, she’s halfway there and no sign of any gag reflex. Anyway, this image is going to stick with me for a very long time. I don’t know what is about girls putting things in their mouths that I find so sexy, but I’m just happy Sofia chose a banana!

Sara Jean Underwood Gets Felt Up By Sonic

When I was a younger man I used to wish that I was Sonic The Hedgehog , I’m not going to get into any details about that, but after seeing this picture I now wish that I was a guy dressed up as Sonic The Hedgehog . Here’s Attack Of The Show hottie Sara Jean Underwood feeling up one of the luckiest minimum wage struggling actor ever. Son of a bitch! How he doesn’t have that massive hand all over that tiny little booty is beyond me. Make your move Sonic.

Lady Gaga Surpasses 25 Million Twitter Fans

Despite occasional criticism, protests and terrorist threats across Asia , Lady Gaga remains one of the world’s most popular celebs and the undisputed Queen of Twitter. With 25 million followers, she retains the top spot over Justin Bieber. The 22.5 million Beliebers have a ways to go if they want to catch up to the Little Monsters. The 26-year-old star reached the milestone last night. “#25milliontweetymonsters wow! I’m officially feeling like the luckiest girl in the world today,” she tweeted. “Last sold out show in Singapore in 2 hrs!” Bieber, 18, is not far behind Gaga, and his growth rate nearly matches hers. Months ago, the pop sensations were at 20 and 18 million followers, respectively. A whopping 20.4 million follow Katy Perry, Rihanna has around 19.5 million devotees and Britney Spears has 17.2 million, meaning pop stars own spots 1-5. President Obama, with 16 million, is ahead of Kim Kardashian, whose management team spouts off vapid nonsense and plugs useless crap to 14.8 million “fans.” [Photo: WENN.com]

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Lady Gaga Surpasses 25 Million Twitter Fans

Kris Jenner Slams, Promotes Tabloid Label of "Monster Mom"

Kris Jenner is simply incensed that a new tabloid cover screams that the Kardashian sisters are all DITCHING THEIR MONSTER MOM. Just how enraged is the family matriarch over this claim? She’s posted a photo of the cover in question on her personal website . That won’t drive sales or mask the obvious relationship Kris has with In Touch Weekly or anything! The story alleges that Jenner threw a party in NYC late last month in order to celebrate the clan’s $40 million deal with E! , but Khloe left early, Kim skipped the event and Kris “started a fight with [Kourtney] about how she was raising her son… Kourtney was telling her to mind her own business. She said Khlo

Hilary Duff Welcomes Baby Boy!

Hilary Duff has gone from being a cute pregnant person to a cute mom! Of a baby boy, named Luca Cruz Comrie! The singer-actress and her husband, NHL player Mike Comrie, welcomed a son on Tuesday , the actress Tweeted. “Welcome to the World Luca Cruz Comrie! Tuesday evening, we became proud parents of a healthy 7 pound 6 ounce beautiful boy,” she writes. “We are overjoyed and feel like the luckiest parents in the world. He is surrounded by so much love!! Mom and baby are both doing extremely well.” Congratulations, Hilary and Mike!

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Hilary Duff Welcomes Baby Boy!

My name is Stephanie and My Bieber Experience happened on…

My name is Stephanie and My Bieber Experience happened on November 23, 2011 .  JUSTIN BIEBER KISSED MY HAND!  I thought that meeting him which was on June 23, 2011 at Macy’s for his launch for his Someday perfume was amazing but after Justin kissing my hand…I don’t think anything can top that! On the 23rd, I had VIP  passes to the Today Show so I was allowed to go in first along with a few other girls. I got down to the city around 3am and waited in the pouring rain for hours and hours until they let us in by the stage. While I was standing in line, I didn’t even notice the One Less Lonely Girl from MSG was standing right in front of me! She is so nice! Everyone was asking to take pictures with her and I was talking to her the whole time. By the time they took us in, I couldn’t look any worse from the rain! When they let me go in I was right at the edge of the stage behind one girl. We waited for like an hour because Justin was late for soundcheck and as soon as he came out everyone went crazy. The rain stopped once he came out, but by that time, everyone looked horrible. I was so excited for the show to start! All the producers came out and gave us all these accessories. I got to talk to some of the cast like Matt Lauer and Ann Curry. They were talking to me and my mom. Scooter also came out before Justin went on and he was talking to us for a little. I got to touch his hand! Finally, when the show started he sang a couple of songs like ‘Never Say Never’ and ‘Chestnuts’. I touched his hand about a million times.  And he kept on looking at me. His big surprise was bringing out Usher and I got to touch his hand too! I was so close the them that I could’ve just stepped on stage if I wanted because the stage was so low. Finally, Justin sang ‘ Mistletoe ’. He came right towards me like 20 times and was basically singing right to my face. He kept putting out his hand right in front of me. At the end of the song he ran to the front and did this move and then he took my hand, held on to it for a few seconds, and at that point I could not believe my eyes, I was in complete shock, then he looked into my eyes and smiled, and then HE KISSED IT!!!!  I couldn’t believe it! There was about 1000 hands reaching out to his and he took mine! I was freaking out! My heart was pounding! I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. There was 6,000-7,000 people there and I was basically the luckiest girl there. Justin kissing your hand is like a once in a lifetime thing! And his lips are SO soft. Unfortunately..when he kissed my hand, the cameras on tv zoomed out while he did it. Just my luck. You see him bend down to kiss me but you don’t actually see the kiss. I was so upset because NO ONE has a video or picture anywhere. I saw every picture of Justin from the event online, but they don’t have one shot of him kissing me! The video I posted on Youtube is the only video there is for it. After Justin kissed my hand, I was freaking out! I was hysterical crying, my mom even started to cry because she was so happy for me. All the girls around me were starring at me, so many people were coming over to me, girls even asked if they can touch my hand. I was like absolutely not! When Justin kissed my hand, I was wearing a Tiffany ring and he touched it. So I put the ring on my necklace and I’ve been wearing it everyday ever since. You can watch the video when he kissed my hand that I took here .  I’ll never forget that day! It was the best day of my entire life! DREAM BIG AND NEVER SAY NEVER! DREAMS DO COME TRUE! -@BieberTeamOfNY More: My name is Stephanie and My Bieber Experience happened on…

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My name is Stephanie and My Bieber Experience happened on…

I’m Delaney from California! On October 27th, 2010 and…

I’m Delaney from California! On October 27th, 2010 and July 25th, 2011 I ‘experienced’ Justin Bieber! I’m a freshman in high school now, but back in 8th grade, I was in fourth period when my friend Emma asked me to go to a Justin Bieber concert, which was that same night. Of course, I said yes! I basically raced over to her house straight after school. We headed to the Honda Center. We got out tickets through a company called Marquis Jet, which I guess Justin is involved with. After Emma’s dad talked to this lady and got our tickets, he told us that we got to go to a MEET AND GREET! At that point, I was so excited I didn’t even know what to do. We waited in this line of like 50 people and I felt so lucky & fortunate to even be there. When we came up to the front of the line, there was a black tent-like thing set up, I could see the black cloth being opened and closed and before I knew it, I was at the front of the line. I walked into it and he was honestly super nice and I could tell he was down-to-earth. The lady took our picture, and I turned to walk away, but he pulled me in and said, “Have a nice day!” I think I almost fainted at that point. Then we got to our seats a little later, and we were in the 14th row! His concert was the best and most fun night of my life to this day. Although I didn’t get home until 2am, AND I had school the next day, it was completely and totally worth it. Also this past summer, I went to a Selena Gomez concert at the OC fair. Ironically enough, I love Selena Gomez as well. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go to another Justin Bieber concert for while, since his My World Tour was in Europe and ending in South America. We were on the lawn when Selena announced that she had a surprise and I had no idea what she was going to bring out, but when she brought out Justin I couldn’t have been more excited! So those are my two Bieber experiences & I can definetly say that they are some of the best memories I have. I know it’s cliché, but it truly was insanely crazy! He is so genuine and I’ll always be a belieber at heart! Read the original: I’m Delaney from California! On October 27th, 2010 and…

I’m Delaney from California! On October 27th, 2010 and…

Mitt Romney and the Luckiest People in the World


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Mitt Romney thinks “corporations are people” – if so, they are the luckiest people in the world. Check out this video, hot off the press: Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Kicking Ass Discovery Date : 12/08/2011 01:17 Number of articles : 2

Mitt Romney and the Luckiest People in the World

I know I’m really late, but I need to share my…

I know I’m really late, but I need to share my Bieber experience with everyone. It has been one year that I have gone to Justin Bieber’s concert in Glendale, AZ. I was waiting 176 DAYS for this to finally HAPPEN! I found out I got the V.I.P package . I knew it was going to be so hot, so I wore something cute but appropriate. It turned out to be +116 degrees outside and there was no shade. We got in the arena at about 3:00, and we went straight to the V.I.P lounge. They had tables filled with food, candy, drinks, chocolate, EVERYTHING you could possibly dream of! I didn’t even want to eat because I was to excited. I thought I was going to be able to meet & greet with Justin, but you had to have the “special pass” or win. I got to meet Jessica Jarrell and The Stunners. They were both amazing and so beautiful! After they were done taking pictures, everyone grabbed their stuff and went downstairs to the stage. We all got our seat and stood there while Ryan Good and Justin Bieber’s band practiced. Ryan Good was talking to us about how we couldn’t scream that loud but oh well! Justin Bieber came out with a purple hat, purple shoes, grey pants, and a white shirt. HE LOOKED HOT! He started to answer everyone’s questions and then I got enough confidence to ask him, “Where do we give you the presents we made you?” and he looked at me and said, “You give them to Kenny and he will take them and put them where I can get them,” with an amazing smile! I COULDN’T BELIEVE HE TALKED TO ME! I was so happy, I had the biggest smile ever! After sound check we all went to the hallway and played a few games. It was 6:30 and everyone was coming in. I got my seat and waited there FOREVER! Justin came out of the stage and everyone was screaming and jumping. He finished his songs then ‘That should be’ me came on. He came out with a towel wrapped around neck and started to wipe the sweat off. He threw it and I CAUGHT IT!  I was screaming so loud during a sad song, haha! I saw a BIG camera so I shook the towel and screamed. It ended up being on the 2010 Teen Choice Awards! At the end of the night, we drove home and when I woke up I was in my bed. I was confused but happy. The next day I didn’t even have a voice left! @JBieberAZBaby View post: I know I’m really late, but I need to share my…

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I know I’m really late, but I need to share my…

Bristol & Mark — Lost in New York

Filed under: Bristol Palin , Mark Ballas , Dancing with the Stars ” Dancing with the Stars ” loser Bristol Palin was spotted hustling for whatever last morsel of good press she could muster up with partner Mark Ballas in NYC on Wednesday. Goodbye, BP. Read more

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Bristol & Mark — Lost in New York