Caitlyn Jenner says she doesn't really talk to the Kardashians anymore . And the Kardashians have said they don't really want to talk to Caitlyn, either, mostly due to things she wrote about herself and her family in her new memoir, “The Secrets of My Life.” With this book making many headlines and stirring up quite a few controversies, we bought ourselves a copy and jotted down the most revealing Caitlyn Jenner quotes, stories and revelations. Scroll through each below… 1. She tried on her mom’s dresses as a child “Even then, I felt the sense of freedom that I would experience 30 or 40 years later in hotel rooms and lobbies.” 2. Following the 1976 Olympics, Jenner dressed in drag for a skit on a Bob Hope special “I have to be careful not to show too much enthusiasm, so I play it cool, guy’s guys dressing up like a woman… Our wigs and dresses are purposely ridiculous. But the red heels I think not only look good on me but also fit, so I steal them after the show.” 3. He came out to his first wife by accident “I told Chrystie in 1973 about my gender issues. It wasn’t by choice: she was putting clothes away and noticed a rubber band on one of the hooks of her bra. When she asked me about it, my first response was noncommittal.” 4. Her marriage to second wife, Linda, ended when she caught him in women’s clothing “In that room I felt she was revolted by me. I know she did not mean to, but her reaction was my greatest fear realized.” 5. A friend once spotted Caitlyn, dressed in drag while driving his Porsche, forcing Jenner to say he was wearing a costume for Halloween “I’m driving on Santa Monica Boulevard… and am at a stoplight when my next-door neighbor pulls up to me. I can tell he is surprised… it was a close call.” 6. She uses households items to help her look more feminine, such as when it comes to sticking her wig on tightly “There is only one drawback to Krazy Glue: it can sometimes stick to your skin so much that it takes a little piece of skin with it when you pull it off.” View Slideshow
The rest is here:
14 Stunning Caitlyn Jenner Quotes from Her Memoir