Tag Archives: news now

Turncoat Republicans Vote for Massive Earmarks…Say Bye Bye!

Senate Democrats won over just enough Republicans to move forward Tuesday night on a controversial $410 billion spending bill by the end of the night Tuesday. But it may come as no surprise that almost all of the Republican senators who voted for the bill have billions of dollars worth of earmarks in the package. The earmark-mania is not unique to either party — both Democrats and Republicans contributed to what Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates is 8,570 disclosed earmarks worth $7.7 billion in the bill that would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/10/gop-cross-overs-earmarks-gain-billion… added by: congoboy

New Survey shows liberals lose IQ degrees daily, more likely to be terrorists.

wow who would have thought it. added by: Itsbatman_Durr

Monsanto Plans for a RoundUp ready Chicken?

A local newspaper interview of an employee of Monsanto from 2007, reveals plans to develop roundup ready chicken. added by: Konkey_dong

Coloring Book ; Art, Fashion, Photography

A gallery showcase of Photographers, Models, Makeup Artists, and more – ( a “wow, . . .POW” ! sort of thing ) LINK- – – http://www.modelmayhem.com/list/1197 graqphic http://modelmayhm-4.vo.llnwd.net/d1/photos/061224/16/458eeaa69d3db_m.jpg added by: remanns

Hot babes: Jennifer Walcott Gallery

Every single photo with Jennifer Walcott is damn great and she’s always ridiculously sexy! In these photo shoots she’s unleashing her naughty side so feast your eyes! added by: senorzorro

What are your 2010 Golden Globe predictons?

Only a day after the Golden Globe nominations were released, the press is already overwhelmed with nominee reactions (Sofia Vergara was apparently in the shower when she heard) and commentary on the mixture of veteran nominees and newcomers (Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, and Mila Kunis all grabbed noms for young Hollywood). Surely it's now time to start making predictions for the winners. Does a young actress like Emma Stone have a chance at winning Best Performance? Will David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin's The Social Network sweep every category featuring someone connected to the movie? If Johnny Depp's nominated twice for Best Performance, do other actors even stand a chance? What are your predictions for the 2010 Golden Globes? added by: cberlin1

What are your 2010 Golden Globe predictons?

Only a day after the Golden Globe nominations were released, the press is already overwhelmed with nominee reactions (Sofia Vergara was apparently in the shower when she heard) and commentary on the mixture of veteran nominees and newcomers (Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, and Mila Kunis all grabbed noms for young Hollywood). Surely it's now time to start making predictions for the winners. Does a young actress like Emma Stone have a chance at winning Best Performance? Will David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin's The Social Network sweep every category featuring someone connected to the movie? If Johnny Depp's nominated twice for Best Performance, do other actors even stand a chance? What are your predictions for the 2010 Golden Globes? added by: cberlin1

PETA Saves 27 Squirrel Monkeys from NASA’s Radiation Experiments

http://www.greenwala.com/channels/nature/blog/12284-PETA-Saves-27-Squirrel-Monke… PETA may be an intense organization, but they've managed to save thousands of animal lives, including the lives of 27 squirrel monkeys… added by: RedHeadedWriter

Ten Biggest Hacking Exploits in Twenty-Five Years

In the wake of the recent WikiLeaks and Gawker episodes, Brian Ries has compiled a list of the the 10 most destructive attacks of the last 25 years. From data theft to DDoS, worms to scams, Ries has assembled a pretty darn good survey of the best of the worst cyber miscreants have had to offer… https://www.infosecisland.com/blogview/10289-Ten-Biggest-Hacking-Exploits-in-Twe… added by: Paisano1

Raw Footage Of The Boat Wreck That Killed 27 Asylum Seekers On Australian Territory of Christmas Island. – The Daily Blender

Up to twenty seven refugees from Iraq and Iran have drowned as their small craft was dashed on rocks during their attempt to reach Christmas Island. See raw video footage: http://thedailyblender.blogspot.com/2010/12/raw-footage-of-boat-wreck-that-kille… added by: dryeraser