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M any teachers go above and beyond to cater to the needs of their students and educator Robert Dunham is living proof of that. Dunham—who teaches at a school that serves students who live in underserved communities—treated his fifth-grade class to haircuts before their graduation ceremony, CBS 6 reported. Robert Dunham just had a feeling before he went to work at Carver Elementary School in Richmond. — WTVR CBS 6 Richmond (@CBS6) June 13, 2019 The Carver Elementary School teacher wanted to do something special for his class before they moved on to middle school. Aware of the fact that several students may not be able to get haircuts before graduation, he decided to take his clippers to school and transform his classroom into a mock barbershop to provide them with haircuts. Dunham says he wanted them to feel confident and empowered on their special day. “When I go to the barbershop, when I get a haircut, you feel good, you look good, you’ve got that confidence starting to come out of you,” he said in a statement, according to the news outlet. “I want every one of my students to be confident today. This is their special day.” School faculty members captured images of Dunham’s act of kindness and his story went viral. “Our jobs require more than teaching at Carver,” Dionyah Randolph , a teacher at the school, told WRIC Richmond . “We service many students who live in disadvantaged communities, so it’s our duty to put their needs first; everything else comes second.” Individuals across the country have been stepping up to support graduates from underserved communities, whether it be paying off their lunch debt so that they can walk across the graduation stage and receive their hard-earned diplomas or providing them with outfits for prom and graduation. Most recently a Black-owned barbershop in North Carolina raised money to help high school seniors pay off their debt. The owners were inspired by billionaire Robert F. Smith ’s vow to eliminate the student loan debt of Morehouse College’s entire 2019 graduating class. SEE ALSO: Black-Owned Barbershop Pays Off Debt For Students In Charlotte ‘You Next’ Project Illustrates The Impact And Influence Of Black Barbershops [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”3853200″ overlay=”true”]