Tag Archives: october-police

Suspect Arrested In Connection With October Murder Of LA Transgender Woman

Suspect Arrested In Connection With Transgender Murder On asailant has finally been brought to justice after a brutal beating and execution of a transgender woman in LA last October. Police are still searching for the two other suspects that took place in the alleged robbery gone bad. Via LA Times : Los Angeles police have made an arrest in the October slaying of a transgender woman in East Hollywood. Aniya Knee Parker, 47, was fatally shot near Melrose and North Kenmore avenues on Oct. 2 during a dispute with three men. Police described the incident as a street robbery gone bad. An LAPD spokeswoman said Monday evening that details about the arrest — when it happened and the name of the person in custody — aren’t yet available, adding that detectives are still looking for two other suspects. Soon after the slaying, officials announced a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. It wasn’t immediately clear if police received a tip that led to the recent arrest. Hopefully the other two are found soon…

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Suspect Arrested In Connection With October Murder Of LA Transgender Woman

DHS Whistleblower: They’re Training Local Police to Suspend Rights

http://globalpoliticalawakening.blogspot.com/2010/12/dhs-whistleblower-theyre-tr… What happens during a national emergency? People know that the President of the United States would be the one to declare the emergency, but under what criteria? What about our Constitutional Rights during the emergency? Film maker William Lewis had the chance to sit down with former police officer turned whistle-blower Travis Maddox for an interview contained in the newly released film Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2. During the interview, Maddox shares what became his concerns about the extensive training given to the local police department by the Department of Homeland Security in case of a nuclear, chemical, or biological attack. Maddox, also a former Missouri Constitution Party candidate for office, says the group in which he participated was “trained” to force people from their homes, disarm them, load them onto buses for transport to secured quarantine areas, “and if that weren't enough, from there it gets pretty scary,” says Lewis of the interview. “DHS, parent organization for the Transportation Security Administration, could give the TSA a run for their money,” relays Lewis about the information given the viewer from Maddox's first hand experience during training. The procedures for decontamination require removal of clothing, by force, if necessary. Maddox also stated during the interview that when the order is given, no one will have a choice, basically saying that you lose your rights to your private property, your guns, even your own body. “I think your body is probably the most private property that you own,” Investigative Journalist and radio talk show host Kaye Beach said in reference to the possibility of forced treatment in this fourth film by the Lewis/Franchi team. Along with the police state-type tactics described by Maddox, Enemy of the State guests Ernest Hancock and Beach discuss the paperwork in place in Arizona and Oklahoma that could bring about forced treatment in the case of a biological attack. Massachusetts already passed laws to force treatment during the Swine Flu scare in 2009. Beach actually discusses that there may be something similar in nearly every state, as most have adopted either all or part of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. CBS released a 3-month study in late October 2009 showing that state-by-state, the odds of people actually testing positive for the Swine Flu were very slim. Franchi says, “That means that the National State of Emergency called by President Obama was, in fact, based on false data.” Lewis and Franchi have produced four films altogether exposing FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and egregious legislation in an attempt to help those in the United States see the horrors awaiting We-the-People from our out-of-control government. For more information please visit http://CampFEMA.com RELATED ARTICLE: High-Speed Rail Federalism Fight and FEMA Camps When The Collapse Comes Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med? 10 Skills Needed to Thrive in a Post-Collapse World The Ultimate Betrayal: Police and Military Working Together to Oppress Americans added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

British police know Assange’s location, await arrest orders: report

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is in Great Britain and police there are waiting to be given the order to arrest him, the Independent reports. Despite accusations that Julian Assange is on the run, The Independent has learnt that Scotland Yard has known his whereabouts for more than a month but has yet to receive official instructions to arrest him…. [T]he 39-year-old Australian supplied the Metropolitan Police with contact details upon arriving in the UK in October. Police sources confirmed that they have a telephone number for Mr Assange and are fully aware of where he is staying. Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) has received the so-called “red notice” – an international arrest warrant – but has so far refused to authorise the arrest of Mr Assange, who is thought to be in South-east England. Until it does, police forces cannot act. Earlier this week, Interpol issued an international arrest warrant for Assange, who is wanted in a sex assault investigation in Sweden. The investigation stems from allegations by two women who accuse Assange of sexual impropriety, something the WikiLeaks founder strongly denies. Sweden issued, then dropped an arrest warrant against Assange in August, around the time that WikiLeaks released US documents related to Iraq. Another Swedish prosecutor then reopened the case. Last week, ahead of the release of the State Department cables, a Swedish prosecutor ordered Assange be detained. Interpol issued an international arrest warrant on the basis of that order. No charges have been laid against Assange. Assange, who says he had consensual sex with the two complainants, has said he believes the sex assault claims are an attempt to discredit him and his whistleblower website. He has speculated that the Pentagon may be behind the accusation. He has also suggested that US lawmakers will attempt to criminalize his organization. US Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday the US is actively pursuing a criminal investigation of Assange, to see if he has broken any US laws. A Republican lawmaker has called on the US to declare WikiLeaks a “terrorist organization.” The Independent reports British police have delayed arresting Assange for “technical” reasons, suggesting an arrest will be imminent once concerns over the international warrant's details are worked out. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/british-police-await-orders-arrest-assange/ added by: Miguel_Teixeira