Tag Archives: official-power

Derick Dillard Breaks Silence on TLC Firing

Derick Dillard has something to say about his firing from TLC. Last week, the now-former Counting On star learned that the cable network wanted no part of him, not after Dillard used multiple Tweets to slam Jazz Jennings. Jennings is the 17-year anchor of I Am Jazz, a series that chronicles her life as a transgender teenager. As a supposedly dedicated and devout Christian, Dillard doesn’t support such a lifestyle… and he’s been vocal about this stance on social media. “I pity Jazz,” Dillard recently Tweeted on the topic, adding: “4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.” This was not Derick’s first time going after Jennings, either. “What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” Dillard, unprompted by anything Jazz did or said, wrote in August . ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God. In response to one of the faces of Counting On going after another face of its network, TLC released the following statement on November 12: We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months. The network has no plans to feature him in the future. We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network. TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so. So that was that. Following weeks of chatter that TLC was done with Dillard, executives made it official. And sides were subsequently taken on Twitter: View Slideshow: Derick Dillard Firing Prompts Applause, Outrage: Read the Responses! Now, several days later, Dillard has broken his silence over his official ousting. “Thank you to all those who have supported us and given us so many words of encouragement recently. God bless you all!” He also Tweeted a proverb yesterday: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)” So it sounds like Dillard is refusing to let TLC’s decision, along with its public upbraiding, bring him down. He’s quoting the bible and also another controversial reality show star to get him through this difficult time. You remember what Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson once said, don’t you? Derick apparently lives by these contradictory words; that you can find someone’s lifestyle to be sinful, yet somehow also claim you have nothing against the person living in this manner. Members of Dillard’s own family don’t exactly agree, however. “You might not agree with someone or their lifestyle but you SHOULD be compassionate and show God’s love regardless to everyone,” Amy Duggar Tweeted a couple days ago . It was clear just what – or who , we should say – she was referencing with this message. To her credit, it should be noted, Jennings hasn’t even said anything this combative in the wake of the Derick Dillard scandal. “In the face of constant ignorance and hatred I prefer to disregard negative opinions and continue moving forward with love,” she wrote shortly after Derick’s latest insult. Dillard could learn a lot about the person he thinks is an affront to God. View Slideshow: Duggar Family Members: The Official Power Rankings!

Derick Dillard Breaks Silence on TLC Firing

Easy D: Donald Trump Tweets Bizarre Phrase, Twitter Has Field Day

Social media can be a cruel mistress. The same sites that create kings (or presidents, as the case may be) can tear them down in an instant (or at least let people make fun of them when they say something dumb). As you may have heard, former Celebrity Apprentice host Donald Trump enjoys posting the occasional tweet, and these days he focuses primarily on defending his controversial Muslim ban . (And occasionally slamming Nordstrom for no longer partnering with his daughter, because beefing with a retail chain is totes presidential.) We can only assume President Bannon left Donnie unattended for a few minutes today, because he sent out a bizarre tweet incorporating the phrase “EASY D!” As you can imagine, Twitter had a field day. Take a look: 1. EASY D! The President of the United States tweeted this today. He was promptly and justly roasted for it. 2. Easy D, Defined One of the many possible definitions of the phrase “Easy D.” 3. In Search of Easy D Tomi might be the only person on the Internet more thin-skinned than the Donald. So naturally, she frequently gets the meme treatment. 4. Eazy D Most folks went the dick joke route, but some pointed out that Donnie’s phrase brings to mind a founding member of NWA. 5. Straight Outta Trump Tower Was the president paying tribute to Eazy-E? Only Donnie knows for sure. 6. Donnie and the D Just when you thought this photo couldn’t get any more disturbing… View Slideshow

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Easy D: Donald Trump Tweets Bizarre Phrase, Twitter Has Field Day

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald: See Their First Family (of Four) Photo!

It’s 2 & Counting for Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald who welcomed a baby boy – their second son – earlier this week. While we still don’t know the name of Spurgeon’s little brother (it’s possible Jessa and Ben don’t), we have seen a photo and video. And now, a photo of the new family of four!  The couple welcomed their newborn son Monday, and his big brother Spurgeon, 15 months, is supposedly super excited about this. To the point that he understands, at least. If you watch Counting On online , you know full well that they didn’t reveal the gender until the little boy entered the world at 4:26 a.m. Weighing in 8 lbs. and 11 oz. and measuring 21 3/4 in. long, he was a good-sized boy like his brother, and he and his mom are healthy. “Mom and baby are both doing well,” said the duo in a statement that morning. “We are so thankful to God for this precious new gift of life.” “We are excited to be a family of four!” And here are those four together … Jessa, 24, and Ben, 21, who have been married since November 2014, have also been open about their desire to adopt in the future. Her recent labor may fuel that too. “I was teasing him when I was in labor,” Jessa recalls. “I don’t really think I was teasing, actually, I told him while I was in labor.” “‘Babe, we are not having any more kids after this,'” she recalls telling Ben in the head of the moment. “We are adopting all the rest!” We find it hard to believe that they’re done with biological kids already, but Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald adopting is not a new topic. The couple has discussed since before Spurgeon was born, and having now been married two years, state policies will be more favorable. Tired but beaming Jessa and Ben also introduced their second child on video  today, proudly showing him off to fans for the first time. Jessa said in the aforementioned video, which you can watch via the link above, that she couldn’t be happier to have a second son: “We are so excited to introduce our little baby boy to the world. I think it’s really awesome that we have two little boys so close together in age.” “I know they’re going to be best friends and love growing up and doing everything together, so I’m looking forward to seeing that. “I know Ben’s probably going to have them out in the backyard playing football in the next couple of years!” Jessa added of their son. They did know it was a son, BTW. They just didn’t share. “It was definitely a challenge trying to keep the gender a secret,” added Ben, who says this one will likely also end up with a unique name. Just like the first one, they haven’t settled on anything. Ben and Jessa famously didn’t reveal Spurgeon’s name for days … because until he was born and they got to know him, he didn’t have one. It looks like this time, they’re repeating that pattern. “When the baby was finally born and we got to hold him for the first time, I started crying,” said Jessa. “I think Ben had tears in his eyes.” “We want to thank everyone for their love and prayers and support for us during this labor and delivery,” added Jill’s younger sister. Amusingly, fans and several Duggar family members themselves tried to guess the gender and they overwhelmingly predicted a girl. So much for those old wives tales about the size and position of a pregnant woman’s stomach giving away the gender, are we right? Naturally, fans have been making predictions online regarding the name as well, but we doubt anyone will get it right for obvious reasons. Need we remind you their first pic was Spurgeon? In any case, all of us at THG are thrilled for the couple, and are setting the over/under on their next baby’s arrival at January 5, 2019.  Those adoption papers take awhile, you know? View Slideshow: Duggar Family Members: The Official Power Rankings!

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Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald: See Their First Family (of Four) Photo!

Michelle Duggar: SLAMMED For Misidentifying Daughter on Facebook!

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are famous for having an absurd number of children (19 to be exact), and it seems that the sheer size of their brood sometimes results in parenting…mistakes. No, we’re not talking about them letting Josh Duggar do what he did (Although seriously – who was supposed to be watching that kid?!). We’re actually referring to the family’s latest Facebook post, which contained a fairly major error: The photo above was uploaded on Saturday with a caption reading: “Looks like Jordyn is getting some good practice.” Some folks took issue with the fact that that’s not the safest way to use a sewing machine. Others objected to the idea of a little girl “practicing” to become the ideal housewife . But the most common complaint was a simple and inarguable one: The child in the photo is not Jordyn Duggar; it’s her older sister Jennifer. Needless to say, it’s a seriously embarrassing gaffe, especially since the Duggars have made a career out of their “family first” ethos, and have boasted for years that they maintain a connection with their fans by managing their social media accounts personally. In all likelihood, Michelle Duggar is able to identify her own children, and the mistake was made by the person she pays to manage her Facebook page. Not quite as embarrassing, but still not a good look for a woman who have us believe she lives a life quiet simplicity. The Internet being the Internet, Facebook commenters were quick to pounce on the error: “Whoever runs this page at least needs to know which Duggar is which. That’s Jennifer not Jordyn,” wrote one commenter. “If I had 19 kids with the same letter, I’d mix up too,” wrote a fan who’s either more forgiving or a master of the art of subtle shade. Like we said, it’s certainly not the worst thing to happen to the Duggars in the past year, but it’s another crack in their increasingly fragile facade. View Slideshow: Duggar Family Members: The Official Power Rankings!

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Michelle Duggar: SLAMMED For Misidentifying Daughter on Facebook!

Jill and Jessa Counting On: Which Duggars Will Be Featured?

As we reported yesterday, Jill and Jessa Duggar are returning to TLC next month, for a full-series version of the 3-part special they starred in back in December. Jill and Jessa: Counting On Promo Like the special, the series is entitled Jill and Jessa: Counting On , but producers say just about every Duggar sibling will be featured on the series (with some obvious exceptions). Early reports indicating that the show would heavily focus on Jana Duggar’s love life have turned out to be untrue, but the oldest Duggar girl reportedly will be heavily featured on the new show. She and sisters Jinger and Joy-Anna have been spotted filming scenes around Tontitown, Arkansas, a fact that many in the Duggars’ tiny hometown are less than thrilled about. But as the title indicates, Jill, Jessa, and their lives as new moms will continue to be the central focus of the series. Naturally, the elephant in the room in the weeks leading up to series premiere is whether or not the disgraced eldest Duggar will appear in the series. Sourcres say currently, Josh is hiding out in rehab until filming is completed so that his siblings will have an easy answer for why he’s not on the show. Jill and Jessa: Counting On  is scheduled to debut on March 15. View Slideshow: Duggar Family Members: The Official Power Rankings!

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Jill and Jessa Counting On: Which Duggars Will Be Featured?

Farrah Abraham Does Facebook Q&A; Gets ROASTED By Fans!

Farrah Abraham is not particularly well-liked. Teen Mom fans can’t stand her, and (as evidenced by the recently-leaked video in which Catelynn Lowell calls Farrah a “hoebag” ) she’s not especially beloved by her co-stars, either. Farrah Abraham: Facebook Q&A So when MTV arranged for Farrah to do a Facebook Q&A with fans, they probably knew that it wouldn’t go very well – and, man, were they right. Since Farrah has bragged about not “needing” Teen Mom anymore, and has even gone so far as to try and violently shove a producer on camera, many of the inquiries were some variation of “why the hell are you still on the show?” A fair question, to be sure. Below you will find that one among the most-liked questions (and comments) that weren’t immediately deleted by the 24-year-old: “Why do u feel entitled and treat everyone like sh-t?” “My question is why are you still on Teen Mom when you have said time and time again that you do not need this show or want to be on it?” “You say that you don’t want Sophia being around drama and fighting, but yet you yell at your own Mother right in front of her to see and hear?” “You would be NOTHING without [the show’s producers] except some skanky knocked up ex cheerleader.” “Why are you such a rude and disrespectful c–t?” “Please don’t be in the next season.You suck.” Like we said, it wasn’t a fun day for poor Farrah. But surprisingly, Ms. Abraham tried to keep things cordial and instead of firing back with her own insults, she merely gave us the following Palin-esque word salad: “I don’t take kindly to those around me acting like I need to thank them for my opportunities of doing this show. Realize God blesses us not people. “Also remember while you judge me for saying one thing you all also do the same thing so do not contradict your selves but a lot to type so I’m done.” So there you have it … we guess. In any case, you can always w atch Teen Mom  online for more head-scratchers from FA, and remember: God blesses us not people! View Slideshow: 31 Dumbest Farrah Abraham Quotes of All Time

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Farrah Abraham Does Facebook Q&A; Gets ROASTED By Fans!

Jana Duggar to Return to Television WITHOUT Her Family?!

We’ve known for quite some time now that the Duggar family will soon be returning to television  in a full-time capacity. There’s no official word on when the new show will premiere, but as we just found out moments ago, fan favorite Jana Duggar will be back on TV much sooner than expected. In fact, you can watch her tonight! You see, back in August Michaela Bates – from the Duggar-affiliated Bates family – married Brandon Keilen, and the whole thing was filmed for the family’s own reality series, Bringing Up Bates . The wedding episode will air tonight on UP TV (whatever that is), and as the only non-Bates bridesmaid, Jana will reportedly be featured prominently. Sources say the entire Duggar clan was in attendance ( Jill and Derick even returned from Central America for the occasion), but since Jana helped in the preparations, for once, she’ll play a starring role. Obviously, Jana will once again be a bridesmaid and not a bride, but at least she’ll play a bigger part in the episode than her sisters, which is a first in Duggar history. The two families are so close that insiders say Jinger Duggar and Lawson Bates  are courting. Despite rumors to the contrary, Jana has not found a suitable partner amongst the Bates boys, but clearly the family loves her just as much as 19 Kids fans do. Michaela’s wedding will air at 9 pm on Thrusday night. View Slideshow: Duggar Family Members: The Official Power Rankings!

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Jana Duggar to Return to Television WITHOUT Her Family?!