Tag Archives: provided-she

Elizabeth Banks in a Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Banks is very fucking rich… She was a nothing actress who no one cared about and who had countless roles that were hardly memorable…but who was famous enough to hang out in the right places or with the right people and who in turn was able to help put together the Pitch Perfect empire that ended up making her over 100 million dollars…and that will continue to earn her money because it’s just one of those movies… So it’s only natural to want to look at her in her bathing suit and wonder if she’s still able to get knocked up, or if she’s too old, because that’s the kind of retirement plan that would be nice, provided she’s not as annoying as she is in her acting roles… K-Fed this….tight enough looking body in her instagram pic taken from 7 miles away so that you don’t see she’s 100.

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Elizabeth Banks in a Bikini of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski Bird Face at the Event of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski blocked me on instagram, which was a nice change of pace from a year ago at this time when she was sending me pictures from her various photoshoots to promote for her – because I am a hero like that – and I help make girls famous…. It all work out for her, so she doesn’t need anything from me anymore, the flood gates opened, she went viral and she turned from some botox faced 20 year old with fake lips and probably fake sloppy tits, that was once Kanye’s side bitch to being some naked video star who had sex with Ben Affleck for her movie Gone Girl…according to many insiders… Here she is at an event…looking like a big breasted bird. To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

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Emily Ratajkowski Bird Face at the Event of the Day

Jennette McCurdy’s Possible Nude Pic of the Day

We’ve seen her ALLEGED TIT BEFORE People are saying that this picture above is also her…which I guess would make sense because she’s been naked before…but I am saying “Who the fuck is Jennette McCurdy…. I get the whole naked for publicity angle, but I’m not going to go google this shit to see who she is, what she does, or what she is publicity stuntin’ for…it takes a certain kind of girl to want to be famous, and that girl if not already connected is usually pretty willing to get naked.. I guess since we live in the internet porn generation – this kind of thing is hardly a scandal…but still naked…and that counts for something – even if it isn’t her, and she isn’t spreading her gaping asshole…

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Jennette McCurdy’s Possible Nude Pic of the Day

Cora Keegan is the Worst – but Naked of the Day

Cora Keegan is the fucking worst, but only because I love her…and want to send her presents, like tupperware containers filled with my sperm, hoping she uses it as lube with all her other boyfriends who she chose over me, because that way maybe she’d have my kid, and we’d be stuck with each other for ever / until the kid was 18, provided she told the guy she was letting think it was his kid that she used random sperm she got mailed to her as lube… But unfortunately, my testosterone is too low to fill even a shot glass up with sperm…at least I can look at her naked…in pictures because that’s kinda what she does…being a dumb model and all.

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Cora Keegan is the Worst – but Naked of the Day

Snooki With Blue Eyes: Kind of Creepy!

Snooki of Jersey Shore fame stepped out last night with blue eyes, a big change from her usual dark brown. If it weren’t for the fact that she remains a 4′ orange oompa loompa-like being, we might not have recognized her! The reality star also known as Nicole Polizzi tweeted that she thought she looked like “a vampire” with the new contacts in. It’s true, we could see her on The Vampire Diaries (provided she gets devoured by a werewolf in short order). What do you think of the look? Vote on her best eye color below:

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Snooki With Blue Eyes: Kind of Creepy!

Lindsay Lohan Can Drink … For a Price

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice , Shawn Chapman Holley TMZ has done some digging, and it turns out Lindsay Lohan is effectively free to drink as she pleases, provided she’s willing to pay $10,000 for a vodka on the rocks. The man who posted Lindsay’s bail yesterday — David Perez — tells TMZ Lindsay didn’t… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan Can Drink … For a Price

Jackson Doc No Deadbeat; Will Pay Baby-Mama

Now we know why he took that ill-fated gig with Michael Jackson. Dr

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Jackson Doc No Deadbeat; Will Pay Baby-Mama

Accused Hollywood Burglar/Wannabe E! Star Pleads Innocent

Alexis Neiers has been hoping to hit the big time—provided she can avoid the big house. The aspiring E! reality star and a suspect in the allegedly celebrity bling ring that…

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Accused Hollywood Burglar/Wannabe E! Star Pleads Innocent