I have found my #blackpanther opening night outfit #BlackPantherSoLIT pic.twitter.com/MkcX6SVaH6 — BougieRevolutionary (@MissGlamzon) May 14, 2016 Blackity Blackest Black Panther Outfit Ideas There’s never been a Black superhero movie with a bigger buzz (and flyer fashions ) than Black Panther so you know we had to put together ANOTHER extravagant list of ideas (and options) for anyone STILL stuck without an opening night ‘fit. My outfit for #BlackPanther opening night! With one serving of #GhanaJollof and fried plantain in my purse. pic.twitter.com/uUWbHcNfNg — Kuukua Wilson (@Kuukua_W) June 10, 2017 Peep MORE “Black Panther” opening weekend outfit ideas on the flip. Continue reading →
Beyonce is leaving us a hint with the sparkly black panther purse she was carrying at the Grammy's. MARK MY WORDS pic.twitter.com/Zf0WMW6d0t — Amanda (@AmandaLearning) January 30, 2018 Fans Think Bey Is On The Black Panther Soundtrack We never have any idea what sneaky Bey is plotting but fans seem to believe she’s involved with the soon-to-be Earth-stopping Black Panther movie OR soundtrack based on a few hints and convincing clues floating around the internet. If these theories are true and Beyoncé is on the Black Panther soundtrack, I'm going home to glory pic.twitter.com/kKdKzADuKK — Joi (@jumpedforjoi) January 30, 2018 Peep the Twitter hysteria over Bey’s alleged Black Panther involvement on the flip. Continue reading →
Despite the grisly details of Laci Peterson’s murder and Scott Peterson’s conviction and death sentence, there are still a few people out there who believe that Scott Peterson is innocent. (The comments that we got the last time that we wrote about this are evidence enough of the enduring controversy) We wonder what his defenders will think of the news that Scott Peterson allegedly planned to murder his mistress , too. … Yikes. So, to those of you who may have forgotten, Amber Frey was Scott Peterson’s mistress. She also testified against him in court. Even if you didn’t pay attention at the time of the trial or you were too young to have really been exposed to the coverage, you probably recognize Amber’s name. (And, not for nothing, but “Amber Frey” is one of the best names that we have ever heard, ever, in our lives. But maybe don’t go naming your kids that) It sounds like Amber might have never gotten the chance to testify if Scott Peterson hadn’t been apprehended while allegedly trying to flee south of the border. Scott Peterson looked completely different when he was captured. Law enforcement believed that he had disguised himself in order to flee to Mexico and avoid his trial. He didn’t make it, and now he sits on death row for the murder of Laci Peterson. Laci Peterson was 8 months pregnant. Their child would have been a son named Connor. His fetus was actually found before Laci’s body; investigators believe that the fetus had slipped out of her body while in the water. Laci’s body was also missing most or all of various limbs, along with her head. After such a massive search, it was a … grim find. Scott was convicted, but it sounds like might have done more than just escape if he hadn’t been caught. According to RadarOnline , Scott Peterson was in possession of a map to Amber Frey’s home . Why, you might ask, would Scott need a map to the home of his mistress? Some apparently believe that he was planning to murder Amber Frey, too. You might wonder what Scott Peterson’s possible motive might have been. But you should remember that Scott Peterson had apparently claimed, weeks before his wife’s death, that he was a recent widower and that this Christmas would be his first without his wife. An absurd lie to tell, even if, at the time, he wasn’t planning Laci’s murder but simply trying to get a little sympathy. But after his wife’s death, one wonders if Scott ever thought about his past words and how they might be used against him. Unfortunately, we don’t know for certain why Scott Peterson might have had that map. We also don’t know even the exact cause of death behind Laci Peterson’s murder. Scott Peterson, despite everything, has maintained his innocence, even as he sits on death row, waiting for his lethal injection. Understandably, Scott would have little to gain from confessing now. And, as we’ve mentioned, he still has some avid supporters who believe that police jumped to conclusions. Hey, O.J. Simpson still has people who believe that he was framed. That’s just how people are. View Slideshow: 21 Stars Who Very Likely Killed Someone
The Audrina Patridge-Corey Bohan divorce has quickly taken a turn for the very ugly. Earlier today, we reported that the f ormer Hills stars were splitting after nearly a year of marriage and nearly nine years of being together overall. We weren’t sure why. We thought maybe becoming parents to a little girl naked Kirra last June had placed a strain on their marriage. It turns out, however, that the reason is far more troubling and insidious. On Monday, September 18, Patridge was granted a restraining order against Bohan for what a source describes to People Magazine as ongoing instances of “emotional abuse.” More specifically and most troubling, there was an incident in mid-April, legal documents claim, during which Audrina says Corey shoved her while she was holding Kirra in her arms. The couple was arguing about Bohan’s alleged infidelity when he proceeded to empty out her purse and punch himself in the head, threatening to do even more damage if she left him. This was the second time in a few weeks, Patridge claims, that Bohan had talked of suicide. She also references an incident on September 6, saying Bohan started calling her names and harassing her after she returned home. “Grow some balls and pull the trigger and file for divorce,” Bohan supposedly yelled at her at the time, prompting Patridge to call the police and file a report. Just over a week later, child protective services came to the residence to meet with her. This past weekend, Bohan showed up for a panel discussion Patridge was taking part in… followed her on stage … and demanded to know their daughter’s whereabouts. “I was shaking at this point,” Audrina says in her legal documents. She asked for a restraining order the next day. HOWEVER, Bohan allegedly showed up on September 19 and refused to leave Audrina’s home. He installed five video cameras around the premises to keep tabs on her and called her a “f-cking cunt.” “I am fearful of [Corey’s] temper because he cannot control his swearing and personal attacks on me, even when in the presence of our young daughter,” writes Audrina. The restraining order requires Bohan to remain at least 100 feet away from his estranged wife, his daughter and even his dog. As for the divorce, Patridge is demanding primary physical and legal custody of 15-month-old Kirra. She is asking a judge to shut Bohan down if he asks for spousal support. And, finally, she wants an order specifically prohibiting Bohan from taking Kirra to his native land of Australia. Talk about a terrible ending to what had appeared to have been a stable love story. Patridge and Bohan had been together since 2008, remaining close even throughout filming of The Hills, an unusual development for couples that appear on reality television. Alas, the relationship has ended on the most sour of notes. For the sake of their young daughter, let’s hope Audrina and Corey find a way to work this out as amicably as possible. View Slideshow: 14 Most Toxic Relationships in Reality TV History
Stuffing the Panties Lady in South Africa Refuses to Give Up Purse Naked Dude Getting Arrested Naked – Live on Facebook Topless Parade… Crazy Naked Brazilian Woman Strips herself in Fight with Boyfriend AUDI Takes Flight Plane Crash of the Day Insane cop shoots Thief Insane mexican Bull ride Insane Fight…Dude Gets Stomped hard The post Naked Hiking and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
It’s hard to say that Rat Cow is disgusting looking, she’s got what you’d call some bomb ass titties, whether real or fake, they are done right and that alone is enough to carry her to the heights she’s got to…. It’s easy to say she got lucky, because she did, she’s not ALL that hot, like she doesn’t deserve to be making over a million a year, which she is, all based on being a great set of tits… it was a timing situation, she got into some video, her tits were as big of the song and she’s been coasting…taking jobs that come for her big following who are only there for her tits…and that are likely 99 percent dudes…. But I guess there is no rhyme or reason to why one set of tits reaches top tier level for tits…and others end up stripping her married to a rich guy angry they never made it… I will say she has cleverly polarized her tits into “fashion” and “relevant” by attending every singe event she can, don’t say no, never say no, because you’re really easily replaceable based on what you do…so take ALL opportunities… I am a fan of her and her bird face, I have for her entire public existence…I just think she’s overrated garbage on the grand scheme of things but I’d be totally into her hot boy pissing on my face as punishment for all the mean things I’ve said about her over the years….real into it… This is her getting paid…I assume her creepy ginger probably rich balding boyfriend who must have a huge dick or like a good CUCKOLD is holding her purse somewhere off camera cuz he doesn’t let her out of sight…even though she’s really not great…but he probably knows she’s a whore and he must monitor her… WHO KNOWS! The post Rat Cow Getting Paid of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
There comes a point in photoshop where the person in the picture is no longer human, not to say that Kim Kardashian has ever been human, she’s always been the fucking demon that crawled out of a toilet somewhere, who was luckily rich enough to set up her bullshit career from porn to victim to social media machine….but these photoshop pics on an already plastic surgery ridden monster…are just so silly…like a cartoon…a terrible fucking cartoon that should be taken out back and shot…. The post Kim Kardashian Photoshopped to Fuck for her Personal Site of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Mischa Barton is a great disaster and has been for a long fucking time – so seeing this video of her backing her U-Haul that she’s using to move to a new apartment, because in the event you’ve paid attention and you probably haven’t – her last apartment is where she had a suicidal episode for all her neighbors to witness and call 911 about…as that is how things work when you’re a celebrity child exploited by your parents – who lands a hit show before being totally forgotten…you break the fuck down in some self destructive cry for attention that people like me fucking love…because I am a firm believer that if you’re rich….you’re going to be ok…..unless you die…but when you die I guess in a way you’re ok anyway since you’re dead… Either way, she’s not dead yet, but I like this fall from what I already thought was rock bottom. It’s cute. The post Mischa Barton Crashes U-Haul of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
This cunt bled all over it’s white yoga pants…because period is a woman’s obligation and they shouldn’t hide it with a tampon that can kill them via Toxic Shock syndrome…or a bulky pad that men will judge them for…even though I’ve never laughed at a girl wearing a pad…or made them feel insecure….I am still a believer that men will fuck anything, hairy, fat, bleeding or not…and the whole Be Ashamed thing is just stories women tell women in the grocery store and washing machine store…. The only thing annoying about period blood is when it ruins sheets, mattresses and YOGA pants…. But this girl has it all figured out – use your period for a purpose to liberate yourself…like period blood artists…only in blood soaked pants and everyone will celebrate like it’s so shocking….knowing it’s planned, contrived makes it hilarious… I’ve been with girls in white bikinis who get their periods on car seats and no one got mad about it, bed sheets ruined no one has got mad about it, I’ve been covered in period blood like it was tribal war paint and no one got mad, yet women have this narrative that men find blood gross – only if it comes from a vagina…while I think men just think it’s gross because it is blood…but try arguing that with a woman..they are women…and thus experts…even though every dude I know has fucked a period….at least once…and avoid it or pretend to be grossed out by it – to ensure…blowjob… That said, I think men should start wearing white pants and shitting themselves…because we shit…often times daily…we can do it for the little boys in India not toilet paper…since women don’t like to eat our shit covered asses…it’s only fair…as we walk around in shame after we shit…and use air freshener and try to go fast so our dates don’t think we are shitting…. Here is her poem you can jerk off to while watching the video, I find it a funny message that is targeted to get more followers than to really have any other purpose… She’s angling hard…new feminsm is so fake. I am a woman, therefore, I bleed. . It’s messy, it’s painful, it’s terrible, & it’s beautiful. . And yet, you wouldn’t know. Because I hide it. . I bury things at the bottom of the trash. I breathe, ragged and awkward through the cramps, all the while holding onto this tight lipped, painted on smile. . Tampons? What are those. We don’t say those words out loud. Hide them. In the back pocket of your purse, in the corner of the bathroom drawer, at the very bottom of your shopping cart (please let me get a female cashier). . Events or engagements get missed. I’ll tell myself it’s the PMS, sure, but it has more to with the risk of being “caught,” at what…I’m not quite sure. . And I’m lucky. . Over 100 million young women around the globe miss school or work for lack of adequate menstrual supplies, & fear of what might happen if the world witnesses A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION. . WHY? . Because hundreds of years of culture have made us embarrassed to bleed. Have left us feeling dirty and ashamed. . STOP PRETENDING. Stop using silly pet names like Aunt Flo because you’re too afraid to say “I’m bleeding” or “vagina.” Stop wasting so much effort hiding the very thing that gives this species continuity. . START talking about it. Educate your daughters. Make them understand that it can be both an inconvenience and a gift, but NEVER something to be ashamed about. Educate your sons so they don’t recoil from the word tampon. So when a girl bleeds through her khaki shorts in third period (pun intended), they don’t perpetuate the cycle of shame and intolerance. . The post Period Yoga Instagrammer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .