Tag Archives: quran

Over 50s urged to practise safe sex

http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/over-50s-urged-to-practise-safe-sex/story-e… BRITISH baby boomers are being urged to practice safe sex after new figures showed an alarming rise in sexually transmitted infections among the over-50s. Health charity Family Planning Association has launched a national campaign using fashion adverts from the 1960s and '70s to encourage members of the baby boomer generation to use condoms, The Independent reports. The campaign posters bear the phrase: “Remember wearing this?”, next to an image of someone posing in an outfit from the period, adding: “Then remember to wear this” beside an image of a condom packet. Recent figures from the Health Protection Agency show a rise in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s having sex with new partners over the past 10 years. That trend has led to an increase in the five main sexually transmitted infections in those age groups. People aged between 45 and 64 had the biggest rise in syphilis, herpes, chlamydia and genital warts between 2000 and 2009. They also had the second biggest rise in gonorrhea cases, beaten only the the over 65s. An FPA spokeswoman said people in these age groups commonly made the mistake of thinking that sexual health issues would not affect them, so STIs were making a comeback in a new generation. “The oldest caller to our helpline was an 82-year-old man starting a new relationship,” she said. “Some people are coming out of relationships and dating again. Some have always been single. And many over 50s are enjoying fantastic sex and finding new love at this point in their lives.” added by: eden49

Pastor Terry Jones Has Cancelled His Plan to Burn the Quran on 9/11

Florida minister cancels plans to burn Koran on 9/11 GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The leader of a small Florida church that espouses anti-Islam philosophy says he is canceling plans to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11. Pastor Terry Jones said Thursday that he decided to cancel his protest because the leader of a planned Islamic Center near ground zero has agreed to move its controversial location. The agreement couldn't be immediately confirmed. Jones' plans to burn Islam's holiest text Saturday sparked an international outcry. President Barack Obama, the top U.S. general in Afghanistan and several Christian leaders had urged Jones to reconsider his plans. They said his actions would endanger U.S. soldiers and provide a strong recruitment tool for Islamic extremists. Jones' protest also drew criticism from religious and political leaders from across the Muslim world. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-naw-koran-burning-20100909,0,6… added by: EthicalVegan

Did Media Negligently Create Koran Burning Controversy?

As the ninth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, and Americans fret about a Pastor they never heard of burning Korans to commemorate the event, people on both sides of the political aisle should be asking a serious question: did the media negligently create this controversy? After all, Terry Jones has a tiny, 50 member, non-denominational church in Gainesville, Florida. Should some unknown Pastor – with a following smaller than what’s normally in line at an In-n-Out restaurant drive-thru! – wanting to burn Korans generate such a media firestorm that an international incident and our national security are threatened? As Mike Thomas of the Orlando Sentinel wrote Wednesday, if you knew the real attention-getting background of Jones, the answer would be a definitive “No”:   This is a guy who looks like Jed Clampett wearing a Hulk Hogan mustache, who uses words like “tragical,” who earlier this year launched a “No homo mayor” campaign against a candidate in Gainesville . Last year Jones sent the kids of the congregation off to school in “Islam is of the devil” T-shirts. Of course they got booted, which got Jones an enticing taste of media attention. With none of this getting Jones the attention he craved, he decided to put a truck in a field with a sign on it saying, “International Burn a Koran Day”: It was like the three strawberries coming into alignment on a million-dollar slot machine. The New York Times and The Associated Press whipped out their notepads. The networks and cable stations broke out the indignant anchors. Indeed they did as evidenced by NewsBusters reports here and here . And, as Thomas pointed out, Jones is just eating it up: This is someone who can barely scrape together enough people to carry a tune in church, and now he has the world breathlessly waiting for his next words. He is a regular Moses on the mountaintop, urging the spineless Christians to take a stand against the Muslim hordes. That all this might get some 20-year-old kid from Ohio blown away in Afghanistan isn’t about to stop Jones now. The good pastor has done found his version of 72 virgins and is living in paradise. Indeed. And who are really to blame? We created the Rev. Terry Jones from dust. And in two weeks, to dust he shall return. Then we’ll move on to the guys who plan to run over the Quran at their monster-truck pull. Whatever it takes to keep your attention. We could help head off such future nonsense if we folded up the circus tent and left Jones alone with his blowtorch and 30 followers. Maybe if Gen. Petraeus told the media that it isn’t Rev. Jones who is endangering troops. That it is our coverage of Rev. Jones. That without us, this book burning would be little more than a grainy video on YouTube . Exactly. America like any country has its share of crazy people with crazy ideas. If such folks were ignored rather than given such a huge platform to spread their word from, we would all be the better for it. Unfortunately, just as media were exactly what Jones needed, he fit their bill perfectly. For weeks now, the press as a result of America’s opposition to the Ground Zero mosque have been trying to convince the citizenry that we are an Islamophobic nation that hates Muslims. Despite the lack of any supporting evidence, this has been the media narrative for approaching a month. With this in mind, an attention-seeking, unknown Pastor advertising a Koran bonfire was exactly what the press needed to prove once and for all just how much antipathy there is for Muslims here. Sadly, they gave this guy his fifteen minutes of fame without any regard for the harm that could be done to Americans living abroad, in particular those fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. More hypocritically, so-called journalists are now blaming Jones for endangering the lives of others. Wouldn’t this not be the case if they ignored him? Isn’t it all the press attention he’s gotten that has actually caused this controversy? If media really are worried that his actions might result in an international incident, given how few people there are in his own area that care what he’s got to say, couldn’t they just similarly pay him no mind? Consider that Gainesville and surrounds has 258,000 residents. This means that two-hundredths of one percent of the population of this city are members of his church. Right now there are probably more media vans in Gainesville than people who care what this guy says. Can’t press members claiming they’re concerned with what his Koran burning will do just pack up those vans, go home, and do us all a favor? If nobody was there to cover the event Saturday, maybe Jones would change his mind and start thinking up his next attention-getting event. On the flipside, this controversy has done us all a favor in exposing the media’s hypocrisy concerning so-called “Islamophobia.” Consider that the press are largely in favor of the Ground Zero mosque despite being in the minority concerning this matter. They base their view on the Islamic center backers having the Constitutional right to build at that location regardless of how anyone feels about it. Yet, these same people are now in an uproar over Jones without a care for his Constitutional right to burn Korans. As such, the media have shown themselves far more concerned for the feelings and the rights of Muslims than Judeo-Christians, and far more worried about offending foreigners than the 67 percent of Americans who are opposed to the Ground Zero mosque. I guess we have Jones to thank for making this hypocrisy apparent to us. 

Read the original here:
Did Media Negligently Create Koran Burning Controversy?

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

Excerpt: “Much to my surprise, the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible,” Jenkins says. Jenkins is a professor at Penn State University and author of two books dealing with the issue: the recently published Jesus Wars, and Dark Passages, which has not been published but is already drawing controversy. Violence in the Quran, he and others say, is largely a defense against attack. “By the standards of the time, which is the 7th century A.D., the laws of war that are laid down by the Quran are actually reasonably humane,” he says. “Then we turn to the Bible, and we actually find something that is for many people a real surprise. There is a specific kind of warfare laid down in the Bible which we can only call genocide.” ______________________________________________ The second article on that same web page, “Excerpt: 'Jesus Wars'”, is also very interesting and enlightening. “Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years” Click on the link to access the whole lot. added by: Vierotchka

Crabzilla! At 5 Feet Tall, Biggest Known Crab Heads to UK

Hail Crabzilla! The Japanese Spider Crab is the biggest arthropod on Earth–their legs are believed to grow up to 12 feet long. But since they live at such great depths (typically 1,000 feet down or so) a full grown spider crab has yet to be caught. So for now, we'll have to make due with the 5 foot long Crabzilla (that's what it's called–I didn't make it up!), one of the largest known crabs in the planet. According to the BBC, Crabzilla will be the biggest crab ever seen in Britain when it's brought on show at Birmingham's National Sea Life Centre. From the report: The crabs are commonly found in the Pacific in 1,000 ft (300m) deep waters but have been known to live deeper. Curator Graham Burrows said: “It is rumoured these crabs can grow as big as four metres, big enough to straddle a car. “He will absolutely dwarf the other crabs in there, but he's not aggressive and they should have nothing to worry about.” http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/02/crabzilla-5-ft-biggest-known-crab-uk.php added by: pjacobs51

Islamic scholars forbid full-body scans for Muslims

Islamic scholars issued a “fatwa” this week forbidding Muslims to go through full body scanners at airports because it violates Islamic rules on modesty. The Fiqh Council of North America, a body of Islamic scholars, issued the fatwa. The fatwa says: “It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women. Islam highly emphasizes haya (modesty) and considers it part of faith. The Quran has commanded the believers, both men and women, to cover their private parts.” http://www.examiner.com/x-10853-Portland-Humanist-Examiner~y2010m2d12-Religion-I… added by: locutus