Lindsay Lohan loves to take selfies. Unfortunately, years of heavy drinking and hard drug use have taken their toll on the LiLo's face, body and mind. You might think that her dramatic loss of IQ points wouldn't really matter, because you can't see stupidity in an Instagram pic. Unfortunately, Lohan likes to use Photoshop , and her ravaged brain – which we assume is so coated in cocaine at this point that it resembles a powdered donut – doesn't allow her to realize when she's posted some unintentionally hilarious gold on social media. Most of the time, Lindsay just warps her own body until she looks like some sort of surrealist painting or a rejected prototype for Eight-Ball Barbie. But sometimes, she tries to retouch herself into a better person and and awkwardly 'shops her own face into a photo of people doing charity work . Whatever her goal, the girl needs to take a class or two before she tries to fool us again. Or at least she should only drink half a liter of vodka before she edits her pics. She can save the other half as a reward for when she's done. Desert! 1. Lindsay’s First Photoshop Fail This is one of Lindsay’s more subtle fails. It looks believable enough, until you notice the wavy stairs behind her. Don’t worry, they get more ridiculous from here. 2. What a Waist! See what we mean? Lindsay needs to either start rocking a corset or get better at retouching if she wants a cartoonishly tiny waist. 3. Lindsay and the Fun House Mirror The best part of Lindsay’s awful retouching is that she clearly thinks she nailed it every time. 4. Lindsay Doing “Charity Work” Lindsay Lohan Photoshopped herself into a photo promoting a UK charity. Yeah, we’re not sure why either. 5. Lindsay: Topless and Photoshopped! This is actually one of Lindsay’s more skillful ‘shop jobs, but still – look at the weird, bumpy shape of her torso. If only she knew we were only gonna look at her boobs, anyway. 6. All Wrong in a Thong We’re used to the ridiculously tiny waists by now. What’s hilarious about this one is the ass that looks like it was molded out of dry clay. View Slideshow
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Lindsay Lohan Photoshop Fails: The Best of the Worst!