Tag Archives: salman rushdie

Random Ridiculousness: Al Qaeda Releases New Inspire Magazine To Show Terrorists How To Shoot, Detonate Bombs, And Kill “Enemies”

These muhfuggas have magazines??? Al Qaeda Releases New Issue Of Terrorist Magazine Via DailyMail Al Qaeda has released the latest edition of its English-language propaganda magazine advising would-be militants on how to torch parked cars and cause traffic accidents. The Islamist movement’s most active branch Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, published the tenth edition of its glossy quarterly called Inspire on militant websites this month. Along with tips on terrorism, it also warns France to pull back from Mali and lists 11 public figures in the West, including author Salman Rushdie, who it says are ‘wanted dead or alive for crimes against Islam’ and carries articles commemorating ‘martyrs’ who have died for its cause. AQAP, based in the impoverished, lawless state of Yemen, has previously plotted to bring down international airliners. It is seen by Western governments as a danger to oil-producing Gulf states and major crude shipment routes. In a section entitled ‘open source jihad’, the magazine gives tips on how to set fire to parked cars, including advice such as ‘don’t get petrol on yourself’, and suggests spilling oil on road bends to cause crashes. And if that wasn’t terroristic enough… In a prominent feature, titled ‘No Parking! Are There Any Safe Parking Lots Out There,’ an author identified as Ibnul Irhab lays out step-by-step procedures for lighting multiple cars in the same, vacant parking lot ablaze, turning it into a massive explosion. ‘The West should taste some burning. They should pay for bombarding and burning our Muslim brothers and sisters’ homes and our Holy (Koran). For burning down forests, plantations and houses, please refer to Issue 9,’ the author writes. ‘All you need is cooking oil, this tip-sheet says, to wreak havoc on a curvy highway. ‘Today we have something new for you, VEHICLES. Vehicle are easy to torch. And the easy part is, vehicles need to be parked somewhere, right? How safe is that somewhere, especially in deserted areas? How much more safe will the West feel parking their vehicles, when they know they’re up for a TORCHING.’ Maybe we should get a subscription so we know what to look out for. Then again, that subscription will probably land you on some government watchdog list. Image via Inspire

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Random Ridiculousness: Al Qaeda Releases New Inspire Magazine To Show Terrorists How To Shoot, Detonate Bombs, And Kill “Enemies”

Hezbollah Calls For More Protests This Week Against Innocence Of Muslims; The Master Sweeps Specialty Box Office: Biz Break

Also in Monday morning’s round-up of news briefs, a Fox studio co-head prepares to leave, consolidating leadership at the movie giant. Author Salman Rushdie says a controversial book he published in ’88 would “never be published today.” And remembering film professional/journalist Sandy Mandelberger. Hezbollah Leader Calls for More Protests Against Anti-Muslim Movie Sheik Hassan Nasrallah called for protests to continue Monday as the fall out from the anti-Muslim video Innocence of Muslims appears to be continuing into another week. The news comes after the U.S. State Department called for the removal of non-essential personnel from its embassies and consulates in Tunisia and Sudan,” Deadline reports . Fox Filmed Entertainment Co-Chief Tom Rothman to Exit Studio Co-Chairman Tom Rothman is exiting Fox at the end of the year. Jim Gianopulos will become the sole Chairman/CEO at the studio, which will be consolidated into the freshly dubbed Twentieth Century Fox Film, Deadline reports . The Master Sets Specialty Box Office Record It’s not every weekend that a specialty film can claim a record, but The Master opened with an incredible $145,949 per-theater average, the best limited release ever for a live-action film, topping another record-breaker from earlier this year, Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom , which bowed with with an average of $130,749 at four locations, Deadline reports . Salman Rushdie: ‘ Satanic Versus would not be published today’ The author said he thinks a climate of fear and reprisal exists today that would prevent him from getting his controversial 1988 novel The Satanic Versus from being published today. He said the banning of the book in many countries and the subsequent threats on his life including a fatwa by Iran’s then supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini, had created a “long-term chilling effect,” BBC reports . RIP Arthur Sandy Mandelberger Mandelberger was a film professional and journalist, most recently Editor in Chief of FilmFestivalToday. He died at 57 on August 29th and is survived by his mother Eta and his partner of 37 years, Richard and sisters Miriam and Fanny. He battled cancer for nine years and asked that any donations be made to the Film Society of Lincoln Center.

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Hezbollah Calls For More Protests This Week Against Innocence Of Muslims; The Master Sweeps Specialty Box Office: Biz Break

Video: Kevin Garnett Calls Celtics/Magic Game a ‘Bar Fight’


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The Boston Celtics’ emotional comeback victory last night prompted KG to give a classic, hilarious postgame interview. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : SLAM Online Discovery Date : 27/01/2012 05:58 Number of articles : 2

Video: Kevin Garnett Calls Celtics/Magic Game a ‘Bar Fight’

India: New Salman Rushdie row


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India: New Salman Rushdie row Four news videos follow the story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aktZG6CYpkA&feature=uploademail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KlWKMlRgsE&feature=uploademail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOrxUy5PO64&feature=uploademail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTk6xBVZmyE&feature=uploademail Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 27/01/2012 10:13 Number of articles : 3

India: New Salman Rushdie row

India: New Salman Rushdie row


Originally posted here:

India: New Salman Rushdie row Four news videos follow the story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aktZG6CYpkA&feature=uploademail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KlWKMlRgsE&feature=uploademail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOrxUy5PO64&feature=uploademail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTk6xBVZmyE&feature=uploademail Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 27/01/2012 10:13 Number of articles : 3

India: New Salman Rushdie row

Death threats for South Park creators after Muhammad depicted on show, disguised in a bear suit

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJkP6sRXFdg&feature=player_embedded A new twist on Muhammad the Bear has elicited the video above, which is currently available at YouTube, though that could change. Interestingly, there have been at least two prior depictions of Muhammad on South Park — one in 2001, and another in 2006 that didn't make it to air, but can be found online. But a bear suit… that means war! Who knows, maybe it's because the Pedobear jokes all but write themselves. Oodles of hateful rhetoric on a variety of topics and against a variety of people — Theo Van Gogh, Salman Rushdie, Kurt Westergaard, Lars Vilks, and Geert Wilders — can be found in the remainder of the video. “Security Brief: Radical Islamic Web site takes on 'South Park',” from CNN, April 19: The radical Islamic Web site Revolutionmuslim.com is going after the creators of the TV cartoon series “South Park” after an episode last week included an image of the Prophet Mohammed in disguise. Revolutionmuslim.com, based in New York, was the subject of a CNN investigation last year for its radical rhetoric supporting “jihad” against the West and praising al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Its organizers insist they act within the law and seek to protect Islam. On Sunday, Revolutionmuslim.com posted an entry that included a warning to South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone that they risk violent retribution – after the 200th episode last week included a satirical discussion about whether an image of the prophet could be shown. In the end, he is portrayed disguised in a bear suit. The posting on Revolutionmuslim.com says: “We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” added by: crystalman

Tiger Woods Shows Why Text Message Flirting Sucks

Even as we text more with each passing month, we find ourselves wondering why exchanging sentence-long, misspelled emails has become the preferred mode of flirting for anyone under 40.

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Tiger Woods Shows Why Text Message Flirting Sucks

Ali Wise Charged with Being Craziest Ex Ever

Ali Wise , the former Dolce & Gabanna publicist who got in a bit of trouble for hacking into the voicemail of anyone dating her ex-boyfriends, has been charged with four felonies. The true extent of her craziness is absolutely crazy . The most fascinating thing about Ali Wise’s craziness is its very pedestrian nature—pedestrian on crystal meth, maybe, but still

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Ali Wise Charged with Being Craziest Ex Ever

Padma Lakshmi Still Haunting Salman Rushdie’s Dreams

According to Page Six, Salman Rushdie ‘s ex-girlfriend says he’s “cowardly, dysfunctional, and immature” and won’t stop talking about Padma Lakshmi , the one that got away.

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Padma Lakshmi Still Haunting Salman Rushdie’s Dreams