Tag Archives: serious-problem

Guy Bourdin’s Silent Film of the Day

Guy Bourdin was a fashion photographer who died in the 90s, probably from AIDS, because why else would a fashion photographer die in the 90s, fashion photographers are 99 percent gay, and gay in the 90s, meant AIDS…right…probably wrong…because Guy Bourdin produced sexed up images, he is a legend, he was provocative, he pushed limits, he did fashion porn when no one was really doing fashion porn….and that makes me a fan…because I love fashion porn…this whole site is fashion porn… That said, NOWNESS put out one of his 8mm silent films with nudity and I figure you all need to see a taste of his genius…

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Guy Bourdin’s Silent Film of the Day

Guy Bourdin’s Silent Film of the Day

Guy Bourdin was a fashion photographer who died in the 90s, probably from AIDS, because why else would a fashion photographer die in the 90s, fashion photographers are 99 percent gay, and gay in the 90s, meant AIDS…right…probably wrong…because Guy Bourdin produced sexed up images, he is a legend, he was provocative, he pushed limits, he did fashion porn when no one was really doing fashion porn….and that makes me a fan…because I love fashion porn…this whole site is fashion porn… That said, NOWNESS put out one of his 8mm silent films with nudity and I figure you all need to see a taste of his genius…

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Guy Bourdin’s Silent Film of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is Good on the Red Carpet of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio tranny porn is the reason what AIDS penetrated the American porno industry a few years ago….because AIDS is a serious problem for trannies, and the hub for Trannies is Brazil, so it would only makes sense that Brazilian Alessandra would be up on that…not because she’s a tranny, even though she technically could be, a lot of trannies look as good as this and you’d never know, but because it affects her people…but more importantly, she gets to go to a fabulous million dollar charity event, dressed slutty, to inspire lonely assholes to go out there and hire a hooker to possibly get aids from, in efforts to bust the blue ball load she gave them,….and to show us that she cares…it works for me TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alessandra Ambrosio is Good on the Red Carpet of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is Good on the Red Carpet of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio tranny porn is the reason what AIDS penetrated the American porno industry a few years ago….because AIDS is a serious problem for trannies, and the hub for Trannies is Brazil, so it would only makes sense that Brazilian Alessandra would be up on that…not because she’s a tranny, even though she technically could be, a lot of trannies look as good as this and you’d never know, but because it affects her people…but more importantly, she gets to go to a fabulous million dollar charity event, dressed slutty, to inspire lonely assholes to go out there and hire a hooker to possibly get aids from, in efforts to bust the blue ball load she gave them,….and to show us that she cares…it works for me TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alessandra Ambrosio is Good on the Red Carpet of the Day

James Franco and Seth Rogen Recreate Kim and Kanye "Bound 2" Music Video

It gave us some amazing GIFs of Kim Kardashian topless , along with more reasons to laugh at Kanye West’s supposed art. But now the recently-released Bound 2 music video has given us something even more magical: James Franco and Seth Rogen recreating the mountain and cloud-laden motorcycle ride shot for shot, with the former as Kanye and the latter as Kim. The video is titled “Bound 3” and it was posted to Rogen’s Facebook account this morning and… what else do you need to know?!? James Franco and Seth Rogen as Kimye! WATCH NOW: James Franco and Seth Rogen Make Like Kim and Kanye

James Franco and Seth Rogen Recreate Kim and Kanye "Bound 2" Music Video

Batkid Appears on Good Morning America, Saves Pitbull

Pitbull may have had an easy time hosting the American Music Awards last night, but the musician woke up to a serious problem today: He was trapped inside his Good Morning America dressing room, held captive there by The Joker. Fortunately, the program had a very special guest on the episode and he was able to defeat his nemesis, freeing Pitbull in the process and once again serving as a hero to millions. Yes, Miles Scott – the five-year old cancer survivor best known as “Batkid,” to whom San Francisco dedicated a full day this month – made his presence very much felt on the GMA set this morning. Watch him come to Pitbull’s rescue and learn more about his very awesome story now: Batkid Saves Pitbull

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Batkid Appears on Good Morning America, Saves Pitbull

Batkid Appears on Good Morning America, Saves Pitbull

Pitbull may have had an easy time hosting the American Music Awards last night, but the musician woke up to a serious problem today: He was trapped inside his Good Morning America dressing room, held captive there by The Joker. Fortunately, the program had a very special guest on the episode and he was able to defeat his nemesis, freeing Pitbull in the process and once again serving as a hero to millions. Yes, Miles Scott – the five-year old cancer survivor best known as “Batkid,” to whom San Francisco dedicated a full day this month – made his presence very much felt on the GMA set this morning. Watch him come to Pitbull’s rescue and learn more about his very awesome story now: Batkid Saves Pitbull

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Batkid Appears on Good Morning America, Saves Pitbull

Galleries: Kelly Rowland, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce And More Seen On The Scene Across The Globe

Kelly Rowland, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce And More Spotted Out And About It might be getting cold outside, but the Hollyweird bangers are still out and about steaming up red carpets and camera lenses across the globe. Kimmy Cakes and her sister Kourtney hit the strip in Miami for some shopping before visiting their DASH store, while Kelly Rowland kept it casual on the streets of NYC . Meanwhile, Pussycat Doll turned X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger was seen on the scene in the UK with her boo thang Lewis Hamilton in all black everything, while Beyonce opted for a more colorful look as she was spotted strolling out of Solange’s concert in NYC. Hit the flip for more of all the ladies showing off their bangin’ bawwdies and fashionista footwork, and then tell us, who looked more bangin ?

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Galleries: Kelly Rowland, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce And More Seen On The Scene Across The Globe

Kush Chronic-les: Former President Jimmy Carter Says Legalization Of That Sticky-Icky Is GOOD Because Current Laws Are Too Harsh Toward Minorities

Jimmy Carter Says The Mary Jane Should Be Legalized Because The Laws Via Huffington Post Former President Jimmy Carter gave a full-throated endorsement of state efforts to legalize marijuana during an appearance at a CNN forum aired on Tuesday. Carter, who as president supported an era of marijuana decriminalization in the mid-1970s, told CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux that he was “in favor” of states that were taking steps to legalize the drug. “I think it’s OK,” Carter said. “I don’t think it’s going to happen in Georgia yet, but I think we can watch and see what happens in the state of Washington for instance, around Seattle, and let the American government and let the American people see does it cause a serious problem or not.” The ex-POTUS goes on to say: Speaking about the issues of an anti-drug system focused on enforcement, Carter suggested that large incarceration rates, especially among minorities, were being perpetuated by harsh punishments for marijuana possession. “It’s a major step backward, and it ought to be reversed, not only in America, but around the world,” Carter argued, later going on to say that nations such as Portugal, which decriminalized all drugs in 2000, could be a model for the United States to look toward in the future. Jimmy has a point, there are a LOT of brothas (AND sistas) in jail for what most would consider “minor” Mary Jane offenses. Image via Carter Center

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Kush Chronic-les: Former President Jimmy Carter Says Legalization Of That Sticky-Icky Is GOOD Because Current Laws Are Too Harsh Toward Minorities

One For The Money, Two For The Show, Three To Get Ready, Now Go, Ginge, Go!


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You know you have a serious problem when the last thing you see before you shut the skin shutters over your eyeballs is this email: prince harry showing off his rasta moves in jamaica. stock up on the lube http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2111338/Prince-Harry-Jamaica-Prince-dances-Bob-Marley-Diamond-Jubilee-tour-wearing-blue-shoes.html And you really know you have a serious SERIOUS problem… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Dlisted Discovery Date : 07/03/2012 09:11 Number of articles : 2

One For The Money, Two For The Show, Three To Get Ready, Now Go, Ginge, Go!