Tag Archives: shannon-beador

Shannon Beador: Feuding with Tamra Judge Over Friendship with David Beador?

We know how much financial support Shannon Beador’s receiving each month, but we also know that this is court-ordered. She and David are divorcing … and things are not amicable. But you know who seems to get along just fine with Shannon’s ex? Her “friend,” Tamra Judge. And Shannon is reportedly furious over this betrayal. A source tells RadarOnline that Shannon feels betrayed by Tamra Judge , because Tamra’s husband Eddie is still hanging out with David Beador despite this contentious divorce. Considering how hostile things are with David right now, every time that Shannon sees evidence that Eddie and David are still bro-ing out, she feels betrayed. “Shannon thinks that it is really messed up.” In her view, Tamra — who knows what it’s like to get divorced — should put her foot down about Eddie’s continued association with David. “She does not understand why Tamra allows Eddie to hang out with David when she is supposed to be her best friend in the world.” Evidence like this photo, which features both Eddie and David, reportedly drives Shannon up the wall. From the start of the divorce , Tamra has made a big show of being Team Shannon. She voiced her support for Shannon on social media. And she even tipped off Shannon, it’s said, to the existence of  David Beador’s young hot new girlfriend . “Tamra was the first one to tell Shannon about Lesley, and even called him out on New Year’s Eve when she learned that he spent the holiday with his new girlfriend!” And one has to wonder if Tamra only knew this because of Eddie’s continued association with David. This report goes onto say that Tamra has been very defensive about this. “Tamra told Shannon that she really had no idea that David and Eddie were still hanging out.” That seems to be a hard pill to swallow, as the two men aren’t exactly being covert. Shannon, it seems, doesn’t believe it. “She thinks that Tamra isn’t telling the truth, because there is so much proof that David and Eddie are still close.” It is, as we said, hard to miss. To make this situation stranger, Tamra and Shannon are supposed to be best friends. Tamra is a fitness guru and helped Shannon lose weight after Shannon put on a modest amount of weight thanks to stress. And Tamra is personally aware of how stressful divorces can be. Tamra is estranged from her daughter, who accused her mother of emotional abuse — which she says was particularly bad as she was getting divorce. (She would allegedly make negative statements about Simon Barnes to her children and, when she was unhappy with them, she would allegedly call them “Simon” to compare them to her hated ex) So it’s not like Tamra thinks that divorce isn’t a big deal. Shannon is understandably under a lot of stress as she tries to go through this contentious divorce while looking after her three teenage daughters. It was reported by someone close to Shannon that David became so petty after a recent support ruling that he had the water turned off to Shannon’s house — cutting off water to his daughters, too. That’s not a sign of a healthy divorce process. And neither are reports that David was seen in the courthouse, shaking with fury and yelling hateful profanities at Shannon. Divorce is zero fun. View Slideshow: Celebrity Break-Ups: Who Called It Quits in 2017?

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Shannon Beador: Feuding with Tamra Judge Over Friendship with David Beador?

Shannon Beador: Getting HOW Much Support Each Month from David?

Though Shannon accused David Beador of hiding money during their divorce , it was rumored that he was going to have to pay through the nose in spousal support. A new, much more official report says that the amount ended up being less than initially reported. Still, it looks like plenty for Shannon and for her daughters. But even that payment reduction hasn’t prevented David from allegedly retaliating in petty ways that impact his own children. Things looked bad for the Beadors for a while — from David’s affair a few years ago to his intensely  negative response to Shannon’s minor weight gain . It was only in late 2017 that they actually took the steps to dissolve their union. Shannon filed for divorce , because she and David had been living separate lives anyway. But they’ve been married for a long time, and they share three teenage daughters — Sophie, Adeline, and Stella. Even while the divorce is ongoing, David is legally obligated to make both spousal support payments and child support payments. So … how much is Shannon getting right now? Previously, RadarOnline had reported that Shannon Beador’s child and  spousal support came in the amount of $30,000 per month. That was $12,000 a month in child support, and $18,000 per month in spousal support, based upon the time that the girls spend with each parent and upon how much both parents make. That is a lot of money, and we don’t just mean to those of us who are mere mortals. Even among the wealthiest Americans, paying this amount in support every month is definitely on the high side. David certainly thought that the amount was high, as he was reportedly furious over it. But it looks like, as is so often the case during a contentious divorce, the winds have shifted. People reports that David now has to pay “only” $22,500 each month. That is a tremendous amount of money in spousal and child support, but not at the level of $30,000. This is a temporary payment order to ensure that Shannon and her daughters (of whom she has joint physical and legal custody) continue to live their lives until the divorce is finalized. (It is not uncommon for the primary breadwinner in an acrimonious divorce to attempt to financially starve their soon-to-be-ex so that they cannot afford to hire a good attorney and may agree to any settlement just to receive regular payments) David was reportedly spewing profanities at Shannon after court, which is … not a great look. Shaking with anger, he reportedly declared that the ruling would bankrupt his business. If you believe Shannon’s claim that he’s hiding money in order to lower the amount that he’s required to pay, then you might guess that this is all smoke and mirrors. We mentioned earlier that he had seemed determined to retaliate. When the court ruled that Shannon would be responsible for all of her expenses from that point forward, David reportedly shut off the water at her home. Which, yes, means that he (allegedly) shut off the water at the house where his daughters are living. Which is just gross. He has not commented on this allegation. Shannon, however, refuses to openly condemn him. “As David and I continue our divorce proceedings,” she say. “I’m doing everything I can to move things efficiently along so that our three children are not subjected to unnecessary stress during an already difficult time.” Shannon continues, choosing her words very carefully in a way that won’t be turned against her in court. Smart woman. “I want to be as fair as possible. I remain focused on a clean resolution and have no interest in engaging in a war of words.” Some might ask why David would be so furious over paying for his daughters, or how anyone could be so petty as to (allegedly!) turn off the water at the home where his own children live. To add to that, we’ve heard that David believes that Shannon is keeping his kids from him by badmouthing him. Insiders, however, say that his children know that he cheated on their mother and have witnessed his behavior over the past couple of years, and that any resentments that they have towards their father is of his own making. Is this kind of spiteful move over a water bill his idea of winning over his daughters? It’s hard to believe that he’s written them off as “enemies.” We just don’t know. View Slideshow: 19 Most Bitter Breakups in Hollywood History

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Shannon Beador: Getting HOW Much Support Each Month from David?

David Beador: Shannon Drinks Too Much, Keeps Me From My Kids

We didn’t think it was possible… … but things have turned even uglier between Shannon Beador and David Beador. According to explosive legal documents, the estranged husband of this Real Housewives of Orange County cast member isn’t just sitting back and letting the reality star say mean things about him. David is fighting back. First, a refresher on the status of this formerly happy couple: Shannon announced in October that she was filing for divorce from her husband of 17 years, not even pretending at the time that the split was amicable. “It’s heartbreaking for me and my daughters that this is the road that had to be taken but it’s the only way,” the Bravo personality told the world at the time, adding: “I felt alone in my marriage. You can do what you can to keep your family together, but you have to have willing parties. “You need two people to make a marriage work, and that just wasn’t happening in our relationship.” This statement, and this divorce decision, came after Shannon revealed to Real Housewives viewers on Season 10 that David had been unfaithful. About six weeks after she confirmed her break-up, Shannon filed new legal documents that sought full legal custody of her three daughters and which aimed to ” take [David] for everything he’s got .” It was contentious then. And it’s only grown more contentious since, according to Radar Online. The celebrity gossip site has obtained paper submitted to Orange County Superior Court in which David demands fifty percent custody of 15-year old Sophie and 12-year old Twins Stella and Adeline. These papers were filed on March 9 and they also accuse Shannon of basically turning the kids against their father. Writes David in his documents: “Since separation, the children, on several occasions have refused to talk or see me. “This behavior has been tolerated in Shannon’s home and is not in the best interests of the children… “Shannon is not fostering or encouraging a healthy father child relationship.” From here, David accuses The Real Housewives of Orange County itself of providing Shannon with a dangerous lifestyle, specifically when it comes to alcohol. Reads his latest filing: “Shannon’s employment encourages excess drinking and extended travel to which Shannon has chosen not to inform me and make accommodations for the kids to stay with me while she is away.” This is a new and interesting one. We’ve never seen a Real Housewives cast member taken to task by a significant other over what she’s asked to do in order to keep her series entertaining. Then there’s the issue of her salary, which dwarfs what David takes home for his vocation. David alleges that Shannon earns up to $600,000 per year, although she previously stated she earned just over $400,000. This is the sort of thing that will come out once pay stubs and other documents are demanded in court. We can’t say for certain where things will go between Shannon and David, the latter of whom has a young girlfriend . But we can say the gloves haven’t just come off in this divorce. They’ve been tossed into the incinerator. View Slideshow: 19 Most Bitter Breakups in Hollywood History

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David Beador: Shannon Drinks Too Much, Keeps Me From My Kids

Vicki Gunvalson Mocked for Illness By Co-Stars: She’s Just Dramatic!

Why are they like this? A number of the cast members on The Real Housewives of Orange County can be real pieces of work, and Vicki Gunvalson is no exception. But nobody deserves to be mocked for being sick. In trying to poke fun at their frenemy for her malady, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador, and Meghan Edmonds mostly just revealed their ignorance and insensitivity for the whole world to see. Again. If you read our latest  The Real Housewives of Orange County recap , you know that in addition to talk of forgiving Kelly and some of the usual factional talk, there was a lot of talk about health. Well … a lot of that was about plastic surgery, but not all of it. One small portion of the episode involved Vicki Gunvalson informing her frenemies that she was sick. Specifically, she announced that she had Influenza B. This announcement triggered a flurry of insults as Tamra, Shannon, and Meghan jumped at the chance to ridicule Vicki. Tamra, of course, resents Vicki for spreading gay rumors about her husband . Shannon Beador  blamed Vicki Gunvalson for making her fat , and Vicki’s shared some nasty rumors about her marriage, as well. Meghan Edmonds asked: “How does she know what letter it is? … She got tested because she thought it was C or A? ” A lot of rich people, particularly those who are older, have great insurance and don’t mind copays and would rather know what’s wrong with them than just suffer through it. And, oh by the way, Vicki — like the rest of her castmates — isn’t as young as she used to be. Illnesses can get more serious as you age. But Meghan continued. “Like why do you get it tested? All you do is you deal with it and you get better.” Look, that’s how most of us deal with getting sick. (Honestly, even if I had the resources of a Real Housewife, I would still probably just stay in bed with blankets and broth) But it’s usually considered the smart thing to: -go to the doctor -get tested -get official medical advice and get medication either recommended or prescribed to suit your precise needs Tamra Judge, who hasn’t been anything close to a friend of Vicki’s for a long, long time, keeps the criticism going. “She’s very dramatic.” Yes … literally all of them are, or they wouldn’t be on a Real Housewives show. But unless there was some off-camera lamenting on Vicki’s part that this flu was going to be the end of her, her dramatic tendencies aren’t relevant. But Meghan Edmonds continued: “The text is going to say ‘I’m dramatic as f–k and I have to make it as bad as it can possibly sound, so I’m going to put a letter next to influenza.'” Shannon Beador does her best to “burn” Vicki under the circumstances: “She’s not Vicki anymore. Her name is ‘victim.'” Uh … nice try, Shannon. Look, we’re not the sort to rush to Vicki’s defense, but these three were making total asses of themselves and we’re not going to pretend that they weren’t. Unlike Influenza A, which tends to strike during the winter months, Influenza B can infect people and cause them to develop flu symptoms throughout the year. Most of us think of the flu as an inconvenience, but Influenza B specifically is acknowledges as a potentially fatal disease that claims lives all around the globe every single year. And that’s despite a slower mutation rate than Influenza A (which means that Influenza B has a harder time adapting) If you’re still wondering why, aside from idle curiosity or even just being specific, it matters that Vicki Gunvalson got Influenza B … … Influenza B can have a particularly harsh impact on children and adolescents. Knowing that she has Influenza B might cause her to avoid contact with children even more carefully. And, again, knowing exactly what makes you sick shouldn’t be mocked. It’s just useful information. Sometimes when you reach too hard for a way to put down someone else, you just look like a fool.

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Vicki Gunvalson Mocked for Illness By Co-Stars: She’s Just Dramatic!

The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Trailer: I’m Gonna Kick Some ASS!

The 11th season of The Real Housewives of Orange County has come to an end following Monday’s finale, but the drama is just beginning. What we saw on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 18 may pale in comparison to the s–tshow still to come. Check out the trailer for next week’s reunion … The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Trailer: Season 11 Yeah. Suffice it to say, it looks beyond ugly. The reunion trailer begins with the calm before the storm, a behind-the-scenes look at the women getting ready to hit the Bravo stage. It belies, yet foreshadows what’s to come. “How’s it going? You ready for today?” Andy Cohen inquires, to which Shannon Beador calmly responds, “I’m gonna kick some ass.” That’s the mindset we’re talking about. Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 18 Online Not even five seconds later, the trailer cuts to Shannon telling Vicki Gunvalson, “You are despicable. I will never, ever speak to you again.” Berating is probably a better word. In her dressing room, Gunvalson reflected, “Not that I like to play the dirty game, but if you have to play it, you’ve got to play it strong.” Who is she kidding? She loves it. Vicki is not your average person when it comes to picking a fight. Scorched earth tactics have pretty much nothing on her. She will absolutely f–king savage you. If you take her on, you’re really asking for it, since she has no qualms about how she is perceived in the process of destroying opponents. None. “If you don’t like me, bye bye Felicia. Get off my show,” she tells Shannon, and when you’re the OG of the OC, you can kind of get away with it. Love her or hate her, Vicki isn’t wrong. She’s been there 11 years, or 10 more than Kelly Dodd, though both have been equally polarizing characters throughout this season. Then again, Kelly and Vicki were also the ones driving the show as a result. No offense to Tamra, Heather and Meghan, but let’s real. If you  watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online , you know that Kelly doesn’t hold back or mince words in any way. Ever. Vicki and Kelly were the lifeblood of the series this fall, and as a result, they’re going to be in the crosshairs when the reunion comes ’round. This is just the way Bravo shows roll. She should be a force to be reckoned with on that reunion stage; Tamra Barney, and her newfound Christianity, on the other hand? Andy told Tamra, “Historically, the reunions bring out a very ugly side of you,” to which she replies, “I’m learning to use my words better.” We’ll believe that when we see it. The emotional high point, though, comes as Shannon tearfully states, “My husband did not beat me” and Vicki calmly says, “I have proof.” Wow. At that point, Shannon storms out. Just insane. The tension has been building for so long between these two that it was bound to boil over. Three installments may not be sufficient to cover all the s–t that’s about to go down. Hit the comments and let us know your predictions.

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The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Trailer: I’m Gonna Kick Some ASS!

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 9 Recap: Kelly Dodd Defends Herself

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 9 , Kelly Dodd once again sought to explain her rough behavior this far. Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 9 Online For a new cast member, KD is already notorious, and The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 9 was proof of this. To be the focal point of so much drama so soon is pretty impressive, but after the Battle at Beadors, well, Dodd’s notoriety is well earned. This week, she put it all out there on the table. “I feel like we were getting along really well,” Heather Dubrow said of herself and Shannon Beador, Kelly Dodd’s newfound rival. “But that sushi dinner?”  “I’ve just never been involved in something like that. The screaming and vulgarity? I felt like I was suffocating and I had to leave.” Dodd’s response? “I was kind of shocked that you got so upset at me because I wasn’t talking to you,” she said, feigning incredulity fairly well. “It was a nightmare, and I’m really ashamed of myself, quite honestly,” Dodd added, but Dubrow said she wasn’t buying it. Heather told the Bravo cameras that “I think it’s great that Kelly’s showing remorse and she’s ashamed of her behavior.” BUT … “But the last two times I have been with Kelly, she has acted in a way that I think is not acceptable,” so why assume she’ll ever change? It’s a good point she raises. Dubrow also asked Dodd why she made fun of her behind her back: “I leave and I hear you imitated me and made fun of me?” “Why would you do that?” Dodd’s response is that Dubrow wanted her to leave, and well, that’s just kind of ridiculous. “That wasn’t your party!” she said. “That wasn’t your place.” Heather’s take on that? “When you start calling people the c-word and ‘dumb f—k’ screaming in the middle of restaurants, you lose all right to say.” Okay then. Dodd seemed at least partially humbled by that one, walking it back by saying, “I didn’t mean it towards you. I was wrong!” “I admitted it. I’m not saying my behavior was right … it was wrong. That’s not my personality at all. I do not behave that way.” “And I don’t hang out with women like that at all. It was probably the alcohol. And I felt like I was being attacked. She struck a nerve.” “I was emotional. Do you understand how that made me feel?” Dodd said through tears. “I don’t just attack people. I don’t do that.” She later broke down to the cameras, adding: “I know I have a problem with my anger, but I’m a mom and I’m a damn good mom.” Dodd continued in her own defense: “I have never been inappropriate around children … ever. When anybody accuses me of something untrue, the feeling of hurt is the reaction.” “And I’m a very very emotional person,” she said, wishing this could all go away. “I feel like I’m treading water and I’m drowning.” Did Dubrow buy it? Yes and no. “It seems like Kelly’s tears were real,” she revealed. “She seems remorseful. But every time I see her it’s a different personality.” What more can she say? It’s hard to just assume everything is fine and let bygones be bygones when someone’s track record suggests otherwise, but here’s hoping. “I guess we’re just going to have to wait and see,” Heather added, and if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online , you can do the same.

See the original post here:
The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 9 Recap: Kelly Dodd Defends Herself

Justin Bieber Album: Banned in the Middle East!

Justin Bieber’s affection for Jesus Christ has made him public enemy number-one in the Middle East. Okay, maybe not number-one. They have many enemies in that region of the world. But Bieber won’t exactly be breaking any sales records over there this fall. In fact, the singer won’t be selling any records at all. According to TMZ insiders, Bieber’s upcoming album (“Purpose”) has been banned in several Middle Eastern countries, such as Indonesia, due to its provocative nature. This assessment stems from Bieber’s shirtless cover pose , as well as the cross tattoo on his chest. It is front and center on the album cover, a major no-no in Muslim nations. Because this ban would cost Bieber quite a lot of money, he and his team are scrambling to release an alternative album cover, sources confirm. We assume it would NOT feature Justin Bieber shirtless in any way, shape or form, causing us to feel very sorry for residents of these conservative countries. Bieber is one of the more religious celebrities out there , often citing his strong belief in Jesus and drawing on his Christianity for inspiration. God, can you imagine not being able to ogle Justin Bieber without a shirt on?!? View Slideshow: 17 Shocking Justin Bieber Facts

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Justin Bieber Album: Banned in the Middle East!

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season Finale Recap: Did Vicki Dump Brooks?!

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 came to an end Monday night, and with the finale, did viewers witness the end of Vicki and Brooks? Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 19 Online If The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 19 taught us anything, it’s that even a baptism cannot cleanse this show of insanity. Tamra Barney’s after-baptism party (for real) was the scene of a season finale confrontation that had been brewing all season between her co-stars. Vicki Gunvalson, Shannon Beador and Meghan King Edmonds all came to celebrate Tamra, but their ongoing beef was too intense to suppress. Ironically, or perhaps not, Vicki invoked religion in the middle of the event to counter allegations that her boyfriend Brooks Ayers is faking cancer . “Satan is the author of confusion,” she said at one point last night. “I know the truth. And I will pray for everyone that’s confused.” That would be … virtually everyone else, as you know if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online or read any celebrity gossip. As Vicki plotted to leave the party as soon as humanly possible to avoid revisiting any more “negativity,” her opponents plotted their next moves. Those being … how to keep stirring the pot regarding Brooks? Shady as Brooks has been in the past, it does seem like they have it out for him by constantly harping on this, and the season finale was no exception. View Slideshow: 20 Really Big Real Housewives Scandals Vicki’s brother, Billy, and his girlfriend, Rhonda, got into the mix, defending Brooks and telling the skeptics that yes, Ayers has cancer, move on. When they weren’t buying it, Rhonda touched upon Shannon Beador’s marital problems, at which point she pretty much flipped her f–king s–t. It was actually uncomfortable to watch Shannon’s vitriol at Vicki, whom she believed betrayed the secrets of what she and David are going through. Soon enough, Vicki was bawling to the cameras about her mother’s death, Brooks’ cancer, and the fact that her quote-unquote friends have it out for her. “You know what the truth is? I’m not doing good,” Gunvalson said through tears. “I’m really, really sad and all this stuff is just disgusting minutiae.” “They can do all the detective work they want. ‘Let’s say he’s faking cancer, let’s just say he’s faking cancer.’ What would that have to do with me?” In the epilogue, we learn that the Dubrows’ house is behind schedule (tragic), while the reborn Tamra is still involved in real estate, and in church. Both Shannon Beador and Meghan King Edmonds are doing better in their marriages, and as for Gunvalson, in the aftermath of all of this chaos?! Brooks dumped Vicki . Will we ever know if Ayers lied or what went on behind the scenes? Will next week’s reunion be the most explosive event in Bravo history? Stay tuned.

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The Real Housewives of Orange County Season Finale Recap: Did Vicki Dump Brooks?!

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 10 Recap: Girl Code

Monday night on Bravo, The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 10 brought the “Girl Code” and pot stirring into focus. Which cast members’ drama was at the center of controversy? Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 10 Online The source of all the drama on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 10 was … figuring out who caused the most drama. Seriously. It should be surprising that they would debate this, but if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online , you know it isn’t. We began with Dubrow trying to wrangle a hungover Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson out of bed. The latter’s first stop was to go boot. Sweet. Tamra, meanwhile, was determined not to repeat the mistakes that made last year’s trip to Bali so hard for her (and everyone watching at home). Judge decided that the way to do this was to be completely honest and “leave everything on the table” about her conversations with the others. Foolproof plan, right? As such, she informed Meghan King Edmonds that she, Vicki and Shannon Beador were talking smack about her and her stepkids’ relationship. She also told Dubrow and Edmonds that Beador seemed judgmental of Dubrow’s friendly status with the second and third wives of Jim Edmonds. Predictably, yet somehow shockingly to her, this cascaded into major tension and Tamra getting upset that Dubrow was breaking the “girl code.” To their credit, Heather and Tamra ultimately hashed things out and came to an amicable resolution … maybe honesty is the best policy? Crazy. Shannon and Meghan didn’t resolve things quite as easily, as both traded accusations of … trading accusations and being a big time pot stirrer. The night ended in a bad place for all, and we never reached a true consensus on who the ultimate pot-stirrer among the RHOC cast actually is. Fortunately, Edmonds did acknowledge one of the many “elephants in the room” by apologizing to Beador, who reluctantly accepted the mea culpa. One thing they could all agree on was getting behind Vicki, who thanked all the women for their support during Brooks Ayers’ battle with cancer. Someone should think twice before giving this woman the keys to a golf cart, though. It’s tremendous TV, but dangerous for any pedestrian in sight.

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The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 10 Recap: Girl Code