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Source: TIMOTHY A. CLARY / Getty Cardi B continues to find out how real her Invasion Of Privacy really is. The life of the Bronx bombshell comes with ups and downs; last week was no different. The Grio is reporting that Belcalis had a very unprofessional run in with a popular Latin television personality. Things went left from the beginning as Gelena Solano from El Gordo y La Flaca (Univision) allegedly just snuck up on her and family. This was a big no no for Bardi. She vented about the situation on an Instagram Live session. “I love El Gordo y la Flaca, I love this show – but the way that you work, you lady, you are not professional! I’m literally getting off my car, the door is not even closed, and you see that I’m with my daughter and I’m with my dad and you put a camera,” she revealed. “I turn around and there’s a camera and a mic in my mouth. You don’t know how to do your job! That’s not how it works when I’m with my child.” Later in the clip she explained her strong stance on not having her parents in the publicity mix. “My parents, they don’t like to be on camera. Back in the day I always used to post my parents and it got to the point that certain people were stalking me and that freaked my parents out.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Enrique Santos (@enriquesantos) on Jun 27, 2019 at 2:43am PDT Cardi was also handed another bad hand by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. According to The Blast her request to trademark her catchphrase “Okurrr” for merchandising purposes was denied. The official response was that the word is a “widely-used commonplace expression” thus it is not eligible for trademarking. They also added it “is a slogan or term that does not function as a trademark or service mark to indicate the source of applicant’s goods and/or services”. “Bodak Yellow” famously made the term 2018’s new it word via her indelible social media presence and hilarious interviews. You can see her break down the meanings to “Okurrr” and “Eeeooowwww” below. Photo: Getty
Cardi B Checks Reporter, But ‘Okurrr’ Trademark Request Is Denied [Video]