Tag Archives: spread-eagled

Behati Prinsloo Nipple of the Day

Behati Prinsloo busted out her nipple on the runway – because she’s a real model…or at least enough of a model to land a rich and famous homosexual looking dude to marry her…and offer her life security….she just need to get knocked up like all the other Victoria’s Secret model…despite being knocked being gross but I guess further way to gt the brand to relate to the white trash that buy their product…while alienating them and making them feel like shit about themselves as they don’t look like Behati post pregancy, but this made in China or Indonesia or Vietnam panty set will allow her to role play that she does…weird… All this to say she smells like Adam Levine, she could be spread eagled and all I’d think abotu is Adam Levine, I’m the kind of guy who gets turned off by chicks when I find ou who they’ve fucked…and he’s the gay disease…. I’ll still look because why the fuck not, it’s a nipple, let’s sexualize it before, during and after her Levine pregnancy…I have very little else going on in my life… The post Behati Prinsloo Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Behati Prinsloo Nipple of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Crotchshot of the DAy

I have a feeling that Taylor Swift is so powerful and in control of every aspect of her billion dollar career, that she’s got a team of people in place, strategically designed so that there is 360 degree coverage from every angle, so that people can’t get a picture of her vagina protruding from her skimpy shorts from all the excitement caused by being a powerhouse act that pretty much has all these puppet idiots, mostly models, around her to have her fun with, when she’s not burning through cock, like it was Paris Hilton’s burning vagina… All this to say, I prefer when crotch shots are less creatively blocked, and more spread eagled so that I can see into her soul as she drips, cuz she clearly always drips, she’s wet like that, all over the examining room table… TO SEE PICS OF HER LEGS IN NYC CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift’s Crotchshot of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift’s Crotchshot of the DAy

Miley Cyrus in Concert of the Day

#457366418 / gettyimages.com Miley Cyrus is still on tour and I guess she’s keeping things on this tour fresh by implementing new props, like these giant stuffed tits, because a few weeks ago she put in a giant fake ass, and it was the logical step in her creative and artistic journey… I am not hating on anything that is going on here, I find it all semi-erotic, all while being annoying as fuck…you see I am more into the Hannah Montana version of this, the more subtle approach to giving me boners. I don’t really need a girl spread eagled on stage, a need a girl to not be spread eagled on stage, so that I can imagine or want to see her spread eagled on stage, when you give up too much, I am into it in the form of NOODZ, but I guess the only direction for her to go is porn, which being the daughter of Achy Breaky would totally make sense, if she never became Miley… What I am getting at is…I think she’s peaked…and there’s only actual spread vagina to go from here to keep things interesting, but that won’t happen – thanks to her pile of money…and advisors…even if that’s all she wants to do…and I don’t even thing the internet would care if that happened… that’s more than enough on this. #457365030 / gettyimages.com #457366424 / gettyimages.com #457366338 / gettyimages.com #457366018 / gettyimages.com #457364976 / gettyimages.com #457362490 / gettyimages.com

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Miley Cyrus in Concert of the Day

Possible Candice Swanepoel Behind the Scenes Pics of the Day

There is no real way to know whether these Candice Swanepoel pics are legit or not. I mean they look like at least three girls I’ve had sex with recently, and sure I have sex with models, or at least girls with model bodies, because why the fuck not, so that’s not really saying much, other than all girls should look like this, and if they don’t they don’t count as girls… I don’t know if this is part of any celebrity nude leak, I mean if they are legit. I figure I’ll know if the lawyers come knocking, but really why would they. She’s naked in her fashion work as is. I can google “Candice Vag” and find it nicely shot, professionaly…the idea of selfies, is just to make these people seem more real to you, even though you’ll never meet them. Meaning, her fashion stuff is far hotter as a picture, nude selfies, hotter as a concept…and these ones are not offensive, filled with dick, spread eagled and just lovely…even if they aren’t Candice…I am a fan. Seriously – amazing…aint nothing wrong with any of this..

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Possible Candice Swanepoel Behind the Scenes Pics of the Day

Shay Mitchell on an Inflatable in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Shay Mitchell is my new favorite Pretty Little Liar, because the other Pretty Little Liars are not as hot and this Pretty Little Liar deserves as much heat as Ashley Benson is getting, because despite not being as white, she’s also not as dumpy…and sure she’s a few bra sizes smaller, but I saw spring breakers and if a few bra sizes smaller means a few less inches on her waist…I am all for that program… She’s wearing a one-piece, one pieces are only good if you’re over 35 and a mom, or fat..I would prefer spread eagled in a thong…but I never get what I want – so take what you get fool…

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Shay Mitchell on an Inflatable in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Krysten Ritter Does Bikini Yoga of the Day

Krysten Ritter is some old as fuck ex-model turned commercial model turned some girl on Breaking Bad who I guess is now out of work…and looking for attention…because she’s taken her skinny body to the beach…where she’s posing in yoga stance wearing a bikini which is what I call strategic pornography. I mean she might as well be laying their spread eagled screaming “LOOK AT ME EVERYONE”…but this strategy is more subtle, less obvious, and thus more effective…it’s attention whoring 101…a class I am willing to teach at any local college willing to hire me.

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Krysten Ritter Does Bikini Yoga of the Day

Anja Rubik is Spreading her Legs in Panties for a Shoe Company of the Day

Anja Rubik is a top model and she’s just landed an ad campaign for some shoe company that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but that are probably paying her a lot of money, because that’s how the fashion industry works, they lure all these people in with glamour and make them buy all this useless shit for a lot of fucking money even though it costs a dollar to make, getting so many people rich in the process, and making so many people who can’t afford the shit feel inadequate. Fucking bullies. Now, despite the industry being a pile of shit, evil, corporate greed fueled, they do hire some interesting women, tall and lean, and they do get them naked a lot of the time, because ultimately we’re all fucking perverts, sex sells, and they can pass it off as art in their perfect format their industry has crafted. So I’m into seeing Anna Rubik, a model who’s tits I have seen, spread eagled, even if she’s in panties, for some ad campaign, cuz it’s so gutter, yet so fancy, at the same time, all thanks to a little black and white.

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Anja Rubik is Spreading her Legs in Panties for a Shoe Company of the Day

Anja Rubik is Spreading her Legs in Panties for a Shoe Company of the Day

Anja Rubik is a top model and she’s just landed an ad campaign for some shoe company that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but that are probably paying her a lot of money, because that’s how the fashion industry works, they lure all these people in with glamour and make them buy all this useless shit for a lot of fucking money even though it costs a dollar to make, getting so many people rich in the process, and making so many people who can’t afford the shit feel inadequate. Fucking bullies. Now, despite the industry being a pile of shit, evil, corporate greed fueled, they do hire some interesting women, tall and lean, and they do get them naked a lot of the time, because ultimately we’re all fucking perverts, sex sells, and they can pass it off as art in their perfect format their industry has crafted. So I’m into seeing Anna Rubik, a model who’s tits I have seen, spread eagled, even if she’s in panties, for some ad campaign, cuz it’s so gutter, yet so fancy, at the same time, all thanks to a little black and white.

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Anja Rubik is Spreading her Legs in Panties for a Shoe Company of the Day

Mylene Klass Bikins of the Day

Mylene Klass is an older chick fromt he UK…who was in some band you’ve probably never heard of called “Hear’Say”…here is their awful songs…. She was also a presenter on the hit show called “Popster to Operastar”…in what has to be the least interesting of TV shows possible…. The insane thing in all this is that she has a net worth of 22 million dolllars…and she is now peddling bikinis…which isn’t so bad…cuz she looks pretty good in a bikini….that despite being 35, I’ll still look at…and here are the pics….

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Mylene Klass Bikins of the Day

Bianca Balti’s Hot Bikini Perfume Campaign of the Day

Bianca Balti is a 28 year old model out of Italy….whou you may or may not have seen on this site before…she is a mom…of a 5 year old…because I guess some girls are just eager to smear the semen on their eggs….because it is the Catholic way….and now she’s doing a campaign in her bikini…which is a pretty good strategy for me…even if I’d rather she be spread eagled and modeling her cervic like this was a gynecological office….but we can’t always get what we want….

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Bianca Balti’s Hot Bikini Perfume Campaign of the Day