Tag Archives: strange-thing

Kylie Jenner for V Magazine of the Day

So the tween Kylie Jenner is now being exploited by her crazy stage mom, who has really gone crazy with this stage mom hustle, because she’s managed to rope in every single one of the kids shat out of her vagina, even the one from OJ, and make money off them. Clearly tending to some inner insecurities in her own life, probably because she didn’t make it when she tried, forcing her to find a rich husband to whore herself to becasue the auditions weren’t working out and the Beverly Hills life is just so in your face when you are a starving twat trying to get pregnant with money…only to 25 years later…turn it around and make more money off that twat…because 25 years is long enough to get used to that world and to forget that you fucked your way into it…. I guess now that the other one is 18. She’s gotta get interest in the young one…and that’s why she’s in a bra in V magazine.

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Kylie Jenner for V Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Red Bikini of the Day

We live in a world where Kim Kardashian, along with her sex tape and the career that followed, is clearly celebrated as a sex symbol. People look at her and think “Oh My God, I want to fuck Kim Kardashian, she’s so hot”…yet for some reason, beastiality you know where you fuck an animal is illegal, looked down upon socially and completely wrong, even if you own it…even though it’s the same thing as getting off to Kim Kardashian, whether she’s photoshopped in her bikini or not. She’s a monster. TO SEE THE REST OF THE BIKINI PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE HER REALLY FAT SCARY ASS IN LEGGINGS CLICK HERE

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Kim Kardashian’s Red Bikini of the Day

Coco is Pretty Amazing on Vacation of the Day

Coco has a disgusting fucking ass…but for some reason she’s become an icon or leader in the really big ass movement of white girls who fuck black rappers because it’s a good life – whether they end up pimping her out, or pay her to be exclusive, she’s winning at hooking, and doing way better than if she was on the streets somewhere, because she’s in a fucking mansion…. But the one thing you can’t deny, or that I like about her, is how good she owns her nonsense and there is something to say about any girl, no matter how fucking silly, owning her shit, or the body part that she shits from….even if in the grand scheme of things it is trashy and disgusting…. She plays it up and has been playing it up the last 10 years. With thong bikinis and photoshoots, never really achieving anything…but being known as the rapper wife with a fat ass and she’s never even done a sex tape. Always smiling. It’s such a strange thing to do or to portray herself in the media, I wonder what is the motivation behind it is, like mocking yourself for attention, but then I realize who cares why she does it, that’s like asking a porn chick what went wrong in life before sucking dick on camera, instead of just watching her suck dick on camera…I choose watching her suck dick on camera. All this to say, I’m a fan. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

The rest is here:
Coco is Pretty Amazing on Vacation of the Day

Coco is Pretty Amazing on Vacation of the Day

Coco has a disgusting fucking ass…but for some reason she’s become an icon or leader in the really big ass movement of white girls who fuck black rappers because it’s a good life – whether they end up pimping her out, or pay her to be exclusive, she’s winning at hooking, and doing way better than if she was on the streets somewhere, because she’s in a fucking mansion…. But the one thing you can’t deny, or that I like about her, is how good she owns her nonsense and there is something to say about any girl, no matter how fucking silly, owning her shit, or the body part that she shits from….even if in the grand scheme of things it is trashy and disgusting…. She plays it up and has been playing it up the last 10 years. With thong bikinis and photoshoots, never really achieving anything…but being known as the rapper wife with a fat ass and she’s never even done a sex tape. Always smiling. It’s such a strange thing to do or to portray herself in the media, I wonder what is the motivation behind it is, like mocking yourself for attention, but then I realize who cares why she does it, that’s like asking a porn chick what went wrong in life before sucking dick on camera, instead of just watching her suck dick on camera…I choose watching her suck dick on camera. All this to say, I’m a fan. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Coco is Pretty Amazing on Vacation of the Day

Kendall Jenner Bikini Pictures

Here’s Kim Kardashian’s younger sister hanging out in the ocean in her bikini looking slim and fit. I’m not putting this up because I think she’s hot. I’m not being a pervert, I know she’s only sixteen or something, I’m just saying that the future looks bright for the Kardashian clan…. Her butt is actual proportionate with the rest of her body. Which is a strange thing in that family. It must be the Olympic gold medalist genes kicking in. We’ll see in a few years.

Who Scored Big in Week Nine of SNL’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?

A strange thing has happened over at 30 Rockefeller Plaza during this season of Saturday Night Live : Bill Hader has usurped Kristen Wiig as SNL ‘s go-to cast member. Oh, sure, Wiig has had her fair share of sketches this season, but it’s becoming increasingly evident that the Man Who Plays Stefon has put the show on his back. Hader wasn’t number one on the Revelancy Poll this weekend, however, but it’s a rare week when he does not appear in the top-five. For reference, this is not one of those weeks.

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Who Scored Big in Week Nine of SNL’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?

Video Game Rape Scene

Just endure it a little longer, Lucas. Trust me – this will give you magic powers. Trust.

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Video Game Rape Scene

Google Street View Catches a Glimpse of Heaven

This isn't the first strange thing ever captured by Google Maps' Street View, but it might be the most other-worldly.

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Google Street View Catches a Glimpse of Heaven