Tag Archives: surgery

Get Well: Remy Ma Rushed Into Emergency Surgery Following Post-Birth Complications

Source: Johnny Nunez / Getty Prayers up! Remy Ma Has Post-Birth Surgery For Bleeding Remy Ma is unfortunately back in the hospital after giving birth to “The Golden Child.” TMZ reports that Remy was rushed into emergency surgery Tuesday after suffering from excessive bleeding. They add that the rapper had blood transfusions while on the operating table but the surgery was a success. She’s expected to be released soon. Yesterday Papoose revealed that he bought Remy a $94,000 Escalade a “push present” for delivering their baby girl. Source: Johnny Nunez / Getty Get well soon Remy! Continue reading

Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Blac Chyna’s 2019 Surgery Goals Gets Dragged Did you know that Blac Chyna has had plastic surgery done before? Yes, we broke it here first. This is probably quite a shock to you. Well, she’s being very proud of the way modern science has helped her achieve her body goals and posted up in front of her surgeon’s office talking about how she’s going to change things heading into 2019. Good for her. Well, not everyone felt like celebrating this move. Twitter and her IG comments were full of all the petty. Take a look… Blac Chyna posting pics about getting more plastic surgery in 2019. What Rob paid for didn’t come with a manufacturers warranty? — Dear Ashley… (@asj519) December 16, 2018

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Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Blac Chyna’s 2019 Surgery Goals Gets Dragged Did you know that Blac Chyna has had plastic surgery done before? Yes, we broke it here first. This is probably quite a shock to you. Well, she’s being very proud of the way modern science has helped her achieve her body goals and posted up in front of her surgeon’s office talking about how she’s going to change things heading into 2019. Good for her. Well, not everyone felt like celebrating this move. Twitter and her IG comments were full of all the petty. Take a look… Blac Chyna posting pics about getting more plastic surgery in 2019. What Rob paid for didn’t come with a manufacturers warranty? — Dear Ashley… (@asj519) December 16, 2018

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Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Blac Chyna’s 2019 Surgery Goals Gets Dragged Did you know that Blac Chyna has had plastic surgery done before? Yes, we broke it here first. This is probably quite a shock to you. Well, she’s being very proud of the way modern science has helped her achieve her body goals and posted up in front of her surgeon’s office talking about how she’s going to change things heading into 2019. Good for her. Well, not everyone felt like celebrating this move. Twitter and her IG comments were full of all the petty. Take a look… Blac Chyna posting pics about getting more plastic surgery in 2019. What Rob paid for didn’t come with a manufacturers warranty? — Dear Ashley… (@asj519) December 16, 2018

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Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Farrah Abraham: Check Out My Brand New Boob Job!

So Farrah Abraham, just in case you couldn’t tell, has had some plastic surgery done. You know, just a little bit here and there. Huh, what’s that? She looks like an entirely different human being than she did less than 10 years ago? She’s had so much work done that it’s a wonder her parents even recognize her? Oh. Yeah, OK, so our girl here is no stranger to plastic surgery, that’s true. She’s had a nose job, a chin implant (which she later removed), and several vaginal rejuvenations . She’s had some kind of procedure meant to tighten her backside, as well as plenty of butt injections . And who could even begin to count all the lip injections, Botox, and fillers? No one without infinite time on their hands, that’s who. On top of all that, Farrah has had not one, not two, but three boob jobs. She hasn’t messed with them for a few years, but just in time for Christmas, she’s gone and done something new! Check it out, but don’t say we didn’t warn you: That’s a screenshot from a Snapchat video she shared yesterday evening from a clinic in Beverly Hills. Pretty wild, right? “Hey ladies,” she said in the video. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a really long time, scar camouflage, after my surgeries.” “A surgery, then we’re all done. It is like natural and brand new.” The point of the scar camouflage, of course, is to cover up the scars she got in her previous boob jobs . It’s interesting though, because she’s calling this a surgery, but from what we can tell, this procedure is really more of a kind of tattooing. According to her clinic’s site, “A unique pigment is created for and matched to each patient based on their natural skin color.” “Scars begin to blend with the rest of the skin after several sessions.” They also work with burn victims and other trauma survivors, they cover up birthmarks and stretch marks, and they even do work with people who need breast reconstruction after mastectomies. But all throughout their site, they refer to the “treatments” and “procedures” they offer. It’s not surgery. So is Farrah just confused? (Well, she’s always confused , but is she using the wrong word in this specific instance?) Is she getting another surgery somewhere? Could she just be looking for any chance to show off her chest on social media? Hey, maybe all of the above is true! View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham: Is She an ACTUAL Hooker?! Ultimate Shadiness Exposed [EXCLUSIVE] There really is no telling when it comes to Farrah, is there?

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Farrah Abraham: Check Out My Brand New Boob Job!

Babies: Kenya Moore’s Darling Daughter Brooklyn Doris Makes Her Debut

Kenya Moore Shares First Photo Of Baby Brooklyn And Reveals Scary Birth Story We called it y’all! Kenya Moore’s baby girl Brooklyn Doris just made her debut on PEOPLE.com. The beauty queen turned reality star shared the first shot of her baby in the magazine’s December 24th edition, telling readers the details on her darling daughter: “I finally have everything I’ve dreamed of,” she gushes to PEOPLE , posing with her adorable baby girl for the first time in an exclusive spread for this week’s issue. “She’s so perfect in so many ways,” adds Moore, who says Brooklyn “makes 101 faces” that always make her laugh. “This little angel … so beautiful. I feel so blessed. It’s all been so worth it.” “It’s weird,” she says. “You can be surrounded by people but if you don’t have what you’ve longed for your whole life — and in my case, that’s a family — you just feel lonely.” Besides sharing the photos of her beautiful baby girl, Kenya also opened up about her difficult journey to motherhood , revealing how, at her first ultrasound, doctors couldn’t see the baby’s skeleton and worried Moore had a false pregnancy. Another visit had physicians concerned Moore was having an ectopic tubal pregnancy and would need to be terminated. “There were so many scares along the way,” Moore says, explaining she was seeing an OBGYN and perinatologist (a specialist for high-risk pregnancy) weekly. “We held our breath every time we went to the doctor.” The scares continued for Moore into October, when she tested positive for preeclampsia after noticing swelling in her fit and making a visit to her OBGYN where she made the frightening discovery she’d gained nearly 20 lbs. “In one week, I had gained 17 lbs.” she recalls. “I was like, ‘Wait a minute, is this scale right?’ ‘Cause I remembered specifically what my weight was, and at that point, I was at 203 lbs. already. And then when they weighed me, I was 220 lbs. And I was thinking, ‘Something is not right here. Is the scale broken?’ ” “I called them to give them my blood pressure readings and my reading was through the roof and climbing,” Moore explains. “They told me, ‘Your condition is worsening so get your bags and go straight to the hospital, you’re delivering today.’ “ Frightened, and with Daly still on a plane to Atlanta, Moore recalls bursting into tears. “It was all happening so fast,” she says. “I started crying because I got so scared. I couldn’t get a hold of Marc, I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just remember feeling overwhelmed with emotion. It was really tough.” Kenya delivered Brooklyn Doris (named after the borough where she and hubby Marc Daly met and her grandmother) six weeks early on November 4th, PEOPLE details the emergency c-section revealing how fibroids forced doctors to cut Moore twice — horizontally and vertically, potentially putting her in danger of losing her own life. “They couldn’t get the baby out,” she says. “There were all these complications and they knew if they cut into a fibroid, I could potentially bleed out and die. So they ended up cutting me vertically too, to just get the baby out and make sure I survived the surgery. They were so scared they were going to lose me.” At one point, Moore’s epidural ran out and doctors gave her anesthesia to put her out. She jokes, “When it was all over, my doctor said, ‘This was one for the books.’ ” “They laid her down on my chest, and those screaming cries stopped immediately,” Moore recalls. “She was just so perfect, so tiny. And just like that, all my dreams had come true.” It definitely sounds like a harrowing experience, but Moore says she couldn’t be happier at the outcome. “We’re so in love,” Moore gushes. “Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. But she’s such a tough baby; so determined. And every step of the way, she kept surviving and getting stronger. She’s my miracle baby. There’s no other way to describe it, she’s my miracle baby.” It sounds like Brooklyn is a real fighter just like her mom. We’re so glad that things worked out for Kenya and Marc and Brooklyn. And now that the first photos are out of the way we hope Kenya will decide to flood us with photos of her precious princess!

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Babies: Kenya Moore’s Darling Daughter Brooklyn Doris Makes Her Debut

Pure Comedy: Chrissy Teigen Brings Her Mom Along For Another Haunted House On ‘Ellen’ [Video]

Chrissy Teigen And Her Mom Go Through A Haunted House Chrissy Teigen already experienced one haunted house courtesy of Ellen Degeneres this year, but being a good daughter means she had to make the trek back inside to experience the whole thing with her mom. Ellen’s producer Andy came along for the ride as Chrissy and her mom hilariously make their way through yet another haunted house. Halloween may be over, but watching celebs get scared is entertaining year-round.  

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Pure Comedy: Chrissy Teigen Brings Her Mom Along For Another Haunted House On ‘Ellen’ [Video]

Model Got 36DD Breasts For Her Ex-Boyfriend, Says They Started Making Fart Noises 

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 32-year old Emily Nolan got 36DD when she was 23, just to please her boyfriend who was unhappy with her 36 B breasts. But things took a turn for the worse as Nolan’s huge implants left her with pain in her neck and shoulders. As if the pain isn’t bad enough, the former model says her breasts started to make fart-like noises when she would raise her arms. She told the Daily Mail , Whenever I’d lift my arms, say to hug a friend, the implants would make an awful, not to mention embarrassing, fart noise. You could hear the noise every time I raised my arms, which was truly the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Following a visit to Santa Fe and hearing the suction noises under my chest, I knew it wasn’t healthy to have them in my body Luckily, Emily has moved on from her ex and is now happily married to a man who loves her body in it’s natural form. She is now back down to her original breast size, but after having her second extract surgery in September 2016, Emily contracted an infection which required a second minor surgery as the wound didn’t heal properly. She has since recovered and given birth to a beautiful baby boy with her new hubby.

Originally posted here:
Model Got 36DD Breasts For Her Ex-Boyfriend, Says They Started Making Fart Noises 

Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day

Chinese Designer Lights Up her Fake Tits Girl Spitting on People at McDonalds Man Masturbating To Women’s Shoes… Cow on the Roof in Germany Woman Dude Met to Fuck – Steals His Car as He Checks into a Motel – he Shoots her 4 times – she lives – they live happily ever after – guns rule. Lip Surgery Fail Just a girl and her Dick Cake Man with Knife VS Tow Truck Guy The post Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day

Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day

Chinese Designer Lights Up her Fake Tits Girl Spitting on People at McDonalds Man Masturbating To Women’s Shoes… Cow on the Roof in Germany Woman Dude Met to Fuck – Steals His Car as He Checks into a Motel – he Shoots her 4 times – she lives – they live happily ever after – guns rule. Lip Surgery Fail Just a girl and her Dick Cake Man with Knife VS Tow Truck Guy The post Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day