Tag Archives: Sweden

50 Cent Takes Multiple Shots At Meek Mill During Show In Sweden [Video]

Not that 50 doesn’t have enough on his plate already , but now Fif’s gone ahead and jumped on the “get Meek Mill” train. While out in Sweden, 50 decided to shoot up Meek Mill’s crib while riding Drake’s sack.

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50 Cent Takes Multiple Shots At Meek Mill During Show In Sweden [Video]

Elsa Hosk May Have a Nipple Elle Sweden of the Day

I am going to put my biology knowledge to the test and assume Elsa Hosk may have a nipple…and you can see part of it in one of the pics of Elle magazine…which would be crazy, if everyone was a conservative, Jesus loving motherfucker, and Payboy and Penthouse didn’t pave the way for hardcore porn, and this “fashionable” porn….but everyone is liberal, porn loving, left wing, heathens, harlots, fucking and sinning….and I guess Elsa Hosk is one of them…because before Victorias Secret, she was a nude Swedish model…and I guess she is now a mainstream Swedish model…who I prefer seeing actually naked….but clothed is the new nude… TO SEE HER FOR VICTORIA’S SECRET CLICK HERE The post Elsa Hosk May Have a Nipple Elle Sweden of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk May Have a Nipple Elle Sweden of the Day

Snoop Dogg Blasts Swedish Officials After Arrest: ‘F-ck The Police. And I’m Still Smokin’

After being detained by Swedish police this past weekend (July 25), Snoop Dogg has promised he will never travel to Sweden again. The rapper, who…

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Snoop Dogg Blasts Swedish Officials After Arrest: ‘F-ck The Police. And I’m Still Smokin’

Snoop Dogg Blasts Swedish Officials After Arrest: ‘F-ck The Police. And I’m Still Smokin’

After being detained by Swedish police this past weekend (July 25), Snoop Dogg has promised he will never travel to Sweden again. The rapper, who…

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Snoop Dogg Blasts Swedish Officials After Arrest: ‘F-ck The Police. And I’m Still Smokin’

Justin Bieber: Growing as a Man, Cheering for LeBron

Justin Bieber took some out of performing in Hong Kong this week to speak to Us Weekly. The tabloid caught up with the artist at a Calvin Klein-sponsored event overseas, asking Bieber about his fashion, his growth as a person and his rooting interest in the NBA Finals. But, no, not about posing naked with a pig . Here are excerpts from Bieber’s interview with the magazine: How does he stay in shape?  I’ve been working out recently, but when I was doing a shoot I would spend like two weeks before the shoot just really grinding it, working out everyday, eating healthy. How has he changed over the years?  I’m a human being. So I’m growing as a man, and you just figure some certain things out that you’re okay with, and what you believe in. I can’t really say that I’ve made any mistakes, but that I’m just human, you know? And I think that that, in general, just growth helps me with my music. Like I put everything in my music, like everything I have, because that’s what I’m made for. I’m super creative, I’m always in the studio. So my growth is definitely a big part of my music, my creativity. What style does he like on the opposite sex?  I think this season is Saint Laurent is really cool so I like – I like to see girls in that for sure. They’re in like a cowgirl stage right now. Is he rooting for the Cavs or the Warriors? I   have to go with LeBron James on this one. He’s just worked so hard, and he’s doing it with himself at this point. View Slideshow: 29 HAWT Photos of Justin Bieber Shirtless

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Justin Bieber: Growing as a Man, Cheering for LeBron

Dave Grohl Breaks Leg, Keeps Right on Rockin’

Dave Grohl is one of the most beloved figures in the world of modern rock for good reason: The man’s commitment to his music is legendary, and during a show in Sweden last night, Grohl proved once again that almost nothing can keep him from entertaining his fans: Dave Grohl Falls From Stage, Breaks Leg TMZ is reporting that Foo Fighters frontman fell from the stage and broke his leg while covering David Bowie and Queen’s 1981 classic “Under Pressure.” As you can see in the clip above, Grohl kept on rocking, but had to concede defeat upon realizing how seriously injured he was. “You have my promise that the Foo Fighters are gonna come back and finish the show,” Grohl told the crowd. “But right now…I’m gonna go to the hospital. I’m gonna fix my leg. Then we’re gonna come back and play for you again!” Sources say Grohl got the medical attention he needed and is currently resting comfortably. No word on when he’ll be back on his feet and able to finish the Sweden gig, but we have no doubt he’ll make good on his promise. Dave Grohl, man. Whether he’s reminding us not to smoke weed and watch the Kardashians or finishing a song after breaking his freaking leg , this man is clearly committed to making the world a better place. View Slideshow: 15 Times Singers Have Fallen Off Stage: HA!

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Dave Grohl Breaks Leg, Keeps Right on Rockin’

Lara Stone by Juergen Teller of the Day

Lara Stone tried to sue me once – because I posted paparazzi pics of her on her Honeymoon, because her honeymoon was so fucking private and important that the paparazzi went to creep on her…and she felt the need to come after me…like I was the motherfucker in scuba gear creeping up on her in a bikini…thus making me hate her… But I do like Juergen Teller’s photographer, he’s pretty top tier, and when it features a topless Lara Stone and her big old nipples, thicker than she’s ever been, even though we’ve already seen her tits…I kind of don’t care that sue bothered threatening me with lawsuits, instead I just incorporate it into my masturation… “Oh yes babay, send me that Lawyer’s Letter, oh you’re so hot when you pay 500 Euros an hour to send me love letters….I just came”…

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Lara Stone by Juergen Teller of the Day

Sabrina Ioffreda for LUI Magazine of the Day

Sabrina Ioffreda is some model who has done nothing that I’ve noticed – not that I really notice anything when it comes to models unless they show their tits…but I assume that she’s well paid, as all models are, she’s probably European because of her insane last name, maybe even Swedish, because it sounds like an IKEA table name, which happens to be the only thing I know about Sweden, and probably the only thing to know about Sweden, other than this Sabrina Ioffreda who I don’t even know if she’s from Sweden but we’ll pretend. Fuck, google just told me she’s from Argentina…I shoulda known….I just thought Argentina only had cows…I am so bad at this…I am so stupid…I would blame the hangover but I am already drunk….fuck the dark hair should have given it away… Who cares about where she’s from, or what she’s giving away, since she’s giving all I really care away, and that’s her tits in my favorite titty magazine out of France called LUI This shoot is pretty next level

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Sabrina Ioffreda for LUI Magazine of the Day

Acne Studios Underwear Campaign of the Day

Acne Studios is some Swedish fashion company – and I guess this is their Swedish underwear campaign – that is pretty fucking Swedish looking – not that I know what Swedish looking means – but it reminds me of IKEA In the early 80s and some weird 1960s Swedish movies I’ve randomly seen… Up on some practical, clean lines, pragmatic soft core porno kick…with long legs….and toplessness. Even though this was probably not shot in Sweden… I feel so lied to

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Acne Studios Underwear Campaign of the Day

Elsa Hosk for Marie Claire Italy of the Day

Elsa Hosk is pretty much the single most important model ever…at least that’s probably what she likes to think about herself, because she’s signed with Victoria’s Secret and big brands and people want to work with her, and no model likes to think they are useless, or that modelling is dumb when thousands and thousands of dollars are being thrown at her to just stand around and let people take pics of her and praise her…I mean she probably doesn’t think she’s changed, and that she’s just like her IKEA and VOLVO working…meatball eating friends…back in Sweden… But what do I know, Elsa Hosk doesn’t answer my calls, and even if she’s a bitching, snappy, annoying, egotistical, princess cunt…I approve and will carry her purse on set because she’s fantastic to look at – and in this horrible world…good looks are more important than good personality, because no one I’ve ever met has a good personality…so let’s stick with looks. Again, Like all Models BETTER NAKED

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Elsa Hosk for Marie Claire Italy of the Day