Tag Archives: tampa-tribune

Florida Crazies: Man Tries To Rob Country Club Bar, Says He’s “Just Kidding” When He Realizes He’s Outnumbered

Meth will do it to you every time … Florida Man Says “Just Kidding” To Robbery Bet the cops weren’t “just kidding” when they came to pick him up! Via Tampa Tribune : A 22-year-old man is accused of entering a bar with a bandana over his face and demanding money from the cash register while pointing a gun at a bartender, a Pasco County Sheriff’s Office report said. Stephen Randall Koulias was arrested at 8:12 p.m. Sunday at Forest Hills Golf and Country Club, the report said. Koulias was dressed in a gray hoodie with a blue bandana covering his face when he entered the bar at the country club, witnesses said. Koulias shouted for everyone to put their hands up, saying he was committing a “hold-up,” the report said. He hurled expletives at the bartender and told the bartender to give him money from the cash register, the report said. “When the defendant realized there were other customers at the bar, he took off the bandana and hood and stated he was just kidding,” the report said. Koulias was detained by investigators who found on him an Airsoft gun, a replica firearm that shoots pellets, the report said. Koulias told investigators that he had the gun because he wanted to shoot frogs, the report said. As Koulias was transferred from one sheriff’s vehicle to another, investigators found a syringe that had methamphetamine residue on it, the report said. Sunday’s incident marked the second time Koulias tried to rob the country club, the report said. A court case regarding Koulias’ first attempted robbery is pending, the report said. In March, a judge ordered Koulias to have no contact with the country club, the report said. Damn, rob a different spot…or at least wait till your first charge is settled. SMH.

See the rest here:
Florida Crazies: Man Tries To Rob Country Club Bar, Says He’s “Just Kidding” When He Realizes He’s Outnumbered

Hide Ya Kids: Florida Teacher Arrested For Chopping Down 17-Year-Old Boy Multiple Times Before Aborting His Baby

She just couldn’t stay away from the underage peen. Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With Student And didn’t even use a condom?! SMH… According to The Tampa Tribune: A 29-year-old Polk County teacher was arrested Monday night on charges of having sex with a 17-year-old student during a four-month romance that involved a pregnancy and abortion, Lakeland police said. Jennifer Christine Fichter, an English teacher at Central Florida Aerospace Academy, told the boy’s mother that she was in love with her son and admitted to several sexual encounters, police said. The relationship began in November and the sex occurred during early morning hours in Fichter’s Toyota pickup truck, according to a police affidavit. The teen told detectives he and the teacher met for sex three times in the parking lot of a Lakeland apartment complex and three times at a location off New Tampa Highway. He also said they had sex four times outside the city in Polk and Hillsborough, and those incidents are under investigation in those counties, Lakeland police said. Fichter also said she was in love with the student, had sex with him 20 to 30 times, wanted to maintain the relationship and did not regret her actions, according the affidavit. Fichter faces six counts of unlawful sexual activity with a minor. She was arrested at her Davenport home and booked at the Polk County Jail. We know teaching is a hard job (no pun intended), but these cradle-robbers must be some of the loneliest hoes walkin’ God’s green Earth if they have to resort to teen peen!

Hide Ya Kids: Florida Teacher Arrested For Chopping Down 17-Year-Old Boy Multiple Times Before Aborting His Baby

Man Claims Watching ‘Recycled News Shows on MSNBC’ Caused Him to Threaten Congresswoman

Can watching too much MSNBC affect a person to the extent that he acts in a completely irrational manner? According to a Tampa Tribune story , a Florida man convicted of threatening death upon a congresswoman for her opposition to ObamaCare believes the answer would be yes: TAMPA – A Spring Hill man who threatened U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite during the health care debate will spend more than two years in federal prison. Eric Lawrence Pidrman, 66, claims he was in an alcoholic blackout when he telephoned Brown-Waite’s office about 6:30 a.m. on March 25 and left a message saying he had 27 people who would make sure she “doesn’t live to see her next term.” “I’m terribly sorry that it ever happened,” Pidrman said this morning before he was sentenced. At the time of the morning he made the call, he said, “I very often watch the recycled news shows on MSNBC.” When agents questioned Pidrman in April, he said he was upset about threats reportedly made against Democrats during the health care debate. He said he probably thought, “Let me scare one of those righties.” “Righties.” And who frequently uses that term? I’ll give you a hint. It was the MSNBC host who recently made this “scorching” threat : “I’m going to torch this f***ing place!” he screamed during a meeting in the MSNBC newsroom according to the New York Post . “F***ers!” he added for good measure. Compare that irrational MSNBC host threat to the irrational threat left by Pidrman on the answering machine of the congresswoman: “Just wanna let you know I have 27 people that are going to make sure that this ***** does not live to see her next term.” Readers of this story have noted that there are not all that many degrees of separation between Erik Lawrence Pidrman and Keith Olbermann or…Ed Schultz: He’s right if i watched all the recycled news on MSNBC i might go nuts too. A looney leftnut was inspired by MSNBC to threaten conservatives for voicing their opinion. And this is news??? Here is just another example of where the threats and violence comes from. Not the teaparty folk etc. The union supported leftists have always been the violent ones. This guy is just typical of them. MSNBC is all I needed as they are all leftists. The big question now is if trial lawyers will begin using the “MSNBC defense” as an excuse for their clients’ threats against conservatives. 

More here:
Man Claims Watching ‘Recycled News Shows on MSNBC’ Caused Him to Threaten Congresswoman

List of top party schools by Princeton Review – The Associated Press

Tampa Tribune List of top party schools by Princeton Review The Associated Press The nation’s top party schools , according to Princeton Review’s 2009 survey of 122000 students. 1

The rest is here:
List of top party schools by Princeton Review – The Associated Press