You have company, A.J. Clemente . Over the weekend, during a taped segment about strawberry picking in the Spokane region of Washington, Fox reporter Lindsay Nadrich got really frustrated by her own delivery. “It’s worth the drive and worth fighting this rain condition,” Nadrich said of the experience, only to mutter quickly afterward: “F-ck me, I can’t even f-cking talk!” That’s what we call a major(ly hilarious) editing blunder! Watch the footage now, including the great reaction of the news anchor immediately following the snafu: Lindsay Nadrich News Report: F Bomb Alert!
Jennifer Aniston’s 45 year old, probably menopausal tits still look awesome, I guess that’s what surgery, good bras, and/or not having babies destroy your pussy, do to you…..unfortunately for her, tits aren’t enough for a motherfucker to stick around….even her hot body isn’t enough for a motherfucker to stick around….cuz hot tits come in a whole assortment of shapes, sizes and women who aren’t fucking snob, cunt, high maintenance divas who dont get that being a show like Friends was just lucky and its success, even though it made her 100s of millions, had nothing to do with her hard fucking nipples….there’s just something about her face I want to fucking punch, but luckily….who needs to look at her fucking face…when in dresses like this. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Ashley Tisdale is someone I hate for no reason other than she thinks she is hotter than she is – you know cuz she has the whole support staff she pays to tell her she is hotter than she actually is….when in reality someone should notify her that her horrible face ruins everything…everything except her fit body…that if she maintains…will take precendence over her face as all the other 40 year old hot faces get fat, sloppy, married and disgusting….you see cuz a hot body does go a long way…but not quite long enough for Tisdale…cuz she’s fallen off the map, not important or getting work, coasting and hoping someone will hire her again….. But luckily, she finally got invited somewhere in Vegas, because Vegas will inviite any celeb D through A to their events…and in turn went nuts on dressing as hot as she could and ocumenting the experience…cuz no one ever invites some has been Disney trash with a busted up, broken down face to events, even if she’s got herself a fit body to events…at least not as much as she’d like them to – so it is time to celebrate…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
‘It was a song we did, kind of like a funny, kind-of-a-joke song,’ Diplo tells BBC Radio of B’s 2011 single, which sampled his Major Lazer song. By James Montgomery Beyonc
Bobbi Kristina Brown has gone public with her relationship. The 19-year old daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown is dating Nick Gordon, as the couple Tweeted a photo of itself last night. The twist? Gordon is sort of her step-brother. Bobbi and Nick met many years ago after the former’s mother took Nick in as one of her own because he was suffering through major family problems. A source tells E! News that Gordon – described as laid back and intelligent – has been the de facto “man” of the house since Bobby Brown departed. There’s no blood relation between the pair, of course, which is what prompted Gordon to lash out via Twitter yesterday, writing: “Yea we got a little closer and what!!!… All the haters that dont know us or th real story can’t un follow me. I don’t give a f–k. I’ve proved my loyalty to her and the Houston family. I don’t owe any of you anything. Ha I don’t even know y’all haters….Some ppl have no lives so they gotta be in ours. “For the stupid ppl out there she gave birth to 1 child. And she trusted me with EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!… She called me her me ” God Son” I swear some ppl in this world act like they don’t have a brain…”
Ben Flajnik’s decision to propose to Courtney Robertson on The Bachelor finale was not exactly well received, but he stands by it, saying they’re a great fit. The reality star hopes that as the recent controversy dies down, “people will get a better understanding of who we are and why we’re still together .” Ben admits he saw signs of Courtney Robertson’s now-infamously catty behavior this season, “like when she would skip back after getting a rose.” Just the same, “I asked [the other women] for specific examples and [they said], ‘She’s weird,’ or ‘She’s different.’ That wasn’t reason enough.” Ben Flajnik says there were “many really sweet moments that we had together” that kept him interested in Courtney Robertson , come what may. Plus, he adds, “She was one of the only girls on the show that questioned the experience and that’s what I found attractive about her – and I still do.” “Courtney was always like, ‘I’ve only been on two dates with you, why should I bring you home right now? My family is really important to me.'” “It was like, finally, someone who asks the right questions instead of [saying], ‘It’s going be wonderful and we could be married for the rest of our lives.’ ” Despite acknowledging that the two split for several weeks this winter, during which he kissed a bunch of random girls , Ben says they “will be fine.” “Maybe someday people will get behind us, but for now we work really well together,” he says. “The Bachelor will not define me as a person.” Question is: Will Ben and Courtney last?
Happy New Year! Especially if you’re among the maintenance crew members at Universal Studios Hollywood Orlando, where you will never again have to take to the murky waters of the Jaws ride to fix the perennially broken mechanical shark: The attraction honoring Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster closed for good on Monday. Revisit the experience in better — i.e. functioning — days with an epic new video. I don’t remember the ride ever being this theatrical. Guns? Explosions? Boat drivers who look like they honed their acts in Friday the 13th: The Musical ? I also haven’t set foot in that theme park in about 25 years, so you tell me. In any case, R.I.P., Bruce the Shark. You were a worthy adversary, at least when you worked. [via Inside the Magic ]
Teen pop singer Justin Bieber has been in the news lately for reasons unrelated to him singing “Baby, Baby” … unless he uttered that while nailing Mariah Yeater . The 20-year-old alleged baby mama claims she had (brief) sex with Bieber backstage after a concert last fall and that her three-month-old son is Bieber’s. She is suing Justin for child support, while Bieber, who denies ever meeting Mariah Yeater, says he will take a paternity test to prove it, then sue her right back. Despite the inconsistencies in her story – Mariah Yeater first accused her ex of fathering the child – she’s speaking out about their “affair” on The Insider tonight. According to Mariah, Bieber was aggressive in the sack/men’s room: Mariah Yeater on the Insider (Preview) “He immediately took a liking to me. We just got to talking,” she recalls. “Eventually he asked me, ‘Would you mind if we could go somewhere and be alone.'” “Then when we got to what turned out to be a bathroom, his whole demeanor changed. It went from cute and gushy to more aggressive,” Yeater continues. Specifically, he supposedly asked to “f–k the s–t” out of her. Obvi. “I have provided evidence to my attorneys and it’ll show in court that my allegations are true,” she says, responding to claims that she’s a liar and gold digger. Asked why Bieber’s security guard says he never left Bieber that night and Justin went straight to the car following the concert, Mariah says, “No comment.” Her interview airs tonight. Do you believe Bieb smushed that?
Everybody feel sorry for Lindsay Lohan. The actress is telling friends that her stint in jail this morning – all 4.5 hours of a 30-day sentence – was “beyond scary” and one of the worst experiences ever. She was never placed with the general population, of course, biding her time alone in a private cell at Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, Calif. Sources say Lindsay described the jail as “cold” (possibly in more ways than one) saying it’s one of “the worst places she’s ever been in her entire life.” Lindsay didn’t eat anything during her stay at Lynwood – it’s not like she had time for a meal – and was outta there before having to even stay a night. Imagine if she really had to call that place home for awhile, it might improve her world view … you know, what the corrections system is designed for. Maybe we’re being unfair. Lindsay is telling friends the experience was another wake up call, that she’s mistakes and will put her problems behind her. We’ll believe it when we see it, but that’s wonderful to hear LiLo.
Getting overpriced popcorn is a part of the experience of going to a movie. And even though the popcorn often looks like it’s been sitting there for days, the butter is going to clog your arteries, and the salt is going to raise your blood pressure, you still gotta have it! According to the University of Southern California , people can’t help themselves from eating popcorn. And apparently it doesn’t matter if the popcorn is fresh or stale because it’s a habit for most of us to have it, and the people that run movie theaters know this. Read more about why you can’t stop eating stale popcorn by visiting . RELATED POSTS: Michael Jackson Movie Moments Top Ten DVD’s Worth Fighting Over