Tag Archives: topless-because

Aymeline Valade Flashing her Nipple of the Day

We live in a world where we don’t have a shortage of tits… This is Aymeline Valade…she’s from France, she was in a movie once, so she’s more than just a model, that movie was called Saint Laurent, about Yves Saint Laurent, where she played a model…she’s got so much depth…depth in the form of a willingness to get naked or topless because this is 2016 and like 1969 before it, tits are a sign of liberation in an era where women have equal rights but still like showing tits.. She’s at the St Laurent Fashion show during Fashion week in france showing tit… I guess St Laurent and Tits are what she’s all about… The post Aymeline Valade Flashing her Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Aymeline Valade Flashing her Nipple of the Day

Zoe Cross Topless Model of the Day

Zoe Cross can be found seducing her 100,000 followers

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Zoe Cross Topless Model of the Day

Kim Kardashian by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vogue Brazil of the Day

Kim Kardashian did VOGUE…topless because VOUGE is a respectful fashion site and not some bootleg porn magazine that features topless porn chicks….well into their 30s…while fat and moms…and not actively releasing hardcore porn, but while maintaining the same morals and values of a porn chick, because they’ll whore themselves anyway they can… If you don’t care about this and you shouldn’t because she’s garbage: Then here’s a youtuber imitating Kim Kardashian The post Kim Kardashian by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vogue Brazil of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kim Kardashian by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vogue Brazil of the Day

More Candice Swanepoel and Edita Vilkeviciute Tits for Vogue Germany of the Day

Candice Swanepoel and Edita Vilkeviciute did Vogue Germany topless because that’s the foundation of modelling, you know find yourself some awkwardly tall girl, who has a good facial structure and who isn’t fat to photograph, convince her that she’s some kind of artist, or canvas that the camera loves and that brands will pay tens of thousands to spend a day with, you know really work them over to think they are part of a bigger thing, or a higher purpose, like they were sent here from heaven to be in catalogs to sell shit people don’t need for a reason, it has to have a reason…and in finding that reason, so that they don’t feel like vapid cunts fucking the system for being pretty, they do “artistic” projects, where they lend their bodies to perverts masked as photographers…usually nude…because it’s all part of the job even when it doesn’t pay…usually the nudes don’t…even though as far as I’m concerned – they are all that matter.

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More Candice Swanepoel and Edita Vilkeviciute Tits for Vogue Germany of the Day

RIP Motherfucker the James Avery as Uncle Phil Edition of the Day

I always get in trouble when people die because I laugh at death, I am hardcore like that, it’s like fuck you death and the person you took, even if I am well aware that death sucks as a concept… You know seeing the world collectively hold hands crying for someone who they never met and who didn’t give a fuck about them just confuses me…sure they are celebs, but do they really matter, and did you really care that they were alive yesterday. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE TOP 10 UNCLE PHIL MOMENTS Every time a celeb dies, I lose followers, traffic partners, all because I get carried away, so today, I resolve to be nicer about death…to may my RIP Motherfucker posts more tributes that poking fun at their lives…Because never has there been a tragedy as great as a 65 year old obese man dying…because he was on TV…. James was my teacher my protector & the most magnificent actor. We're feeling his loss very deeply. He'll always be apart of me #JamesAvery — Tatyana Ali (@TatyanaAli) January 1, 2014 TO SEE THE UNCLE PHIL TRUBUTE CLICK HERE

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RIP Motherfucker the James Avery as Uncle Phil Edition of the Day

Ellie Goulding in Marie Claire UK of the Day

Ellie Goulding is topless in Marie Claire UK…well technically topless because she’s not wearing clothes…but not topless enough since we can’t see her nipples getting milked the way all topless pics should be… But we have seen her TOPLESS IN FLAUNT …or at least she’s shown off her hipster rocker nippples that weren’t all that hot but still happened and once your nipples exist on the internet there is really no need to ever wear a shirt in pictures again – you kinda lay the groundwork for yourself to be topless for life…and not just topless like this…and the real issue in all this is why the fuck am I talking about Ellie Goulding…

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Ellie Goulding in Marie Claire UK of the Day

The Helen Flanagan Bikini Fail I Call a Win of the Day

Helen Flanagan is a UK Soap Star turned Glamour Model…and the people at NUTS, being TITTY Obessed journalists, have published a couple of pics of what they are saying are her first full tit exposed pics, but based on the direction of her career, from Soap Star to Glamour Model…the only logical step for her would be to go from Glamour Model to Pornstar… I don’t really know what she’s doing and I’m not complaining, because I like busty young girls topless as much as the next guy, especially when they were once on TV, but normally they only end up topless because they need to pay rent, you know cuz all has failed. They are not getting topless because they just want to be topless, because that being on TV has nothing on being topless in magazines…and despite the whole thing being awesome, it is totally fucking weird and makes no sense… I’ll still stare at the pics, cuz I am not her career councillor, but I should be at a local high school cuz my advice would always look a lot like this…or stripping…or cam girl..cuz it’s all about making money as easily as possible… The fact remains that I never heard of her when she was on TV, but I have now that she’s doing this, so maybe she’s got it all figured out, and I like the way she’s doing it.

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The Helen Flanagan Bikini Fail I Call a Win of the Day

Kelly Brook topless bikini

Kelly is on vacation on her birthday with her moviestar boyfriend decides to go topless because her tits really need to get some sun and also the paparazzi want to see them. Continue reading