A tearful Vienna Girardi claimed in this week’s explosive interview on The Bachelorette that she was loyal to that stiff Jake Pavelka until the bitter end. Actor Gregory Michael said he made out with her before the breakup, though, and now a bunch of emails she allegedly wrote to her ex have surfaced. Emails full of sexual innuendo … and spelling errors. Lee Smith, one of many ex-boyfriends in the wild, crazy life of Vienna Girardi, has apparently been in contact with her since her stint on The Bachelor . Vienna’s “bubbie” (whatever the hell that means) released what he says is a June 14-16 email chain – i.e. a week before the Breakup of the Century . Excerpts from the unintentionally hilarious exchange: We think this is Lee Smith, the ex-boyfriend of Vienna Girardi in question. We’re not positive, however. The girl kind of got around. Like a record, one could say . Lee Smith : “I’m here again feeling a oh so fimilar [sic] feeling … I think it is a mixture of antisapation [sic] or mabey [sic] it’s me just missin you either way…” Vienna Girardi : “You are my life. I love you so much and can’t wait to be in your arms again.” Lee Smith : “Don’t u miss touching all the time are [sic] long baths …” Vienna Girardi : “I do miss all that. I love you so much bubbie. I want our life back.” Lee Smith : “u are all I want!!!! I want to sex u up so bad baby!” Gosh, who wouldn’t want to sex that up … well, besides that prude Jake. Interestingly, contrary to her claim that Playboy made up the rumor of a Vienna Girardi nude photo spread, her last email says, “I may be doing playboy this weekend … Xoxo.” A source close to Vienna says she wasn’t the author of these gems obtained by TMZ, and thinks someone “hacked her email.” LOL, who’s the source, Lindsay Lohan?

Read the rest here:
Vienna Girardi Sex Emails to Lee Smith: Revealed, Scandalous, Far From Intelligent
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged celeb news, girardi, Gossip, Lindsay Lohan, Sex, Sexual Innuendo, smith, source, TMZ, unintentionally, vienna girardi