Tag Archives: using-the-word

Batman-Costumed Boyfriend Proposes Via Flash Mob

A woman cries over Batman in the following video. And, no, it’s not because Ben Affleck has landed that role. In one of the most elaborate (and, we’ll admit it, head-scratching) proposals you’ll ever see, a woman is led out of a coffee shop by someone dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She then watches a flash mob perform to Bruno Mars’ “Treasure” before her costumed boyfriend emerges from group of superheroes (including Wolverine, Spider-Man and Captain America) and gets down on one knee. Who knew Batman carried an engagement ring in his utility belt?!? Watch now: Superhero-Themed Flash Mob Proposal For other impressive proposals, including that famous Home Depot flash mob , click around below! 21 AWWW-Inspiring Marriage Proposals 1. Man Falls Off Building, Proposes This man is willing to die for love. Sort of. Watch his unparalleled proposal now.

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Batman-Costumed Boyfriend Proposes Via Flash Mob

Spelling Bee Judge Quotes Kelis’ "Milkshake" For No Reason, Moves on to Describe Unrelated Word

One of the judges at the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which aired last night on ESPN, is apparently a huge fan of rapper Kelis and/or milkshakes. He randomly quoted her classic track when asked to use a word in a sentence … while not using the word in question. It was pretty outstanding: Spelling Bee Judge LOVES Kelis, Quotes Milkshake The judge, Dr. Jacques Bailly (1980 National Spelling Bee champion!) was supposed to be using “feijoada” in a sentence, by request from the finalist. Instead, he BROKE IT DOWN, saying “While Tabitha discovered that her milkshake brought all the boys to the yard …” and then cut himself off. Cue the confused, awkward quasi-laughter. The contestant went on to spell the word, which apparently is a Brazilian stew, correctly before the big event ran out of words and ended in a tie . Kelis was reportedly too busy bringing the boys to the yard and determining if she has to charge for her serves to be reached for comment at press time. National Spelling Bee Tie, Co-Champions Declared

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Spelling Bee Judge Quotes Kelis’ "Milkshake" For No Reason, Moves on to Describe Unrelated Word

Ouch! Bill O’Reilly Absolutely Destroys Pro-Open Borders Activist Monica Novoa (Video)


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This hurt… Bill O’Reilly absolutely destroyed young leftist activist Monica Novoa tonight on The Factor. Novoa could not explain her position on illegal immigration although she is leading a MoveOn campaign against using the word “illegal” to describe illegal aliens. … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 28/04/2012 05:49 Number of articles : 2

Ouch! Bill O’Reilly Absolutely Destroys Pro-Open Borders Activist Monica Novoa (Video)

Ryan Sorba Calls Homosexuality a Hobby


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During the Awakening 2012’s panel on the “ LGBT Agenda ,” right-wing activist Ryan Sorba said that homosexuality is a hobby akin to playing basketball and surfing, as part of his argument that conservatives should “stop using the word gay” since it may lead people to believe that “they’re born gay.” In fact, Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber kindly provided us the headline for this post! Watch: Sorba… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 24/04/2012 17:26 Number of articles : 2

Ryan Sorba Calls Homosexuality a Hobby

Sammy Davis Jr.’s Daughter Kindly Asks Twitter to Leave Billy Crystal Alone

I mean, of all the things bringing down that Oscar intro, Twitter jumped on this ? “‘I am 100 percent certain that my father is smiling. Billy previously played my father when he was alive, and my father gave Billy his full blessing,’ she continues, noting that Saturday Night Live gave the imitation ‘legendary status.’ [… Tracey] Davis, now 50, does however take issue with using the word ‘blackface,’ attributing the term born in the 1800s to describe white actors in makeup playing black characters, to early film stars such as Al Jolson, not Crystal, per se.” [ THR ]

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Sammy Davis Jr.’s Daughter Kindly Asks Twitter to Leave Billy Crystal Alone

Neil Patrick Harris Apologizes For Saying ‘Tranny’ On Live With Kelly


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Despite being an openly gay actor and LGBT rights advocate, Neil Patrick Harris is not immune to the LGBT community’s wrath: GLAAD and other organizations called him out for using the word “tranny” twice during his guest-hosting gig on Live with Kelly on Friday . Neil has since apologized, but it’s a fascinating example of how the queer community is sometimes at odds with its members. More » Post from:… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Crushable Discovery Date : 02/12/2011 23:08 Number of articles : 2

Neil Patrick Harris Apologizes For Saying ‘Tranny’ On Live With Kelly

Mel Gibson Wants Sole Custody of Daughter

After watching Oksana Grigorieva on Larry King last night, Mel Gibson didn’t issue any sort of rebuttal. Rather, he sought sole custody of their daughter, Lucia. The actor’s lawyers will appear in court to ask the judge in his custody war to award him sole custody of baby Lucia in response to Oksana’s sitdown on CNN. Team Mel alleges that Oksana’s false and derogatory statements to the media show she is not acting in the best interests of Lucia and should cost her custody. MEL VS. OKSANA : With new barbs traded every day, this is one of the ugliest custody feuds we’ve ever seen, and the scary thing is that it’s only beginning . In addition to attempting to take custody from Oksana Grigorieva, Mel’s lawyers will ask Judge Scott Gordon to award her visitation, but only with a monitor.

Willow Palin: Cyberbully or Immature Teen?

Willow Palin used homophobic slurs on Facebook, but some bloggers asked whether that makes her a cyberbully or just an immature 16-year-old. The Huffington Post rounds up reactions from bloggers including Slate’s Emily Bazelon, Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic, and Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams. Sullivan, a gay conservative, took the harshest line against the posts, and wondered what they say about the Palin family. “Using the word gay to mean lame as an adjective is a different thing than calling a young man a ‘faggot.’ Willow is 16 years' old,” wrote Sullivan. “Who taught her to use language like that? And the excuse from the Palins? Not disciplining or an apology – but a defense: A source connected to the Palin family tells TMZ that Willow doesn't usually use this kind of language, but she felt like she and her family were being attacked.” Bristol, Willow's older sister, apologized for the posts Wednesday on Facebook. added by: TimALoftis

Kara DioGuardi — Fired From ‘American Idol’

Filed under: Kara DioGuardi , American Idol FOX is finally telling people what TMZ told you five weeks ago — Kara DioGuardi

Tiger Woods is taking an indefinite leave from professional golf


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Tiger Woods is taking an indefinite leave from professional golf