Little Miss Sunshine has recently changed her name to Big Mamma Sunshine.. That’s all I got. The post Abigail Breslin is Big Miss Sunshine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Natalie Portman is in this video for Miss Dior and I figure seeing the iconic Star Wars nerd vagina of choice – laying in some video she got paid millions to be in and they didn’t even make her get naked – when I am sure she’s been naked….if I was paying anyone a million dollars – there would be spread asshole pics going down…. But I don’t have a million dollars and I get the spread asshole pics for free since girls are fun…but you get what I am saying and that is that I want more from this shoot… She’s also a very important person because she’s JEWISH and brings hope to JEWISH men everywhere that they will end up with a Portman and not a Schumer because Portman even in her middle age is still hot… Very important…. The post Natalie Portman for Miss Dior of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Charlotte McKinney represents two very important things about the American the dream and both are her sloppy tits and thanks to her tits…. They distract from her horse face / monkey face / weak chin face because tits like this erase faces – they are just that big. They also are famous for just being tits, really big tits, and nothing more than tits which is essentially famous for nothing….on TV for being a star while not being a star. Having a million followers on irrelevant social media for having been on tv for being a star when she’s not a star…all because of tits… It’s nice to live in a world where a woman can live out her lazy dream because she’s spoiled and entitled white trash all thanks to tits… It’s nice that little girls everywhere know that without such big tits they won’t amount to an important on TV set of tits in a world where clearly tits matter, they are a currency, they buy an audience of perverts.. God bless America and the fact it makes tits great again…or great Tits can make dreams come true…. Freedom in a world where we almost lost sloppy tits to Booty….when they are this big they have to be sloppy… To see the rest of the pics click here The post Charlotte McKinney is Living the American Dream of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Dakota Johnson is a very important actress who defied all odds of being Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith’s daughter, Antonio Banderas’ stepdaughter, Tippi Hedren’s granddaughter, enough to make her rich, and third generation vapid, self involved, “Actress”…that could have just as easily just been drug addiction, rehab stints, and jail time due to missing probation, but not that much jail time, she’s a rich kid of famous people…they don’t go to jail.. She’s managed to break down that really big wall we call the barrier of entry into Hollywood, by getting in 50 Shades of Grey, and now she’s in magazines in panties and/or lingerie perfect for Valentine’s day….romantic… I true story of overcoming adversity…. The post Dakota Johnson Panties for Marie Claire of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
“Pose with puppies, they won’t know you’re fat” Kate Upton is a very large model turned actress who can’t act, but who gets cast in movies, because producers don’t realize that no one actually cares about her, and that she was virally famous on the internet like Tila Tequila got famous on the internet, it’s flimsy, not real, and people aren’t engaged or really that into her, but if her tits are out there, they’ll look “excitedly” at them…enough to click “follow” on social media… There’s very little exciting about her, even in her nude leaked pics, I was like, “Damn that’s one sloppy bitch, how does she get work”….but I guess when she was freshly 18, and a set of huge tits, before her body caught up with her, she was an interesting biological anomaly. She’s still got some level of celebrity, this stuff has a legacy or lag, and when you know she should be done, she can still milk it a few more years, and I guess she is, like the cow that she is…not quite ready to be put out to pasture… And the real impressive thing about her is how magazines and brands edit her photos or shoot her so that she doesn’t look like the Monster she is built like… In this case, they used puppies…and had her giggling…because when a girl smiles large with puppies, in a lot of clothes, you don’t notice her belly, or in Kate Upton’s case, her massive back…used to support those sloppy tits… Here are the pics… The post Kate Upton is Great At Eating for Harper’s Bazaar Singapore of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Willa Holland was the teen sister on the OC who I know a bunch of dudes in their 30s probably jerked off to her…she’s also on Arrow…where the same people jerk off to her…socially award weirdos… She’s been in the industry forever since she was 7, her stepfather, and we love stepfathers because that’s the name of the fucking site and we need to cover all stepfather news, is or was Brian De Palma, a pretty serious director in the 80s…her godfather Steven Spielberg….making it really hard to break through…but more importantly, robbed her of her childhood and probably brought her some solid damaged rich kid issues, and identity crisis, at least we hope it did.. Well, she’s delving into photography, as everyone on instagram is, and she posted a pic of half of her ass, or maybe it is someone elses ass, which is apparently enough ass for me to look at…and post…I’m pretty desperate and pathetic. The post Willa Holland’s Ass Cheek of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Just when you assumed Bai Ling was some import from Hong Kong who has been here for 20 years, but has no actually purpose to speak, since she’s never had a talking roll in a movie, and god knows she’s tried….it turns out that either she, or her handler, has some very important things to say in her continued fame whoring, despite being 50, but still rocking a hotter body than most…and those words are “Good Vibes Only”…. She’s weird, but she mastered being in the paparazzi without ever mattering, better than any of these instagram models, so in ways….she created instagram….she’s the forefather to that shit…Asians…so advanced.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bai Ling’s Words of Wisdom of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .