I think Martha Hunt is probably one of the most interesting models happening right now. She’s hot as fuck and now showing nipple slip on the Runway. I generally think the Victoria’s Secret girls are a fucking scam, I mean other than Candice, especially now that they’ve cast Kendall Jenner for the fashion show, and are doing some big reveal like the general public care, because the general public do care, all these idiots watch their TV event because it is primetime and they don’t realize that it’s a fucking infomercial…all these idiots pre-holiday shopping getting brainwashed by model pussy and popstars that have been shoved down their throat all year – when they could just watch porn or something that isn’t a brainwashing infomercial instead… You know buy their wives and girlfriends actual nice and that takes some thought…presents that aren’t cheap as shit lingerie…overpriced crap made in sweatshops for some asshole evil brand…a gift that girls should be offended by getting – because “Victoria’s Secret, really?”…. Girls shouldn’t be wearing panties anyway, especially not your wife, get that pig covered up…you know with a sleeping bag or some shit… But that doesn’t mean Martha Hunt should be showing nipple….I am all for that…and it’s all part of being a model…
Here is the original post:
Martha Hunt Titties on the Runway of the Day