And now introducing Michael Atkinson’s weekly selections of worthwhile films available on demand… Still a Wild West of unaligned platforms, mismatched delivery systems and desperate-industry pricing schemes, Video on Demand seems to forecast the future. After all, when we envision how much convenience we will have demanded by, say, 2020, we see instant access, unlimited choices, our choice of home screens (not just our computers), and direct piping — if we don’t actually just have movies cabled right into our skulls with a Matrix hose. (All the better to project Seinfeld reruns on the backs of our eyeballs.) Sounds great, but meanwhile VOD is just another option, albeit an almost instant one. What’s new and good for the weekend, amid the usual cable dross and among the immense, inexhaustible libraries at IFC, Criterion, The Auteurs and Amazon?

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Now on Demand: Mind-Screwers of the World Unite
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged almost-instant, amid-the-usual, celeb news, choice, envision-how, future, immense, metropia, New Movie, pricing-schemes, skulls, weekend, what's on