Tag Archives: worth-watching

Verne Troyer Mini Me Drunken Fall of the Day

I still think the best Verne Troyer moment was when he was pulling his Turkey….no…that’s not code for midget jerking off…her was actually pulling a fucking turkey.. But seeing him drunk and falling into the club owner’s arms in Miami recently is worth watching…because everyone likes a freakish dwarf with a hooker and alcohol problem in his element…because you know that he’s crawled into a girl’s pussy at least once and that in and of itself is magic…and I believe in magic… The post Verne Troyer Mini Me Drunken Fall of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Verne Troyer Mini Me Drunken Fall of the Day

Senena Williams Raps and Does the Splits for Beats by Dre of the Day

If you read this site, you will know that I have a women’s tennis fetish. It is the only sport that I find sleazy enough to keep me interested enough to watch. Short skirts, pornographic grunts, panty flashes, sweat, all while being white collar and classy…it’s just an erotic experience…as long as Serene Williams isn’t participating, or winning, despite being an amazing atheletic force that you could confuse for being a dude up on some Ladybug RIP Jonathan Brandis shit…or some She’s the Man RIP Amanda Bynes shit…or just a little more testosterone than you or I have…. But seeing her doing the splits as she raps for Beats by Dre…is almost erotic…but totally erotic to my friend who has a big black woman smothering him with her big ass fetish… Hot or not, it’s worth watching…she’s flexible beast…and white men have fucked her…

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Senena Williams Raps and Does the Splits for Beats by Dre of the Day

Talula Wilde In a Bath in Lingerie of the Day

Her name is Talula Wilde . She is a stepGIRL and she just did this very erotic and amazing shoot with Ali Hussain and she’s amazing, but would you expect anything less from DrunkenStepfather.com. Despite all the hate and being misunderstood. We’re quality and amazing…well at least Talula Wilde is, which is good enough for me, I’ll just let her carry me as she gets more and more famous…until she can’t support my obesity and pretends she doesn’t know me when I run into her on the street…because let’s face it…people outgrow people…so take in this magical moment while this babe is still on our side.

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Talula Wilde In a Bath in Lingerie of the Day

Jillian Murray Amazing Bikini in Mexico Pics of the Day

Her name is Jillian Murray . I am in love with her, but I don’t think she believes me, or cares, or notices because I’ve been sending her love messages on Instagram and Facebook and pretty much everywhere, and she ignores me… Maybe she’s too busy for me because she has a new movie that release Cabin Fever: Patient Zero, which is apparently released this week and sounds like it probably won’t be in a Theatre near you, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth watching…anything she is in is worth watching…including, but not limited to…bikini pics…. Maybe girls like to Date Up and she’s going to the beach with more famous actors, producers and directors…and there’s no room in her bed for a 350 pound blogger…. Or maybe she doesn’t even know I exist, no one really does…but I know she exists…because I haven’t stopped staring at her waist to hip ratio the last 12 hours since I found these pics of her… Now I am going to pretend that these weren’t taken on what I can only assume is a romantic getaway…cheating on our love…but the nice thing about love…is that it is unconditional…and I just feel happy knowing I can stare at these pics, print them up and even sleep with them…until she lets me audition for a role as her side bitch… Who cares, bikini pics, she’s amazing.

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Jillian Murray Amazing Bikini in Mexico Pics of the Day

Jillian Murray By Matt Prokop of the Day

Her name is Jillian Murray and she’s in a movie called Cabin Fever Patient Zero….where she plays..the hot as fuck little thing who I hope doesn’t die because a movie without Jillian is a movie not worth watching…seriously… Here’s the tailer…looks fun….especially when she’s about to get eaten out…dirty dirty Jillian Murray… That said this pics were shot by Matt Prokop , who happens to be Sarah Hyland’s long term boyfriend, who I guess has gone onto photography, because it’s a good way to look and take pics of girls who don’t look like they are still 14 back when they first started dating…. Not that this is about them…It’s about Jillian Murray and how badly I’d like to take her on Romantic walks on the beach where I sing her love songs…even though I can’t sing…I just do it for eternal love….

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Jillian Murray By Matt Prokop of the Day

American Apparel’s Insane Artist Tee of the Day

The Ardorous X American Apparel Period Power Washed Tee is officially one of the weirder, yet more amazing things American Apparel has done, because I am a fan of the vagina, and in the last 10 years, I have produced vaginas on T-shirts, and 7 years ago…I’ve even recruited readers to draw their vaginas and describe them in 10 words or less..and I am a just a fan of vaginas in general…they are my happy place…and fun to look at and play with…so I am all for a mainstream brand…doing a shirt like that…it’s actually pretty fucking awesome…even if periods are disgusting to me…except during a pregnancy scare..then they are my best friend… GET YOURS NOW

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American Apparel’s Insane Artist Tee of the Day

Russian Model Eats Chinese Food While Wakeboarding of the Day

This is just some weirdness…I mean I don’t really understand why anyone would want to eat chinese food while being towed behind a boat, but she’s in a bikini, and it happened, and I guess that makes it worth watching, because I guess seeing a girl on a board on water in a bikini…eating Chinese food…in Russia…is officially now a fetish…and for some reason I can’t help buy wonder what she’s eating….or more importantly why she did this….but I guess I shouldn’t really care…

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Russian Model Eats Chinese Food While Wakeboarding of the Day

Selena Gomez Has a Slutty 21st Birthday of the Day

Selena Gomez turned 21, so it was only natural for her to be wearing a bra with a heavy underwire that she had her homies put on instagram, along with other pics of her cuddling up to some older dude, who is rubbing what is either her thigh or ass, because now that she is legal, she can rage out and get booze soaked, like a college coed, without all the education, because Disney cultivated her to be a robot puppet to brain wash your children, and keeping her as ignorant as possible is all part of their plan, she asks less questions that way. As much as I don’t really care for this chipmunk lookin’ girl who is bragging on social media that her video and song got more airplay that Jay-Z, in what I can only assume are Illuminati popularity contests, but I’m always down for drunk sluts causing scenes, even if they are annoying while doing it, especially when they are sex offenders who rape Biebers when Biebers are underage and only into cock.

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Selena Gomez Has a Slutty 21st Birthday of the Day

Margaret Cho Has an Orgasm While Reading of the Day

I’ve seen this Youtube video concept of girls reading while riding some kind of vibrator until they reach orgasm….an idea I thought was clever and worth watching because I appreciate good literature and by good literature I mean clothed girls reaching orgasms….except when it is Margaret Cho…because she is digusting…

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Margaret Cho Has an Orgasm While Reading of the Day

PSY "Gentleman" Music Video Released: Watch Now!

PSY is back with a new song, signature dance and funny music video. We can pretty much guarantee lightning won’t strike twice for the Korean pop star, but “Gentleman” could still be successful as a follow-up to “Gangnam Style.” With PSY’s catchy beat, outlandish outfits, trademark shades, ridiculous visuals and wooing of K-pop star Ga (of girl group Brown Eyed Girls) it’s worth watching: PSY – GENTLEMAN (Music Video) The song was released last week, but on Saturday, 35-year-old unveiled the video for “Gentleman,” live on YouTube from Seoul’s World Cup Stadium. As for the signature move, it’s more subtle than last year’s dance craze. Instead of riding an invisible horse a la ” Gangnam Style ,” he’s just got a smooth hip-swaying, pelvic-thrusting thing going on. Maybe a modest letdown there? Eh, he’s got 19 million views in 24 hours. Man knows what he’s doing.

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PSY "Gentleman" Music Video Released: Watch Now!