Source: Prince Williams / Getty Video: Riley Burruss Gets Ready For Prom It’s already prom time for our girl Riley Burruss . After dropping a whopping 52 pounds last year, Riley Burruss is a whole new young lady. On her personal Youtube channel, Riley showed everyone how she got ready for the big day. The teen had her own glam team as well as her mama Kandi there. Kandi made sure her baby girl had some extra deodorant for the night; it was a family affair! HIt play to see Riley’s final look! Kandi also shared pics of Riley pre-pom on Instagram. View this post on Instagram My baby @rileyburruss A post shared by Kandi Burruss (@kandi) on Apr 14, 2019 at 7:28am PDT Isn’t she stunning??? View this post on Instagram I look a mess in these pics but I had to get a picture with my baby @rileyburruss for her first prom! I rushed back from Thailand to make sure we were here for it. (Riley just decided a week ago that she was going…). Thank you @beeombi for making this beautiful dress for her so fast! & of course thank you @therealnoigjeremy @sewjodie & @taetv for getting her together today! @morrisde A post shared by Kandi Burruss (@kandi) on Apr 13, 2019 at 8:26pm PDT Madison Beer doing her job…the way her mom and her practiced all those years she was working as a sex worker on Youtube who didn’t even know she was a sex worker… While the world is upset about Jussie Smollet’s charges being dropped…because he is a celebrity and has very high powered lawyers, making it hard to charge celebrities with anything, even those you’ve never heard of, like Smollet…his show is a hit, has a lot of money behind it, and they won’t let him go down…it’s a brotherhood that Hollywood….remember OJ? Or all the other horrible crimes swept under the rug cuz people are dialled in and famous…. I am more interested in this young girl in her thong bating suit posting her smut to social media…it’s a more interesting storyline, that isn’t even that interesting….but that is better than everyone’s opinion about Hollywood Privilege when it comes to stupid fucking nonsense stories that outrage the internet – like Smollet’s nonsense story that hit when it hit…. I wonder why people aren’t bored of all this noise, at what point will they all log off and sit on their porch with a cigar, joint, whiskey who cares…anything to turn off this noise… But not Madison Beer’s noise…that noise is ok. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Madison Beer Black Thong of the Day appeared first on .
Source: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Is Iggy Azalea’s Video A Cardi Knockoff? Iggy Azalea is back, y’all! Miss Milk Of Rapnesia is re-entering the rap fray to remind the game not to forget her in the midst of the women in rap resurgence we’re seeing in 2019. Her new single “Sally Walker” is heating up Youtube and is poised to be a big hit but there’s a big problem…internet fans think it sounds strikingly similar to Cardi B’s “Money” single from 2018. Azalea’s song has the same producer and co-writer and the songs are nearly identical. But that’s not it, the video features Iggy again surrounded by black people. This time at a funeral. It’s another example of Iggy black-facing it up without the actual makeup. Twitter is damn near beside itself over all of this and wondering why, in the age of Megan Thee Stallions and prominent, talented black MCs is Iggy Azalea thinking she can find space to insert her cultural appropriation. Black people: *Spice up our funerals so our dead can meet the ancestors in joy* Iggy Azalea: — Andray (@andraydomise) March 17, 2019 The flaming going on in the Twitter world is epic…take a look…
Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty Just before releasing his “Middle Child” video, J. Cole dropped some details about Dreamville’s forthcoming Revenge of The Dreamers III compilation album. In a Youtube conversation with fans, Cole revealed he hopes to release the project by April. “ROTD is being finished right now, post-production sh*t,” he said, according to screenshots posted by VIBE . “Tracking out songs, sequencing then editing, then we gotta mix. We’re shooting for April.” He also responded to a fan’s question about why he decided to drop “Middle Child” as a single . “Good question,” he said. “Past 3 albums I dropped with no single. Haven’t dropped a real single since Born Sinner . The way I was doing it was getting too stale for me, I had to get out my comfort zone.” If you missed Cole’s new visual, watch that here . Also, stay tuned for the third installation of Revenge of The Dreamers , in addition to Dreamville Festival, which is also set to go down this April. Photo: Getty
Dua Lipa is another one of these Youtube Celebrities who is now mainstream, because the mainstream is Youtube and they follow Youtube’s lead to decide what they can make money with….so if you’re compelling enough to get millions of followers and billions of views as a young busty girl from the privacy of your own home…just imagine what you can pull off with the marketing budgets of labels that basically create people….it’s like she’s already got a great head start, so she’s a legit act now…and she’s got her sloppy tits out in a slutty outfit at the Brit Awards, cuz she’s still a youtuber at heart and in mind…which means an obnoxious ego who thinks she’s important…so this being official shit…is what it was all for…what it was all about…the reason she did it…and what she expected…that stamp approval that makes someone who already won feel like they really fucking won…and that leads to really annoying things….throw more money and someone making more money than she deserves…but at least these people all crack at the seam and produce slutty content to get some attention that mimics the attention they got early in their careers…the forever void they are trying to fill…often times comes with a lot of titty pics…so get used to these sloppy tits – they’ll be back. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dua Lipa’s Sloppy Tit at the Brit Awards of the Day appeared first on .
You may not know the name K3hz just yet , but he tells the kind of stories many Black youths can relate to—so, trust, you’ll know him soon. In his latest offering, a visual for his track “Prayer,” the Bethune Cookman University graduate opens up about losing two of his closest friends to gun violence. In the clip, he heads to the cemetery where they were both buried and turns to his relationship with God to help him through the tragic loss. Speaking on gun violence in the Black community, he told Global Grind of the youth “Some are not making it to the age of 21 and it makes my peers and I fearful of leaving home without a weapon to protect ourselves. It’s sad to have to live like that!” Born and bred in Decatur, GA, K3hz grew up bumping fellow Atlanta natives Outkast and B.O.B. It was watching his favorite Youtube rappers (lyricists like Loaded Lux, Tsu Surf, Tay Roc, and O’fficial) and his passion for bringing southern rap back to its roots that inspired his career the most. K3hz released his debut mixtape Won’t Be Denied , executive produced by multi-platinum producer J. Reid , in October and now he’s back with this must-see visual from the tape. Watch his ever emotional “Prayer” up top, plus K3hz talks studying criminal justice in college and Meek Mill joining forces with Jay-Z to reform the criminal justice system below. [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”4270379″ overlay=”true”] On how he dealt with the deaths of his friends and the advice he would give other youths in similar situations: “I was able to deal with the deaths of my friends by doing a lot of praying and making sure I play a positive, active role in their younger brothers lives. My advice to the youth dealing with death would be to continue to pray! Keep positive energy around you and allow that pain to be your motivation in striving for excellence throughout all that you do.” On what he studied at Bethune Cookman University and if music was always his plan: “I studied Criminal Justice at the great Bethune Cookman University. Music wasn’t my main plan, but being a drum major in my high school marching band and also playing in the percussion section in college inspired me to take it further. Music has always been an important part of my life.” On Meek Mill and Jay-Z teaming up to reform the criminal justice system: “I think it’s great that some of the top influencers of this industry are teaming up to reform criminal justice. There is definitely injustice within our justice system that needs to be corrected. However, I hate the fact that it had to come after Meek’s prison time—but I’m happy that it’s in place to help those affected by all injustices.”
Alexis Ren is still dancing to the stars after using her social presence to convince idiotic TV people that her audience that do not give a fuck about her in any way beyond staring at her half nakedness on instagram…cuz she’s slutty… There is no way these young kids who only watch Netflix and Youtube are going to their grandma’s house to sit and watch her on TV…and her impact on their ratings was nothing, shit, bullshit…fact… But mainstream TV, old school media…don’t fucking get it and they never have…so Ren gets a stamp of “The mainstream like me”…and the old people get a taste of young slut moving sexually cuz she’s a slut….and the world goes on…life continues…her half naked bikini pics don’t stop..won’t stop…next step…porn career. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Alexis Ren Still Slutty of the Day appeared first on .
Source: Johnny Nunez / Getty Queen Naija And Clarence Have A Blended Family Photoshoot Singer/song-writer Queen Naija is ringing in the New Year with her all-boy gang. Queen, Clarence , CJ and her unborn son Renzo just took the most adorable family flicks. Queen, 23, and her gang are known to fans as “The Royal Family”, after the name of their youtube channel. Don’t they look like an adorable bunch here? Queen had an eventful 2018, charting with her singles “Karma” and “Medicine.” She also revealed that after a few months of being best friends, she and her “secret” boo Clarence were expecting a baby boy . Renzo, their unborn son is due pretty soon! Hit the flip for more of their Royal Family flicks. Continue reading →
Malin Ackerman got married on the beach and flashed the people / paparazzi her panties to let them know what they won’t be getting any of – cuz it now belongs to this dude – only she did it in the worst way – since the panty flash wasn’t a labia flash and I’m far too literal, I blame autism that is not diagnosed, and need a fucking arrow pointed at her spread vagina with a NEON sign saying “Taken for Now”…cuz all these idiots are flimsy and cheat on each other and really desecrate the sanctity of marriage because they’ve repurposed the idea of marriage into some weird roommate situation where each party is equal and there is no power dynamic, or traditional gender roles to keep things the way they are supposed to be…I guess it goes hand in hand with the whole emasculating of the American Male where vaginas are growing everywhere Penis once was….with open marriages and cuckolding…making this more of a lesbian gay marriage than anything…. But SHE IS FLASHING panty and that’s good. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HRE The post Malin Ackerman Wedding Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on .
Here’s Madison Beer showing you hot to transition from child with tits on Youtube perverts masturbated to so many times she made YOUTUBE money and used her subscriber base to sign a record deal…. Transitioning from girl exploited by her mom, taken out of school to commit to the cause, follow that YOUTUBE money dreams to get that record deal… To becoming an actual touring popstar who has been at it for 10 years, even tough she’s like 20, getting all that paparazzi attention her her tits, cuz more than just her Youtube pervert subscribers like hr tits…and she’s working at doing what Rita Ora did by getting her tits out there to as many people as possible that eventually they will listen to her shit music. The post Madison Beer Lesbian Titty Tease To Show You She’s a Legit Pop Star and not just Clickbait of the Day appeared first on .