Tag Archives: really-annoying

Dua Lipa’s Sloppy Tit at the Brit Awards of the Day

Dua Lipa is another one of these Youtube Celebrities who is now mainstream, because the mainstream is Youtube and they follow Youtube’s lead to decide what they can make money with….so if you’re compelling enough to get millions of followers and billions of views as a young busty girl from the privacy of your own home…just imagine what you can pull off with the marketing budgets of labels that basically create people….it’s like she’s already got a great head start, so she’s a legit act now…and she’s got her sloppy tits out in a slutty outfit at the Brit Awards, cuz she’s still a youtuber at heart and in mind…which means an obnoxious ego who thinks she’s important…so this being official shit…is what it was all for…what it was all about…the reason she did it…and what she expected…that stamp approval that makes someone who already won feel like they really fucking won…and that leads to really annoying things….throw more money and someone making more money than she deserves…but at least these people all crack at the seam and produce slutty content to get some attention that mimics the attention they got early in their careers…the forever void they are trying to fill…often times comes with a lot of titty pics…so get used to these sloppy tits – they’ll be back. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dua Lipa’s Sloppy Tit at the Brit Awards of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Dua Lipa’s Sloppy Tit at the Brit Awards of the Day

Dating Naked Season 1 Episode 10 Recap: Ashley Fonda, Alika Medeiros Get Married!

On the Dating Naked Season 1 finale, we were treated to both a wedding celebration and a de facto greatest hits episode of sorts from the VH1 show. Ashley Fonda and Alika Medeiros, having started dating naked earlier this season, are about to tie the knot, and that means a TV wedding, obviously. Naked. “Being naked in the ceremony allows the interconnectedness to flourish a lot more than when you’re clothed during the ceremony,” we’re told. Dating Naked Season 1 Finale Clip – The Wedding! Indeed, this is what happens when you go on a show called Dating Naked; Ashley Fonda and Alika Medeiros ‘ family and friends are not as impressed. There’s also some naked yoga, naked drum circling, naked spin the bottle, you get the idea. At least there is no doubt as to the theme of the program. Not everyone is living in this kind of nude utopia, however. While Marissa and Steven attend the wedding, their love seems to be crumbling, and fast. A big reason for this? Marissa seems to not like Steven much. That’ll do it. “These weird little one liners … why am I standing by you?” Marissa says. “I’m so annoyed. I feel like Steven has lost his mind right now. It’s like, ‘dude, you’re really annoying'” Steven, for his part, seems to be equally over Marissa, or getting there. “She’s nagging me. She’s correcting me. She’s trying to make me something she wants me to be … she’s like more of a mother than a girlfriend at times.” Not surprisingly, they break up toward the end But it could be worse: They could be Jessie Nizewitz , who is suing the show for an unblurred shot of her vagina and anus that made it to air, which takes Dating Naked to a new level. Or … they could be Mikey P dating Farrah Abraham . Shudder.

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Dating Naked Season 1 Episode 10 Recap: Ashley Fonda, Alika Medeiros Get Married!

Miley Cyrus’ Ridiculous Dress of the Day

I can’t get enough Miley, even if the rest of her think she’s some over-exposed, entitled spoiled brat cunt who has taken the key people in hip hop and turned them into some candy coated, hostess twinkie, motherfuckers who are all soft and not gangster, because they do beats for Disney stars, and not fake gangabangers…because those people don’t realize the entire music industry is a fucking lie… Her body, may not be all that exciting, you may think it is similar to what Bieber would look like in a mesh dress with Pasties, but you know that there is a vagina under all this bullshit, and that vagina is probably really annoying to hang out with, probably very stretched out by the hip hop cock it has groupied on, very expensive and annoying because it’s had everything handed to it all these years, but still worth fucking visiting if you had the fucking chance… I think she’s hot, and there’s a reason she’s number 1 on Youtube and the charts and all that shit…I mean it’s pop music, it’s always gonna suck, it might as well suck half naked…literally. To SEE ALL THE SLUTS AT THIS iHeartRadio Event….. CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus’ Ridiculous Dress of the Day

Jesus Take The Wheel: Two 5th Graders Arrested In Plot To Murder “Really Annoying” Female Classmate Plus 6 Others!

WTF is going on with these kids?! Two Seattle 5th Graders Arrested In Murder Place Via LATimes In what has become a chillingly familiar event across the country, school authorities in eastern Washington recently discovered a gun and a knife in the backpack of a student. But what stunned the small town of Colville was whom the backpack belonged to: a 10-year-old student at Fort Colville Elementary School. School authorities said two fifth-grade boys planned to use the weapons to lure another student outside the school and kill her “because she was really annoying.” The boys last week confessed to plans to harm an additional six students at the school. “This was a plan. And it was a plan to kill,” Stevens County prosecuting attorney Timothy Rasmussen said Thursday. Rasmussen said he would argue that the 10-year-old and his 11-year-old codefendant be held criminally responsible on charges of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and witness tampering — a charge filed after authorities said the boys promised to pay $80 to a student if he agreed not to tell anyone about the plot. Where the hell do 10-year-olds learn to plot a murder?? According to a court affidavit made public this week, the incident came to light shortly before 8 a.m. on Feb. 7, when a fourth-grader told a teacher he had seen an 11-year-old boy with a knife. The teacher searched that boy’s backpack and that of his 10-year-old friend and found the weapons in the friend’s backpack. They included a knife with a 3¼-inch blade, a .45-caliber Remington 1911 semiautomatic handgun and an ammunition clip. Thank God for snitches. When questioned separately shortly after the weapons were discovered, the boys admitted their plot, authorities said. “I was going to kill her with the knife and [the other boy] was supposed to use the gun to keep anyone from trying to stop me or mess up our plan,” the older boy told detectives. When shown a class list, the boy identified six other classmates who were targeted. The older boy said he had been friends with the girl for several months “but that he hated her now.” He said the girl “had recently become rude and would pick on him.” “The plan was nipped in the bud by other students who saw something and said something,” Cashion said, adding that the school had been promoting a program that encourages students to report suspicious things. Thankfully the students and teachers intervened before these lil bastids did something terrible. Do you think they should be tried as adults? Image via YouTube

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Two 5th Graders Arrested In Plot To Murder “Really Annoying” Female Classmate Plus 6 Others!

On Saturday, April 21th I came to London from Norway since I…

On Saturday, April 21th I came to London from Norway since I knew Justin was going to be there at the 23th. I have waited so long to get a chance to meet him but it seems like he never will come to Norway, so I decided to go to London with my dad and meet my english friend , Rosie, as well ( @rosieibbotsonxx ). On Monday Rosie and I took the underground from London to Heathrow Airport terminal 5. We arrived at there about 10.10 am. We thought we wouldn’t reach it because people were saying that he had already landed. We kept waiting and at 12 he arrived. Everyone ran over to him and it was so many people there. I tried to get a picture with him but the paparazzi kept pushing me away and it was really ANNOYING. I cried so much and I couldn’t even stop. I’ve never cried so much in my whole life. When the paparazzi pushed me out of the crowd. I saw Scooter standing in a corner so I asked him to take a picture with me, and he was so kind! He said yes and we took a picture together. I regret I didn’t speak more with Scooter but I totally was in shock and it was CRAZY. It was impossible for me to get a photo with Justin. At least I got to see him with my own eyes and I also got a short hug!   After the airport me and Rosie took the underground back to London to find Justin’s hotel. He didn’t came out, and a women who worked at the hotel said Justin had left. I had a Norwegian chocolate and a letter I really wanted to give Justin but I couldn’t give it to him because he wasn’t even there. I went carefully up to the hotel and outside the door was a man in uniform who worked at the hotel. I said, “Excuse me can you give this to Justin? It’s really important to me and I came all the way from Norway to see him.” He said no, but it came another man who said he could give it to Scooter. I gave the chocolate and the letter to the man and hoped he would give it to Scooter who would give it to Justin. I haven’t got any respond back so I guess he didn’t get it, but I was at least trying. My friends back in Norway couldn’t make it even though they really wanted to go .  On the photo down to the left you can see my head and Justin, and the photo down on the right is me and Rosie crying. Those two pictures are some paparazzi pictures I found on google. My dream came true, 23.04.2012 and I still hope Justin will come to Norway one day!  Justin if you are reading this, please follow me on twitter  @katrineuggedal , you mean everything to me. EVERYTHING. More: On Saturday, April 21th I came to London from Norway since I…

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On Saturday, April 21th I came to London from Norway since I…

Kelly Clarkson Announces New Single, Pays Tribute to Etta James

While Christina Aguilera had the floor during Etta James’ funeral on Saturday, and used it to belt out a version of “At Last,” former American Idol champion Kelly Clarkson paid tribute to the late, great artist in her own way last week, as well. “This isn’t ‘At Last’ because everyone really covers that and so I wanted to do my favorite, actually,” Kelly told a crown in New York City. “My favorite song is ‘I’d Rather Go Blind.’ So, this is for Etta!” Kelly Clarkson – I’d Rather Go Blind (Live) On Saturday night, meanwhile, during a performance in Pennsylvania, Clarkson also announced her next single, “I Forgive You.” It will hit the radio any day now. We can’t wait!

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Kelly Clarkson Announces New Single, Pays Tribute to Etta James

Emily VanCamp: Seeking Revenge, Boyfriend

Emily VanCamp stars on Revenge on ABC. If you don’t know who she is, and haven’t seen the show … check out this magazine article and start watching! VanCamp, who plays Emily Thorne, swears she is nothing like her vengeful character, and that she is still looking for “the one” in real life. Most recently connected to The Vampire Diaries ‘ Joseph Morgan, VanCamp tells her native Canada’s Flare magazine that distance is to blame for their split. “I’m working non-stop in L.A., he’s in Atlanta. It kind of makes it impossible … It doesn’t take away from the love two people have, and I think he’s extraordinary.” Another extraordinary (fictional) thing: Juggling two suitors on Revenge – humble Jack (Nick Wechsler) and current fiance, rich Daniel Grayson (Josh Bowman). That doesn’t mean life imitates art for VanCamp. “It’s all about making me laugh. I can be quite serious sometimes so laughing is key,” the 25-year-old says of what she looks for in the perfect boyfriend. “I think it’s important to be with a guy who has a strong sense of integrity. That’s how I was raised, and that’s something I look for. And humility.” “I think people who lack humility are really annoying.” There’s your blueprint, fellas. Make your move.

Emily VanCamp: Seeking Revenge, Boyfriend

Megan Fox Keeps Hiding Her Hotness

Megan Fox is a hot piece of ass, so it’s really annoying when she heads out all covered up. Here she is out the other day in her dumpy period sweatpants trying to cover the only part of her body that actually still looks good in this rotten outfit. I guess if I was one of Hollywood’s hottest women out wearing disgusting clothing, I wouldn’t want anyone to recognize me either. Still disappointing.

Alice Goodwin topless pictures

Alice strips off and shows her lovely breasts in this sensual shoot. She has an absolutely fantastic rack which is made even better by her nice big tits. Very hot girl indeed. Continue reading

Jennifer Hurt bikini

Jennifer Hurt has a really annoying voice but it is not important since you are just looking at her lovely big tits anyway wearing a bikini for Playboy. Continue reading