Cops and Clippers is Back! February 21 marked the kick off for the community event titled Clippers and Cops. The community came out to talk face to face with members of the local police force in hopes of gaining understanding and clarity, while building a relationship between the two parties. The event was moderated by Reec Swiney of Hot 107.9 and Ty Dennis(APD ATF Agent) who is also the brainchild of the program. Ty Dennis (APD) & Reec (Hot 107.9) Topics included: What to do when you get pulled over What Does the community expect from the police Teen crime Police brutality and excessive force Gang policing and prevention One of the most interesting portions of the event was a tutorial on citizen etiquette when getting pulled over. You can see it at Cops and Clippers Facebook Page. Clippers and Cops is a traveling program and will be at a Barbershop near you soon! Tune in to Hot 107.9 for details.
Cops and Clippers is Back! February 21 marked the kick off for the community event titled Clippers and Cops. The community came out to talk face to face with members of the local police force in hopes of gaining understanding and clarity, while building a relationship between the two parties. The event was moderated by Reec Swiney of Hot 107.9 and Ty Dennis(APD ATF Agent) who is also the brainchild of the program. Ty Dennis (APD) & Reec (Hot 107.9) Topics included: What to do when you get pulled over What Does the community expect from the police Teen crime Police brutality and excessive force Gang policing and prevention One of the most interesting portions of the event was a tutorial on citizen etiquette when getting pulled over. You can see it at Cops and Clippers Facebook Page. Clippers and Cops is a traveling program and will be at a Barbershop near you soon! Tune in to Hot 107.9 for details.
Cops and Clippers is Back! February 21 marked the kick off for the community event titled Clippers and Cops. The community came out to talk face to face with members of the local police force in hopes of gaining understanding and clarity, while building a relationship between the two parties. The event was moderated by Reec Swiney of Hot 107.9 and Ty Dennis(APD ATF Agent) who is also the brainchild of the program. Ty Dennis (APD) & Reec (Hot 107.9) Topics included: What to do when you get pulled over What Does the community expect from the police Teen crime Police brutality and excessive force Gang policing and prevention One of the most interesting portions of the event was a tutorial on citizen etiquette when getting pulled over. You can see it at Cops and Clippers Facebook Page. Clippers and Cops is a traveling program and will be at a Barbershop near you soon! Tune in to Hot 107.9 for details.
Cops and Clippers is Back! February 21 marked the kick off for the community event titled Clippers and Cops. The community came out to talk face to face with members of the local police force in hopes of gaining understanding and clarity, while building a relationship between the two parties. The event was moderated by Reec Swiney of Hot 107.9 and Ty Dennis(APD ATF Agent) who is also the brainchild of the program. Ty Dennis (APD) & Reec (Hot 107.9) Topics included: What to do when you get pulled over What Does the community expect from the police Teen crime Police brutality and excessive force Gang policing and prevention One of the most interesting portions of the event was a tutorial on citizen etiquette when getting pulled over. You can see it at Cops and Clippers Facebook Page. Clippers and Cops is a traveling program and will be at a Barbershop near you soon! Tune in to Hot 107.9 for details.
Bumblebee is personally my favorite Transformer movie ever. It’s a throwback of sorts and you immediately feel thrown back in time. With epic performances by Angela Bassett, John Cena, and Hailee Steinfeld director Travis Knight does the damn thing. On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town when Charlie played by the lovely Hailee Steinfeld, discovers a car that wasn’t there before. She is on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world when she barters for this car, she takes it home only to discover her new beat up VW is actually a Transformer named Bumblebee. The auto-bot is battle-scarred and broken and cannot talk anymore when Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow bug. On this episode of Extra Butter With Xilla Valentine, we talk to Angela Bassett about doing voice work. She was so good I didn’t even notice she was the evil Decepticon Shatter until the very end of the movie. A testament to how great she is in the role. We also talk to John Cena who plays the angry Agent Burn. I talked to him about being a bad guy for once. Overall this is a great film with exception acting that his theaters everywhere December 21st, 2018
Source: Jean Whiteside / Fox Season 5 of Empire finds the Lyon empire in a dark place. The family business was stolen, money has dried up and Cookie and Lucious are scrambling to figure out how to get back on top. However, one of the brightest spots is Jamal’s new love affair with Kai. We knew it was meant to be after Kai managed to escape a hostile situation in Nigeria, and even before that, he saved Jamal from being drugged and assaulted. Jamal and Kai’s chemistry is undeniable and the actor who plays the latter, Toby Onwumere, is excited to take on such an important storyline. Audiences were first introduced to Onwumere as Capheus on Netflix’s Sense8 , but with Empire , his second major role thus far, he’s helping to shift the narrative about how characters with HIV are portrayed. Hello Beautiful caught up with the USC grad about how he landed his latest role and the impact he hopes to have on the culture. —Starrene Rhett Rocque What do you look for in the roles you go up for and how did Kai match up to that? Considering that this is my second real role, I guess in general I like to look for some type of variety from the last one. Right. Because you’re in Sense8 and that’s completely different. Exactly. But I like both in like the storytelling and the character, and how it’s done, and I appreciated the juxtaposition between Sense8 and Empire . You know, something kind of, super niche on Netflix and this one is like, Empire is empire, as the name suggests. It is an empire. So, yeah, I really like that, and as far as Kai goes, I kind of knew, I didn’t have the script, but I knew about the character, and I definitely knew kind of the subject matter that we were trying to delve into. And, the manner in which that happened, telling the story is important. One, to the LGBTQ community and to educating the general populous at large. I think that’s important. The thing about Kai that I really like is you know with him and his HIV status—the character doesn’t feel sorry for himself and he’s not played in a terminal fashion. You see him hospital bed once as of now, but it’s not really due to the HIV, it’s more due to the injury he sustained when he was abroad, and he’s a character with integrity and with purpose and the HIV is not the totality of his life. And he still finds love. He finds love with one of the biggest pop stars in the world and they still have a very robust relationship despite the ailment. What was the process of getting the role like, did you get to meet Lee Daniels then? I didn’t meet Lee Daniels. It’s funny, I auditioned for it for maybe like two or three days. Then I [was] in New York about to go see some musicals and like kick it with some people I know, and I get a call from my agent, like, “You need to come home [to LA] because you have this chemistry read with Jussie.” So, I get my plane ticket back, and I think the next day I meet Brett Mahoney, some other producers, and then I meet Jussie. But, then I realized, the date that I was auditioning, Jussie was in the casting office with Leah Daniels Butler, and he passed by and I remember him saying, “Oh, I want to see who’s auditioning for this.” I remember that vividly. I always joke about it with him. I was like, “I saw you the first day”, and I looked at you like we’re about to do this together.” And then we had the chemistry reading; it was fantastic and I go home and I’m talking with my roommate later that night, and my agent and manager called me that I got it. That is awesome! You guys really do have amazing chemistry. Kai is actually my favorite boyfriend of Jamal. Talk that talk, please! Talk about their storyline and why it’s important. Well, you know that we meet in London and then we come over here. And then I get to see firsthand the quote-unquote energy of the Lyon family and how it’s affecting Jamal. And the beautiful thing about our relationship is, by telling the story I think we break a lot of stereotypes about relationships in general. We’re showing two normal people, and we’re really big on the normalcy of their relationship. And then if you bring the HIV into it—in mainstream culture—I don’t know that you see a relationship like ours. Somebody whose HIV positive, but it’s not treated in this super medical way. And I know that Jussie is really big, very very big on that. To like change the narrative of what it is to have, it can be undetected and bringing up things like PrEP. I just think we are changing the narrative a bit. Did you learn anything new because I think the PrEP thing is new information to a lot of people? I had known about PrEP, because I have some friends, I have maybe like two or three degrees of separation from people that have HIV so I know about PrEP. I know about being undetectable, but there are still quite a bit of people who maybe have outdated information on HIV. They might think it’s more terminal than it really is. That goes back to the 80’s propaganda of what HIV was and how it was a disease for the disenfranchised, and the LGBTQ community, but I do think that the scene with Cookie is such an amazing scene because it shows that nobody’s really immune to the lack of information. And there are people in your family who mean well, they mean the most positive, but due to the lack of information or the misinformation they kind of lead in the wrong way. What’s been the feedback thus far with you doing this role? Especially because, you know how sometimes, people see you in a role, and they think that you are actually that person. Oh, I get it so much, which is par for the course [and] that’s totally fine. My DM’s have been blowing up. Somebody even inquired if I really had HIV, which was interesting, but I think it’s all par for the course. The feedback has been, a sea of great stuff, it’s been fantastic, and that’s what I like. I’m actually interested somewhat in hearing it all. How’s your family reacting? My parents are in Nigeria right now, and my dad is a professor at this university in Imo State, and he is up to date. I was talking to him yesterday, and that’s so, pardon my language, that’s so fucking cool! He tells me, all the girls in his class watch the show religiously, and when they see the opening credits, they recognize the last name as the same name as their professor, and they’re like, “Wait, is that your son?” And my dad is like “Yeah, yeah, that’s my boy.” And they are like, “NO, I’m marrying him, I don’t know, what do I have to do, but we’re making it happen!” It’s just cool having my dad recap the events to me, and he’s like, “Why you let him talk to you like that?” Having him invested in the story like that, and talking to me about it, it really is special because I feel like my parents in particular afforded me this life. Empire can take you in twists and turns, so how can we brace ourselves to feel after tonight’s episode? You should brace yourself emotionally and hold onto people dear to you. I’m so bad at this part because I feel like if I say anything I’ll give it away. But we know it’s going to be a doozy, right? Always, it’s empire. We just want Jamal to have nice things, though. We’re gonna take care of him. RELATED POSTS ‘Empire’ Recap: Cookie And Lucious Kill Kingsley With Kindness ‘Empire’ Recap: Cookie Lands A Promising New Signee
Source: Daniel Zuchnik / Getty Agency : Elite Models London Instagram : @chey_maya Claim to Fame : The video of Cheyenne learning that she would be joining Winnie Harlow , Grace Bol, Winnie Harlow, Cindy Bruna, Herieth Paul, Leomie Anderson , and more on stage at this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion show caused a huge stir on social media. Cheyenne Maya-Carty had a plane to catch. Her luggage had gone through security, her new wireless headphones were tucked tightly beneath her curls blasting her favorite playlist full of afrobeats, and her favorite travel blanket was nestled safely in her carryon . She had done what she had set out to do and it was time for her journey to Heathrow, or so she thought. Before she could make her way on the flight her agent called to tell her she couldn’t leave yet because he had just gotten a message…from the people at Victoria’s Secret . Heading home to London would have to wait. She knew she had done the best she could during the extensive casting process but she never thought that her best could land her a real chance at a slot in one of the world’s biggest runway shows. “At first I didn’t believe it,” she told Hello Beautiful in an exclusive interview. “I was actually on my way back to London. My bags went through and I was on my way on the plane and my agent called me like ‘Oh my god! They wanna see you tomorrow. Don’t get on the plane!” Her authenticity resonated with the those in charge of making the call. “I really was just being myself and I wasn’t trying to be like you know somebody else and like those other girls. I thought if they like me they like me if they don’t they don’t I’ll just keep trying,” she said. When she found out she booked the gig she was completely shocked. “I just didn’t believe it. I didn’t think that I could actually get the show in the first place because there was so many amazing beautiful girls that were sitting next to me in the castings and the call back.” Two weeks away from what she considers “one of the biggest jobs you can ever book as a female model,” she’s still thrilled. “I’m over the moon!” Maya-Carty’s career was full of Cinderella moments way before this romantic comedy style airport interlude. She actually has one of the most unusual scouting stories in the industry. During a summer night roller skating in London’s Victoria Park her agent who she refers to as “like a second dad,” and “my best friend” spotted her beauty while he was enjoying some pints with his friends. Initially he was hesitant thinking that the venue and circumstances were unprofessional but he finally decided it was worth the risk. “It was summer so everyone was drinking in the park and everyone was having a good time so he was a little bit wavy he said you have nice legs and I was like ‘okay um thanks’ and then my dad came over.” Papa Bear wasn’t thrilled with her agent’s choice of compliments and requested to see some credentials before they could discuss his underage daughter taking a turn on the catwalk . “He obviously spoke to my dad about everything because I was a bit young at the time and my dad kind of took over. He was like ‘who are you’ ‘what do you want’ ‘what do you do’. My dad was very concerned. He was like ‘so where’s your business card’. So he’s like digging in his pockets trying to find this business card and he ended up finding one.” Not long after she was signed to one of the world’s top agencies. Her first modeling job was working for Rihanna and while she has worked with some of the biggest names in fashion and beauty she would still love to have a full circle moment with Fenty . “My first paid gig was walking for Rihanna’s first collaboration with River Island. That was amazing because I was only like I think 17 going on 18 so it was a big thing. And I had braces at the time so I was like a baby. That was definitely a highlight of my career .” She’s had a lot of fun in the industry but she’s managed to avoid some of it’s negative aspects by remaining in contact with people who knew her before she was the face of brands like Chanel and Pandora. She said “Your surroundings play a big part in mental health and emotionally as well. If I wasn’t around the people I’m around today I probably wouldn’t be where I am.” That includes her family who has been by her side since that first fateful summer evening on four wheels. “My family they’re really supportive. I have a great boyfriend and he’s also in the industry. It’s been a lot of love . Everyone’s super excited.” She caters to her physical health by cultivating strong habits. She’s committed to remaining hydrated and keeping an active lifestyle. She doesn’t do couch potato. Skating is still one of her favorite forms of exercise. “I’m never really chilling to be honest,” she says. To keep her water from becoming too bland she often tucks some proper English treats into her bag. “I usually have some tea bags. Mint tea, peppermint tea, and green tea , just to keep hydrated because sometimes water can be boring to drink.” She believes in hydration inside and out and she isn’t shy about letting people know she didn’t wake up like this without a bit of effort and Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream . “I put a lot of time and effort into my hair. I’m always trying new things. I put a hair mask in and whenever I have a day off I’m always about letting my skin breathe and putting leave-in conditioner. ” Her current favorite is DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture ($36.00, ). “I use different products for different seasons so in the Winter I might need a little more moisture in my hair and a little less in the summer or you know depending on what climate I’m in. If it’s very humid out I might need something thicker to hold my curls.” While she’s an expert at taking care of her curls unfortunately not everyone she encounters on set is. She said, “I would say it’s getting better” but there were difficulties “definitely at the start skin-wise and hair-wise .” “Now people are less scared of it. Because when I would walk into a shoot a lot of people didn’t like to touch my hair . They were like okay she’s done, and it’s like ‘no there’s still stuff to do, you just probably don’t know what to do with it.” She’s hoping to facilitate change with her own line of hair care products one day. “I’m looking into more about hair care as well because hair is a big part of this industry. There’s a lot of girls with my hair type that are still struggling day to day keeping it healthy when they’re getting it straightened. They’re having to have it straight one day and then the next day they’re with a different client and they have to have it curly again. A lot of girls struggle so I would love to have have maybe my own hair care range of treatments for keeping your hair hydrated.” She’s hopeful because “the industry is growing and people are becoming more educated on how to deal with hair and curly hair and black skin tones . I’m definitely seeing the growth in that.” DON’T MISS: MODEL MONDAY: Olivia Burgess Flexes Her Power Through Perseverance MODEL MONDAY: Gabriella Bernard Talks Sexual Assault, Natural Hair, And The Beauty In Speaking Up MODEL MONDAY: Devorah Sings A ‘Story’ Of Determination [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”3015677″ overlay=”true”]
AM/Splash News “Claws” Star Dishes On Life With Free Agent Victor Cruz Karrueche Tran said she’s very happy in her new relationship with former New York Giants player Victor Cruz. The pair went public earlier this year and their union appears to be going from strength to strength. The couple were most recently spotted at the actress’s 30th birthday party last week at the Jane Hotel in New York City. Its the first high profile relationship for Karrueche since she split from long-term partner Chris Brown in 2015. “Its good,” Tran told us. “We like each other. We just mesh very well. We get along, we have fun. Whether it’s just us two or friends. It’s easy breezy and it’s really refreshing, and I’m just enjoying it.” Photo by Jennifer H. Cunningham BOSSIP spotted the pair over the weekend on a flight from New York to D.C. for the premiere of Tran’s show “Claws,” although Cruz did not attend the show launch with her. However, Tran’s co-star Harold Perrineau said Cruz is a regular visitor on the “Claws” set in New Orleans, and their cast mates also adore the 32-year-old Paterson, NJ native. “And you should see when he shows up with the ladies on the show,” Perrineau said. “They love him!” Tran agreed: “They love him! They were all kissing on him and rubbing on him! It’s sweet.”
Source: Education Images / Getty Woman Negotiates $10,000 Voucher From American Airlines A Washington D.C. woman was on her way to Texas Thursday morning when airline staff starting asking passengers to volunteer their seats on the overbooked flight. Naturally no one did, so the airline told Allison Preiss that she had to forfeit her seat, since she had paid the lowest fare. Preiss didn’t want to budge since she was en route to a friend’s bachelorette party. . @united offering $1K in travel credit for an oversold flight. If nobody bites, they will kick off the lowest fare passenger by pulling them out of the boarding line. For a flight that THEY oversold. Unreal. — Allison Preiss (@allisonmpreiss) March 22, 2018 The gate agents then offered a $2,000 voucher. Pushing her luck, Preiss said she’d prefer a check which they were about to write (for $650), then another agent offered her a seat on the next flight out and a $10,000 voucher. The offer is in accordance with the American Airline’s new cap for passengers who offer up their seats.
Source: Education Images / Getty Woman Negotiates $10,000 Voucher From American Airlines A Washington D.C. woman was on her way to Texas Thursday morning when airline staff starting asking passengers to volunteer their seats on the overbooked flight. Naturally no one did, so the airline told Allison Preiss that she had to forfeit her seat, since she had paid the lowest fare. Preiss didn’t want to budge since she was en route to a friend’s bachelorette party. . @united offering $1K in travel credit for an oversold flight. If nobody bites, they will kick off the lowest fare passenger by pulling them out of the boarding line. For a flight that THEY oversold. Unreal. — Allison Preiss (@allisonmpreiss) March 22, 2018 The gate agents then offered a $2,000 voucher. Pushing her luck, Preiss said she’d prefer a check which they were about to write (for $650), then another agent offered her a seat on the next flight out and a $10,000 voucher. The offer is in accordance with the American Airline’s new cap for passengers who offer up their seats.