Tag Archives: ancestors

The Side Eye: Republican Lieutenant Governor Nominee E. W. Jackson Says Biological Evolution Is False Because Chimps Can’t Speak Like Humans Do

This guy has diarrhea of the mouth. E. W. Jackson Says Evolution Is False According to Raw Story The Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in Virginia believes that biological evolution is false because chimpanzees cannot speak like humans do. BuzzFeed revealed on Tuesday that E.W. Jackson made the claim in Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life, a book he published in 2008. In the book, he noted that scientists had taught chimpanzees to use sign language. He said this finding was wrongly used as evidence that primates were our ancestors. Jackson said the scientists were incorrect because language was a gift God provided exclusively to human beings and “no other creature.” “There is an unfathomable gulf between humans and all other creatures because creation was designed that way,” he wrote. Scientists have uncovered that modern humans and modern chimpanzees share a common ancestor in the distant past. The notion that modern humans evolved from chimpanzees is a common misconception. It is not the first time the controversial candidate’s book has been the subject of scrutiny. In late May, the liberal blog Think Progress reported that Jackson was an advocate of the so-called “prosperity gospel.” In apparent contradiction to the teachings of the New Testament, Jackson’s book declared the pursuit of money was not evil and didn’t make people evil. Somebody needs to tell this guy that the Republican party really doesn’t give an ish about you. They just use you to make them feel less racist. Continue reading

Django Unchained Action Figures: Offensive to African-Americans?

Controversy surrounding Django Unchained and its use of the N-word may have subsided, but a new scandal has erupted over Quentin Tarantino’s thriller. No, not over its inclusion among the 2013 Academy Awards nominees . But over the action figures that recently went on sale, and which Al Sharpton’s National Action Network believes are an insult to African-Americans everywhere. “Selling this doll is highly offensive to our ancestors and the African American community,” Rev. K.W. Tulloss, NAC’s president in Los Angeles, told The New York Daily News . “The movie is for adults, but these are action figures that appeal to children. We don’t want other individuals to utilize them for their entertainment, to make a mockery of slavery.” Such a sentiment echoes Spike Lee’s take on the film in general, which he believes is “disrespectful to [his] ancestors.” Also like Lee, Tulloss admits he has not actually seen the movie. No word yet from the National Entertainment Collectibles Association or the Weinstein Company, but what about you, THGers? Do you think marketing figures from Django Unchained to children is offensive?   Yes, they are inappropriate for children! No, not at all! View Poll »

Django Unchained Action Figures: Offensive to African-Americans?

Hi Hater: Spike Lee Calls ‘Django Unchained’ Disrespectful

Are you going to see it?? According to Essence , Spike isn’t givin’ the film any of his time: Although opening night tickets for Quentin Tarantino’s latest film, Django Unchained, are selling out left and right, there’s one Hollywood filmmaker who doesn’t plan to see the film. In a recent interview with VIBETV, Spike Lee had very little to say about the film, which is a love story based in the days of slavery, and insisted he hadn’t seen it and wasn’t planning on it. “All I’m going to say is that it’s disrespectful to my ancestors,” says Lee. “That’s just me…I’m not speaking on behalf of anybody else.” The Red Hook Summer director is known for his outspoken opinions, and for ruffling a few feathers with his own projects. Django stars Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington and has received mixed reviews from top critics across the country. The movie hits theaters on Christmas Day. Hmmmm…what do you think? Images via tumblr/twitter

Go here to read the rest:
Hi Hater: Spike Lee Calls ‘Django Unchained’ Disrespectful

Michelle O Says ‘This Is The March Of Our Time’: Why Black People MUST Vote! [Video]

You’ve still got some time depending on which time zone you’re in! And regardless of which skin color you proudly rock, we all have the right and privilege to go out and vote . According to The Root : Civil rights group ColorOfChange.org has launched a new video that provides a dramatic illustration of the ways in which African-American voters have stood up against voter-suppression efforts decade after decade and election after election. Unfortunately, the video is not just a reminder of past struggles but a call to action to fight what Executive Director Rashad Robinson says are this year’s “unprecedented and very well-coordinated attacks on the voting rights of black folks in the form of voter suppression and intimidation in local and national races, as well as changes in voting laws that specifically target members of our communities.” These things were as problematic as ever during Florida’s early voting just this weekend, Robinson said. “[R]eports, many of them from Miami-Dade County, tell of people waiting up to nine hours to vote, some in long lines until after midnight — and that’s only those who got in line at polling sites before 7 p.m. Elsewhere, voters were turned away when a polling site was closed early because, it was claimed, too many people showed up. In far too many cases, would-be early voters are being turned away when trying to exercise their fundamental right as citizens,” he explained, adding that, despite these reports, Gov. Rick Scott refused to extend early-voting hours or add resources to alleviate problems — choices that Robinson says are “reprehensible and should not be allowed.” Don’t forget the struggle our ancestors went through in order to get us where we are today. Images via youtube

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Michelle O Says ‘This Is The March Of Our Time’: Why Black People MUST Vote! [Video]

Race Matters: Michelle Rodriguez Recently Discovered Her Father’s Ancestors Practiced Inbreeding To Keep The Fam “Light And Bright”

SMH… Some Latino folk have serious “complexion” issues — and have gone to extremes to keep the kids lightskinned! Just ask Michelle Rodriguez , who recently learned that many of her ancestors wed their first cousins. Michelle Rodriguez Learned Her Ancestors Practiced Incest To Keep The Bloodline Lightskinned “Lost” hottie MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ is the product of kissing cousins! The 33-year-old actress recently learned that her great-great grandparents on her father’s side were first cousins — and that several more of her dad’s relatives practiced inbreeding! “I guess my father’s side loved to do it in the family,” quipped Michelle, who soared to stardom in the 2000 indie hit “Girlfight.” Researchers discovered her family’s incestuous link when Michelle’s genealogical background was explored on the PBS show “Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.” she also Learned that three of her great-grandfathers were brothers, and that her father’s Puerto Rican ancestors deliberately married family members in a practice known as endogamy. They inbred in a bid to maintain the family’s lighter skin color because they believed lighter-skinned people were more high class than dark-skinned folks. The “Avatar” actress, who was born in San Antonio, Texas, said that she witnessed the effects of endogamy first-hand as a child when her father’s light-skinned Puerto Rican family looked down on her mother’s darker relatives from the Dominican Republic. Her parents divorced when she was 8, and Michelle — who has several DUI busts under her belt — credits her difficult childhood for her tough-girl image both on and off the screen. “My dad was so clouded and miserable part of the time, so he just hit the bottle hard,” she said. “My mom wasn’t about that stuff.” On the PBS show, the “Machete” star was also stunned to learn that her DNA lineage was 72 percent European, 21 percent black and 6 percent Native American. “I’m appalled,” said Michelle. “I’m European? Ewww! I wanted to be Native American!” As for the news that she’s got a lot of African- American blood, Michelle said: “I need to shoot over there (Africa) and get in touch with my roots.” And commenting on her ancestors’ marital history, the still-single beauty told a pal: “Even though my great-grandparents were first cousins, I don’t think I’ll ever go down that path if I ever get married.” So does this mean Michelle will settle down with a nice brownskinned lady partner when she’s ready? Source

Originally posted here:
Race Matters: Michelle Rodriguez Recently Discovered Her Father’s Ancestors Practiced Inbreeding To Keep The Fam “Light And Bright”

Meat Made Us Smarter

…and learning how to cook it made us human Sorry, vegetarians: Humans have meat to thank for the evolutionary changes that made us the large-brained tool-users we are today. Some 2.3 million years ago, our ancestors made the jump from gnawing all day on leaves and nuts to scavenging carcasses. This, anthropologists say, was the magic moment when our brains got enough energy to start growing to their current size—largely because we no longer had to maintain a giant gut capable of processing all those raw leaves. From there came the invention of tools—”external teeth” that meant we didn't need big sharp teeth like other predators—and fire for cooking, which made meat easier to digest and squeeze nutrition from, meaning we no longer had to spend hours a day chewing like chimps do. Cooking also taught us to share labor and brought people together for conversation in the evening, making us even more human http://www.newser.com/story/97008/meat-made-us-smarter.html added by: unimatrix0

Attack on West Seattle teen a hate crime?

SEATTLE – Seattle Police are investigating to determine if an attack on a 15-year-old West Seattle boy was racially motivated. Shane McClellan's father says his son was walking home from a friend's house Tuesday around 2 a.m. when he was approached by three black males and an Asian or Pacific lslander male. Asking him first for a light, they then attacked him, kicking and hitting him and threatening him with a gun, said McClellan. “They started punching, knocked him down, kicking him, robbed him of everything, stole his coat, shoved him to the ground, stuck a gun in the back of his head,” described McClellan. “I can't tell you what it's like to see and not even be able to recognize your son.” McClellan says they also burned the back of Shane's neck with cigarette butts before taking out a belt and making the racially-charged comments. “When they were beating with the belt [they said] that they hated white people, and that's what the whipping was for,” said McClellan. Shane said they told him they singled him out because that was what his ancestors did to theirs. The teen was unconscious until about 7 a.m., said McClellan, and he then stumbled into the street and was helped to a hospital by a passerby. Seattle Police have referred the case to their Bias Crimes Unit for review as a possible hate crime. By king5. com http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c79_1275253093 added by: CarlosBobthe3rd

Maria Menounos with a Blck Dude in Twitter Bikini Pictrures of the Day

The nice thing about greek girls is that they are built to take huge cock in their ass. It’s got something to do with evolution or some shit, since all their ancestors used to fuck each other up the ass, to the point where they now have natural lubricants in their asses that make getting fucked up the ass more than just tolerable it makes fucking them up the ass the same as fucking them up the pussy only with a little more shit smell….but being able to take most cock with ease can be a curse for a bitch, it makes her need the biggest cock she can find, because sometimes the pain is what you’re lookin’ for when you beg for anal…and if it always feels good to a bitch…she’s gotta step up what she’s inserting and I can only assume that’s what Maria Menounos is pulling here with this Jamal…but what the fuck do I know…

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Maria Menounos with a Blck Dude in Twitter Bikini Pictrures of the Day

Thousands Dying Because Haitian Slaves ‘Swore a Pact with the Devil’ for Their Freedom

Galactically vile Christian cleric Pat Robertson told his CBN viewers today that Haitians are “cursed” because their ancestors “swore a pact with the devil” to liberate themselves from the French in 1804. “True story.” What else would he say? Robertson can’t let human suffering pass without finding a way to insinuate that God did it deliberately because he hates gay people, black people, Catholics, or whatever other poor dying sap he can find to cruelly mock and use to his own political and fundraising advantage

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Thousands Dying Because Haitian Slaves ‘Swore a Pact with the Devil’ for Their Freedom

Great Moments in Squirrel History

[ Editor's Note : Crasher Squirrel (and his ancestors) have perfected the fine art of stealing the scene in other people's photos since Biblical times. How did I not notice him in this painting before?!!! Make your own Crasher Squirrel photo here !!! ] View the Image