Tag Archives: went-on-sale

All White adidas Sneaker From Black History Month Collection Gets Shelved

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Source: ADIDAS / adidas Obviously someone at adidas  wasn’t wearing their thinking cap when curating a nod to African Americans. To many, A pair of mayonnaise flavored shoes were insensitive to say the least. As per  Hypebeast the sporting goods manufacturer definitely took a cultural loss when it came to their Black History Month collection. Included in the drop was a UltraBOOST model which in theory would make sense given it is one of their most popular sellers. Problem was it was an all white silhouette AND was named “UNCAGED”. Naturally the move got a huge side eye from sneaker enthusiasts and anybody with a bit of common sense alike. Considering the set were made in the spirit of “Celebrating Black Culture” adidas released a formal statement apologizing for the huge faux pas. “Adidas released a new collection in celebration of Black History Month featuring designs inspired by the Harlem Renaissance. It includes footwear and apparel across a variety of categories. Toward the latter stages of the design process, we added a running shoe to the collection that we later felt did not reflect the spirit or philosophy of how adidas believes we should recognize and honor Black History Month. After careful consideration, we have decided to withdraw the product from the collection.” The sneaker has since been pulled. Other feet pieces included in the collection include re-invisioned versions of the Dame 5, Harden Vol. 3 and a Harlem inspired UltraBOOST. The adidas Black History Month went on sale starting February 5 here . — Photo: adidas

All White adidas Sneaker From Black History Month Collection Gets Shelved

Coldplay to Perform at Halftime of Super Bowl 50

The NFL will celebrate an epic milestone on February 7, 2016. And it will do so with an epically boring selection of halftime performers. According to Us Weekly insiders, the league has chosen Coldplay to take to the stage midway through Super Bowl 50 next year. The British rock band – which consists of Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion – is an unexpected choice, considering their song catalog is not exactly filled with up-tempo jams. The magazine does add that Bruno Mars (who kicked serious booty in 2013 at the Super Bowl) will also be involved in the show in some way, shape or form; as will other “friends of the group.” Despite previous reports, neither Maroon 5 nor Taylor Swift will take part in the show. What do you think? Are you excited for Coldplay to perform at Super Bowl 50? Yes! No! Are you serious?!? View Poll » Recent Super Bowl halftime acts have included Katy Perry, Mars, Madonna, and Beyonce, who recently collaborated with Coldplay for the song “Hymn for the Weekend.” So maybe she’ll make a cameo! Or Gwyneth Paltrow! A website can hope, can’t it? Anything to make this uninspired selection a little more… inspired. Coldplay’s seventh and allegedly finale studio album, A Head Full of Dreams, just went on sale this past Friday.

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Coldplay to Perform at Halftime of Super Bowl 50

My name is Roswitha, I’m 17 years old, from Holland and…

Here is the original post:

My name is Roswitha, I’m 17 years old, from Holland and I’ve now met Justin 4 days before my birthday. I never thought I was able to write my own Bieber Experience but it all happened on April 13, 2013. Here’s how it all started: I was on summer vacation and my mom woke me up and told me that Justin was coming to my country for the Believe tour. I looked at her and said, “No I don’t believe you.” She said “look,” and showed me on TV. Tickets were going on sale on Thursday July 5th 2012 and I was so afraid that I was not going to be able to get a ticket. The day they went on sale I bought a ticket and I was happy. Weirdly enough, on Saturday July 7 the meet and greet tickets went on sale. I was screaming and asked my mom for a M&G ticket but she said no because I already had tickets. I was angry and sad because this was finally my change to meet Justin. Turns out my parent tricked me and got me the M&G package after all. When the tickets came in the mail, I read them and they said, “V.I.P MEET & GREET EXPERIENCE.” I started to cry and could not believe it. Every single day I tweeted how many days it was until April 13th 2013 – the day I was going to meet Justin.  The morning of the big day, I woke up really early. When I got to the arena there was big black busses driving in and I saw Ryan, Alfredo and Kenny! We then waited 4 hours for Justin in the meet and greet line. Finally I was the next person in line to meet him. The only thing I thought was, “Omg it’s him, he’s an angel.” Justin’s friend Lil Za was there too. The security pushed the curtains  open and Justin said, “Come in ladies!” I looked at Justin and asked, “Can I have a hug?” Security pushed me on the left side of Justin and he said, “Come on this side” and smiled so cute to me! I was then standing next to him on the right side. They took a picture but I can’t remember where I was looking at. My hand was touching Justin’s arm and it was so soft!  The picture was done and I asked again, “Can I have a hug?” Justin opened his arms and was coming to me until his secuirty pushed me away! Justin said something but I can’t remember and the last thing he said was, “BYE BYE!” Justin’s tattoos are so sexy in person and his voice is really cute. HE WAS REALLY HAPPY AT THE MEET AND GREETS! I came out of the room of the meet and greets and my mom found me. I cried so hard and I was shaking. We were looking for my seat and it was in the third row at the end of the catwalk! When the show began, it was amazing how he came on stage as an angel. The next day, Sunday April 14th, my meet and greet picture came on the BieberFever site and I cried so hard. I’m so happy and thankful.  -@Roswithabieber Originally posted here: My name is Roswitha, I’m 17 years old, from Holland and…

My name is Roswitha, I’m 17 years old, from Holland and…

Django Unchained Action Figures: Offensive to African-Americans?

Controversy surrounding Django Unchained and its use of the N-word may have subsided, but a new scandal has erupted over Quentin Tarantino’s thriller. No, not over its inclusion among the 2013 Academy Awards nominees . But over the action figures that recently went on sale, and which Al Sharpton’s National Action Network believes are an insult to African-Americans everywhere. “Selling this doll is highly offensive to our ancestors and the African American community,” Rev. K.W. Tulloss, NAC’s president in Los Angeles, told The New York Daily News . “The movie is for adults, but these are action figures that appeal to children. We don’t want other individuals to utilize them for their entertainment, to make a mockery of slavery.” Such a sentiment echoes Spike Lee’s take on the film in general, which he believes is “disrespectful to [his] ancestors.” Also like Lee, Tulloss admits he has not actually seen the movie. No word yet from the National Entertainment Collectibles Association or the Weinstein Company, but what about you, THGers? Do you think marketing figures from Django Unchained to children is offensive?   Yes, they are inappropriate for children! No, not at all! View Poll »

Django Unchained Action Figures: Offensive to African-Americans?


Justin-Bieber-forever-Luv-J-B-justin-bieber-24657707-1024-768-1 – Justin-Bieber-forever-Luv-J-B-justin-bieber-24657707-1024-768-1.jpg Read more: Justin-Bieber-forever-Luv-J-B-justin-bieber-24657707-1024-768-1

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Wow! I didn’t ever think I would have the opportunity to…

Wow! I didn’t ever think I would have the opportunity to write one of these, but here I am! Justin was right, Never Say Never. My name is Kelsey and I am 16 years old. My dream has been to meet Justin for over 3 years now. Everyone would tell me that I was crazy and that I would never get to meet him but I never gave up. I would enter every contest, beg my parents to buy me meet & greets and every 11:11, that was my one and only wish. And it finally came true! On May 23rd the meet & greet tickets went on sale. I live in Ohio so I was upset that there were no Ohio tour dates but my mom agreed that we could go to Pittsburgh, PA. Tickets went on sale at 12:00 p.m. so I was in school, but that didn’t stop me. I took my laptop to school with me and sat in class refreshing the page until the tickets went on sale . My parents and sister tried to convince me not to buy meet & greets because they knew they would be super expensive and my parents wouldn’t pay for them so I had to pay for them on my own. But that was fine by me because I wanted them more than anything in the world and would do whatever it would take to earn the money for them. I bought them! I was going crazy in the middle of class! My whole class was surrounding me when I bought them and they were all just as amazed as I was that my dream was finally coming true! After a long 6 months of waiting, the day finally came! It was November 20, 2012. We left our house around 10 a.m. so we could get to Pittsburgh by 12:30 p.m. It was a long car ride but once we got there we saw around 200 fans outside the CONSOl Energy Center just standing around waiting to see if Justin would come out and say hi to them. We met two of our friends out there and hung around for about an hour then we decided to go inside since the check in for the meet and greet was at 3:45 p.m. When we checked in, they gave us two wristbands, a M&G pass and our tickets. I still couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I was shaking I was so excited and nervous. My sister and I were around the 5th or 6th people in line to meet Justin. When they started letting people in and the curtain opened, I saw Alfredo and that’s when I realized it was really happening! The next time he opened the curtain he was talking to me and my sister and said “OK! Come on in!” We walked in and when I looked to my left I saw Justin. When I first saw him I thought he was fake because he looked so flawless and perfect! Then he started talking. He said “Hey guys! How are you? Thank you for coming!” and I said “Hi!” and then they took our picture. (I’m on the left). Then I looked at him and said, “I love you!” and then he pulled me in for a hug! It was the best hug I have ever gotten! Then the next thing I knew I was out of the room crying and shaking. I just looked at my sister and said ”We just met Justin Bieber!!” It was the best 5 seconds of my life! Then we saw Kenny standing near us so we walked over to him and asked for a hug and he said ”Of course!” and gave us both a big hug! He was so sweet! Then we realized that it wasn’t over. We still had the entire concert to look forward to! We were 2nd row on the floor so we got special wristbands that allowed us to be closer to the stage and to touch Justin or the dancers if they reached out! It was the best concert EVER. I had never been so happy in my life. Just standing in the arena and looking around at all the other Beliebers in the room and looking at Justin on stage performing was overwhelming. I couldn’t believe it was all happening! I would do absolutely anything to go back and do it all over again! It was definitely the best night of my entire life! I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunity I was given and I hope that I will be able to do it all again! Justin means so much to me and I know he means just as much to a lot of other Beliebers out there and I hope that each and every one of you get the same opportunity that I did. If someone makes you that happy, then you deserve to meet them. This is something I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you Justin for the most amazing experience I have ever had! I love you! See original here: Wow! I didn’t ever think I would have the opportunity to…

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Wow! I didn’t ever think I would have the opportunity to…

Looking for Justin Bieber tickets June 18, 2012

carlina and maria getting interviewed june 2012 with karen rocznik, ctv’s news reporter. Story in regards to going online when Justin Bieber tickets went on sale for the general public and not one ticket available in a matter of seconds. http://www.youtube.com/v/HPqFcP7WW_M?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Follow this link: Looking for Justin Bieber tickets June 18, 2012

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Looking for Justin Bieber tickets June 18, 2012

Looking for Justin Bieber tickets June 18, 2012

carlina and maria getting interviewed june 2012 with karen rocznik, ctv’s news reporter. Story in regards to going online when Justin Bieber tickets went on sale for the general public and not one ticket available in a matter of seconds. http://www.youtube.com/v/HPqFcP7WW_M?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Follow this link: Looking for Justin Bieber tickets June 18, 2012

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Looking for Justin Bieber tickets June 18, 2012

Michael Jackson: This Is It Photo Gallery

Tickets for the late Michael Jackson’s documentary, This Is It , went on sale September 27, and hundreds of shows around the globe sold out in under 24 hours. But is it even a documentary?

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Michael Jackson: This Is It Photo Gallery

Bernie Madoff’s Penthouse Prison

Bernie Madoff is quite the real estate enthusiast! Last week his beach house went on sale (and offers are pouring in ).

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Bernie Madoff’s Penthouse Prison