Tag Archives: ariana

Ariana Grande: Pete Davidson Is a Selfish A-Hole!

For nearly three weeks after Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson broke up , both parties managed to keep any hard feelings toward one another under wraps. But last night the dam broke in a big way, confirming earlier reports that Pete and Ariana did not part ways on good terms. The airing of grievances began in unexpected fashion with a promo for this week’s episode of Saturday Night Live . Standing alongside host Jonah Hill and musical guest Maggie Rogers, Davidson cracked a joke about his famous tendency to jump the gun when it comes to popping the question. Take a look: Pete Davidson Jokes About Ariana Grande Breakup No doubt it hit a little close to home for Ariana, but ultimately, Davidson himself was the butt of the joke, not Grande But Ariana didn’t see it that way, and she vented her frustrations on Twitter to the amusement of her massive, largely Pete-hating fan base. “For somebody who claims to hate relevancy u sure love clinging to it huh … thank u. next,” Grande wrote in a pair of since-deleted tweets. But while that may be the first time Ariana has publicly trash-talked Pete, sources close to the singer say her inner circle has been aware of her feelings toward the comic for quite some time. “Ariana is straight up tired of Pete talking sh-t. She left him because he is arrogant, self-centered, selfish and an attention-seeking assh-le,” one insider tells Radar Online. “Everything he is doing right now just confirms to her that she made the right choice.” “Everyone told Ariana that Pete was using her for his own career gain and this just goes to show that everyone was right,” the source adds. “Ariana just wants Pete to go away and her family feels the same way. They just want him to get lost.” While they may not get their wish entirely, it seems Ariana’s decision to speak out against her ex has had the desired effect in one regard. Production sources at SNL have confirmed that Pete has decided not to go ahead with a sketch planned for this week’s show that would skewer his short-lived relationship with Ariana. We guess that’s a victory for Team Ari. Of course, Pete has made a name for himself by mining the more painful aspects of his personal life for material, so you can be sure it won’t ne long before he publicly addresses his A-list romance yet again. View Slideshow: Ariana Grande vs. Pete Davidson: Whose Side Should You Take In This Ugly Breakup?

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Ariana Grande: Pete Davidson Is a Selfish A-Hole!

Welp, This Is Awkward: Check Out Ariana Grande’s Possible Next Single, “Pete Davidson” [Video]

Look, we don’t know whose bright idea it was to upload the audio to this particular track to Ariana Grande’s official YouTube account just days after she announced her broken engagement to the SNL comedian …but it REEKS of messiness . Maybe her team just wanted to strike while the iron was recently unplugged? Either way, check out Ariana’s ode to her latest relationship. Sheesh, this song is only two months old and its lyrics have already aged so poorly… Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images/YouTube

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Welp, This Is Awkward: Check Out Ariana Grande’s Possible Next Single, “Pete Davidson” [Video]

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson: Will They Get Back Together?!

Star-struck millennial heart throbs Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson made ALL the headlines with their whirlwind romance this year. They were head over heels in love, no doubt about it. But all good things, as the saying goes, must come to an end in a matter of months. Blindsiding a nation, Ariana and Pete called off their engagement this weekend and one saw it coming … okay, not the case. We all saw it coming. But does that mean it’s over for good? Or is it a break that will do them some good, and lead them to a better place? That’s the million-dollar question THG’s staff debates below. Read our hot takes on this hot couple and then hit the comments below! YES by Emily Trainham Love is real, and that is a fact. And the cool thing about facts is that even if you don’t believe personally believe in them, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Ariana and Pete love each other. And you’re dang right that’s in the present tense. Do people get engaged after just a few weeks of dating if they don’t love each other? Do people adopt pigs together if they do not love each other?!  Do people get multiple tattoos dedicated to their significant other if they don’t love each other?  OK, sure, love is not a requirement for any of these things … you can be mentally unstable and do all of them just fine. But Ariana and Pete did them out of love, and that’s just a fact. Listen to “Pete Davidson” on Ariana’s new album and try to say it’s not. They just broke up, and that’s unfortunate, but sometimes the greatest romances take some time to come together, and it’s obvious that now is not the best time for Ariana.  She still seems to be reeling from the death of Mac Miller, and it’s likely that she’s still dealing with the trauma from the Manchester bombing as well. So maybe she needs to take some time to heal. Maybe a few months, maybe a few years. Maybe she’ll date around during that time, and maybe Pete will, too. But as she sang in her song dedicated to him, he’s her soulmate. And soulmates are forever. Their time will come, but sadly, their time is not now. Keep the faith, Grandson lovers.  Love shall prevail. NO by Hilton Hater Neither Pete Davidson nor Ariana Grande were involved in THE MOST DRAMATIC ROSE CEREMONY of all-time… but their relationship has still followed the trajectory of those who get together on The Bachelor. The comedian and the artist were never dating in a traditional sense of the term. They went out. They goofed around. They got all silly on social media. They were almost, literally, a walking Saturday Night Live skit. It was all cute and fun and we’re sure quite enjoyable for Davidson and Grande, but then real life interjected: Mac Miller died of a drug overdose . Sources have all indicated that Grande (understandably) took the death of her ex-boyfriend very hard. Ariana’s been in a dark place for about a month now. Such a trauma could spell the end of many relationships, but especially one such as this; one essentially built on partying and cosplay. There’s simply no sturdy base here for anything as dramatic as a loved one’s death. Mix in the awkwardness of that loved one being Grande’s previous serious boyfriend… and here we are. Davidson may be equipped with a 10-inch long penis, but he simply isn’t equipped with the emotional maturity to deal with a tragedy of this nature. YES by Simon Delott This summer, in the wake of Ariana’s engagement to Pete Davidson , I was so confident that they would stay together. Now, I’m eating crow. I didn’t see this coming. “Sociologists at NYU used decades of statistical data from 4,500 families and found that couples in which the man was much taller than the woman were more likely to stay together,” I wrote at the time. “Folks, Ariana Grande is 5 feet tall. Pete Davidson is 6-foot-3,” I continued. “Those 15 inches could see them through to the end.” We all know that the best way to discuss love and romance is using cold hard numbers and statistical analysis. I’m not sure where I went wrong. After all, if a spur-of-the-moment relationship between a pop star with baggage and a comedian who’s never met an impulse on which he didn’t act can’t work out … what hope is there for the rest of us? In all seriousness, though, the cause of their breakup was reportedly largely Mac Miller’s tragic death earlier this fall. The passing of Ariana’s very recent ex, so soon after her return to the public eye, left her wounded. It was all too much. But that doesn’t mean that these two won’t ever get together again. They’re both still young, and it sounds like this breakup was as amicable as a dropped engagement can possibly be. My real question is this: Is Ariana going to sing the song, “Pete Davidson,” when she goes on tour in the future? There’s no non-awkward way to either sing or skip that song unless they get back together. Just saying. NO. by Tyler Johnson No. The relationship between Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson was doomed from the start. After all, how could a singer with a four-octave vocal range ever relate to a comic whose style is so painfully one-note? Let’s forget for a moment that Pete mocked the Manchester bombing that traumatized Ariana and so many of her fans. And let’s ignore, for now, the fact that Davidson said he sympathizes with the man who groped Grande or that he beamed with pride over the fact that Bill Clinton ogled Ari at a freakin’ funeral. (As a guy with a Hillary Clinton tattoo, that must have been an extremely confusing time for Pete.) What we’re focusing on today is the fact that Grande is clearly a woman who’s drawn to virtuoso talent, and despite spending the past four years in the best comedy college imaginable, Davidson (rather ironically) comes up short when his abilities are compared to Ariana’s. On a more serious note, insiders have claimed that the breakup was at least partially the result of Ariana’s grief over the death of her previous boyfriend, the immensely gifted Mac Miller. There’s been a lot of talk about Pete and Ari’s perceived insensitivity toward their exes in publicly admitting that they’d secretly longed for each other for years (in other words, since well before they were single). To be clear, both parties’ duties to their exes ended the moment they broke things off – but who wants to live in a world where we’re all just fulfilling our minimum obligations to one another? It’s not hard to see how Ariana might have wound up with some seriously conflicted feelings – as well as some major doubts – in the wake of Miller’s overdose. But in the end, out guess is that a talent gap wider than Pete and Ariana’s height difference also played a significant role in bringing this ill-fated romance to a halt. View Slideshow: Pete Davidson Answers the Giant Penis Question Once and for All And unless Pete drops his Adam Sandler impression and develops a comedic identity of his own, he’d probably be better off dating someone who doesn’t prioritize talent the way Ariana seems to.

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Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson: Will They Get Back Together?!

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Surprise Absolutely No One by Breaking Up

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have called off their engagement. We’ll give you a minute to recover from the shock… Wait? What’s that? You aren’t stunned at all because this was the most obvious break-up of all-time? Fair point. According to People Magazine, Us Weekly and other reliable outlets, the singer and the Saturday Night Live cast member have called off their short, albeit intense, romance. The stars started dating late this spring and then announced their engagement, like, two weeks later , taking the celebrity gossip and entertainment universe by storm. Most folks assumed Davidson and Grande were moving way too quickly and that the relationship would eventually fizzle out and… well… … that’s pretty much what has happened. “It was way too much too soon,” a source close to Grande tells People Magazine. “It’s not shocking to anyone.” This same source says the decision to go their separate ways was mutually agreed upon by both halves of the famous couple. While the split doesn’t really come as a surprise to anyone at all, there hadn’t been any recent rumors of tension at least. The latest chatter, in fact, has been centered around whether or not Grande was pregnant with Davidson’s child. The comedian himself even joked about knocking Grande up just a few weeks ago, as he and Ariana were certainly very open about the seriousness of their relationship during the four months it lasted. Alas, it is now over. “It happened this weekend,” an insider tells Us Weekly, adding: “They realized it happened too quick and too early. The wedding is off, but they’re working things out. They’re not officially done yet.” It’s unclear what Grande will do with the $100,000 engagement ring Davidson gifted her; and it’s also unclear whether the traumatic death of Grande’s ex , Mac Miller, played any role in the demise of this romance. Over the past several days, it’s been clear that Grande has been going through a lot. The artist has been Tweeting a handful of personal messages and saying she needs a break from the public spotlight, asking at point: “can i pls have one okay day. just one. pls.” Twitter users, meanwhile, reacted in many different ways to the break-up. Some were taken aback. Some were delighted. Others yawned over how clear it was to see it coming. “am i surprised that pete and ariana broke up? no. but am i supposed to be happy about that? no. imagine how she is doing right now,” wrote one person, while another added: “if you’re celebrating ariana and pete splitting, you don’t care about ariana’s happiness. Bye.” Back on September 7, Miller died of a drug overdose. He and Grande dated for about two years and didn’t split up all that long before Ariana got together with Davidson. “Given the events of the past couple of years, Ariana is going to take some much needed time to heal and mend,” her team said in September. “She will be staying close to home and using this period to spend time with her loved ones and work on new music without deadline. She thanks her fans for their understanding.” This Saturday, Grande also canceled a scheduled performance, at F–k Cancer’s inaugural Barbara Berlanti Heroes fundraising gala, where her manager Scooter Braun’s wife Yael Cohen Braun received an honor for her work as co-founder of the group. Said Braun in front of the crowd: “One of the most amazing things about this organization is that they help people when they’re having the worst moments in their life, and they give sympathy and a calm nature to people in need in those moments. “And you saw your invite, someone I’m very close to was supposed to come sing for you today, and because of things that she’s going through, she couldn’t be here today. “And while I was frustrated, being the manager, my wife, being who she always is, just looked at me and she goes, ‘She needs this time.'” We continue to wish Ariana the best. And now Davidson the best as well.

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Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Surprise Absolutely No One by Breaking Up

It’s A Wrap! Pete Davidson & Ariana Grande Call Off Their Engagement

Thelonius / SplashNews.com We’re shocked, reaaaaally… Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson Break Up Things are a wrap between a certain “God Is A Woman” singer and her BDE bringing boo thang. Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are officially over after announcing their engagement in May after just a few weeks of dating. TMZ reports that the split was mutual and both parties felt it was “not the right time for their relationship to take off.” In recent weeks Ariana’s been grieving her late ex Mac Miller who she dated just before Pete, and told fans; “can i pls have one okay day. just one. pls.” Interestingly enough Pete told Variety in August that he was convinced that Ariana had to be “blind” or “crazy” to want to marry him. “I never thought I’d meet anyone like her. I can’t even put into words how great of a person she is. I could cry. She’s the f—ing coolest, hottest, nicest person I’ve ever met. I’m f—ing living the goddamn dream. I feel like I’m living in a fantasyland.” I’m still convinced she’s blind or hit her head really hard. Something is going to happen, and she’s going to be like, ‘What the f— is this thing doing around?’ For right now, it’s rocking.” Talk about foreshadowing. Splashnews.com Earlier this month fans noticed that Pete covered up a tattoo behind his ear of the bunny-eared mask Ariana wears on the cover of her  Dangerous Woman  album. Jackson Lee / SplashNews.com Are you surprised that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson broke up???

It’s A Wrap! Pete Davidson & Ariana Grande Call Off Their Engagement

Victoria Justice Sports Bra Erotica of the Day

You may be watching the live broadcast of the Dr Ford interrogation. Why hasn’t anyone asked Dr Ford what panties she was wearing and whether she came from the attempted sex, before it became a traumatic experience. Why do people want to bother trying to blame her, or accuse her of lying, clearly the Supreme Court Judge dude is guilty of being a pervert and shouldn’t be a Supreme Court Judge…why would there even be an argument on this. That said, here’s Victoria Justice, someone who created the Ariana Grande celebrity by not being as compelling or talented on the show they were on together, allowing her to really sine… She’s in a sports bra, the kind of outfit that you see girls wearing on the street, where you think illicit things about when looking at them, because all dudes are fucking perverts…but not all dudes are predator jock pieces of shit. I don’t really care about Victoria Justice….but Tits in s Sports Bra are a thing to look at – so look at them… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Victoria Justice Sports Bra Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Victoria Justice Sports Bra Erotica of the Day

Cheyenne Floyd: Teen Mom OG Fans FURIOUS with Official Casting News!

Earlier this week, MTV finally confirmed the big news: Cheyenne Floyd is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG . It wasn’t the first time we heard the idea of Cheyenne, a star on other MTV reality shows like Are You the One? and The Challenge, becoming a cast member on the show. Far from it, actually. The first reports about Cheyenne came out back in June, and word is that she began filming then too , along with the father of her daughter, ex-boyfriend Cory Wharton. Other Teen Mom players have commented on her , and there were even whispers that she’d possibly been let go for some questionable tweets she made several years ago. But despite all of that, there was no official word on her casting until now. So now Cheyenne will join Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, and fellow newcomer Bristol Palin to make the core group of Teen Mom OG. And in case you haven’t heard, the show’s fans are very, very displeased. When the official Teen Mom Facebook page posted the news, the comment section was full of dismay. “Why do they keep adding random people?” one person asked. “These girls were never on the show to start with and shouldn’t be now.” This is a good point because the “OG” in the title of the show stands for “Original Girls,” because Maci, Amber, Catelynn, and Farrah Abraham, the original cast, have been around since the beginning of the show. They were on the very first season of 16 and Pregnant, and despite the significant pay raises they’ve received over the years, they really did struggle in the early days — and MTV cameras documented it all. As another person pointed out, “Can’t be Teen Mom OG if y’all have 2 new people who aren’t even part of the teen mom franchise smh.” It is a pretty big oversight, considering the title of the show, you know? Someone else popped in the comments with some sarcasm, writing “I saw a lady with a baby outside of Target today. She looked to be about 25 yrs old.” “She was fighting on the phone with her boyfriend, so she fits 3 of the key factors. Hurry up MTV, give her a call!!!” This comment addresses several other issues with Cheyenne’s casting, one being that she’s turning 26 next month and just gave birth to her first child last year. Say what you will about Bristol Palin — seriously, say whatever, it’s cool — but at least she actually was a teen mom. Sure, Cheyenne can probably bring the drama , but it feels like anyone starring on a show called Teen Mom should meet that one basic requirement. Lots of people left comments to say that even though Farrah left the show, things could have gone on with just the three remaining cast members. Many said that they’d fast-forward through Cheyenne and Bristol’s segments, and some said they’d stop watching altogether. Quite a few even said that they felt the show should be cancelled at this point. In conclusion, let’s let one commenter express what the rest of us are thinking: “Wtf this sh-t is getting so stupid.” View Slideshow: Cheyenne Floyd Makes It Official: I’m a Teen Mom OG! Oh, isn’t it though …

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Cheyenne Floyd: Teen Mom OG Fans FURIOUS with Official Casting News!

Ariana Grande Pays Moving Tribute to Mac Miller

Ariana Grande has broken her silence in response to her former boyfriend Mac Miller’s shocking death Friday at the age of 26. One day after Miller was found dead inside his home of a suspected overdose, the singer has acknowledged her ex’s passing. Grande and Miller dated for about two years, breaking up in May, just a couple of months before Miller would pass away. According to sources at the time, the rapper’s substance abuse problem was a sigificant reason that Grande was forced to finally end the romance, which had become highly toxic and unhealthy for her. Because lots of people on the Internet are awful, some trolls attacked Grande on Instagram Friday evening because they: Actually blamed Ariana for Miller’s overdose . Wondered why she had not yet commented on his passing. Like we said, lots of people on the Internet are awful. On Saturday afternoon, however, Grande did share the above photo of Miller on her official social media page. She did not include a caption along with it. Within an hour of going live, though, the black, white and simple but profound tribute has garnered over 3.6 million Likes. That says more than any words could. About a week after Miller and Grande split, the former was arrested for drunk driving after he got into a very serious car accident. Grande responded by telling Mac to “Pls take care of yourself,” and she then clapped back hard at anyone who blamed her then as well for Miller’s personal issues. “I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be,” she tweeted this spring, adding: “I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years.” “Of course I didn’t share about how hard or scary it was while it was happening but it was.” Miller was also in Manchester last year when a terrorist killed 22 people at one of Grande’s concerts . These two had been through a lot prior to Mac’s death. The day Grande and Miller broke up , Ariana wrote the following on Instagram: Hi! This is one of my best friends in the whole world and favorite people on the planet malcolm mccormick. I respect and adore him endlessly and am grateful to have him in my life in any form, at all times regardless of how our relationship changes or what the universe holds for each of us! Ariana continued: Unconditional love is not selfish. It is wanting the best for that person even if at the moment, it’s not you. I can’t wait to know and support you forever and i’m so proud of you!! Elsewhere, another of Miller’s ex-girlfriends, Nomi Leasure, has spoken out on his death… and his life. “So grateful we had our final moment. Our clarity, clearing of the air. You changed my life. I, yours. The residual effects of your passion ripple on. You are not gone. Not in the least.” View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2018: In Memoriam Leasure and Miller started dating in high school and broke up not long before he moved on wth Grande. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP. May Mac Miller rest in peace.

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Ariana Grande Pays Moving Tribute to Mac Miller

Pete Davidson Confirms Engagement to Ariana Grande: I Feel Like I Won a Contest!

The the delight of millions of fans, Ariana Grande is now engaged to Pete Davidson . It happened fast, but sometimes, love is like that. Though we've already seen Ariana's engagement ring , Pete has now washed away any lingering doubts by saying it out loud. Folks, Pete cannot contain his enthusiasm. Can you blame him. He feels like he won the lottery. On The Tongight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon , Pete Davidson and Robert Pattinson were the guests. Ariana is a beloved guest on Fallon's show, and as you can imagine, he definitely brought up her name when speaking to Pete. Jimmy Fallon says: “Now, you know that you didn’t have to get engaged to Ariana Grande to come on our show.” Pete's boyish excitement cannot be contained. “But I did, though!” Pete says. The audience replies with cheers and applause. After Fallon offers his congratulations, Pete offers a very apt description of the situation. “I feel like I won a contest.,” Pete says. “So sick.” Ariana isn't just an extremely talented singer, an actress, an activist, a gay icon, and a beloved social media personality. She's also just incredibly hot, and Pete seems truly head-over-heels. Fallon asks: “How are you handling it all right now?” Pete replies: “It’s f–king lit, Jimmy.” We would imagine so. “It's so funny,” Pete shares. “Walking down the street.” Keep in mind that Pete has been famous for years because he is a cast member of Saturday Night Live . In fact, debates over whether he or Colin Jost is the most attractive cast member at the moment are not uncommon on social media or among friends. But now, when he is recognized, the reactions that he elicits are a little different. “It's so funny,” Pete says. “Because dudes are walking by, and they're like:” Pete mimes tipping a hat in a casual salute or a gesture of respect. That's cute. “Some dude came up to me,” Pete continues. “And said: 'yo, man, you gave me hope.'” The implication being that Pete has managed to get engaged to a girl out of his league — to one of the most attractive women on the planet — without being more famous than she is or richer than her. Pete admits that he started to feel a little unsulted, saying: “And I didn't know I was that ugly! Jesus.” Pete is, of course, very much not ugly. But he is still counting his blessings. “Yeah,” Pete admits. “I'm a lucky motherf–ker.” That's true! But so is Ariana. Anyone who finds any sort of love in this globe of nightmares we all inhabit is very fortunate! (Also, Pete sells himself short — literally. The guy is 6-foot-3, which makes him a whopping 15 inches taller than Ariana. We are very much rooting for them even though they will have to get creative to take decent photos) Pete's excitement over his engagement to Ariana is not limited to late night talk shows. On Thursday, he shared the image of Ariana Grande arching her back in the grass while wearing a less-than-huge amount of clothing. (Fans will of course recognize this as part of a dance that she has practiced and performed on social media before) “What the actual f–k,” Pete writes, showing his desbelief in how beautiful his fiancee is. He follows up that photo with a heart eyes emoji. Pete has also, of course, already gotten two tattoos in Ariana's honor . One of her bunny eared mask, and another of her initials. Go big or go home. Arianators have celebrated this welcome news. Naturally, her fans are happy when she is happy. Many are relieved to see that she is no longer in a toxic relationship with someone whose personal substance abuse issues make him a danger to himself and others. (Though Pete was never a danger, per se, he has experienced and overcome a mild substance abuse issue and has been outspoken about his mental health) Some critics have accused Pete of “robbing the cradle,” which is absurd. Age and height aren't synonyms, or Ariana would be feeling nervous about the sixth grade. They're both about the same age, but Ariana, who turns 25 next week, is a few months older than Pete. Pete will not turn 25 until September.

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Pete Davidson Confirms Engagement to Ariana Grande: I Feel Like I Won a Contest!

Sorry (Acoustic) w/ Skrillex & BLOOD #PreOrderPurpose

Pre-order the new album Purpose to get the new single Sorry: http://smarturl.it/JBPurpose. http://www.youtube.com/v/QfWK9X9M8Dg?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata Read the original post: Sorry (Acoustic) w/ Skrillex & BLOOD #PreOrderPurpose

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Sorry (Acoustic) w/ Skrillex & BLOOD #PreOrderPurpose