Tag Archives: assange

Michael Moore Posts Bail for WikiLeaks Honcho

Filed under: Michael Moore , Julian Assange , Celebrity Justice Michael Moore has anted up $20,000 to help post bail for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange . Moore just blogged, he will do anything he can to keep WikiLeaks “alive and thriving as it continues its work to expose the crimes that were concocted in… Read more

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Michael Moore Posts Bail for WikiLeaks Honcho

WikiLeaks founder Voted Readers’ Choice for TIME’s Person of the Year 2010

The founder of WikiLeaks has been crowned the readers' choice for TIME's Person of the Year 2010. Assange won the most votes in this year's poll, racking up an impressive 382,020 votes out of a total of 1,249,425, resulting in a clear majority as the runner-up, Recep Tayyip Ergodan the Prime Minister of Turkey received 148,383 less votes.But Assange wasn't the winner in all aspects – Lady Gaga trounced him on Facebook, receiving 65,417 “likes” on Facebook to Assange's 45,643. Here is the Top 10 people as chosen by TIME readers.

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange: Readers’ Choice for TIME’s Person of the Year 2010

The man behind WikiLeaks has won the most votes in this year's Person of the Year poll. Readers voted a total of 1,249,425 times, and the favorite was clear. Julian Assange raked in 382,020 votes, giving him an easy first place. He was 148,383 votes over the silver medalist, Recep Tayyip Ergodan, Prime Minister of Turkey. But Assange wasn't the winner in all aspects — Lady Gaga trounced him on Facebook, receiving 65,417 “likes” on Facebook to Assange's 45,643. See the top 10 readers' choices below, and view the full poll here. 1. Julian Assange 2. Recep Tayyip Ergodan 3. Lady Gaga 4. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert 5. Glenn Beck 6. Barack Obama 7. Steve Jobs 8. The Chilean Miners 9. The Unemployed American 10. Mark Zuckerberg added by: maasanova

Establishment Republicans Introduce Bill to Criminalize Wikileaks

New York Rep. Peter King has exploited the hysteria surrounding the Wikileaks case to introduce legislation to make it illegal to publish the names of American intelligence sources who provide information to the US military or intelligence community, according to Homeland Security Today. King has called Assange a terrorist and demands Eric Holder and the Justice Department deal with him. HR 6506, called the SHIELD Act (Securing Human Intelligence and Enforcing Lawful Dissemination), is a companion bill to a Senate bill introduced earlier this month by senators Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), John Ensign (R-Nev.), and Scott Brown (R-Mass.). Both bills would amend U.S. Code Title 18 Section 798, also called the Espionage Act, to provide legal protections that already apply to communications intelligence to human intelligence sources. “Julian Assange and his cronies, in their effort to hinder our war efforts, are creating a hit list for our enemies by publishing the names of our human intelligence sources,” Ensign said in a statement. “Our sources are bravely risking their lives when they stand up against the tyranny of al Qaeda, the Taliban, and murderous regimes, and I simply will not stand idly by as they become death targets because of Julian Assange. Let me be very clear, Wikileaks is not a whistleblower website and Assange is not a journalist.” added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

Wikileaks Assange ‘Rape’ Accuser Linked To Notorious CIA Operative

Swedish prosecutors told AOL News last week that Assange was not wanted for rape as has been reported in American media , but for something called “sex by surprise” or “unexpected sex.” Previously we had reported that Julian Assange founder of wikiLeaks accused of rape . And warrant was issued for the arrest of Julian Assange in connection with alleged rape , which we had suspected a hand twisting. added by: current_spider

MasterCard DOWN: MasterCard.com, Swiss Bank, Lawyer’s Site Hacked By WikiLeaks Supporters With DDOS Attack

LONDON — WikiLeaks supporters struck back Wednesday at perceived enemies of founder Julian Assange, attacking the websites of Swedish prosecutors, the Swedish lawyer whose clients have accused Assange of sexual crimes and the Swiss authority that froze Assange's bank account. MasterCard, which pulled the plug on its relationship with WikiLeaks on Tuesday, also seemed to be having severe technological problems. The online vengeance campaign appeared to be taking the form of denial of service attacks in which computers across the Internet are harnessed – sometimes surreptitiously – to jam target sites with mountains of requests for data, knocking them out of commission. The online attacks are part of a wave of online support for WikiLeaks that is sweeping the Internet. Twitter was choked with messages of solidarity Wednesday, while the site's Facebook page hit 1 million fans. Offline, the organization is under pressure on many fronts. Assange, its founder, is in a U.K. prison fighting extradition to Sweden over the sex crimes case, while moves by Swiss Postfinance, MasterCard, PayPal Inc. and others have impaired the secret-spilling group's ability to raise money. The U.S. government is also investigating whether Assange can be prosecuted for espionage or other offenses. Per Hellqvist, a security specialist with the firm Symantec, said a loose network of web activists called “Anonymous” appeared to be behind the attacks. The group, which has previously focused on the Church of Scientology and the music industry, has promised to come to Assange's aid by knocking offline websites seen as hostile to WikiLeaks. “While we don't have much of an affiliation with WikiLeaks, we fight for the same reasons,” the group said in a statement on its website. “We want transparency and we counter censorship. … This is why we intend to utilize our resources to raise awareness, attack those against and support those who are helping lead our world to freedom and democracy.” It was not immediately clear which attacks the group was responsible for, although activists on Twitter and other forums cheered the news of each one in turn. The website for MasterCard, which has said it will no longer process donations to WikiLeaks, was either down or sluggish early Wednesday. The company said it was experiencing “heavy traffic” but did not elaborate. The website for Swedish lawyer Claes Borgstrom, who represents the two women at the center of Assange's sex crimes case, was unreachable Wednesday. The Swiss postal system's financial arm, Postfinance, which shut down Assange's new bank account on Monday, was also having trouble. Spokesman Alex Josty said the website buckled under a barrage of traffic Tuesday but the onslaught seems to have eased off. “Yesterday it was very, very difficult, then things improved overnight,” he told The Associated Press. “But it's still not entirely back to normal.” While one Internet company after another has cut its ties to the websites amid intense U.S. government pressure – Amazon.com, PayPal, EveryDNS – the French government's effort to stop a company there from hosting WikiLeaks has failed – at least for now. The Web services company OVH, which is among those hosting the current site – wikileaks.ch – sought a ruling by two courts about the legality of hosting WikiLeaks in France. The judges said this week they couldn't decide on the highly technical case right away. WikiLeaks evoked the ire of the U.S. government last spring when it posted a gritty war video taken by Army helicopters showing troops gunning down two unarmed Reuters journalists. Since then, the organization has leaked some 400,000 classified U.S. war files from Iraq and 76,000 from Afghanistan that U.S. military officials say included names of U.S. informants and other information that could put people's lives at risk. The latest leaks have involved private U.S. diplomatic cables that included frank U.S. assessments of foreign nations and their leaders. Those cables have had serious repercussions for the United States, embarrassing allies, angering rivals, and reopening old wounds across the world. Foreign powers have been pulling back from their dealings with the U.S. government since the documents hit the Internet, State and Defense department officials said Tuesday, while the Israeli government complained that the crisis over the leaked files was distracting Washington from efforts to restart Mideast peace talks – something Washington has denied. Although U.S. officials have directed their ire at Assange – Defense Secretary Robert Gates cheered the news of his arrest Tuesday – even its allies have begun to question whether Washington is ultimately to blame. “The core of all this lies with the failure of the government of the United States to properly protect its own diplomatic communications,” Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said Wednesday – noting that the secret cables were widely available to hundreds of thousands of U.S. government employees. “To have several million people on their distribution list for a quarter of a million cables – that's where the problem lies,” Rudd added. The latest U.S. cables released Wednesday showed that the British government feared a furious Libyan reaction if the convicted Lockerbie bomber wasn't set free and expressed relief when they learned that he would be released in 2009 on compassionate grounds. Meanwhile, Assange faces a new extradition hearing in the U.K. next week, in which his lawyers say they will reapply for bail. The 39-year-old Australian denies two women's allegations of rape, molestation and unlawful coercion. He has not been charged with any crime in Sweden and is fighting his extradition there. In a Twitter message Wednesday, WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson shrugged off all the challenges and noted that the site is mirrored in over 500 locations by supporters. “The latest batch of cables were released (Tuesday evening), and our media partners released their next batch of stories,” Hrafnsson said. “We will not be gagged, either by judicial action or corporate censorship … WikiLeaks is still online.” added by: toyotabedzrock

4channers Go After PayPal, Swiss Bank in Defense of Wikileaks [Hackers]

4chan-affiliated hacker group Anonymous has declared war on enemies of secret-sharing site Wikileaks . Internet war! Their first targets: PayPal, which won’t facilitate donations to Wikileaks, and PostFinance, the Swiss bank that froze founder Julian Assange ‘s accounts. So far, they’re one-for-two. More

Assange Set Up By CIA Operative?

Wikileaks founder arrested over spurious rape claims made by militant feminist who worked for group funded by US government. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest over the dubious rape and molestation claims of two Swedish women is likely a political stunt, after it was revealed that one of the women has connections to the CIA and is a militant feminist who published a guide on how to get revenge on men and make them “suffer”. “The 39-year-old Australian was detained by Scotland Yard officers at around 9.30am after he voluntarily went to a police station in central London,” reports Sky News. Assange is attempting to clear his name of spurious rape charges that appear to be part of a contrived ploy to discredit him. Whatever your view on the motivations behind Assange’s Wikileaks campaign, the rape story appears to be little more than a fabrication contrived by two jilted women. The “rape” charges, which were virtually laughed out of court by the original prosecutor, center around Assange’s refusal to wear a condom during sex. The two women, who Assange had sex with on back to back nights in August when he was visiting Sweden, both “sent SMS messages and tweets boasting of their conquests following the alleged “rapes,” reports Raw Story, strange behavior for people who subsequently claimed they were victims of molestation. “At least as the Sydney Herald’s Asher Moses tells it, there’s not much in the stories about forced sex or “molestation” or politically-driven hit jobs,” points out Henry Blodget. “Mostly it’s about two Julian Assange fans annoyed that the rock star Wikileaks founder charmed their pants off and then bolted.” Indeed, one of the alleged “victims,” Anna Ardin, later threw a party at her flat in honor of Assange after he had supposedly raped her, according to Assange’s lawyer James D. Catlin. “The exact content of Wil

Creepy Shadow Monsters Attack in the Vanishing on 7th Street Trailer

Like many other characters before him, Hayden Christensen walks out one day (presumably onto 7th street) to find his city completely abandoned. Maybe he’s seen 28 Days Later or I am Legend , and feels prepared for the situation and even a bit bored with it at first. I sure did. But then the situation gets more ominous, and soon he finds out he’s not dealing with vampires, zombies or even vampire-zombies, but with merciless shadow monsters.

Originally posted here:
Creepy Shadow Monsters Attack in the Vanishing on 7th Street Trailer

Quaids Hiring Ghost Writer, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Also in today’s edition of The Broadsheet: Dan Aykroyd keeps selling Ghostbusters 3 … Julian Assange turns himself in… Why December is problematic… America has about 15 years to live… and more…

Continued here:
Quaids Hiring Ghost Writer, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today