Arkansas Cop Tommy Norman Shows The Positive Power Of Community Policing Tommy Norman is a longtime cop in the North Little Rock Police Department who has worked in some of the toughest neighborhoods in Arkansas. Officer Norman understands that to better serve a community, he has to play a positive role in that same community to truly make a difference. Check out just one of the hundreds examples of Officer Norman serving his community the RIGHT way: There’s more…. It starts with getting to know your community: Imagine if ALL cops were like this? Police officers have to make a change to better know their communities and the people who they serve and protect! Check out more of Officer Norman by visiting his Facebook page HERE . IG
Sybrina Fulton Writes Op-Ed In Support Of Hillary Clinton For President Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has faced several obstacles in her campaign that she is still in the process of trying to overcome. One of which is her (and her husband’s) history of supporting legislation that helps imprison black men at a much more rapid rate than other races. This history of favoring mass incarceration has led to some tense discussions and confrontations from #BlackLivesMatter activists as we all attempt to decide whether or not we can support Hillary in her attempt to become the first female POTUS. One person who has already made up her mind to put Hillary’s name on a ballot is Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton. She has even gone so far as to write an op-ed for CNN about exactly why she decided to support the secretary of state despite the questions about her integrity… Clinton will uphold President Obama’s recent executive actions, and then she’ll go even further. Her plan focuses on reforms that would help keep more guns out of the hands of criminals. It would finally close the gun show loophole, and the outrageous provision that allowed someone with an arrest record to buy the gun used to shoot and kill nine parishioners at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. I agree with the President: We should only support leaders that fight for common-sense gun reforms. Clinton passes that test. Just as importantly, Clinton also wants to address the larger, systemic problems. She has a plan to begin to heal the distrust and divide that too often exists between law enforcement and the communities they serve. She has called for key reforms — from better training for officers to eliminating racial profiling and investing in body cameras for every police department. She sees what I see: a criminal justice system that is not always just. A system that has contributed to creating a reality where just selling cigarettes, playing loud music, looking at a cop the wrong way or walking home from the store are now activities that can get you killed. If you look at the numbers, America is missing 1.5 million men of color — lost to a system of violence and mass incarceration that seems to have long since forgotten them, but we haven’t. We highly suggest you read the entire piece HERE, but in the mean time, what do you think of Mrs. Fulton’s assertion that Hillary will uphold President Obama’s policies? Images via AP
Sybrina Fulton Writes Op-Ed In Support Of Hillary Clinton For President Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has faced several obstacles in her campaign that she is still in the process of trying to overcome. One of which is her (and her husband’s) history of supporting legislation that helps imprison black men at a much more rapid rate than other races. This history of favoring mass incarceration has led to some tense discussions and confrontations from #BlackLivesMatter activists as we all attempt to decide whether or not we can support Hillary in her attempt to become the first female POTUS. One person who has already made up her mind to put Hillary’s name on a ballot is Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton. She has even gone so far as to write an op-ed for CNN about exactly why she decided to support the secretary of state despite the questions about her integrity… Clinton will uphold President Obama’s recent executive actions, and then she’ll go even further. Her plan focuses on reforms that would help keep more guns out of the hands of criminals. It would finally close the gun show loophole, and the outrageous provision that allowed someone with an arrest record to buy the gun used to shoot and kill nine parishioners at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. I agree with the President: We should only support leaders that fight for common-sense gun reforms. Clinton passes that test. Just as importantly, Clinton also wants to address the larger, systemic problems. She has a plan to begin to heal the distrust and divide that too often exists between law enforcement and the communities they serve. She has called for key reforms — from better training for officers to eliminating racial profiling and investing in body cameras for every police department. She sees what I see: a criminal justice system that is not always just. A system that has contributed to creating a reality where just selling cigarettes, playing loud music, looking at a cop the wrong way or walking home from the store are now activities that can get you killed. If you look at the numbers, America is missing 1.5 million men of color — lost to a system of violence and mass incarceration that seems to have long since forgotten them, but we haven’t. We highly suggest you read the entire piece HERE, but in the mean time, what do you think of Mrs. Fulton’s assertion that Hillary will uphold President Obama’s policies? Images via AP
Jeezy Releases A Letter To All His Fans Voicing His Concerns For the last week, Atlanta’s T-R-A-P-S-T-R, Young Jeezy, has been teasing fans with a cryptic Instagram post that displayed a countdown. A countdown to what? We had no idea, until today… I would like to take this time to address the Street Disciples and Congregation to express my concerns and frustrations on what’s going on in our communities all over the world today. With the poverty level at an all time high, it’s damn near impossible for one to take care of him or herself without the possibility of prison or death. You have law enforcement officials gunning down unarmed black men. You have misinformed young men gunning down unarmed women, children and men in churches, movie theaters and public events. There’s a war going on, but you have to ask yourself, who is the enemy? They ask why you black males are so militant? My answer to that would be because they are making us soldiers. Soldiers in a war on humanity. We have nothing to lose and everything to fight for. We are fighting for our people; we are fighting for our right to live. We die to claim our streets and hoods when we don’t own as much as a mail box. That tells me one thing – If we all were on the same page and had the same cause, there is nothing in the world we can’t change or make happen. They ask us why we hustle? To feed our families; to take care of our households; to pay our bills on time. Just like any other American. The only problem is there’s not enough jobs and opportunities for everyone. As a matter of fact, people are being laid off at an alarming rate. Black men getting out of prison try to turn over a new leaf in life, but are placed on parole so they are not able to find employment. They are forced to return to the only way they know to survive. That means sacrificing his freedom and life for his family’s survival. You may call him a criminal, a felon, a societal problem or all the above, but I see someone that is noble and honorable. I see a leader. Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King died for what they believed in; so did Bob Marley. They all have a cause and wanted to make a difference in this crazy world. When an individual would do anything for his or her community and the people in it, that is a Godly act. Not in the biblical sense, but in the sense of the word. We are all Gods in our own right. We all have the ability and the power to change the things around us. We all have the ability to affect lives; to raise our sons and daughters to become Kings and Queens; Leaders and Prophets. To make a difference on Earth while they are here. I know you may be reading this and thinking to yourself, why so dark? Why so sinister? When in fact, it is the exact opposite. Hit the flip to find out what this is all about…
Drake Addresses OVO Fest Shooting Though he’s been silent on the incident for the past week, Drake is finally breaking his silence on the violent shootout outside an official OVO Fest after party that ultimately resulted in the deaths of two people. Drake posted this message via his official website : The last few days I have been in a moral bind. I am used to the fact that my life and the things I say to my fans are closely watched. It’s tough in situations like this where there’s a tragedy and I consider the advice of my trusted advisors and counsel who worry that anything I might say could be misinterpreted. However, today I am choosing to follow my heart. I am plagued and pained by the violence that continues to escalate in our city. I stare into the eyes of so many young people and I wish to see them all shine as bright as they possibly can in this lifetime. I encourage my generation to show as much value and gratitude as you can for the lives we have been gifted. My deepest condolences go out to the Navarro-Fenoy and Hibbert families for their loss of Ariela and Duvel. Along with them I send my condolences to all of the families that have lost loved ones to the senseless violence that has and continues to occur in our city. Although Toronto is globally viewed as a major city, at the core we are still a small close-knit community, and it is our public responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of one another. We need each other to further our communities for generations to come. I pray for better times and better understanding. – DRAKE
Guess we shouldn’t be surprised that hateful people want their children to be haters too. According to RawStory reports : The KKK wants its supporters to spend Labor Day weekend with them, according to its website — and they really want their children to come too. The notorious hate group will be holding its “National Congress” in Harrison, Arkansas. Attendees are expected to wear “casual business attire.” Scheduled “fun” will include ping pong, foosball, folk dancing and a “cross lighting. The light of Christ dispels the darkness.” The event organizers urged supporters not to leave young children behind, but bring them for some early indoctrination and fear mongering. “Your children are the target! Those that hate our heritage and faith have targeted America’s children,” the event page says. “Schools are indoctrination centers for homosexuals and race-mixers. Even our churches aren’t safe. Television is full of filth!” Accommodations for children, including a nursery for infants and toddlers, will be available. “If you have children still living at home we urge you not to neglect this important opportunity to help prepare your children. We will have a wonderful program to help entertain as well as teach them old time values of our forefathers,” the website urges. The group has made itself more visible since accused shooter and racist Dylann Roof gunned down nine unarmed African-American churchgoers in Charleston on June 17. The group praised Roof for the massacre, calling it a “victory.” They launched a recruitment campaign that week, leaving bags with candy and flyers in people’s yards in at least six states, including California, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia. This month the Klan will holding a training camp to “train future leaders who can return to their communities with the tools to become actively involved in this struggle for our racial redemption.” On July 18, they also plan to rally in South Carolina against the likely removal of the Confederate flag from the statehouse, Politico reports. Since the Charleston shooting, a string of black churches burned in the South and three were attributed to arson. This is so alarming. We hoped that times were getting better but it’s obvious that hatred is still on the rise. We shudder to think of one of our kids encountering kids who are being raised like this.
Finally! Something good comes out of reality TV … Preachers of Detroit Star & National Spokesperson of the Change Agent Consortium (CAC) Pastor David Alexander Bullock has organized the End Police Brutality March in Detroit, MI on January 19, 2015. The peaceful march is in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and in response to the rising awareness of incidents of police brutality. Pastor Bullock will also release his first single titled “I Can’t Breathe” produced by Multiplatinum Producer Tim Bosky (credits include Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Britney Spears). “I Can’t Breathe” features an all-star team of talent such as singer/songwriter Keely Ferguson, Joshua Blvck, Aaron BraveSoul and Moe Hardwick. Bullock cites “I Can’t Breathe, a powerful single that captures the angst and promise of a solution to police brutality in America”. You can check out Bullock’s single below: We thought it was actually pretty dope. What did you think? About the End Police Brutality March: “The End Police Brutality” March is a clarion call to all citizens to join the fight to end the use of wanton police force in America. Police brutality is not only a concern in Detroit, but around the country. This is not an anti – police march, it is an anti-excessive and cruel violence march. We encourage people to abandon their silos of fear and join us in the march. We march to remember McKenzie Cochran, Adaisha Miller and the other victims of police brutality. We march to change public policy, increase civic capacity and restore hope in our communities. We will not adjust to fear we will face it head on” -David Alexander Bullock If you’re in Detroit, will you be marching alongside Pastor Bullock today?
Monday on “NewsOne Now,” Janaye Ingram, Malik Husser and Michael Fletcher joined Roland Martin to discuss possible solutions to end gun violence in our communities. Be sure…