Tag Archives: cookie johnson

Magic Johnson Has Some Advice For Parents With Gay Kids

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Magic Johnson recently made an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show where he offered some tips for parents with gay kids. The former NBA player is the father of EJ Johnson, who is a reality TV star, fashionista, and openly gay. When DeGeneres asked Magic about any advice he’d give to parents, he replied, “I think it’s all […]

Magic Johnson Has Some Advice For Parents With Gay Kids

DJ Khaled Was President Obama’s Hype Man In Miami

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https://www.instagram.com/p/BLzGSEAAG-N/ President Obama gave two speeches in Miami yesterday, and to hype up the crowd, Hillary Clinton‘s campaign enlisted none other than DJ Khaled. Obama’s first appearance was at Miami Dade College’s Wolfson Campus, where he spoke about the Affordable Care Act. The other was at a Clinton rally at Florida Memorial University in Miami Gardens, […]

DJ Khaled Was President Obama’s Hype Man In Miami

Cookie Johnson How She Reconciles Her Religion With Her Son’s Homosexuality [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

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Cookie Johnson discusses her new book, “Believing In Magic,” and being married to her husband, Magic Johnson, for 25 years. Cookie reveals that they were separated for about two weeks back in 2001 without anyone knowing, and during that time they thought they were going to get divorce. She explains how they came to make […]

Cookie Johnson How She Reconciles Her Religion With Her Son’s Homosexuality [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

Jesus Take The Wheel: Boy Dies After Mother Accidentally Gives Him Methadone Stored In Gatorade Bottle

This is so tragic. Boy Dies After Mother Accidentally Serves Him Methadone This could have been prevented had she been more careful. According to Salt Lake Tribune: Tooele police have arrested a woman on suspicion of homicide after she allegedly — but inadvertently — served her 2-year-old son an overdose of methadone. The 32-year-old woman called 911 Friday evening when the family discovered that the boy was not breathing. Emergency responders tried to save the boy, but he died at the home near 400 Oak St., said Tooele Police Capt. Paul Wimmer. A few hours later, the boy’s 8-year-old brother and 5-year-old sister turned up at the emergency room having also ingested methadone, police say. Both survived. The 8-year-old told his aunt, and the 5-year-old told a detective, that their mother fixed a pink drink for the 2-year-old, according to a probable cause statement. He did not like the drink so the mother had the 5-year-old taste it; she said it was gross, the statement adds. The mother then had the 8-year-old taste it, and he said it tasted like medicine, according to the statement. Investigators suspect the drink was the mother’s colored, liquid methadone that was kept in a Gatorade bottle, Wimmer said. “We think she may have inadvertently served it,” Wimmer said. The mother told investigators that, after the taste tests, she said she realized that she had poured the Methadone and not Gatorade into the cup, according to the probable cause statement. The mother said she tried to get the 2-year-old to throw up, then went to bed and took a nap with him, the statement adds. “When asked, she said she didn’t call [emergency responders] or Poison Control because she was scared,” according to the statement. The mother was booked into the Tooele County jail, without bail, on suspicion of homicide, two counts of child abuse and endangerment of a child or vulnerable adult, according to jail documents. She poisoned the other kids and didn’t try to help the little boy? SMH. Facebook

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Boy Dies After Mother Accidentally Gives Him Methadone Stored In Gatorade Bottle

Magic & Cookie On Arsenio Talking About EJ’s Public Life Saying He Gets That “Showtime” From His Dad [Video]

Magic and Cookie have always supported his lifestyle. NDN

Magic & Cookie On Arsenio Talking About EJ’s Public Life Saying He Gets That “Showtime” From His Dad [Video]

What Black Excellence Looks Like

Here are LL Cool J and Simone Smith with two of their daughters alongside Magic and Cookie Johnson and their daughter. We bet you none of these three girls ever end up with any Bobby Kristina/Montana Fishburne-type headlines. FayesVision/WENN.com

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What Black Excellence Looks Like

Would You Wife Her?: Sister Smacks The Hot Sauce Out Of Bus Driver For Slamming Door In Her Face! [Video]

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Would You Wife Her?: Sister Smacks The Hot Sauce Out Of Bus Driver For Slamming Door In Her Face! [Video]

Which Basketball Wife Looked More Bangin’??

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Which Basketball Wife Looked More Bangin’??