Tag Archives: defining

Michelle Chamuel Declared The Voice Winner By Usher; Will America Agree?

No offense to Danielle Bradbery and The Swon Brothers, but in Usher’s mind, his protege Michelle Chamuel is the singer who deserves to win The Voice . “Michelle Chamuel – the winner!” Ursh declared last night. Equally impressed by what she saw, Shakira commented: “Your energy is contagious. You’re extraordinary. You’re needed out there, as an artist.” Last night, Michelle nailed her rendition of “Why,” then reprised one of her defining moments of the season with Taylor Swift ‘s “I Knew You Were Trouble.” Will it be enough to win The Voice ? Watch and vote … Michelle Chamuel – I Knew You Were Trouble (The Voice Finals) Michelle Chamuel – Why (The Voice) Who do you think deserves to win The Voice Season 4?   Michelle Chamuel Danielle Bradbery The Swon Brothers View Poll »

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Michelle Chamuel Declared The Voice Winner By Usher; Will America Agree?

Anyone Wanna Be in Atlas Shrugged 2?

And now the latest sequel call from Movieline Central Casting: “So, what do you need to do to get on set? You need to get busy… 1. Follow us on Twitter and retweet any of our tweets. 2. Like us on Facebook and share any of our posts. The more you tweet and share, the more chance you have to be cast so, tweet and share early and often. We’ll be selecting an extra this Friday afternoon and flying the selectee and a guest to LA this coming Monday, May 14th – all expenses paid. Or, most expenses anyway – flight and hotel for two nights. By the way, while you’ll definitely be an ‘extra’ on set, we can’t really guarantee you screen time. But… we can certainly guarantee you a good time. We’ll make sure you get some cool swag too.” Whatever, just give me one of those smoldering hats. [ Atlas Shrugged ]

See the article here:
Anyone Wanna Be in Atlas Shrugged 2?

REVIEW: Chloe Moretz and Blake Lively Almost Steal Away with Hick

At age 15, Chloë Grace Moretz is now right in the center of the child/adult Venn diagram. Pretty soon we’ll have to accept that she really is a young woman, but for now, it’s slightly discomfiting to see her in the jailbait short shorts and tiny halter tops she wears in Derick Martini’s Hick . Even in the old days, girlhood went by in a flash, and most contemporary parents will tell you that today those years of innocence — or at least perceived innocence — are even more compressed. Plus, some girls just move faster than others: Moretz’s character in Hick is an unhappy 13-year-old named Luli who doesn’t yet know how to use her sexual allure, though she’s vaguely aware that she’s got some. She can’t wait to grow up and get the hell away from her tiny, repressive Nebraska town and her heedless parents (played by Juliette Lewis and Anson Mount), and her urgency gives the movie whatever momentum it has. Which, unfortunately, isn’t much. Hick , which is based on Andrea Portes’ 2007 novel (she also wrote the screenplay), walks the jittery line between being exploitative and too sensitive, and while it’s probably a relief that it tips more toward the latter, the movie also seems a bit unclear in its motives. In an early scene, we see Luli testing out the revolver — it’s a Smith & Wesson .45, she’s quick to correct anyone who merely calls it a “gun” — her uncle has just given her for her 13th birthday. She stands in her bedroom, dressed in a T-shirt and multi-colored frilly panties, her hair gloriously tousled in a Bardot-like way; she tilts the barrel this way and that as she tests out lines from tough-guy movies. She’s adorable and, heaven help us, sexy, and at this point in the picture, Martini is very clear about sending that mixed message: The crossed signals are unsettling, but they’re also full of life. When Luli is betrayed — seemingly not for the first time – by her mother, she decides to leave her family’s ramshackle house for a better life somewhere else, and she chooses Las Vegas. She puts on some fuchsia plastic sandals and a pair of oversized sunglasses, slings a fringed bag over her shoulder and hits the road — she’s like a sweet, tadpole version of Jodie Foster’s Iris. Not much later, she hitches a ride with Eddie (Eddie Redmayne), a cowboy of few words, though the ones he uses suggest that he’s an untrustworthy hothead. After he tosses her out of his pickup for sassing him — did I mention Luli is a champion sassy-mouth? — she meets another wanderer, Glenda ( Blake Lively ), a tall drink of water in a twirly dress straight out of Picnic . (The movie is set, as suggested by source music that includes the Cars, in the early 1980s, though it has a somewhat stylized fairy-tale, any-era vibe.) Glenda ropes Luli into a robbery that goes wrong, though it’s clear that Luli’s conscience won’t allow her to head too far down a crooked path. And before long, she has bigger things to worry about, anyway: Through much of the movie — after that early guns-and-panties scene — most of the characters Luli encounters don’t seem to notice how alluring she is. Then, suddenly, they do notice, and Martini and Portes attempt to steer the movie into darker, more sinister territory. In broad terms, the tone switch makes sense, but Martini — who previously directed the 2009 feature Lymelife — doesn’t quite know how to signal it, or how to handle its seedier, grainier texture. You can’t blame him for working hard not to be too sordid and sleazy. And the picture, despite its potentially controversial subject matter, hasn’t been accompanied by the same nervous anticipation that heralded Deborah Kampmeier’s 2007 Hounddog , starring Dakota Fanning , a movie whose buzz was bigger than its actual bite. But Martini’s sensitivity toward his lead character puts his movie in a bind: We desperately do not want bad things to happen to Luli, but we can’t be indifferent to all of her charms, either. In the end, the story’s potential emotional complexity — the idea that we might want to protect a young character while also recognizing her waiting-in-the-wings sexuality — ends up in a bland gray area. That’s frustrating, because you get the sense the actors, particularly Lively and Moretz, could have taken this story anywhere. In her off-duty hours Lively is certainly an upscale-looking girl, making repeat appearances on the cover of Vogue . But in the movies, she never plays down to her characters. Here, as she did in The Town , she makes you believe in her character’s mixed-up soul, not just in a particular accent or in a way of standing that signals “person from the other side of the tracks.” She’s a promising actress who’s probably capable of much more than she’s yet been asked to deliver. And Moretz, standing in that slender oval center of the Venn diagram, plays Luli not as a victim-in-waiting but as an adult-in-waiting. She still has a degree of childlike innocence, and it’s touching. But the bold curiosity in her eyes is far more interesting than that innocence is. Moretz doesn’t have many years, or months, left to play characters like Luli. While she seems to be making the best of each moment, she also conveys the sense she’s ready to move on, and it’s probably time. Follow Stephanie Zacharek on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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REVIEW: Chloe Moretz and Blake Lively Almost Steal Away with Hick

Hayley Atwell Set For The 10 Things I Hate About You Sequel You Didn’t Ask For

Honestly, the part where 10 Things I Hate About You helmer Gil Junger admits he’s made more in residuals from the flick than he was paid to direct it kind of explains it all, but: Junger tells Variety he’s directing a sequel to his 1999 Heath Ledger – Julia Stiles teen comedy Shakespeare riff, with Captain America ‘s Hayley Atwell starring, “which advances the situations from the original film.” Oh, also? It’s about suicide. “Two people who go to the same place at the same time to end it. … Their chance meeting is so awkward, so raw, and so funny, they postpone their intentions and go their separate ways.” [ Variety ]

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Hayley Atwell Set For The 10 Things I Hate About You Sequel You Didn’t Ask For

Laurence Olivier’s Greatest Role

“Olivier spent his last 30 years as a workaholic, reproducing the same rigorous performance schedule that had characterized his rise to fame. He worked so intensely, and for so long, that many interpreted it as a means of making penance for his behavior toward Leigh. Still, there are dozens of plays, movies, roles, and dalliances this piece hasn’t even touched. I could spend another 4,500 words of your time simply describing his 1960s career, the influence of his filmic Shakespeare, or the dozens of accounts, some more substantial than others, that he was bisexual. But for all of his genius, all of his work in sustaining and rejuvenating the theater before, during, and after World War II, his passion for Leigh — and hers in return — remains his defining feature.” [ The Hairpin ]

Go here to read the rest:
Laurence Olivier’s Greatest Role

Top Women Facial Hair Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Pretty simple, it is Movember, the month of growing a mustache to save a prostate because a prostate is the defining organ of your manhood, it is what controls your orgasm, and without it, you’re better off dead, so raising money for prostate cancer is key, cuz a percentage of us are going to need it, some sooner than others…. So I figured there’d be videos on Youtube of girls with mustaches guys have jerked off to, in keeping up my Youtube is a Fetish site..and here’s what I found… Girl in Bikini with beard A Woman with a Beard…… Girls with Mustache in Song…. Not Hot, But to a Mustache Lover, This Thickness is All He needs to envision pounding gently against his pelvis – Girl Waxing her Mustache… Guy Gives a Girl a Pube Mustache NEVER TOOO YOUNG when it comes to Youtube Fetishes…. Ok…so girls with mustache porn or fetish videos aren’t that popular or hot…this post….a bust….a bust with a cause.. So, Girls send in pictures of mustaches drawn on your face…for me to try to jerk off to…I mean to help save prostate cancer…

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Top Women Facial Hair Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Julianne Hough Titties in a Dress of the Day

Julianne Hough. Ryan Seacrests new project who he pretends he is dating to cover up his gay in the public eye, since people don’t like gays in middle America and he’s the new Dick Clark and needs to cater to everyone and can’t afford to have no one watch his wholesome programming he produces, that is far worse that homosexuality, like “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” if they knew….or maybe I’m wrong…maybe we don’t live in a society of gay hating like Rock Hudson did, but maybe the only person who hates gays and can’t embrace gays is Seacrest himself….but I figure anyone with frosted hair has got to be more into getting prostate massages with real penis than the strap-on he forces Julianne Hough to use in efforts to launch her career, but maybe he just hasn’t accepted that yet…. Seaking of Prostate…never tell a girl you want to fuck that her dad’s not a real man cuz cancer took his prostate and prostate is the defining organ of male even more so than a penis, and don’t try to prove your point with an analogy like a penis without a prostate is like a car without an engine…..cuz she will end up hating you… Either way, here’s Julianne Hough not nearly naked enough, dating Seacrest makes her less inclined to do the natural whore steps to get to a place she wants to be, by going through the places we want her to be…all sex tape and vagina exposed….and you’d think even with Seacrest she would got there since it worked so well for him with Kim Kardashian making him millions…but really who fucking cares..

Originally posted here:
Julianne Hough Titties in a Dress of the Day

WaPo’s David Broder Declares the Voters’ Will in 2010 Was Best Symbolized by…Lisa Murkowski

Liberal journalists are forever trying to dismiss the idea that when conservative candidates win, the voters who sent them to Washington sent them for conservative goals — to restrain relentless government growth. In Thursday's Washington Post, columnist David Broder declared, in the face of all evidence, that the defining campaign of 2010 was….the egocentric write-in campaign of moderate Republican Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. It was not the year of the Tea Party, or repealing ObamaCare. It was the year that the voters said they wanted non-ideological bipartisanship. He quoted her interview with the PBS NewsHour:

Daytime Emmys Somehow Forget to Nominate James Franco

The Daytime Emmys were announced today and General Hospital led the pack of mostly expected nominees with a massive 18 nominations. Conspicuously absent from the list, though, was the man who brought that soap opera high ratings, media attention, and deliciously meta plotlines: the one, the only James Franco. How can this be? Did voters somehow miss his Tommy Wiseau-evoking Emmy clip ? We’ve got it for you (and for you, James, in tribute!), as well as a list of the important nominees.

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Daytime Emmys Somehow Forget to Nominate James Franco

Gleebasing: Trading Stereotypical Gayness for Stereotypical Straightness

While Ryan Murphy was penning an open letter to Newsweek last night, his Glee characters were fighting their own battles within the confines of William McKinley High School. Each character given a storyline in this week’s episode “Laryngitis” was stripped of his or her defining superpower and had to adjust to life without. First, Rachel lost her much-vaunted voice, then Puck forfeited his mohawk and in effect, his popularity. Kurt briefly sacrificed his comically overdrawn gayness for comically overdrawn straightness (by wearing overalls and singing John Mellencamp) in an attempt to impress his father. And most tragically of all, Schue lost his ability to white-rap any number in the Glee songbook. Let’s see how each of those characters fared without their single most recognizable trait, and pay attention — there will be a pop quiz.

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Gleebasing: Trading Stereotypical Gayness for Stereotypical Straightness