Judge allows Lohan to complete Playboy shoot before going to jail. By Gil Kaufman Lindsay Lohan arrives at the Airport Courthouse in Los Angeles on Wednesday Photo: Toby Canham/Getty Images Lindsay Lohan is once again headed back to the sadly familiar confines of the Los Angeles County jail. The troubled actress appeared in court Wednesday morning (November 2) and was sentenced to 30 days in jail for violating her probation for not attending court-mandated therapy sessions and getting tossed from a community-service gig. According to TMZ , Lohan admitted in court Wednesday that she violated the terms of her probation from a theft case by getting booted from her community-service assignment at the Downtown Women’s Center. Judge Stephanie Sautner was adamant that she would not put up with any more slipups from Lohan, telling her, “This is known as putting the keys to jail in the defendant’s pocket … the first time you violate, you will go to jail.” Lohan will have to serve 12 days at the Los Angeles County morgue — where she’s already been logging some time — and then attend four therapy sessions by December 14. Sautner warned that if Lohan does not meet all those conditions, she will put a warrant out for her arrest and sentence her to an additional 270 days in jail. Sautner revoked Lohan’s probation in October following the revelation that the actress had not completed her obligations from a 2011 arrest on theft charges . What do you think of Lindsay’s return to the big house? Tell us on Facebook! This time around, Lohan will not have the option of serving her time at home , and given the overcrowding situation in L.A. jails, she is only expected to serve 20 percent of the 30 days, or around six days. She has to complete another 12 days at the morgue and four psychotherapy sessions by January 17 and complete her community service (53 days total) and therapy obligations by March 29. If she successfully meets those obligations, her probation will be over. Shockingly, TMZ also reported that Lohan was not immediately sent to jail because Judge Sautner decided to give her time to complete her nude photo shoot for Playboy magazine. Lohan lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley told the judge Lindsay must complete the shoot this week, which is reportedly netting her a cool $1 million. Lohan has one week to surrender and begin her fifth jail term, which is expected to start November 9. Related Videos Lindsay Lohan: Crime And Punishment Related Photos Lindsay Lohan Goes To Court The Highs And Lows Of Lindsay Lohan Related Artists Lindsay Lohan
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Lindsay Lohan Sentenced To 30 Days In Jail