Tag Archives: expectations

Seth Rogen on Justin Bieber: I Hate That Motherf–ker!

Seth Rogen  ripped Justin Bieber as “an obnoxious piece of sh!t” back in March and now it seems he’s not quite done ragging on his fellow Canadian. Rogen sat down with Howard Stern today and explained his distaste for the Biebs: “He’s a good example of someone you meet, who you think you’re going to hate and then you get to hate him.” Rogen goes on to say that Bieber “lives up to every one of your expectations” of how terrible he’ll be. Harsh words! And believe it or not, it gets worse! Rogen refers to Bieber as a motherf*cker and a “dick” and says his time with Zac Efron on the set of his upcoming film Neighbors only served to highlight what a jerk Justin is. Seth describes Efron as having the “humility” that Bieber lacks before finally concluding: “F*ck this kid!” So we guess it’s safe to say Seth won’t be  partying with Bieber and Rob Ford at any Toronto hot spots in the near future. Oh, well. He may have lost a potential Canuck friend, but Rogen is certainly gaining plenty of fans by tearing JB a new one. Relive the glory of Seth’s past digs at Justin in the video below: Seth Rogen DESTROYS Justin Bieber

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Seth Rogen on Justin Bieber: I Hate That Motherf–ker!

Shanina Shaik on the Beach for Revolve Clothing of the Day

Shanina Shaik is a hot model and not just because her name is ridiculous yet fun to say, but because her body is fantastic, and that’s probably why she’s been recruited by Victoria’s Secret to do some of their Bullshit campaigns over the last year, while not contractually locking her in, allowing other companies like Revolve Clothing, to use her in similar, yet better shot and more interesting to look at ways, even if they also photoshop out her nipples, the only thing I really want to see in these pics, but being low standards and taking what I get, I like don’t mind staring a pics of her body, a body that more girls should aspire to have, because it’s not fat, dumpy, cellulite ridden and as far as I’m concerned, totally attainable if you’re not a lazy fucking cunt who emotionally eats.

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Shanina Shaik on the Beach for Revolve Clothing of the Day

Shanina Shaik on the Beach for Revolve Clothing of the Day

Shanina Shaik is a hot model and not just because her name is ridiculous yet fun to say, but because her body is fantastic, and that’s probably why she’s been recruited by Victoria’s Secret to do some of their Bullshit campaigns over the last year, while not contractually locking her in, allowing other companies like Revolve Clothing, to use her in similar, yet better shot and more interesting to look at ways, even if they also photoshop out her nipples, the only thing I really want to see in these pics, but being low standards and taking what I get, I like don’t mind staring a pics of her body, a body that more girls should aspire to have, because it’s not fat, dumpy, cellulite ridden and as far as I’m concerned, totally attainable if you’re not a lazy fucking cunt who emotionally eats.

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Shanina Shaik on the Beach for Revolve Clothing of the Day

Ashley Tisdale’s Bikini Body of the Day

All this attention is getting to Ashley Tisdale’s head. You know recently back burnererd while her cunt friends got all this press for their Spring Breakers bikini wearing bullshit, while she was the one with the body, who took care of herself, and actually worked out, while the others were just lazy fucking pigs about it. I figure it is because various reports from a source close to her have emailed me telling me they grew up together and that she’s actually 8 years older than she says she is, forcing her to choose clean living and fitness to keep up the lie…a choice that has resulted in a golden body. Not to mention, her face gets a lot of hate, at least by me, not because I wouldn’t cum all over it, but because I have higher expectations for Hollywood trash who make millions playing make-belief….badly. Forcing her to give the fans something worth jerking off to via squats. But now that the Scary Movie 5 press has died down, she’s hitting the internet full throttle to get noticed the best way she can….in a bikini. I mean I could think of at least 1 other way to pull it off, but I figure she’s peaking right now and we’ll have to wait for rock bottom to happen before instigating or launching that exposed vagina campaign.

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Ashley Tisdale’s Bikini Body of the Day

Ashley Tisdale’s Bikini Body of the Day

All this attention is getting to Ashley Tisdale’s head. You know recently back burnererd while her cunt friends got all this press for their Spring Breakers bikini wearing bullshit, while she was the one with the body, who took care of herself, and actually worked out, while the others were just lazy fucking pigs about it. I figure it is because various reports from a source close to her have emailed me telling me they grew up together and that she’s actually 8 years older than she says she is, forcing her to choose clean living and fitness to keep up the lie…a choice that has resulted in a golden body. Not to mention, her face gets a lot of hate, at least by me, not because I wouldn’t cum all over it, but because I have higher expectations for Hollywood trash who make millions playing make-belief….badly. Forcing her to give the fans something worth jerking off to via squats. But now that the Scary Movie 5 press has died down, she’s hitting the internet full throttle to get noticed the best way she can….in a bikini. I mean I could think of at least 1 other way to pull it off, but I figure she’s peaking right now and we’ll have to wait for rock bottom to happen before instigating or launching that exposed vagina campaign.

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Ashley Tisdale’s Bikini Body of the Day

Toshiba 32C120U 32-Inch 720p 60Hz LCD HDTV reviews

I purchased this 32″ LCD TV as a “slick deal” recently, which means I found it at an uncommonly low price, and purchased it on a whim. Out of the box, I was pleased to learn that the picture quality was going to FAR exceed my expectations. I have discerning taste, and I can say with a clear conscience that the picture quality of this set is on par with what I#39;ve seen from Sony Samsung. The black is black, the contrast is great, and the colors really pop. It is truly a stunning picture! And

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Toshiba 32C120U 32-Inch 720p 60Hz LCD HDTV reviews

Kate Walsh is Dumpy in a Bikini of the Day

Kate Walsh is old, dumpy and in a bikini….but the real question is…who the fuck is Kate Walsh…and as it turns out…she’s the star of some show called Private Practice, that is a spinoff of Grey’s Anatomy, that I assume is a pile of shit that middle aged women who don’t have cable, eat the fuck up, but then again, I assume that’s what all TV is, because I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to see some of the sitcoms and dramas being produced, and the only people I can assume buy into that shit are white trash, ignorant, fat ladies with a lot of cats…. That said, I don’t mind staring at her belly in a bikini, but only because I like anything in a bikini, it’s a bit of a fucking sickness… Here is the video TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kate Walsh is Dumpy in a Bikini of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Dead Hooker Eyes in Paris Match of the Day

Taylor Swift may not be an official hooker, but she is a puppet the record label has used to make a lot of money, by exploiting her little wholesome teenage girl angle as hard as they fucking can, you know that whole good little Jesus loving Christian girl, despite the fact that she’s constantly in relationships with countless famous dudes, who you know she has very naughty sex with, to make up for all the lies she’s spewing to the public…I’m talking dirty fucking porno sex with a lot of partners that explain why her “wholesome” spread for Paris Match, a magazine that I used to jerk off to cuz it published tits, back in the 90s, features dead, souless eyes in….eyes I’ve seen in most hookers I’ve had sex with who have sold their soul to devil…and that excites me….unless of course Taylor Swift is just a fucking robot, which is always possible…who knows…but more importantly…who cares.

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Taylor Swift’s Dead Hooker Eyes in Paris Match of the Day

Hayden Panettiere Busts Out Her Bikini for Esquire of the Day

When you get breast implants, you gotta show them fuckers off, it’s like something you’ve been insecure about all these years, you know cuz of your broad shoulders and how your A-cup tits didn’t balance you out….is all of a sudden thrown out the fucking window….because you got implants…something tht makes you want to dance, celebrate, and throw a fucking party for…in the form of making everyone you know feel how real they are….because like a new car…they aren’t actually part of you…but just an accessory that make you feel like a more sexual object… I’ve seen girl with implants so many times before, and they are the first to get into bikinis to show them off….so these Esquire pics make sense….but they’d be more fun if she was juggling or doing some other circus act she looks naturally born for….but maybe I’m too demanding…my expectations too high… Here are the pics…

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Hayden Panettiere Busts Out Her Bikini for Esquire of the Day

WATCH: Harold & Kumar’s Kal Penn Kicks Clint Eastwood’s Ass at Democratic Convention

As they used to say in my hometown, Kal Penn knocked Clint Eastwood’s dick in the dirt Tuesday night with a smart — and subtly smart-alecky — celebrity turn at the podium on the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. In contrast to 82-year-old Eastwood’s aimless — and heartless — speech in support of Mitt Romney , Penn, 35, gave a focused, funny speech that, like the Harold & Kumar franchise, proved to be a lot smarter than it’s stoner-targeted marketing campaign advertised. (Actually, I think there’s an argument to be made that stoners are some of the sharpest cultural consumers on earth, but that’s an argument for another day.) What I particularly appreciated about Penn’s speech was that it hit important DNC talking points without sounding like corny propaganda, and the actor struck an inclusive note that, I suspect, could sway some hawkish-yet-hip fringe voters to cast their ballot for President Obama. And that was in a single sentence: “I’ve worked on a lot of fun movies but my favorite job was having a boss who gave the order to take out Bin Laden and is cool with all of us getting gay married,” Penn told DNC delegates. “So thank you invisible man in the chair for that.” Duuuude! In a single soundbite, Penn, a former Associate Director for the White House’s Office of Public Engagement, accomplished a remarkable hat trick: He twitted Eastwood’s RNC performance; reiterated the administration’s support for gay marriage and reminded us that Osama Bin Laden was taken out under Obama’s leadership — a goal that, given America’s post-9/11 fury, should have been accomplished during the eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency. Penn’s reference to Bin Laden’s death was particularly smart because it sent the message that the Democratic Party does not engage in facile stereotyping. Penn is Indian-American, but if he hasn’t been singled out at an airport because his skin tone resembled the 9/11 terrorists’, I bet that he knows a lot of people who’ve had that experience. When Penn plainly stated his support for Obama’s silencing of Osama, I could hear a hundred Fox News-perpetuated stereotypes vaporizing with a satisfying sizzle. It’s not the first time that Penn has messed with the American public’s pat view of good and bad in a post-9/11 America, by the way. He blew me away in 2007 when he played Ahmed Amar on 24 . Penn’s performance repeatedly defied my expectations — especially when he turned out to be the terrorist that, I assumed, he couldn’t be thanks to my own internal stereotypes about political correctness. Penn’s decision to take that role at that particular time in American history was brave indeed, and that same year he told New York magazine that he’d almost turned down the part because “It was essentially accepting a form of racial profiling.” “I think it’s repulsive,” Penn explained. “But it was the first time I had a chance to blow stuff up and take a family hostage. As an actor, why shouldn’t I have that opportunity? Because I’m brown and I should be scared about the connection between media images and people’s thought processes?” Penn blew stuff up again tonight — in the best way possible. President Obama was smart to use him as a convention opener. Check out Penn’s speech below and please tell me whether you agree or not in the comments section below. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.

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WATCH: Harold & Kumar’s Kal Penn Kicks Clint Eastwood’s Ass at Democratic Convention