Tag Archives: fiscal-cliff

Ho Sit Down!! Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama’s Vacay A ‘Slap In The Face’

This dude just keeps gettin’ crazier every day ! Via The Huffington Post : Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh criticized President Barack Obama Thursday for going on vacation, calling his return to Hawaii after the fiscal cliff showdown a “slap in the face.” “[Democrats] are secretly throwing parties over this [fiscal cliff deal,]” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “Obama is! He’s doing pep rallies. Obama went back to Hawaii to finish the vacation. That’s another slap in the face, by the way. He gets back on Air Force One as soon as the Republicans caved.” The Obama family arrived in Hawaii December 22 for their annual Christmas vacation. The president returned to Washington — with First Dog Bo in tow — on December 27 to resume efforts to pass a fiscal cliff deal. After a deal was passed on New Year’s Day, Obama returned to Hawaii to resume his vacation. Obama signed the American Taxpayer Relief Act into law using an autopen, a mechanical device that copies his signature. While the whole ‘Fiscal Cliff’ deal is a bit shady, you can’t knock the guy for going on vacation twice a year. Sh*t…we’d take one if we could! Images via tumblr

Ho Sit Down!! Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama’s Vacay A ‘Slap In The Face’

SMH: Obama Gives Executive Order For Congressional Pay Raise!?!?

For real tho??? We still have no deal with the Fiscal Cliff and the Farm Bill… but let’s go ahead and give Congress a pay raise. According to The Huffington Post , this years session in Congress has been one of the most unproductive in more than 50 years: President Barack Obama gave a New Year’s gift to returning members of Congress, federal workers and Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, signing an executive order calling for an end to a years-long pay freeze. As of March 27, 2013, federal employees will see a half-percent to one percent pay increase, marking the end of a pay freeze that has been in place since late 2010. Congress hasn’t seen a pay raise since 2009. According to the order, Biden’s pay will increase from $225,521 to $231,900 a year, before taxes. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will see his salary increased to $224,500 and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will take home an annual pay of $194,400 after his raise. While Obama’s order made no mention of merit for such a raise, HuffPost’s Amanda Terkel reported on Friday that the 112th Congress is set to end the session as the most unproductive since the 1940s, with only 219 bills passed by the body becoming law. The raise won’t take place until the 113th Congress, meaning that outgoing members will see no effect from the order. Obama ordered the raise as he continues to negotiate unsuccessfully with congressional leaders to find a deal in order to avoid the fiscal cliff at the end of the year. If no agreement is met, over $500 billion in planned tax increases and spending cuts will be implemented. WOW! The more you know folks. Images via tumblr/facebook

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SMH: Obama Gives Executive Order For Congressional Pay Raise!?!?

SMH: Obama Gives Executive Order For Congressional Pay Raise!?!?

For real tho??? We still have no deal with the Fiscal Cliff and the Farm Bill… but let’s go ahead and give Congress a pay raise. According to The Huffington Post , this years session in Congress has been one of the most unproductive in more than 50 years: President Barack Obama gave a New Year’s gift to returning members of Congress, federal workers and Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, signing an executive order calling for an end to a years-long pay freeze. As of March 27, 2013, federal employees will see a half-percent to one percent pay increase, marking the end of a pay freeze that has been in place since late 2010. Congress hasn’t seen a pay raise since 2009. According to the order, Biden’s pay will increase from $225,521 to $231,900 a year, before taxes. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will see his salary increased to $224,500 and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will take home an annual pay of $194,400 after his raise. While Obama’s order made no mention of merit for such a raise, HuffPost’s Amanda Terkel reported on Friday that the 112th Congress is set to end the session as the most unproductive since the 1940s, with only 219 bills passed by the body becoming law. The raise won’t take place until the 113th Congress, meaning that outgoing members will see no effect from the order. Obama ordered the raise as he continues to negotiate unsuccessfully with congressional leaders to find a deal in order to avoid the fiscal cliff at the end of the year. If no agreement is met, over $500 billion in planned tax increases and spending cuts will be implemented. WOW! The more you know folks. Images via tumblr/facebook

The rest is here:
SMH: Obama Gives Executive Order For Congressional Pay Raise!?!?

How The Fiscal Cliff Could Effect Your Tax Return

See the article here:

According to CNN Money, the 100 Million Americans expecting tax returns may have to wait until late March to even file their taxes. Your 2012…

How The Fiscal Cliff Could Effect Your Tax Return

Lindsay Lohan: Charged With FOUR Crimes on Two Coasts, Rejected By Max George!

Lindsay Lohan may have just set the new high water mark for celebrity train wrecks. She’s been hit with FOUR criminal charges on the same day – on different coasts! Police in New York City arrested Lindsay Lohan this morning, which we’ll get to in a moment. Amazingly, the fight she got into may be the least of her problems. The Santa Monica City Attorney’s Office will charge the celebrity with three crimes in connection with her car accident last June on Pacific Coast Highway: Giving false information to a peace officer (carrying a sentence of up to 6 months in jail) Obstructing / resisting a police officer in the performance of his duty (up to a year in jail) Reckless driving (up to 90 days in jail) After ramming her Porsche into a big rig on the PCH, the star she lied to cops, telling them she was the passenger in the car when in fact she was the driver. As a result of those three charges, the judge will likely revoke her probation any day now – for stealing jewelry – and set a hearing to determine her punishment. One of the conditions of probation is that Lindsay must obey all laws … LOL. Then there’s this morning, 3,000 miles away in the city that never sleeps. Lohan punched another woman in the face and got popped for assault. If she’s formally charged with that, her probation could also be revoked in a big way. Apparently, the brawl at Club Avenue was over Max George (from the boy band The Wanted), who was turned off by the fact that LiLo was sloppy drunk . Lindsay went to the Justin Bieber concert last night in NYC, but only to see The Wanted, his opening act. Lohan’s had a thing for Max these last few days. Sources say Lindsay tried to get backstage after the concert, but was blocked. Later that evening, Lindsay met up with Max and his boy band mates at the bar. As the evening wore on, Lindsay got blitzed out of her mind, and it turned Max off. He then started talking to another woman, which enraged Lindsay. That woman is the one Lindsay Lohan is accused of arguing with and punching. Hilariously, Max met another girl in the club and went home with her instead. Lindsay, meanwhile, ended up in the slammer. A day in the life … [Photos: WENN.com]

More here:
Lindsay Lohan: Charged With FOUR Crimes on Two Coasts, Rejected By Max George!

Miley Cyrus Names Cutest Member of One Direction

Miley Cyrus has voiced her opinion on an especially polarizing topic among her fan base: Who is the most adorable member of One Direction? Showing little hesitation, and clearly disagreeing with the selection of Taylor Swift , Cyrus told MSN recently: “Zayn Malik! He’s my favorite… Because my friend and him have matching hair. I also think he’s the cutest.” Careful, Miles. You may spark some serious backlash with that comment. When it comes to supporters, One Direction followers are nearly as manic as Chris Brown fans . Who do YOU think is the cutest member of this boy band?   Zayn Malik Niall Horan Liam Payne Harry Styles Louis Tomlinson View Poll »

Miley Cyrus Names Cutest Member of One Direction

Trace Adkins Confederate Flag Earpiece: Right, Wrong or Irrelevant?

Trace Adkins helped ring in the holidays last night, performing “The Christmas Song” at the Rockefeller Center tree lighting on national television. Simple and sweet, right? Not for those who looked closely. The country crooner created quite the raucous across Twitter because he was wearing a Confederate Flag earpiece during the rendition, as this symbol is considered by many to represent a tacit support of slavery. To others, it’s a mere symbol of southern pride. Adkins is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and talks in length about this organization in his biography, “A Personal Stand: Observations and Opinions from a Freethinking Roughneck.” Where do you stand on the singer showing off his Confederate Flag earpiece on such a platform. Respond now and watch the performance below:   Totally inappropriate! Totally fine, it’s his decision! Fantastic, wish the South had won! Who cares?!? View Poll » Trace Adkins – “The Christmas Song”

Excerpt from:
Trace Adkins Confederate Flag Earpiece: Right, Wrong or Irrelevant?

Katy Perry to Release Own Line of Signature Fragrances

Katy Perry has inked a deal to produce her own line of signature scents. French perfume giant Coty Inc. will distribute the cutie’s creations on a broader scale than her previous perfumes, Purr and Meow, which are apparently actual things. “Coty has become my partner,” the 28-year-old singer told Billboard. “We are working on the next fragrance , which is almost finished.” It will reportedly be a smoky blend of fireworks and John Mayer sweat. Kidding. We have no idea what it’ll smell like, but look for it in 2013. The company notes that the songstress’ “unique approach to music and life” will serve as the inspiration behind her line of “innovative new scents.” Excited for Katy Perry ‘s new scent? Or is there nothing more absurd in life, really, than celebrity fragrances in general? Hit the comments and weigh in.

See original here:
Katy Perry to Release Own Line of Signature Fragrances

Megyn Kelly Freaked Out By Fox News Animated Alert Graphic

Megyn Kelly of Fox News was freaked out yesterday by a developing story … or just the BREAKING NEWS ALERT graphic splashed on screen by her employer. A segment on the ” fiscal cliff ” was introduced with some brand-spanking-new animation, which was news to Kelly, who was a noticeably startled. Watch: Megyn Kelly Scared of Fox News Graphic After it appeared, the anchor was shown live, with her hands over her mouth, surprised. She then burst into giggles and even discussed it with her next guest. “That was a new alert animation, scared me a little bit,” she said. “Maybe we should be scared, because the clock is ticking down right now to the fiscal cliff.” Segues like that are why they pay you the big bucks, Megyn.

See the article here:
Megyn Kelly Freaked Out By Fox News Animated Alert Graphic