This dude just keeps gettin’ crazier every day ! Via The Huffington Post : Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh criticized President Barack Obama Thursday for going on vacation, calling his return to Hawaii after the fiscal cliff showdown a “slap in the face.” “[Democrats] are secretly throwing parties over this [fiscal cliff deal,]” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “Obama is! He’s doing pep rallies. Obama went back to Hawaii to finish the vacation. That’s another slap in the face, by the way. He gets back on Air Force One as soon as the Republicans caved.” The Obama family arrived in Hawaii December 22 for their annual Christmas vacation. The president returned to Washington — with First Dog Bo in tow — on December 27 to resume efforts to pass a fiscal cliff deal. After a deal was passed on New Year’s Day, Obama returned to Hawaii to resume his vacation. Obama signed the American Taxpayer Relief Act into law using an autopen, a mechanical device that copies his signature. While the whole ‘Fiscal Cliff’ deal is a bit shady, you can’t knock the guy for going on vacation twice a year. Sh*t…we’d take one if we could! Images via tumblr
Ho Sit Down!! Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama’s Vacay A ‘Slap In The Face’