Tag Archives: flickr

When 9 MPG Can Save 100 Billion Gallons of Fuel

Photo: Andrew Atzert , Flickr, CC An objective look at that number — 9 miles per gallon — will cause most environmentalists to recoil. But in this one case, they should be rooting for that fuel efficiency standard to become a reality. The EPA is considering updating the fuel economy standards for semis and heavy trucks. It’s currently at 6 MPG. And raising that number would have a massive impact on polluting emissions and fuel usage…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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When 9 MPG Can Save 100 Billion Gallons of Fuel

Boycott Bluefin Tuna & Let the Critically Endangered Fish Off the Hook

International efforts to reduce fishing quotas for Icritically endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna , or better yet ban the trade outright, may have failed (again…), but that doesn’t mean you can’t help take action to reduce demand. The Center for Biological Diversity has just launched a boycott campaign urging chefs, restauranteurs and consumers to not buy or serve the bluefin… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Boycott Bluefin Tuna & Let the Critically Endangered Fish Off the Hook

Climate-Related Deaths Doubled in 2010

Photo: DVIDSHUB , Flickr, CC In the first nine months of this year, more than 21,000 people perished around the world due to climate-related events, a new report from Oxfam finds. That’s more than twice as many died in all of 2009. This news should hardly be surprising to anyone who follows international news — the flooding in Pakistan , heat waves in Russia , and sea level rise in island nations like T… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Climate-Related Deaths Doubled in 2010

Too Much Doom & Gloom is Not Why People Stopped Believing in Climate Change

Photo: nosha , Flickr, CC While I do think it’s true that we can an overload on apocalyptic imagery in discussions and stories about climate change, that’s not why people have stopped believing that it’s real. A recent study from UC Berkeley purported to find that too much doom and gloom was turning people off to the very idea of global warming, because it “threatens deeply held beliefs that the world is just, orderly, and stable.” Faced with a concept that poses such a threa… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
Too Much Doom & Gloom is Not Why People Stopped Believing in Climate Change

China Admits It’s the World’s Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter

Photo: Haldini , Flickr, CC So it’s not exactly news: Scientists have known for years that China’s greenhouse gas emissions have surpassed that of the United States . But it’s telling that China, typically very guarded about pollution issues and climate impacts, has openly admitted as much. Here’s what China’s chief climate negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, told a news conference in Beijing, just days before he’s set to travel to the next round of international talks on glo… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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China Admits It’s the World’s Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter

Super Gift: Buy an Arizona Landfill

Photo via D’Arcy Norman , Flickr We all get our share of e-mail spam. One that keeps showing up in my InBox offers the opportunity of a lifetime: Buy an Arizona landfill. Fill it up. The more waste you bury, the more money you make. For the Un-TreeHugger who has everything? And just in time for the holidays! … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Super Gift: Buy an Arizona Landfill

At Least 1.3 Million Sharks Were Killed by Industrial Fishing in 2008

A little photoshop fun! Photo: egarc2 , Flickr, CC Many of Them From Endangered Species According to a new report by Oceana , an important ocean conservation organization, more than 1.3 million highly migratory sharks were caught in the Atlantic Ocean during 2008, without international fisheries management. The actual number is probably significantly higher than that, but many countries aren’t reporting shark catches or underreporting them, so it’s hard to know exactly how bad the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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At Least 1.3 Million Sharks Were Killed by Industrial Fishing in 2008

Teleworkers Can Get More … Satisfaction

A home office from Flickr user Johan Larsson Sorry for the play on The Rolling Stones . I’m just tired of hearing all the hoopla about The Beatles on iTunes. Which brings me to the point: A new study says teleworkers (like TreeHugger writers ) are more “satisfied” with their jobs than traditional keep-a-desk-warm or be-watched-by-your-supervisor workers. No offense to desks or super… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Teleworkers Can Get More … Satisfaction

How One Online Global Warming Poll Could Influence US Policy

Photo: gregw66 , Flickr, CC Sure, everyone gets a kick out of online polls: They’re fun, simple, interactive. The votes get tallied up right before your eyes, a digital snapshot of community opinion. But you’d be hard-pressed to think of anything less scientific — and certainly anything less worthy of basing actual policy recommendations upon. Yet just two days ago, the results of an online poll were submitted as actual testimony in a Congressional hearing on climate change, by a so-called expert seeking to discredit climate science. This is the story of how this absur… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
How One Online Global Warming Poll Could Influence US Policy

LA County Passes Biggest Plastic Bag Ban in US

Photo: Samuel Mann , Flickr, CC It’s likely to be the largest plastic bag ban to hit the US yet — enacted in parts of the sprawling LA county, the disposable containers will be off limits to 1.1 million people. In addition, paper bags will now cost 10 cents a pop for shoppers — providing yet another incentive for southern Californians to turn to reusable bags. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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LA County Passes Biggest Plastic Bag Ban in US