Tag Archives: freaky-on-video

23 Celebrities Who Are Also Amateur Porn Stars

If these 23 celebrities ever need a side job, well, there's one career we know they have each dabbled in – with mixed, lewd results. See our favorite famous amateur porn stars, for better or worse, right now … and don't download their videos from shady sources. Seriously, if Ashley Madison has taught us anything, it's that you will get busted if you sign up for an account somewhere. FWIW. 1. Kendra Wilkinson Before Hugh Hefner and before Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson got freaky on video with an old boyfriend. And she’s got a real talent for rodeo. 2. Kim Kardashian Need we say more? Ray J hit it first and made her a star. 3. Paris Hilton Paris Hilton was Kim Kardashian before Kim Kardashian was Kim Kardashian. In other words, she got famous from a guy doing her on camera. She and Kim were also friends once! 4. Farrah Abraham Okay, there’s nothing amateur about getting paid by a porn company to shoot an X-rated video called Backdoor Teen Mom. But she’s far from a pro when it comes to everything else. 5. Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson’s sex tape was one of the first, and most infamous. And hardest core. 6. Octomom Octomom: Home Alone was the self-pleasure hit of 2012. It may be more pleasurable to hit yourself in the head with a 2×4, but so be it. View Slideshow

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23 Celebrities Who Are Also Amateur Porn Stars

Robert Downey Jr. Compliments Interviewer’s Breasts, Calls Feminism "Make Believe"

Even though Robert Downey Jr. welcomed a baby girl this week, the Iron Man icon has recently been expressing some views that are likely to make even the most forgiving of feminists cringe. The first incident occurred while RDJ was discussing the possibility of Scarlett Johansson appearing in her own Avengers spinoff film during a panel discussion at Cambridge University. Asked if he “believe[s] in feminism,” Downey replied, “You bastard. Yeah, that’s all make believe, son.” Tough to read that response. Downey’s a sarcastic chap and he could’ve just been having fun with the college kid crowd. The other incident, however, leaves little room for interpretation: British television personality Lorraine Kelly claims that prior to a recent interview with Downey, the actor “blurted out, ‘Nice tits.'” Kelly says she was shocked at first, but she proceeded with the interview and took the comment in stride: “It could have been worse,” she said in a recent interview. “He could have said, ‘Oh, I don’t like them!’ It’s a difficult thing to respond to.” Yes, whether Downey is photobombing fans or complimenting the breasts of a revered British journalist, he’s got a Tony Stark-like ability to say things that would get most men smacked and get a smile in response instead. Whether or not he should say things like that, well…that’s a different story. Hopefully he doesn’t try that crap with Gwyneth Paltrow on the Iron Man set. She seems like the type who would cut him with a handcrafted, fair trade Burmese switchblade without a second thought. 2014’s Highest Paid Actors! 10. Mark Wahlberg The former Marky Mark earned $32 million in the past year, thanks to roles in films like Lone Survivor and Pain & Gain.

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Robert Downey Jr. Compliments Interviewer’s Breasts, Calls Feminism "Make Believe"

Robin Williams Suffered From Paranoia, Anxiety in Days Before Death, Coroner’s Report Reveals

Shortly after Robin Williams committed suicide back in August, rumors began to surface as to what may have caused the comedy legend to take his own life. Williams’ wife revealed that the actor suffered from Parkinson’s disease  just days after he was found dead, and it was widely believed that the diagnosis contributed to his tragic final decision. While it remains likely that Williams’ was in a distraught state as a result of his illness, a newly released coroner’s report reveals that there were likely several other factors negatively influencing his mental state as well. The report states that Williams was suffering from paranoia and extreme anxiety in the weeks before his death. His family became concerned with his erratic behavior, and the report details one recent incident in which Williams placed several wristwatches in a sock and gave them to a friend for safe keeping. The report also cites the various avenues investigators pursued while attempting to determine possible causes of Williams’ depression. Police apparently questioned his wife as to whether Williams had expressed an interest in autoerotic practices. She said he had not, but that he had been profoundly upset by a scene in the film World’s Greatest Dad in which his character’s son dies of autoerotic asphyxiation. The toxicology results included in the coroner’s report indicate that four drugs were found in Williams’ system, but two were prescribed anti-depressants and two were caffeine compounds. Williams had checked into rehab several times throughout his life, but family and friends have confirmed that he was several years sober at the time of his death. Robin Williams: His Most Memorable Roles 1. Mork (Mork & Mindy) The role that started it all. Robin Williams starred as an alien on the late 1970s sitcom Mork & Mindy.

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Robin Williams Suffered From Paranoia, Anxiety in Days Before Death, Coroner’s Report Reveals

Kendra Wilkinson on Hank Baskett: We’ll Be Together Forever!!!

Once and for all, Kendra Wilkinson has answered all questions about her marriage to Hank Baskett. It is intact and it will remain intact. Until death does the couple part. “He loves me and we’re gonna be together for the rest of our lives,” Kendra told Access Hollywood on Friday. “We’ll prove it … until we’re 100 years old. We’re gonna be together forever.” Questions over the future of this relationship have hung over the relationship for months, ever since rumors surfaced of Baskett receiving manual pleasure from a transgender model named Ava London . Anyone who chooses to watch Kendra on Top online via the Internet, meanwhile, would think Kendra is on the verge of leaving her husband. However, the episodes of that WEtv reality series were filmed a long time ago and Wilkinson has either come around… or the pair has realized that they can make more money by remaining together. On last week’s episode, Wilkinson confronted her estranged husband and told him “We’re not married right now. I’m not your wife.” What about the newly-surfaced audio recordings of Baskett? In which he allegedly talks about paying money  to London in exchange for secrecy? “It’s not what you think happened,” she says. “I can’t go on further past that. There is some investigation going on right now and that’s why I have to stay away from some things.” Also because the entire thing is made up. “We are on the road to recovery,” Wilkinson concluded. “We are on the road to friendship again. I believe that our marriage has been shaken up and I believe that this is something that is gonna renew us. “If you believe you’re perfect and you don’t believe in forgiveness, you’re not meant to be married.” Or at least you’re not meant to appear on reality TV shows that require interesting storylines. One or the other. 15 Celebrity Sex Tape Stars 1. Kendra Wilkinson Before Hugh Hefner and before Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson got freaky on video with an old boyfriend. And she’s got a real talent for rodeo.

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Kendra Wilkinson on Hank Baskett: We’ll Be Together Forever!!!

Happy Father’s Day: 9 Celebrities and the Famous Dads Who Love Them!

When it comes to some of Hollywood’s biggest and brighest stars, many of them are quick to thank their parents for unconditional support throughout the years. Others, however, have tales of very public estrangement from their parents, their fathers in particular. Both make for interesting celebrity gossip stories. Since it’s Father’s Day, we thought we’d take a look at 9 celebrities and their dads. 9 Celebrities and Their Famous Fathers 1. Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray Cyrus Miley’s dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, has always supported his daughter’s musical career, for good or for ill. It’s hard to find a more supportive father than Billy Ray Cyrus. Despite any and all of Miley Cyrus’ crazy antics throughout the years, Billy Ray has stood by his baby girl.  Since it was his career which introduced her to this life, he’s probably making the right call by keeping any disappointments he may have to himself. Jon Voight, on the other hand, who also introduced his daughter, Angelina Jolie, to the world of Hollywood, has had a very tumultuous relationship with his offspring. After being estranged for several years throughout Jolie’s teens, the two reconciled only to have a public falling out again in 2002. He went on the record to say she has mental health issues and she went on the record to call him a big ol’ cheater. And now they’re one big happy family again. Speaking of one big, happy family, Bruce Jenner’s son Brody Jenner – one of the first of that family to careen into a career in reality television and ironically one who is eschewing the spotlight now that his sisters and stepmother are standing center stage – is publicly standing by his father while Bruce undergoes, well, whatever it is he’s undergoing right now. And then there’s Beyonce, Jessica Simpson, and Katy Perry.  Beyonce and Jessica Simpson were both managed by their fathers and owe large parts of their careers to their dads, even if those relationships just aren’t what they used to be. Katy Perry, on the other hand, ran from her father’s Evangelical ways and has been referred to as “devil spawn.” She still takes her dad to basketball games, though. That’s gotta be a sign they’re still on good terms, right? 15 Celebrity Dads We Love 1. Channing Tatum Channing Tatum is super in love with his daughter Everly. He even wore her when she was a newborn to shield her from the paparazzi AND help her stay soothed.

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Happy Father’s Day: 9 Celebrities and the Famous Dads Who Love Them!

15 Celebrity Dads We Love: A Father’s Day Tribute

Happy Father’s Day from The Hollywood Gossip! It’s time to celebrate the man in your life who, well, gave you life. Or at least the one who helped raise you. Hollywood is notorious for its unflattering portrayals of fathers as being bumbling and incompetent men who have no business raising babies. In real life, there are some celebrity dads (and regular, non-celebrity dads, too) who throw that trope right out the window and proving that they really do deserve that Dad of the Year award. From being there for preschool pickup to rearranging work schedules to handle the nightly bedtime routine to coaching little league teams, our favorite famous dads do it all and do it in style. Join us in celebrating 15 celebrity dads we love below! 15 Celebrity Dads We Love 1. Channing Tatum Channing Tatum is super in love with his daughter Everly. He even wore her when she was a newborn to shield her from the paparazzi AND help her stay soothed.

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15 Celebrity Dads We Love: A Father’s Day Tribute

Who’s Your Daddy? 15 Celebrities Who Are Also Amateur Porn Stars

In honor of Father’s Day 2014 , THG is proud (and only a little bit ashamed) to present every father’s worst nightmare: Their daughter having sex! On tape, no less! From reality stars to former Presidential candidates, it really does seem as if everyone has worked as an amateur porn star at some point in his or her life. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the obvious (Kim Kardashian) and the not-so-obvious (Leighton Meester?!?); the attractive (Pamela Anderson) and… well, Octomom. So, in honor of this year’s holiday, click around now and be reminded of those who have said or responded to the question of Who’s Your Daddy?!? on camera: 15 Celebrity Sex Tape Stars 1. Kendra Wilkinson Before Hugh Hefner and before Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson got freaky on video with an old boyfriend. And she’s got a real talent for rodeo.

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Who’s Your Daddy? 15 Celebrities Who Are Also Amateur Porn Stars

Levi Johnston and Sunny Oglesby: Expecting Second Child Together!

Levi Johnston is on his way to becoming the Kevin Federline of Alaska, impregnating the women of The Last Frontier with prolific virility at the age of 24. His wife, Sunny Oglesby, is expecting the couple’s second child, and Levi’s third overall, having previously pitched a tent and knocked up Bristol Palin . The duo’s pregnancy announcement, revealed this weekend, defies description: The picture posted on TMZ speaks for itself, yet begs so many observations: Levi has his last name, JOHNSTON, tattooed on his arm. Hilarious. Sunny Oglesby drinking water out of her mason jar wine glass is a nice touch. As is the fact that mason jar wine glasses are a thing that exists. The apostrophe is so small, we first thought it said WERE Prego, as in past tense. Which would’ve been more awkward as an announcement. Sunny looks good, even with stuff spilling out of her mouth. Their first kid is a girl named Breeze Beretta . The end. Former political figure Sarah Palin could not be reached for comment. 19 Ridiculous Pics of Levi Johnston 1. Levi Johnston Book Cover This is the cover for Levi Johnston’s book, My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs. Yes, this is a real book.

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Levi Johnston and Sunny Oglesby: Expecting Second Child Together!

Celebrity Porn Star Names: Meet Deedee Sproing, Mister Tang & More!

There’s a good reason most porn stars don’t use their real names. They don’t want people to know who they are. Or their real name is just not sexy at all.  Thanks to the Internet, finding a porn star name is as easy as Googling “porn star name generator,” which is exactly what we did to determine these. Some celebrity porn star names derived from this method proved absolutely perfect. Others are just awkward. Kind of like porn itself, you might say. The following pictures are all totally safe for work, but the mental images you might get from imagining some of these celebrities doing porn? Probably not so safe. Keep those to yourself! Celebrity Porn Star Names 1. James Franco James Franco is Mister Tang. Why does that sound like something he’d actually call himself? And let’s not forget the celebrities who are amateur porn stars , for real. We’re saying they made sex tapes and/or actual full-on porn productions: 15 Celebrity Sex Tape Stars 1. Kendra Wilkinson Before Hugh Hefner and before Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson got freaky on video with an old boyfriend. And she’s got a real talent for rodeo.

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Celebrity Porn Star Names: Meet Deedee Sproing, Mister Tang & More!