In case you guys haven’t been paying attention lately (and if you haven’t, you’ve been missing some seriously great bikini pictures ), Nina Dobrev is officially a professional Instagram “model” now. Here she is hard at work doing all your typical Insta-model things: posing in a bikini with friends, posing in a bikini by herself, sharing totally-candid-and-not-staged-at-all pictures from the gym. Here’s hoping Nina graduates to tongue action and/or topless selfies next. Those are always Insta-classics. Fingers crossed.
I’m glad to see that Sarah Hyland is finally starting to get the hang of this whole hot nobody thing and really committing to the Instagram hottie lifestyle: posting videos from the gym, posting cleavage shots before, after and during her workout. She even came up with a genius new idea: the bikini gym workout. I’m just so proud. …Pride’s one of the emotions you feel in your pants, right? Either way, I’m feeling a lot of whatever you call it.
I’m glad to see that Sarah Hyland is finally starting to get the hang of this whole hot nobody thing and really committing to the Instagram hottie lifestyle: posting videos from the gym, posting cleavage shots before, after and during her workout. She even came up with a genius new idea: the bikini gym workout. I’m just so proud. …Pride’s one of the emotions you feel in your pants, right? Either way, I’m feeling a lot of whatever you call it.
I guess Lindsay Lohan posting a couple of fitness pics from the gym wasn’t a big enough April Fools joke…a few days after April Fools, hell she’s Lohan, I’m surprised she even know what April Fools is, you know in that cloud if delusion she lives in… Or maybe she liked the attention it got, so she took a cue from the Kardashians, and pretty much every “Not Quite a Kardashian” on social media, you know the video vixen girls who get ass fat transplant surgery and other insanity…for no reason other than Kim Kardashian… Because posting pictures of her “Wait Training”…one of the most ratchet things in recent years a girl can do…is ridiculous enough to get people talking…and I guess she wants people talking…when all she really needs to do is a sex tape…. Shit would be as big…if not bigger than when the other Leathery fame whore Shauna Sand had a sex tape…I mean she is or was Lindsay Lohan after all… Here’s some other weirdness she’s involved in… The post Lindsay Lohan is in a Waist Trainer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I always find it funny when hotties in skintight leggings cover their faces from the paps, because that’s the last place I’m looking in these shots of Kendall Jenner heading back from the gym. And yes, I’m sure that’s Kendall. I’d recognize that cute booty anywhere. But don’t just take my word for it, feel free to head to the archives and see for yourself. (Trust me, it’s worth it.) Photos: Fameflynet
Kristen Stewart is in the Grocery Store looking stupid, boring, like a hack, untalented, half retarded, a product of incest who looks like she smells…but that Grocery store taps into my core…it’s the one place my wife lets me go because it comes with the hope of me bringing her back food…and the one place where single girls, married girls, just from the gym girls go to stock up…and it’s the easiest place to strike up conversation – but people are so scared of human interaction – they may confuse you for a rapist..and when they do – you can just eat your feelings…like the fat girl in aisle 2…looking at the cakes…
I’m used to seeing leggings pictures on hotties heading to or from the gym, but I think this might be the first time I’ve ever seen a whole photoshoot dedicated to one of my all-time favorite hottie clothing items (aside from Daisy Dukes, of course). So it’s safe to say I’m a pretty big fan of these pictures of Gio Ott for Zumba Fitness. And considering how jaw-droppingly amazing her booty looks in these things, I think the company definitely made the right choice getting Gio to be their spokesmodel. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m suddenly feeling very inspired to do some intense cardio — about 30-45 seconds worth, to be exact. » view all 81 photos
Not sure if you guys have noticed, but Vanessa Hudgens has been crushing it lately. After months of nothing but pictures of her either going to or from the gym, here she is showing off her classy-looking cleavage again . This time it’s for some screening of a movie I’ve never heard of called Gimme Shelter . But who cares? I’m just glad to see all that working out paid off for Vanessa as much as it has for me. I have the buffest forearms of any blogger out there. So form a line, ladies. There’s enough Tuna to go around. » view all 13 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews ,
I guess the Spring Breakers tour is on pause for a little while, because here’s Vanessa Hudgens heading back from the gym with her sister Stella , and teaching her how to hide from the paparazzi by covering her face with a water bottle. Except it’s clear plastic so it’s obviously not working too well. Anyway, I know I’d been asking Vanessa to ditch her sister for these gym trips, but now that Stella’s almost 18, it’s important that she learns as much as she can from her older sister. Hopefully next they’ll move on to how to use the time delay setting on her digital camera. » view all 21 photos Related Articles: Vanessa Hudgens’ Got Little Cleavage Vanessa Hudgens Sex Tape? Vanessa Hudgens In A See Through Top Vanessa Hudgens Is A Sexy Beast Photos: , FameFlynet
Jesus! I’ve had a lot of pictures of Miley Cyrus coming and going from the gym on the site over the last few months, she’s got to get in shape for her hillbilly wedding, but the honestly just keep getting better and better. Here she is showing off that amazing little body in some tight yoga pants and a loose fitting belly shirt. Awesome. If this pilates studio used Miley in there commercials, they’d have chicks lined up around the block to join. Hell, I want to join and I have boy parts.