Tag Archives: gentle

the BEST of Princess Leia EXPOSED !

Slave Leia Day at Gentle Giant Studios -photos http://www.hollywood.com/photo/Slave_Leia_Day_at_Gentle_Giant_Studios_Paula_Laba… added by: remanns

Tiger Woods: Advised By Presidents

Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have both offered Tiger Woods encouragement while he’s been in rehab for sex addiction (and/or drug addiction ). Tiger has spoken with Obama and Clinton, Golf Digest ‘s Jaime Diaz says. One would think both have more important things to do, but hey, that’s great. Diaz also confirms Woods visited the Gentle Path clinic in Mississippi. Woods came in with a “whatever it takes” mentality, including on “Disclosure Day,” whereby patients reveal all of their past indiscretions to their spouse. So Elin heard about all Tiger Woods’ mistresses . Hope they ordered in breakfast, lunch and dinner, ’cause that therapy session couldn’t have been brief. Diaz also confirms that Elin Nordegren visited Woods at the clinic, and that the couple and their children spent Christmas together in Southern California. Woods’ mother is quoted in the article, and is described as “staunchly supportive of her son,” despite the damage his sex scandal has caused their family. Some other sites have made note of Tida Woods’ past interviews with Diaz and speculate that she could be the source of many of his piece’s revelations. But the most surprising item in the Golf Digest article is the news about Woods’ contact with two presidents. Clinton? Sure, dude’s pretty much been there. But President Obama also making a personal call to offer encouragement? Really, Barack? What do you have to offer, and why does he deserve your help? As for his return to golf, which remains up in the air after Woods’ apology speech, his mother says only following: “He will face himself, solve the problem.” “When he comes back, he will still love to play and love to win. I think more than ever, because his closet will be cleaned out and his mind will be free. And I know he will break [Jack Nicklaus’ record 18 major championships],” she says. That’s one thing we wouldn’t bet against.

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Tiger Woods: Advised By Presidents

Tiger Woods: In Rehab For Drugs, Not Sex?

Tiger Woods is hiding the real reason he returned to rehab, according to the National Enquirer , which alleges he’s in treatment for drugs, not sex addiction. THG NOTE: As ridiculous as this sounds, one most remember that: The Enquirer outed Tiger and Rachel Uchitel . That was true. The Enquirer is being considered for a Pulitzer Prize (no, really, they are) for coverage of the John Edwards- Rielle Hunter sex and love child scandal. According to the venerable celebrity news publication, Tiger has checked into The Meadows treatment center in Wickenburg, Ariz., to battle his addictions. To prescription medications. Woods made no mention of his drug habit in his 13-minute apology speech , and insiders say wife Elin refused to participate in his sex addiction therapy. We’ll see about that, but “In therapy, Tiger blamed a lot of his behavior on his drug addiction , saying drugs were responsible for impairing his judgment.” The golfer entered The Meadows after therapists who treated him for sex addiction at the Gentle Path program in Hattiesburg, Miss., recommended him. “After Gentle Path, Tiger flew to Arizona for hi interview at The Meadows, which is better equipped to handle rehab for drug addiction and depression.” While calling Tiger a drug addict may be sensationalistic, he was allegedly under the influence of medication when he crashed his car Thanksgiving night. He also liked to rail Rachel Uchitel on Ambien. Just saying.

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Tiger Woods: In Rehab For Drugs, Not Sex?

Tiger Woods Gets Sprung

Tiger Woods just got sprung, and we don’t mean in the way Rachel Uchitel used to … forget it

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Tiger Woods Gets Sprung

Guest-Starring on Glee: Jennifer Lopez and Neil Patrick Harris

Sorry, Glee fans, but Adam Lambert is not coming on board this Fox series. But a couple of other major names are likely to guest star on the 2010 Golden Globe winner for Best Comedy.

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Guest-Starring on Glee: Jennifer Lopez and Neil Patrick Harris